Japan Today

Firripusan comments

Posted in: N Korea warns of war if it is punished for S Korean ship sinking See in context

You know? This was an act of war. This day and age is strange, another country can blow up another ship and not have anything happen to it?

The US needs a new base in Asia. I say the US should steamroll over N. Korea and fix it up a little. Haha.

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Posted in: Tiger Woods' aura gone, probably for good See in context

HeyLars, good response. I'm one of those who are driven nuts!

As for Tiger, I personally think he felt he was forced to admit to something he truly enjoyed and had fun with. He did it in a poor manner, he should have told his wife his feelings and maybe - just maybe she would have understood. Some women actually do and have fun with it themselves.

I do not believe he will do as good as he had in golfing, he may get some of it back, but in the end his spirit has been crushed. Let's see just how well he can revive it now.

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Posted in: Yuko's style See in context

So cute, so hot, so awesome. I'd go clubbing with her anytime!

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Posted in: Survivors shiver in Turkey after quake kills 51 See in context

The earth is telling everyone "Hey, stop poking me!" Heh, kind of interesting all the earthquakes recently. When Oklahoma, USA has an Earthquake - something is definitely off. Absolutely no fault lines.

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Posted in: Tokyo Girls Collection See in context


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Posted in: Ready for Takarazuka See in context

My girlfriend went to an all girl school - and kind of hated it. Too many girls turned lesbians there, haha. The girls look good in the photo and wish them luck in their life. Amazing how many Japanese girls want to enter music, theater, or become another talent. ;)

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Posted in: Fashion boutique salesgirls slave under sordid conditions See in context

I cannot sympathize with these girls. I worked retail for two years, greeted my customers, and often worked 10 hours shifts with one thirty minute lunch. I wore black boots (with slacks on they almost looked like large dress shoes) because I had to go outside in the quite often to clean things up, but they were always polished and I put some of those special pads in the bottoms, which were changed regularly. Yet, I enjoyed it all - the hard work paid off and getting to know people was great.

Maybe I haven't worked in Tokyo, but I don't think it could be all that hellish. Cleaning an industrial grade trash compactor out? Now that's one hellish thing I did have to do.

Oh no, I have to fold clothes, greet customers, and look good. Life is so hard! Whaaaaaaa, I say. As for dating them, I'd be happy man to date a girl who worked hard and did her job every day, but not a spoiled one complaining about such trivial things and quitting jobs all the time.

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Posted in: Kick-off See in context

She's got talent to be doing that in those stiletto heels!

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Posted in: Magazine airs anxieties over China's burgeoning economic clout See in context

China's bubble will pop eventually, like Japan's did

And everyone will point and laugh. At this point it's just becoming a redundantly funny gag.

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Posted in: Bodies of two infants found in supermarket freezer See in context

Yeah, details are really sketchy. Maybe this came from two moms who found each other and came up with a plan, or some deadbeat dad or got two women pregnant and tossed out his kids. Who knows, needs lots of investigation.

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Posted in: Akina Minami goes back to school See in context

She does look young in that uniform! Good for her! I'm delighted to see her in it too!

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Posted in: Magazine airs anxieties over China's burgeoning economic clout See in context

Haha, this is brilliant. I do believe most of this is in fact true, China is waging war through economics rather than the traditional method, hey it is a capitalistic world economy. It would be rather scary and hilarious if they took over Japan.

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Posted in: What is the best way to get a boyfriend or girlfriend? See in context

Actually met my lady on a site. Our long term relationship was not intended to be one at first, but we quickly learned we had way more in common and cared about each other more than we thought we would. Over 2 years and its going great. Could say we brought the best out in each other.

Still, I believe talking to people face to face is one of the best ways to actually date someone. My relationship was kind of a fluke, but a good one.

