Japan Today

Fair dinkum! comments

Posted in: Woman arrested for stabbing husband See in context

And, here is today's family stabbing!

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Posted in: Serial child killer Tsutomu Miyazaki, 2 others executed See in context

leitmotiv - Yes good idea. Bring 'em back - those middle ages. That's human progress.....

And, the death penalty is what? An advance? The only difference is, it's done in a closed room and not in public!

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Posted in: Serial child killer Tsutomu Miyazaki, 2 others executed See in context

Too bad it doesn't bring the girls back.

Exactly why I disagree with the death penalty. The perpetrators of these heinous crimes have no respect for their lives or the lives of their victims, so by killing them they get exactly what they want. I would much rather see them subjected to 40 years of torture to reflect on their errors. Bring back the stocks and public floggings! That is punishment!

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Posted in: Hostesses See in context

Yep, I find the whole concept pathetic! However, I met many Japanese girls in Australia that paid their way with moneys earned at gent's clubs in Japan. - For the Jp businessmen it's the affair they have without really having an affair.

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Posted in: Yinling See in context

Yinling, 32, said she would like to have a pet crocodile if her fiance says it is OK.

That's a typical statement. And, when it gets too big for her house she can let it go in the river. Then Brady Barr can come and catch it for her.

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Posted in: Old lady See in context

Is this a caption contest?

"Where the hell am I?"

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Posted in: In 2050, your lover may be a robot See in context

Well, that fruitloop from Akihabara complained he was ugly and could not find love. There may just be an underlying benefit from this technology. It'll also create a new breed of otaku.

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Posted in: Ibaraki woman arrested for drowning 13-day-old son in bathtub See in context

Disgusted! I guess it happens everywhere, but this kind of thing seems to happen more and more regularly in Japan. Is there no help or support for these people? It's unfortunate, but clear that, the baby hatch system needs to be increased to a national program. In reality it should be an available service at every doctor's clinic in the country. Sad!

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Posted in: 17-yr-old girl held for threatening massacre in Internet message See in context

Hopefully, she will have a psychiatric evaluation and receive the helps she needs instead of being prosecuted.

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Posted in: Do you think that high-tech swimsuits like Speedo's LZR Racer give swimmers an unfair advantage? See in context

How could it be an 'unfair' advantage if every competitor has the option to wear one?

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Posted in: 'Pedestrian paradise' to be suspended in Akihabara See in context

Ironically, this action will compact the pedestrian traffic even more. All they had to do was to make vehicle proof barriers and the cops to do some work removing the perverts. But, if they removed the perverts from Akihabara 60% of the shops would go out of business. - After nine years of shaking my head in disbelief I wanna sue the Tokyo Government for repetitive stress injury to my neck.

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Posted in: Akihabara rampage foretold but lost among myriad messages on Internet site See in context

Unfortunately, as much as the internet has increased world communication and made education accessible to everyone that has a phone line and a PC it has also brought the underworld and all the freaks out into the open to spread their personal blend of poison. Ban the lot of them! If JT can employ someone to moderate this site and the FBI can swoop on a teenager within hours of posting a threat, why is so much damaging information left on the net for anybody to access? When one of the arrestees from the child porn swoop in Australia was asked why he downloaded child porn his answer was plain and simple, "Because I could!" What if he couldn't? What if all damaging material was removed from the net? Would your reaction be sorrow or praise?

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Posted in: 'Pedestrian paradise' to be suspended in Akihabara See in context

This is just stupid! Why in the hallibit wouldn't they just have the police get up of their fat barts and do something about controlling the illegal street performers and porn photographers instead of stopping it altogether? However, after being in Akihabara on a Sunday during this 'perverts paradise' time it is a nightmare getting around cos of the lack of organization. By this logic, they should stop it in Shinjuku too, shouldn't they? Madness!

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Posted in: 22-yr-old drunken woman held for attacking police box in Chiba See in context

Yes Zen Builder, and the instructions are in Japanese at most of the kobans outside of Shinjuku.

It's funny she thought there was a cop sleeping inside. I guess that's normal for J-cops.

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Posted in: How would you compare people's manners in public in Tokyo with other cities around the world? See in context

It's called, the cone of silence!

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Posted in: 22-yr-old drunken woman held for attacking police box in Chiba See in context

Beware of drunken 22-year old J-girls :-)

They are the ones to look for :D

It just shows the lack of support for the troubled populace.

