Posted in: American CEOs got hefty pay raises in 2023, widening gap with workers they oversee See in context
What's causing inflation is corporations run by CEOs spiking prices massively.
Excuse me if I come across as rather insulting but have you EVER taken a single business or economics class in your life? Do you even know how supply and demand works? Or even concepts like the gold standard?
Companies don't jack up prices just for the Hell of it and because they're bored.
Share prices go up
The stock price has almost NOTHING to do with how the company operates. GameStop is the most extreme example of this, where the company is outright dying yet their stock managed to enter the territory of being among the Fortune 500 (Because someone wanted to be funny).
investors are happy
The overwhelming majority of "investors" are the people getting screwed by price hikes. What do you think a 401(k) is?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Countries at odds over how to reignite pandemic agreement See in context
those that express views on the far right of the political spectrum
Such as...?
if you give me some links I’ll be happy to tell you whether they’re far right or not.
So it's a subjective measurement? You cannot actually tell me what are the characteristics and traits of what does and doesn't makes a viewpoint "Far Right"?
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Countries at odds over how to reignite pandemic agreement See in context
Something that has been demonstrated to actually lower the risk and prevented millions of deaths
Until things opened up, then deaths and infections skyrocketed. Not counting the deaths that occurred due to people refusing to call medical services since they didn't want to be a nuisance to the hospitals filled with dancing nurses. And all those territories like the Amish and Sweden that had the lowest death count despite never locking down.
No silencing
No such things
Not at all
So, my body DOESN'T create antibodies as a result of it encountering an unknown illness in my system, with said antibodies then making me more resistant against said illness in the future?
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Countries at odds over how to reignite pandemic agreement See in context
Can you show any organizations that are not far-right
Can you actually the class what "Far Right" even means?
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Countries at odds over how to reignite pandemic agreement See in context
Public health services all over the world, hundreds of institutions of medicine and science, countless professionals that work every day to preserve the health of their patients?
So the same people who told us to lock down for "two weeks" to "lower the curve". And silenced any scientists who said otherwise. And censored years old studies showing that lockdowns and masks would not work. AND, outright declared basic knowledge of illnesses one learns in grade schools are now "incorrect".
I guess I should revise my question and ask who trusts so-called "medical professionals" anymore?
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump's attacks on U.S. justice system after guilty verdict could be useful to autocrats like Putin See in context
We have a free press to track that down.
Except the "free press" outright admittedly that they collaborated and lied about their coverage of an election:
You're exposing yourself more and more as a Putin fanboy.
That's a rather Schmittian viewpoint on political discussion.
-7 ( +3 / -10 )
Posted in: Trump's attacks on U.S. justice system after guilty verdict could be useful to autocrats like Putin See in context
Because we know that the rot is hidden in authoritarian regimes perchance?
Yet Western regimes are...somehow "immune" to the same disease?
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: Countries at odds over how to reignite pandemic agreement See in context
Who still trusts the WHO?
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump's attacks on U.S. justice system after guilty verdict could be useful to autocrats like Putin See in context
Hill and other analysts say Trump’s attacks could be useful to Putin and other autocrats as they look to boost their standing among their own citizens
Wasn't Putin JUST re-elected for the fifth time? Why is this here?
-7 ( +3 / -10 )
Posted in: Oppenheimer's grandson calls for dialogue over geopolitical risks See in context
The 49-year-old said there was a need to increase communication and collaboration, especially among the United States, China and Russia
Has this EVER actually worked? West Taiwan became a superpower because we "engaged" in collaboration, and now the possibility of the PLA invading Taiwan is a daily discussion. Europe "engaged" in collaborating with Russia, and now their entire economy is tied to their access to Russian gas.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Top U.S. government scientist Fauci grilled in Congress over COVID See in context
Who cares where it came from?