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Posted in: Microsoft to pull Facebook, MySpace into Outlook See in context

Another thing my user base at work will have no idea how to use. Half my users have a hard time trying to find the start button, let alone creating a shortcut! Maybe this will help them a little... hmm. :)

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Posted in: Man arrested after embracing female employee in hotel See in context

He gave her a hug and he got arrested? Maybe it was like a hug that didn't end and she got upset? Either way, he got to his room, he didn't hurt her, he just caused some trouble for her. He was drunk as well, at least he was in the right place - his hotel. No need to march up to the guy who would probably be passed out all night - just make sure he knows not to do it again or he won't be able to stay at that hotel (or chain) again.

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Posted in: Jeans please See in context

They look like they're going to kill someone and the angle makes the foreheads of the two in the middle look huge. This is just scary!

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Posted in: Kim Jong-il's birthday See in context

Watched a documentary over North Korea recently. That poor country is so... strangely messed up. If they hadn't pissed so many people off they may have actually become rather strong, but their great leader kept making everyone else angry so they ended up fairly screwed up. The amount of construction and push for excellency was great, but the rest wasn't! Now they just have 40 story buildings with no one in them and no electricity, hmmm....

Yeah, the girl is cute though!

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Posted in: Do you support damages suits filed by former smokers who argue they have developed health problems, including lung cancer, because tobacco companies sold them cigarettes? See in context

Unless the smoker is older than say 60, then no (wasn't a lot of good info that far back). Health awareness of cigarettes and tobacco has been around for a long time now. As Kapuna said, they had to purchase them to use them, so it is a choice. Alcohol is addictive to some, sex is addictive to some, even working, going to school, running, blahblahblah, is addictive to some. Some people are more inclined to be addicts to certain things than other.

Yes, nicotine is very addictive and is a problem causing people to come back to the product, but even knowing that I can't hold the people make them accountable for people suffering for their use. It's a second price you pay... just like over eating thus causing obesity is a price people pay, sexual promiscuity can lead to diseases, it's all hand in hand the risks and prices we pay. All actions have consequences.

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Posted in: Are blogs, Facebook & other social media replacing travel publications? See in context

Oh no, the Internet of doom again! Internet is the new printing press. It's just a change in technologies, same old story again.

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Posted in: To meet the handsome prince, you must kiss a lot of frogs See in context

Well, they both look like they live in a cartoon world.

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Posted in: What do you think about the custom in Japan of women giving chocolates to their male co-workers on Valentine’s Day as a form of “obligation,” and then receive chocolates back from the men on White Day See in context

I'm with Sarge, I think it is totally great. When I got my first Valentine's day chocolates I was in total and complete shock. "Why are women giving me chocolates?" Being from America I'd never ever experienced this.

I felt like a king until I realized most other men get them too, haha! But my lady cooks her chocolate and molds it by hand for me, which is really something special and sweet. I love Japan's Valentine's day! A day when the average man can feel like he's special.

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Posted in: Stuffed teenage girls arrested for trying to eat and run at restaurant See in context

Yeah very light civil service would be good. Maybe washing dishes, or standing outside promoting the restaurant. Kids need a whack upside the head sometimes and learning that nothing is free is very important.

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Posted in: This way or that way? See in context

What a great photo! Cute girls in tight suits looking totally confused! Forward, back, left, right, which way do we skate?

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Posted in: Romantic Porno See in context

...huh? Is this like Japanese version of Desperate Housewives?

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Posted in: Greenpeace trial See in context

Well, this is pointless. I guess kudos for trying?

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Posted in: Saints beat Colts 31-17 to win Super Bowl See in context

Such an awesome game! Loved it! I'd go on and on but no need, haha!

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Posted in: For girls who want to wear their hearts on their panties See in context

Yum yum yum! My lady will get a nice present this year!

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Posted in: Valentine Queen See in context

I think they're both cute! Valentine's day is awesome in Japan! When I got chocolates for the first time I was so surprised that a woman actually did something for a man beyond spend my money. Haha!

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Posted in: Tokyo Runners See in context

Pretty girls in tight clothes being rather cute makes me happy. Well, they are models and they attempt to model many types of clothing, so they may not be into fitness but they are into the clothes.

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Posted in: At your service See in context

These girls are such cuties! I feel much more at peace when I can enjoy myself at a club or a cafe. I still treat these ladies with lots of respect though and I enjoy seeing their smiling faces.

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