Posted in: Japan's 2nd state of emergency met with public indifference See in context
Totally thought the rainbow flags said “stay homo” and thought Japans getting progressive but still shouldn’t use derogatory phase lol
8 ( +11 / -3 )
Posted in: Second chance: Faded K-pop star competes for comeback See in context
Why torture yourself by going back a industry you dissed and know is tough to make it in? She’s already in her 30s.
13 ( +16 / -3 )
Posted in: 86-year-old man admits killing 16-year-old granddaughter but says he was drunk See in context
seeing How the grandfather acts, I bet you the father is the one who killed the daughter. Grandfather is covering for his son. The grandfather and granddaughter relationship seems to be good...
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: #CancelNetflix campaign heats up over 'Mignonnes' See in context
If anyone watch the actually movie before just seeing the bad comments about it, you’ll see that the movie is actually about negative impact of The hyper sexualization of young girls and the impression of social media on kids. Netflix ruin the movie by the weird Sexual images they use to promote it.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Mother arrested after daughters, aged 6 and 3, die in overheated car while she goes drinking See in context
Honestly I feel a lot of these death Cause by single mothers / step parent, Could been prevent if Japan change the children custody policy when parents get divorced or break off relationships with the fathers. Sharing custody might help with spotting child abuse or neglect. With only one parent getting full custody and usually the mother, with slim chance seeing their non custody parent, it’s already sad.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Zoom rolls out new measures as security fears mount See in context
Zoom is a Chinese app. Never trust them ever. All Chinese businesses have to work with the CCP to be approved to start.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Cathay Pacific to lay off overseas cabin crew, furlough pilots See in context
they can’t get a break, after the business they lost during the HK protesting, now the international pandemic. I’m surprise if they ever Survive after it’s over.
they were actually a really good airline and I liked that the former ceo stepped down rather than soldout his workers who were protesting
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 22-year-old mother arrested for strangling 9-day-old son See in context
Seeing how mental illnesses are kept quiet due to saving face or just not talked about, she has to be suffering from postpartum depression and was trying her best alone.
usually wives have their mothers/mother in law help out for the first couple months but seeing she was alone, her attitude was probably played off by the husband.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: S Korean teacher admits to stabbing 7-year-old girl to death, police say
Posted in: Japan's workplace Valentine chocolate-giving tradition waning
Posted in: Japan's workplace Valentine chocolate-giving tradition waning
Posted in: Almost all nations miss U.N. deadline for new climate targets