First, people lost 2 years of their lives in being able to "live freely" , thousands of small businesses went bankrupt, millions of elderly died, an entire generation of children had their education upended, millions of people now suffer from very crippling PTSD or other mental I need to go on?
Second, it's to prevent another global event like this from happening again. Especially if this was manufactured, which entails that the people who developed such a virus should be charged with war crimes.
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: American CEOs got hefty pay raises in 2023, widening gap with workers they oversee See in context
Inflation the CEOs caused.
That's not how economics works. Inflations happens as a result of money losing it's value. In traditional societies, that happened as a result or coins being minted with less valuable metals. In countries with fiat currencies (Like the United States), it's introducing more "money" into circulation.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan must tread carefully amid South China Sea tensions, say experts See in context
The lesson Japan learned from WWII is that you must not lose a war
I thought was that if you're going to lose a war, better to lose to America than anyone else. You know, the moral that is the basis for The Mouse That Roared. Meanwhile look at what happened to every territory the USSR gained after the war. 80 years later and the Soviet Block is still rife with corruption, West Taiwan is on the brink of collapse (Population, economics, or Mandate of Heaven; bets still being accepted on which will be the cause), and the Middle East...actually that hasn't changed in the past millennia.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan must tread carefully amid South China Sea tensions, say experts See in context
It once possessed some significant soft diplomatic skills and independence which has wholly evaporated as it pivoted towards foreign policy alignment and compliance with US demands, and eagerly so.
You mean "soft skills" like how, while America had Congressional hearings over Communist infiltrations in the country, Japan had Communists assassinated live on TV for the nation to see?
Yeah, I agree that Japan has mellowed out in that respect as the decades have passed. Instead you just have school girls yelling into microphones about how they want to a repeat of Nanking.
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: Paris aiming for most sustainable Olympics yet See in context
Paris aiming for most sustainable Olympics yet
So they're going to cancel it?
Seriously, has ANY city that hosted the Olympics actually seen improvement as a result of it, instead of returning to "normal" or worse afterwards?
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: ‘Garfield,’ ‘Furiosa’ repeat atop North American box office charts as slow summer grinds on See in context
Why at these kiddies films all the rage these days
People are tired of "Mature and educated films for mature and educated people". It's why Western produced comics and cartoons are tanking in comparison to anime and manga from Japan.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Six-year-old Japanese girl is school’s one and only first-grader as lack-of-kids shutdown ends See in context
more environmentally friendly
If that's seriously your first concern, then you have seriously screwed up priorities.
and socially beneficial
Home school kids are excelling far better both in education and outside of school than grade school kids. One of the constant complaints I hear about education here in the U.S. is that teachers are being overwhelmed by classes consisting of up to 40 students, yet here's a girl who has every teacher all to herself and that's a "bad thing"?
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Hong Kong newspaper runs blank front page ahead of Tiananmen anniversary See in context
And no sequence of events described above ever took place.
So these guys are outright lying, is what you're telling me:
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Hong Kong newspaper runs blank front page ahead of Tiananmen anniversary See in context
If the Chinese system is an absolute cancer on the world, that is not Hong Kong's fault.
Wasn't it actually the CCP that essentially demanded that the British stay and rule the territory when England considered allowing Hong Kong to become it's own country in the 1950's?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Hong Kong newspaper runs blank front page ahead of Tiananmen anniversary See in context
When are the colonialists going to step in?
And this conversation is going to be a waste of time if you're going to immediately start with Decolonization rhetoric, which is just Marxism that replaces the "The bourgeoisie" with "The colonizers".
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Six-year-old Japanese girl is school’s one and only first-grader as lack-of-kids shutdown ends See in context
To operate the school like this is waste of village funds
It's a "waste" for the village to use government taxes to keep a school open, but isn't a "waste" to use those same funds to pay for a bus to another school who knows how far away?
and it could stunt the social development of the children at that school which could lead to social and academic issues
Isn't the same argument made for why kids shouldn't be home schooled, only for the stats to come out and show that home schooled students excel far better than kids at public school?
