Japan Today

Falco comments

Posted in: Japan protests to S Korea over military drill on disputed islands See in context

Back when Trump talked to Kim Jong Un for the first time, South Korea cancelled its joint military drill with the U.S.

No they didn't.

Trying to re-write history you are.

"Donald Trump has ordered the suspension of US military exercises with South Korea, in a surprise concession at an extraordinary summit with North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un."


9 ( +12 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan protests to S Korea over military drill on disputed islands See in context

Back when Trump talked to Kim Jong Un for the first time, South Korea cancelled its joint military drill with the U.S. along the border, yet still did its regular drill on the rocks "in case of an invasion from Japan". Shows South Korea's priorities.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Posted in: S Korea proposes public foundation to resolve forced labor dispute with Japan See in context

Furthermore, Koreans have a very long memory on history lasting hundreds of years, while Australian memory is rather short and Australia's history education isn't as broad and detailed as Korea's, which teaches not just Korea's, but Japan and China's history as well. 

i.e., they do a more thorough job of indoctrinating their children. Thank you for confirming that.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Families seek closure for wartime mine disaster as Japan-S Korea relations thaw See in context

Koreans are obsessed with the Past! 

So that Korea doesn't repeat the mistakes of the past.

Children in South Korea are being indoctrinated to hold onto their grandparents' grudges. Some made crayon drawings of Japan being nuked. Another time, Gyeonggi district proposed putting stickers on devices in all classrooms that said, "This device was made by a war criminal."

"Don't repeat the mistakes of the past" is an excuse after the fact.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: South Korea plans fund to compensate World War II forced labor victims See in context

Japan already made a fund to compensate for war labor, and Moon scrapped it. This is South Korea playing the self-victimization card again.

7 ( +24 / -17 )

Posted in: S Korea set guideline on using radar on Japan patrol plane in 2019 See in context

South Korea made a separate set of rules for Japan, yet they did nothing when North Korea bombed Yeonpyeong eleven years ago or killed and burned a South Korean diplomat two years ago. Flat out hypocritical and two-faced.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: Kore-eda tells Cannes he felt 'pressure' working with Korean all-stars See in context

Korean hatred is directed at LDP and Japanese government, not Japanese people. Japanese people in Korea will tell you, they feel almost no hostility while staying.

As I said before, a survey in South Korea found that almost half of all South Koreans would side with North Korea in a war against Japan, while 40% said "I don't know".

Not to mention the gas stations that refused to refuel Japanese cars when Japan removed South Korea from its whitelist two years ago, the children that drew crayon pictures of Japan being nuked, or the banner from that soccer game celebrating the 2011 earthquake.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Kishida says Japan, South Korea should quickly improve ties See in context

Historical revisionism in Japan is minimal. Whereas in South Korea, they outright deny having fought the Allies in WWII as part of the Japanese Empire. Over 200,000 Koreans. 

Don't forget the time a Korean professor was sued for "defamation" because she published a book saying that some Koreans voluntarily became comfort women or helped recruit them.

"South Korean professor fined for book about ‘comfort women’, proving the truth is still dangerous"


6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan rejects South Korean protest over school textbooks' descriptions See in context

The Liancourt Rocks are a symbol of Korean nationalism. The first time Trump talked to Kim Jong Un, South Korea cancelled its joint military drill with the U.S. along the border, yet it still did its regular drill on the rocks "in case of an invasion from Japan".

Don't you think it's telling and shameful that the Japanese need to be told to behave in a dignified manner? You need to be threatened to behave well while Koreans need no such warning.

You apparently have never read coffee's comments.

Also, Koreans don't have a problem with individual Japanese people (Except your leaders). 

A survey in South Korea found that almost half of all South Koreans would side with North Korea in a war against Japan, while 40% said "I don't know".

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Posted in: Kishida, U.S. ambassador visit Hiroshima See in context

Good to see the suffering of war between the US and Japan is not forgotten.

We can only hope that someday Japan will establish a similar relationship of remembrance with Korea and China.

Maybe when South Korea and China stop worsening relations with Japan with their anti-Japan propaganda.

7 ( +18 / -11 )

Posted in: S Korea ruling party presidential candidate ready for talks with Japan See in context

Japan has already apologized and paid reparations. It's long past time for South Korea to stop blaming Japan and victimizing themselves. Lee's going to do nothing to repair ties.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan holds annual event to press claim to S Korea-held islets See in context

The majority of the Japanese don’t care about the Liancourt Rocks. In South Korea, they’re a symbol of anti-Japan nationalism. Back when Trump talked to Kim Jong Un for the first time, South Korea cancelled its joint military drill with the U.S. along the border, yet it still did its regular drill on the rocks "in case of an invasion from Japan".

People all over the country cheered when some athlete swam all the way there. I even saw a video of some foreign exchange students being tricked into saying “Dokdo is Korean” in broken Korean.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Posted in: Lee more hardline on Japan than Yoon in South Korea presidential race See in context

Japan has inflicted unbearable pain and miserable to the Korean for many centuries, even now Japan refused to make sincerely apology to neighbouring countries, that's why everyone hates you. Until now some Japanese rightist driving their black vans with loud speakers chanting racist and hostile languages especially attacking Koreans!