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Posted in: Lower house passes confidence resolution to counter Fukuda censure motion See in context

Glad to see they are attending to the real issues in politics and not focusing on the rest of the country. As long as they are content within their house. It's been a few years since we've seen a good punch up in Japanese parliament. I miss that entertainment.

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Posted in: How would you compare people's manners in public in Tokyo with other cities around the world? See in context

Tokyo is similar to Sydney, except for the fact that, if you fob somebody or push them out of the way they will turn around give you a good thumping! The blanket ignorance in transit does have its good points in Tokyo although, it does lead to an identity crisis for people with no strength of character, of which, there are many.

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Posted in: Pimp arrested after sending 16-year-old girl to clients for prostitution See in context

She was lucky to have a pimp. He was probably the only reason she didn't end up in pieces in a lake or flushed down a dunny. Also, she was doing voluntarily. It would be nice to believe we live in a society that would deter a young girl from this kind of activity, but unfortunately, we don't. This is only one girl. How many more are there? Just another nail in the coffin of Japanese society.

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Posted in: Praying at Akihabara See in context

Brainiac, The drinks are there for the victims to drink in heaven cos people like to drink after death.

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Posted in: Campaign against illegal foreign workers See in context

Yeah, how about a campaign against unfair work practices, unpaid overtime and equality in the workplace for women. That would make more sense and cover a larger demographic of the society, would it not?

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Posted in: Softbank to launch iPhone in Japan July 11 See in context

Is it a phone? Is it an MP3 player? Is it a computer? I want one so I can hold it high on the train and watch all the other people glare in awe of my 'whatever it is'.

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Posted in: Campaign against illegal foreign workers See in context

From my observations, the only people who would be happy to accept Japanese working standards would be illegals. Good on them, I reckon!

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Posted in: What measures are you taking for your own personal security when you are out and about? See in context

In Oz there is a certain demographic of society that you know will give you trouble. The same can be said for Japan to a certain degree, although, with recent events it is impossible to predict who or when you may find yourself confronted by a loon. Therefor, keep your kids close and your eyes open. I never thought I would end up being paranoid living in Japan. It's a shame!

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Posted in: Victim of Akihabara stabbing spree infected with hepatitis B See in context

Just another reason you don't go into a situation like this. I'm sure we would like to have helped, but that is why there are professionals.

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Posted in: 16-year-old boy arrested for barging into ex-girlfriend's high school with knife in Kitakyushu See in context

Of course these kinds of events appear in local news and they happen everywhere, however, these events are becoming more frequent and weird in Japan. Throwing penalties and restrictions at the general populace is not going to do anything to curb this problem. It is more likely to make it worse. You only have to look at the faces of the people on the train to see there is no empathy left in this society and people are tired of their lives. Yes, it's an island nation. Yes, it's severely overcrowded. But, is that a reason to just accept the degradation of the society or should an attempt be made to stop this problem? The first thing to do would be to make people go home at 5pm and start educating people on the importance of the family unit. The next thing would be to let kids be kids instead of mindless studying robots.

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Posted in: 16-year-old boy arrested for barging into ex-girlfriend's high school with knife in Kitakyushu See in context

It's not a matter of throwing the book at them. It's a matter of finding out what is causing all these emotional breakdowns and addressing the issue. How much crap can Japan sweep under the mat before they admit there is a serious degradation of their society. All the Japanese people I know are just oblivious to these goings on and even if they do have a comment it usually something totally stupid and off beat like, "Japan learns everything from America." I've worked in Jp high schools for 8 years and I see these poor anti-social souls getting no support what-so-ever. Instead they get picked and alienated - by the teachers!

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Posted in: TBS cancels drama after Akihabara stabbing spree See in context

Luckily it wasn't shown on Saturday night. Is it possible there is a link between Jp TV dramas, manga, video games, the high school system, workers rights (none), the lack of family unity and the high suicide and sadistic murders? Wow! Now there's a thought!

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Posted in: Human leg found in river in Kumamoto See in context

here we go again. This happened last month in Ibaraki. Just another nail in the coffin of Japanese society. One's first thoughts would be towards the Yaks, but it may have been your neighbor.

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Posted in: Man slashes schoolgirl with knife in Nagoya See in context

Here, here! TheguyNextdoor. However, if you touch these freaks you will be locked up too. What a great law.

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