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: NATO eyes boosting women's role in peace, disaster relief with Japan See in context
NATO has prevented a repeat of WW1 and WW2 in Europe
The Great War happened because of how every country pledged to defend every other country and became a mess of defense treaties being acted upon as everyone went to war against everyone. WWII happened because Socialism was taking over Europe. NATO repeats the problem of the former and doesn't address the problem of the latter.
If you disagree, what would you like to replace NATO, EU, and UN with?
Individual relations with each and every nation instead of a group of unelected and unaccountable politicians dictating the lives of people who never elected them.
It is a bit like complaining about the UN but nobody ever comes up with better "replacements" for such awful organizations.
Have you ever considered that the problem is thinking that we even "need" some international body in the first place?
Or should we succeed to say Russia or China?
And that argument is a false dichotomy.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Six-year-old Japanese girl is school’s one and only first-grader as lack-of-kids shutdown ends See in context
I get wanting your children to have a connection to your hometown but it’s also a little selfish to deprive them of making social connections.
Yes and no. I mostly I disagree on the matter because, here in America, focussing everything on the big metropolises littered across the country have done more societal damage than being isolated to more rural communities. That's not to mention that the economies in cities are absolutely broken these due to the amount of white collar jobs (Especially those in the government) that exist for no other reason than just to exist. Not sure about the situation over in Japan, but there is a MASSIVE skill gap issue taking place over here where all the blue collars workers are reaching retirement age, meanwhile kids are graduating from colleges with useless Liberal Arts and Political Science degrees that have absolutely zero practical application in the real world. And those kids that ARE smart enough to get involved in the trades, are being brainwashed by the schools into thinking that it's their birthright to be a top manager in a company just on the fact that they exist and went to college.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Hong Kong newspaper runs blank front page ahead of Tiananmen anniversary See in context
So when is England going to step in? The people being effected by the CCP's actions in Hong Kong were English citizens until 27 years ago. And England only "returned" control of the city-state to the CCP on the promise that they wouldn't doing exactly what they doing today. So why hasn't Great Britain declared war against Winnie for persecuting it's citizens?
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: U.S., allies clash with China and Russia over N Korea's launches and threats to use nukes See in context
Because NK continues to threaten its neighbours, fires rockets over them, kidnaps foreign citizens, has an insanely murderous dictatorial leadership that openly wishes to use nuclear weapons to destroy other countries and them having such weapons would escalate tensions immeasurably in the region.
Everything that you just said also applies to Russia and West Taiwan, yet no one objects to their involvement in groups like the U.N..
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: G7 'gravely concerned' by deepening Russia, North Korea ties: statement See in context
What about China?
Why would we have any problem with Taiwan?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: G7 'gravely concerned' by deepening Russia, North Korea ties: statement See in context
Hey, does anyone remember how Trump was in the process of ending North Korea's existence as a threat? AND how Hillary, working under Obama, literally handed the Russian diplomat an actual "Reset Button" showing how America was going to be treating Russia differently compared to the previous 70 years?
What happened?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Tests find AI tools readily create election lies from the voices of well-known political leaders See in context
How is this different from before, where groups could hire impersonators?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict See in context
Maybe, but don't you think he will be a bit too old in 2028?
This actually is something I agree with. I do believe that is Trump is too old of a candidate. And of the alternatives, I really hoped that Ramaswamy would have stayed in the race.
-6 ( +5 / -11 )
Posted in: Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict See in context
There are many different types of democracies.
Like West Taiwan, and how they're the "best" type of democracy?
-18 ( +1 / -19 )
Posted in: American tourist arrested in Japan on charges of pushing sexual services worker down stairs
Posted in: Swinton lashes out as she receives Berlin festival award
Posted in: U.S. Space Force to beef up Japan unit amid growing threat in region
Posted in: U.S. Space Force to beef up Japan unit amid growing threat in region