Japan Today

fightfan2008 comments

Posted in: Do it at home: Train manners in Japan See in context

I'm with dbung10. Sorry but, I can't for the life of me comprehend why anyone would be bothered by someone applying make-up in public (especially if they are only applying it to their faces.)

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Posted in: Do it at home: Train manners in Japan See in context

I also don't like some of the behavior on trains in Japan. However, I find it kind of interesting when I read stories of how us gaijin take it upon ourselves to lay down the law on Japanese trains; especially considering the fact that: a)we are not native to Japan, and b)we are basing our condemnation on our subjective perspective regarding what we consider bad manners.

To quote the article:

It goes without saying, that bad manners are subjective– what is bad to one might not be (so) bad to another.

So I can't help but wonder what I would think if I were a native Japanese watching someone yell at some kid or some old lady based on their own subjective criteria of what constitutes "bad manners." On one hand, if I shared the same criteria for what constitutes bad manners, I imagine that I would be relieved that someone had the guts to speak up. On the other hand I imagine I would also feel like it is extremely pretencious for someone to take it upon themselves to enforce their subjective values on a culture that is not native to them; which imo also kind of shows a lack of understanding of intercultural perspective; something that I personally feel should be understood by anyone living or traveling internationally.

But despite my contemplation of the issue, once in a while I still find myself acting as the 'manner police' on Japanese trains (I can't help but get irritated when seemingly young and healthy people won't give up their seats for the old folk.)

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Posted in: Airhead female fans can't get enough of 'cool' accused killer Ichihashi See in context

Don't act suprised. If most of us guys weren't aware of the fact that a lot of Japanese girls are naive airheads who fall for spoiled English speaking losers that constantly whine about being misunderstood, then a lot of us would never have came to Japan. Joking! Just...joking!!

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Posted in: Matsui hits record-tying 6 RBIs as Yankees win World Series See in context

Figure it out for yourself. Its not hard.

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Posted in: Matsui hits record-tying 6 RBIs as Yankees win World Series See in context


1-Usually the MVP award is given to a player on the winning team.

2-The (New York)fans in the stadium were the ones chanting MVP; NOT the Japanese media.

3-FYI, Matsui is Japanese. The people forced into internment camps were American.

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Posted in: Actor Patrick Swayze dies of cancer at 57 See in context

Sad news indeed. May he Rest in Peace.

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Posted in: Why the Japanese Are a Superior People See in context


Let's look at some facts

your arguments are very subjective.

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Posted in: Why the Japanese Are a Superior People See in context

tkoind2-I dont think his book should be taken as an actual hitorical analysis of Japanese superiority, but rather a study on how linguistics can affect the way your brain processes information through the examination of the Japanese language/society. Also, it should be noted that certain social problems like the declining birth rate and the economic/political environment can hardly be considered accurate indicators of intelligence with regards to what is mentioned in the article.

To all those taking cheap shots at Japan/Japanese people-the author is not Japanese, so this book can hardly be considered a case 'ego stroking' on the part of the Japanese. Your irrational hate for Japan/social complex is unhealthy.

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Posted in: The cheering gets nasty at a pro baseball game See in context

The writer of this story merely states his own experience. He doesn't say this is true of all places in Japan.

actually, for the most part...he does.

Anyway, my biggest problem with this article is the way the writer uses this experience to try and suggest that it is some kind of reflection on the the way outsiders are treated in Japanese society, and also take cheap pokes at Japanese ball games. If the writer had done the same thing in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, and LA (as he claims he has) then he would have had the same thing happen to him (minus the lady hitting his kid.)

Pukey2-About my previous post. I'm not trying to critize anyone, or glorify the Japanese for that matter. But the author talks about being shocked at the nasty cheering at the Yokohama game, all while claiming to have, "worn opposing team colors into some of the toughest ballparks in America." Anyone who has been to both a Japanese ball game and a game in the states will tell you that this is suspiciious.

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Posted in: The cheering gets nasty at a pro baseball game See in context

I like how this guy tries to insinuate that ballparks in the US are safer/more civilized than those in Japan. That is quite a stretch, imo (I have been to both.) In fact most of this article seems wooly to me.

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Posted in: Pushy French are world's worst tourists; Japanese are top: study See in context

I think Japanese tourist tend to be somewhat low maintenance/easy going. I haven't had contact with many French tourists, but from my experience a lot of them have been pretty friendly while others can seem 'standoff-ish.' But all in all they actually don't seem that bad IMO.