Japan has apologized and paid multiple times.

Meanwhile, Moon dissolved the comfort women fund that Japan started, and South Korea is indoctrinating its children to hate Japan. There was a train station that displayed crayon drawings of Japan being bombed. The district of Gyeonggi proposed putting stickers on Japanese products in classrooms that say, “This device was made by a war criminal”. After the Tohoku Earthquake, some Koreans hanged a banner celebrating the earthquake at an AFC Champions game. A survey in South Korea found that almost half of all South Koreans would side with North Korea in a war against Japan, while 40% said "I don't know".

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan won't consider S Korean opposition in Sado heritage push See in context

And Japanese indoctrinate their people with lies about WWII and that they're victims from primary school.

To copy-paste what I wrote in another article: If you want to talk about education, there were children in South Korea who drew pictures of Japan being nuked with crayons that were posted in a public train station. Another time, Gyeonggi district proposed putting stickers on devices in all classrooms that said, "This device was made by a war criminal."

Korean indoctrination is nowhere near Japan’s level.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan won't consider S Korean opposition in Sado heritage push See in context

Yep... a clear indication of how much Japan wants to improve relations with its neighbors (not)

Not like South Korea cares about improving relations with Japan. Or with the US, judging by the time they threatened to pull out of GSOMIA and lied about telling the US first.

5 ( +16 / -11 )

Posted in: South Korean court orders sale of confiscated Nippon Steel assets See in context

perhaps the real reason is Germany has mature, respectable neighbors that were victims in WW2 - such as Poland, France, Belgium, Netherlands etc. They have all forgiven Germany, moved on and have wonderful relations. 

Unfortunately Japan has horrible, immature, emotional neighbors who always bear grudges - SK, NK, Communist China and totalitarian Russia. No amount of apologies would ever satisfy them.

Absolutely. Just look at how differently South Korea treats Japan from North Korea. When Trump met Kim Jong Un for the first time, South Korea cancelled its joint military drill with the U.S. along the border, yet it still did its regular drill on the Liancourt Rocks "in case of an invasion from Japan". Koreans are obsessed with things that happened over seventy years ago, yet they forgot all about the time North Korea bombed Yeonpyeong eleven years ago, or the time North Korea killed and burned a South Korean diplomat two years ago.

South Korea needs to stop being a bunch of hypocrites, blaming Japan for everything.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Posted in: Theme park giving S Koreans a Japan fix despite pandemic See in context

Ordinary Koreans are generally good folks, and have moved on.

FYI, a survey in South Korea found that almost half of all South Koreans would side with North Korea in a war against Japan, while 40% said "I don't know".

Another survey found that South Koreans view Abe more negatively than Kim Jong Un, a dictator who imprisons entire families, gives death sentences to his own officers, and executes people in public.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan, S Korea balk at sharing news conference stage after U.S. talks See in context

Korea has nothing to lose with worsening ties with Japan.

Of course Koreans don’t care about Japanese dying. A survey in South Korea found that almost half of all South Koreans would side with North Korea in a war against Japan, while 40% said "I don't know". After the Tohoku Earthquake, some Koreans even hanged a banner celebrating the earthquake at an AFC Champions game.

US would need to chose between Japan and South Korea sooner or later. And South Korea is always ready to flip to the other side of the fence.

Reminds me of when South Korea threatened to pull out of GSOMIA and lied about getting the US’s approval first.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Posted in: S Korea's police chief visits islets disputed with Japan: source See in context

The Liancourt Rocks are a symbol of anti-Japan nationalism. Back when Trump talked to Kim Jong Un for the first time, South Korea cancelled its joint military drill with the U.S. along the border, yet it still did its regular drill on the rocks "in case of an invasion from Japan".

South Korea is so obsessed with them that people all over the country cheered when some athlete swam all the way there. I once saw a video of some foreign exchange students being tricked into saying “Dokdo is Korean” in broken Korean. The amount of brainwashing is abnormal.

11 ( +19 / -8 )

Posted in: Former PM Suga visits Yasukuni Shrine See in context

Then why does Japan make such a fuss when some other countries honor their people who died or suffered in the war? (E.g. when Koreans put up a statue to "comfort women")

There are no Japanese politicians going to the shrine every single week. There are no Japanese setting themselves on fire in front of the shrine. They don’t try to break into the Korean embassy or drive a car into it, or harass U.S. diplomats for having moustaches similar to long-dead Korean generals’.

The general Japanese population doesn’t care about Yasukuni, unlike the Koreans whose anti-Japan indoctrination is so strong that they have done all of the above, except replace the words “Korean” with “Japanese” and “shrine” with “comfort women statue.”

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Kishida says Fukushima wastewater release can't be delayed See in context

South Korea is really the only country trying to stop this. Where’s America? Dang!

