Posted in: Japan governors push to have hot spring culture recognized by UNESCO See in context
The list of world heritage cultural sites can be found in their official sites and even Wikipedia.
So Italy is by far the country with the most sites.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Biden blocks Nippon Steel's proposed deal to acquire U.S. Steel See in context
Good move by Biden as Japan doesn’t allow foreign companies to buy theirs.
-5 ( +17 / -22 )
Posted in: Nippon Steel extends closing date for U.S. Steel acquisition to March See in context
Nippon Steal might be a giant but it’s mentality is typical of a Japanese old fashioned company.
I truly hope that the US government will put a block on this operation.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Foreign visitors to Japan top 33 mil in Jan-Nov, breaking annual record See in context
On current trajectories Japan should get there.
If the boom continues, the next goal could be to overtake France as the most visited nation on earth with 100 million+ by 2040. Japan is certainly well placed geographically to achieve this. Is there enough accommodation and staff? Probably not...yet.
You should tone down a bit with the whatever Japan does is perfect narrative.
Actually Japan is not even in the top 10 most visited countries in the world for year 2024.
Not only France,but countries like Italy,China,The U.S,Mexico and Germany are ahead in numbers.
-7 ( +6 / -13 )
Posted in: Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson released after 5 months in Greenland prison See in context
I’m very pleased that a modern and advanced democracy like Denmark came out with this decision.
-13 ( +27 / -40 )
Posted in: Foreign-born CEO says Japan needs immigration to thrive See in context
Totally agree with the CEO,but Japan has still a very inward and xenophobic mindset which is hard to eradicate in just one generation.
-24 ( +22 / -46 )
Posted in: Nobel Peace Prize winner urges Putin to understand destructiveness of nuclear weapons See in context
Good words of Mr.Tanaka,but as I reminder he should also mension that never the Soviet Union or Russia used nuclear weapons and the only country that did this was the United States.
In the end the propaganda is always one sided.
-6 ( +7 / -13 )
Posted in: Europe's economy needs help. Political chaos in France and Germany means it may be slower in coming See in context
The European Union has been trashed by the U.S. interests.
As our politicians are merely puppets of Washington they do whatever it is told us to do.
So our economy is failing as we must spend billions of euros for the US weapons to supply their support on wars and the imposition for us to buy gas that is way more expensive than from Russia.
Brussel is controlled by America and our politicians back in the old continent are spineless,we should have been friend with the US not slaves as what we are.
Europe need a profound political reform and find the courage to say no to all the US requests.
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan would be better off without death penalty: Italian activist See in context
Well said by this activist,the death penalty is a cruel,vindictive and outdated practice not worth to a modern and civilised society.
-23 ( +16 / -39 )
Posted in: Nearly 90% of Chinese view Japan negatively: poll See in context
Fighto!Today 07:50 am JST
It's called Communist brainwashing, plain and simple.
Plus, a lot of jealousy from Chinese toward Japanese people and their freedoms and development.
You started well stating that their regime brainwashed them but then your next statement shows that you feel that Chinese are inferior in your point of view which is toxic.
-6 ( +10 / -16 )
Posted in: Mount Fuji convenience store becomes 'lawless zone' as tourists hurl abuse at security guards See in context
when the guard used English to stop someone from running out onto the street, they angrily told him, “I’m Japanese!” The guard then told him that if he was Japanese, he should cross the street properly — in Japan it’s commonplace to always use crosswalks and refrain from jaywalking or going against pedestrian signals — to which the person told him to use honorific language when addressing him.
Again with the mantra that Japanese are better in habits than others?
Maybe this guy should come here in Osaka and see how irresponsible are many local pedestrians and vehicles ignoring traffic signals.
-6 ( +6 / -12 )
Posted in: Japan to hold first memorial for 'all workers' at Sado gold mines but blurs WWII atrocity See in context
People always citied Germany but also Italy faced the past and admitted it’s mistakes and there is also a general revisionism in many other countries about colonialism etc.
The usual posters here which I won’t name will always desperately find an excuse to bash anyone that beg to differ from their thinking as Japan haters.
Personally I have a profound respect and admiration for Japan and it’s many amazing achievements in human history,but at the same time I do believe that from the people at the helm of this nations to the academics need all to take responsibility and teach to the future generations to the wrong actions and crimes conducted in the past.
-12 ( +11 / -23 )
Posted in: U.S. nuclear carrier George Washington returns to Yokosuka base See in context
That photo says colonialism.
-21 ( +13 / -34 )
Posted in: Gov't approves ¥39 tril economic package See in context
LDP glorious past is over from decades,I credit them that since the end of WW2 they conributed in the so called "Japan miracle" but then the total absence of opposition made them completely detached from reality.
Good to have at the moment a stronger opposition which seems to care more about the welfare and social issues of the average people which are struggling to arrive at the end of the month.
More pressure from the opposition is expected to be made to the central government and push them to modernize a strict and outdates work culture and help the citizens.