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Posted in: Emperor, empress arrive in Hawaii See in context


For the most part they are welcome in Hawaii. Do some research regarding the HISTORY of Hawaii-Japan ties (including pre-statehood Hawaii) and the culture/demographics of Hawaii before you say something like that.

Westerners have a thing called HISTORY that we often look back at. Something obviously Japanese don't like doing very much.

I take it you are Japanese then??

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Posted in: Chestnut beats Kobayashi to win July Fourth hot dog eating contest See in context


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Posted in: Chestnut beats Kobayashi to win July Fourth hot dog eating contest See in context

The food wasted on this competition is pretty insignificant. If you are that bothered by the food wasted in the Nathan's contest then you should be boycotting just about every food service establishment in existence.

Sorry to say this, but I have absolutely no respect whatsoever for these, "athletes". In both countries (i.e. US and Japan) where food waste is just rampant, it shows how little we compassion we have for the starving millions.

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Posted in: Chestnut beats Kobayashi to win July Fourth hot dog eating contest See in context

This also made the news here in the US.

Wow, you know a country is in trouble when its media has to report on the yearly apperance of its champion hot dog eater. Way to go Japan, way to go Japan Today, keep finding those role models that the youngsters can look up to.

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Posted in: Japanese urged to take pride in their safe society See in context

A few years back, when my mates and I were drinking in Osaka way past our bedtime, I got the notion to heave a bicycle at a garbage truck. I was shocked at the garbage truck driver`s reaction as he got out of the truck and shouted at me and then slapped the taste out of my mouth. Good thing my mates held me back or he woulda been sorry.

Is this you in by any chance?


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Posted in: Ichiro delivers as Japan beats South Korea 5-3 to win WBC title See in context

Blue Tiger wrote:

Never once in any of the interviews since "Saurai" Japan won did anyone on the team give any kind of credence or credit to the strength of Team Korea.....never once.

From another article:

Hara, however, pointed out that the difference in talent level between the two teams is minimal, and he gave credit to Korea for making the finals.

"As you know, baseball wins and losses are just paper-thin differences, especially in this World Baseball Classic," he said. "The fact that the two Asian countries were able to play against each other in the finals is something that we and the Koreans can be proud of."

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Posted in: Jun Hasegawa capitalizes on 'haafu' look See in context

Also, I agree with hannari. Some 'Japanized' words should be taken for what they are, and that rather than take offense to these words people should try to understand the 'Japanized' meaning a little better.

Another thing, wanting to know what nationality/ethnicity you are is not limited to Japanese. From what I've seen most asians in general will also ask what your nationality is, especially if you are asian or look like you are part asian.

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Posted in: Jun Hasegawa capitalizes on 'haafu' look See in context

I never really thought the 'haafu' had any negative connotations so I cant really see why people would take such offense to it. Personally, I think that some people like to overplay the victim role and that they look too hard to find racism in these kinds of things. But, then again I'm not ethnically mixed so who am I to say anything.

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Posted in: Great final shows WBC has potential See in context

I do, however, have a question about the title of this article, "Great final shows WBC has potential." Great potential for what? I think of "great potential" in terms of medicines that could cure pandemics or treaties that forestall wars. I don't think of an event that will simply create the possibility of more baseball games as a "great potential." But then I am not a fan.

That is a pretty subjective definition of the word 'potential.'

What the title means is that the interest in this years final shows that the tournament is capable of gaining worldwide interest/help baseball's popularity grow on an international level.

Japan's win certainly aroused Japanese chest-thumping, led by Prime Minister Aso. Maybe baseball fans can sympathize with this. I found Aso to be idiotic once again.

By "chest thumping" do you mean 'celebrating their team's victory'? If so, then you would know that this is something that people in every country would do if they won an international tournament, regardless of their prime minister.

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Posted in: Ichiro delivers as Japan beats South Korea 5-3 to win WBC title See in context

"The fact that two Asian countries were able to play against each other in the finals is something that we and the Koreans can be proud of." -Hara

"I believe that we were the two best teams in the world," "Asia is best, world best, and Korea and Japan were able to fight until the end. It was a great glory for all of us." -Bong

Classy stuff!

Congrats Japan!!!

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Posted in: Japan beats San Francisco Giants in exhibition See in context

6-4 loss isn't that bad considering that they were playing against against a team of Japanese all stars who are probably peaking for the WBC tournament.

As for Soldave and TexasAggie-you guys can't be serious...

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Posted in: Tokyo University See in context

Congrats to that guy. He looks stoked

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