Posted in: Docomo likely to select Sony, Sharp, Fujitsu for new smartphone lineup See in context
Hello John master.. Xperia A is the equivalent of Xperia ZR in other markets, not Xperia Z. Btw, I myself own an xperia Z, and despite its shortcomings, I still prefer it to the plasticky S4 with its gimmicky bloatware features. Xperia Z actually helps sony steal some customers from samsung
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Posted in: Noriko Sakai completes first stage of comeback following drug scandal See in context
Some people are commenting as if they don't care about this lady, but I wonder why they would even want to read any news about her (if they really don't care), let alone commenting on this news. If someone wants to be a better person, then why don't we show him/her some supports? Even if we don't want to support this person, then we can just let her lives her own life because she never caused any direct harm to you, didn't she? Nobody is perfect in this world. Everyone makes mistakes, it's just that some of our mistakes are well-covered that nobody else knows it.
Pardon my bad English.
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Posted in: Fitch cuts ratings on Panasonic, Sony to junk See in context
My family has been using National/Panasonic branded electrical appliances since I was a kid. Our National iron still works fine after so many years. I still think Panasonic makes great products, but as their products are costlier than korean/chinese competitors, some people might prefer buying those cheaper products instead. Maybe they have management problems, but to say that japanese lacks innovation, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. Panasonic TVs constantly rank among the best TV in their category, at least in the reviews that I read.
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Posted in: Japanese firms look at other countries as alternatives to China See in context
I'm a Malaysian, but I can assure you we don't hate the Japanese. In fact, we view Japanese favorably. Japanese investment in Malaysia is welcome, and we even have 'Look east Policy' whereby the government is sending students to study in Japan since 1980s (now the government is also sending students to SK under this policy)
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Posted in: Lee says emperor would have to apologize if he wishes to visit S Korea See in context
CVHuanAug. 15, 2012 - 06:07AM JST
President Lee and South Korea have nothing to apologize for to Japan. Instead, Japan has many things to seriously apologize for. So Japan's leadership should really grow up and apologize to Russia, South Korea, and China as a whole. For those westerners who will boycott some Korean businesses over this, I as an American will instead support those Korean businesses even more. Those of you who bash South Korea and its leadership for its righteous patriotic act need to do some serious soul-searching. The majority of East Asian neighbors are not on Japan's side. Japan should drop its arrogant ego from the international stage.
I'm from Malaysia and even though the elderly still speak of japanese atrocities, there is no widespread hatred towards the japanese. actually the hardships faced during japanese occupation is used as a motivation for the younger generations to work harder as life is much better now. I know the situation in korea and malaya were much different, but this korean hatred towards the japanese is hard to understand.
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What gives? AntiMaga kindergarten getting triggered so easy
Posted in: Google changes name of Gulf of Mexico to 'Gulf of America' for U.S. users
MarkX - disagree. There is no ‘obviously’ about it
Posted in: 54-year-old woman arrested after body of 91-year-old father found at home
Posted in: Kanye West's account on X goes dark after hate-filled rant
I hate being the stupid country.
Posted in: Google changes name of Gulf of Mexico to 'Gulf of America' for U.S. users