South Korea overreacts to anything Japan does. To copy-paste something I posted before, When Japan removed South Korea from its whitelist two years ago, Koreans marched into the streets in protest. One group tried to break into the Japanese embassy in Busan. Gas stations refused to refuel Japanese cars. The district of Gyeonggi proposed putting stickers on Japanese devices in all classrooms stating, “This device was made by a war criminal”.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan, S Korea leaders look to deepen ties, despite strains See in context

Does anybody really think South Korea is anti-Japan? I'm in Seoul, Korea now and I am surprised there are more pro-Japanese than anti-Japanese in Korea.

A survey in South Korea found that almost half of all South Koreans would side with North Korea in a war against Japan, while 40% said "I don't know".

Another survey found that South Koreans view Abe more negatively than Kim Jong Un, a dictator who imprisons entire families, gives death sentences to his own officers, and executes people in public.

When Japan removed South Korea from its whitelist two years ago, Koreans marched into the streets in protest. One group tried to break into the Japanese embassy in Busan. Gas stations refused to refuel Japanese cars. The district of Gyeonggi proposed putting stickers on Japanese products in all classrooms essentially stating, “This device was made by a war criminal”.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: S Korean court orders Mitsubishi asset sale in wartime labor case See in context

The problem is Japan, not S Korea.

Compare the education regarding ww2 in Germany compared to here and you will see the problem. For Japanese kids, ww2 is 2 paragraphs in a text book and 2 question in a test.

If you want to talk about education, there were children in South Korea who drew pictures of Japan being nuked with crayons that were posted in a public train station. Another time, Gyeonggi district proposed putting stickers on devices in all classrooms that said, "This device was made by a war criminal."

12 ( +18 / -6 )

Posted in: S Korea marks 30 years since 1st public testimony by ex-comfort women See in context

One rule for Japan and one for everyone else? Japan remembers atomic bombs but South Korea is not allowed to mention comfort women? 

I’m just going to copy-paste what I said in a previous article: Japan has a reminder for WWII once a year. South Korea has a reminder for the comfort women literally every week. The Japanese don’t demand the U.S. for compensation every year, post children’s drawings of the U.S. being nuked, break into the U.S. embassy, refuse to refuel American cars, or whatever else from coffee’s long list of grievances by the Koreans.

You can’t apply the same logic to the Koreans and Japanese. The Koreans’ obsession with the past is nowhere near Japan’s level.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Posted in: Nagasaki marks 76th anniversary of atomic bombing See in context

As the japanese say to the koreans, get over it.

To copy-paste what I said in a previous article, Japan has a reminder for WWII once a year. South Korea has a reminder for it once a week. The Japanese don’t demand the U.S. for compensation every year, post children’s drawings of the U.S. being nuked, break into the U.S. embassy, refuse to refuel American cars, or whatever else from coffee’s long list of grievances by the Koreans.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Posted in: Hiroshima marks 76th A-bomb anniversary as virus, Olympics roll on See in context

People sure don’t like that I am repeating what other posters say every time South Korea or China mentions Japan’s rape of Asia. Weird.

Japan has a reminder for WWII once a year. South Korea has a reminder for it once a week. The Japanese don’t demand the U.S. for compensation every year, post children’s drawings of the U.S. being nuked, break into the U.S. embassy, refuse to refuel American cars, or whatever else from coffee’s long list of grievances by the Koreans.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Posted in: S Korea to start live streaming from disputed islands See in context

The Liancourt Rocks are a symbol of anti-Japan nationalism. South Korea is so obsessed with them that people all over the country cheered when some athlete swam all the way there.

I once saw a video of some foreign exchange students being tricked into saying “Dokdo is Korean” in broken Korean.

Back when Trump talked to Kim Jong Un for the first time, South Korea cancelled its joint military drill with the U.S. along the border, yet it still did its regular drill on the rocks "in case of an invasion from Japan".

Just like its obsession with Japan, Korea’s obsession with the rocks is abnormal and pathetic.

10 ( +19 / -9 )

Posted in: Moon expresses disappointment about not visiting Japan See in context

Hard to tell how sincere he is. This is the same administration that threatened to pull out of GSOMIA and then lied about consulting the U.S.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Posted in: South Korean president to skip Olympics See in context


It's amazing to me how much Japan pays attention to Korean politics. Koreans don't reality focus much on Japan for their presidential elections. Sure Japanese related issues are a factor in Korea but Koreans are much more focused on domestic issues.

When Japan removed South Korea from its whitelist two years ago, Koreans marched into the streets in protest. One group tried to break into the Japanese embassy in Busan. Gas stations refused to refuel Japanese cars. The district of Gyeonggi proposed putting stickers on Japanese products in all classrooms essentially stating, “This device was made by a war criminal”. Pretending South Koreans don’t pay attention to Japan is just delusional.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: S Korea removes banners at Olympic village after IOC ruling See in context

I think you just unintentionally revealed your nationality by using the Japanese literal translation of " the Great East Japan Earthquake' (It's the '2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami' in English).

Too bad, I was born and raised an American. Good job trying to profile a stranger on the internet.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

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