-4 ( +4 / -8 )
Posted in: History’s highest sumo wrestling and geisha dance to take place at Tokyo Skytree observation deck See in context
Splendid idea to combine two of Japan's fine cultures and propose them in a new way.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese police seek arrest of Chinese boy over Yasukuni Shrine graffiti See in context
That boy is the product of the Chinese hate propaganda that is bombarded through their media to nurture hate against a pacific neighbour country.
The teen must face the consequences of his acts but the core problem must be faced also to the Chinese authorities and urge them to put a break to these revengist sentiments otherwise it will be a never ending problem.
11 ( +16 / -5 )
Posted in: Ishiba criticized in Japan for 'bad manners' at APEC summit See in context
In my opinion this is not an appropriate behaviour for a Prime Minister and definitely vulgar.
What surprises me in this situation is seeing Ishiba behaving in such superior and bossy way which is acceptable within the Japanese society for men of a certain age in power but it is absolutely a no no in the international thratre as for Japanese saving face is everything.
-3 ( +6 / -9 )
Posted in: Ishiba criticized in Japan for 'bad manners' at APEC summit See in context
This is what happens when a country put as it’s representative a former defence minister with a typical jiji bossy mentality.
No wonder Japan can’t get rid of it’s infamous reputation of being a misogynistic paternal society.
-8 ( +7 / -15 )
Posted in: Alleged Japan crime group leader arrested after Philippines deports him See in context
Amazing how the propaganda usually want to portray criminals capable of doing despicable things only as foreigners,and indeed when one of them is found committing a felony is slapped on every first pages of every newspapers but then fail to realize that their own country has a good amount of criminals as well.
-8 ( +7 / -15 )
Posted in: Japan to designate 1st lab to study deadly viruses like Ebola See in context
A remarkable action by the Japan to institute and promote this lab which shows altruism in a very deadly disease that sadly effects many people in many African countries.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Ishiba gives up on wish to meet Trump before January inauguration See in context
The vassal states racing to have the best impression to their masters.
One good thing with this Trump is that maybe Japan and the EU will regain some sovereignty from the US.
-14 ( +9 / -23 )
Posted in: Japan's latest tourism headache is American arrested for damaging Tokyo shrine See in context
The guy is 65 and behave like this?
Definitely he should get a hefty penalty for damaging such important property.
8 ( +15 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan rules out ending death penalty despite panel's call for review See in context
I’m going to say my opinion here and honestly I know I will be downvoted in this platform by some people.
The death penalty is an outdated and ridiculously cruel inhumane way to get rid of a problems.
A government that allow such a brutal system is no more than the same murderers who kill innocents.
The state should elevate above the mere “revenge” system and apply a just punishment for such elements.
-8 ( +6 / -14 )
Posted in: Ishiba vows military buildup, deeper ties with U.S. as regional tension rises See in context
This is when you have as PM the former defence minister from an utterly corrupted nepotistic party.
Our taxes are going to be wasted for these princes.
-10 ( +15 / -25 )
Posted in: A man's world: Japan makes tepid push on gender gap in politics as election nears See in context
Japan's perennial gender gap problem has become a source of international embarrassment.
I’m not surprised about this,Japan is unwilling to make changes in improving women/human/animal rights and this is part of it’s declining.
-10 ( +5 / -15 )
Posted in: Shizuoka local police chief apologizes to man acquitted over 1966 murders See in context
What an horrific story which brings again under the lights the brutal and unjust police/prosecution system with it’s forced confessions and few to non rights for the defendants.
Japan is a beautiful country but this is a very dark side of it more alike to totalitarian systems rather than free and modern democracies.
Besides,a simple words or thousand nice words won’t give the over 50 years stolen to this poor man which deserves a high financial compensation.
-2 ( +13 / -15 )
Posted in: Japan visitors spent ¥5.86 tril through September, breaking annual record See in context
Japan is a beautiful country to visit and experience,let’s hope that there will be more tourism in other parts of Japan as well besides the golden route Kanto-Kansai area.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: What to know about the party vote that will determine Japan's next leader See in context
A backward,one party, nepotistic political system rules Japan.
In the end all the three favorite candidates are ultra-conservative or even more right wing.
People criticize the left but actually Japan doesn’t even have a center party as the LDP is pretty far right.
-11 ( +5 / -16 )
Posted in: Japan strongly alarmed by airspace breaches by Russia, China See in context
A smart statement to keep their rearming and militarizing agenda working with a fair casus belli.
Well played by these far right ultra-conservative oyaji in power,and the media still believe them.
-7 ( +0 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan's main opposition bets on experience for possible election See in context
The LDP is going to crush this mob - and reduce them to an even smaller minority.
The opposition party for sure will have (sadly) few chances to gain power but to call them mod is quite a statement considering that your beloved far right LDP is full of scandals,corruptions and cronies with rampant nepotism and brought Japan to an economical epic decline.
-5 ( +6 / -11 )
Nope, just stopped eating eggs, just like anything ELSE that costs too much
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Bad mistake Sir. History shows trump cannot be trusted. trump will abuse you and Japan.
Posted in: Ishiba, after meeting Trump, voices optimism over averting tariffs
Please let all of these losers lose bigly.
Posted in: Trump, Swift join Super Bowl party as Chiefs chase 'three-peat'