Japan Today

fishy comments

Posted in: 82-year-old man goes on trial for killing wife by pushing her in wheelchair into sea See in context

would 'not' be replaceable.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 82-year-old man goes on trial for killing wife by pushing her in wheelchair into sea See in context

Not defending what happened as a result however I am sad to see all the ill

comments towards him.

I've read that this man took care of his paralyzed wife for the past 40

years and he told his family he wanted to be the one to take care of her

until the end.

Japanese news said that the idea of sending her to a facility was not

acceptable to him, he was the one who did everything for her for 40 long

years and the connection they had and the trust she had for him would be


Again, the result was extremely sad, but the comment like "rot in prison",

"place in hell for this guy" - - I mean, really? Guys... really?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Nagasaki Prefecture ordered to pay damages to U.S. woman over harassment See in context

so, both the female and the male coworker (ALT) are non Japanese?

Dennis wrote

In Japan, for those of you who don't know, inviting someone over to your residence is equivalent to asking them for consent, and the man is expected to be aggressive and the woman is expected to protest in play. 

but if the male coworker is not Japanese, this scenario doesn't fit.

It is not to blame the culture but the person responsible is to be blamed.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: High court rejects paternity harassment allegations by Canadian man See in context

Antiquesaving - 

I said in my earlier post but both men and women are allowed to take up to 1

year childcare leave until the child's 1st birthday.

Now, this is what Japanese government saying.

Companies often prioritize financial profit and don't want people to take

full advantage of the governmental system, and this creates problems.

In his case, he clearly left Japan (for a year) without officially receiving

a yes from the employer and his case was rather unique because the

child/mother were in Canada while he was in Japan.

I saw in a different article that he is/was a single father, so while he

lived in Japan, the mother of the child delivered the baby in Canada.

He heard the news that the baby was born prematurely (otherwise he probably

had planned to travel back to Canada for the delivery) and so he did not

have much time to discuss the situation to give his employer enough time to

cover his absence.

Have you ever heard of the term "temp hire", I assume you have.... and

companies should train people to be able to cover each other in case of

emergency, and when the emergency becomes an extended absence, a temp hire,

or negotiations on how to being him back to the office.

The employer clearly lacked flexibility to allow him to take care of the

family matter while managing the absence - and maybe from both sides, there

were communication problems.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: High court rejects paternity harassment allegations by Canadian man See in context

I took 6 weeks prior and 8 weeks after the child birth and those were fully


For up to a year after that 8 weeks, workers get 65% of their base salary

(first 6 months) and 50% of base salary until the child's first birthday

(and I got that as well) during their childcare leave.

And men are qualifies to this same childcare leave with pay (the money

actually comes from the government/tax, it isn't the company's

responsibility to pay, it is the government).

So, clearly, the system is set up, and it is the company's fault for not

allowing the system to be used by their employee(s).

Men are supposed to be awarded childcare leave until the child's first


The problem is that companies are not mandated to allow their employees

take advantage of this system while majority of government workers (to

include teachers, police officers, city office workers, etc) can take the

time off with pay.

Companies try to make financial profit while government offices are not. 

Rather than punishing one company, Japan should mandate all commercial

companies to follow the system because it is the central government's

responsibility to enforce the law.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese school lunches: Healthy food choices and positive eating habits See in context

My son’s high school allowed kids to eat lunch at wherever within the school property.

some ate outside, some ate at school cafeteria, some put desks together in the classroom to make a big table.

my son usually went to his friends' classroom and ate with his buddies from sports club.

i can't speak for all schools but when i was in high school (in Japan) i usually went to cafeteria and sat with friends.

sometimes teachers joined.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan extends entry ban on non-resident foreigners until end of February: Kishida See in context

Luis David Yanez

sorry to hear about your partner’s condition.

have you tried face shield if he can't wear a mask? just saying, but better to have something to cover the mouth and nose to avoid unnecessary stress for everyone.. will probably makes your life easier perhaps?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Nobel physics prize goes to 3 for climate discoveries See in context

browny1... yep, the same interview.

i like Manabe-san's personality.

glad he found the place where his curiosity shines and the freedom to exploring isn't limited.

great person and a scientist.

shows how it isn't much about where one is from but the society and environment matter so much.

best of luck to him!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Nobel physics prize goes to 3 for climate discoveries See in context

When asked by a reporter during an interview why he chose to live in the US

at the age of 27.

He said that the environment in Japan at the time he moved to the US was not

suitable to continue his study and his personality which didn't quite "fit

in" (he was the nail that was sticking out) were the reasons.

Prime minister Kishida said he was proud of the Dr. as Japanese, but many

Japanese people commented on SNS that the Prime minister's comment was so


Instead of being proud, he should have been ashamed that Japan could not

provide him what he needed and the environment that kills the nail that

sticks out - and use this opportunity to learn the lesson to change the

closed environment.

While I am a bit sad about this environment the Dr. was talking about, I am

also glad many Japanese noticed the Prime minister's comment was "off".

Still, whatever the nationality he is, congratulations to him and hope he

will stay healthy and motivated to keep his curiosity going!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: 17-year-old boy will not be prosecuted over 6-year-old sister’s death See in context

This mother, she has 5 children (17 year old boy and the sister, who by the

way, never had lived together until recently, and they have different


Other 3 children are still in different facilities, and by the way, they

have different fathers, too.

Not sure why this mother only took the 2 kids but she wasn't fit enough to

take care of her children ~ and she actually wasn't working all these times

trying to put food on the table, she was with the most recent ex-husband who

she lived with until recently.

She also had another apartment (that's where she was at while leaving the

kids) and said because of work she was unable to return home to children

very often.

But then, why did she bring the children out of the facilities?

One Japanese newspaper article said the boy spoke that his little

half-sister often cried and said she wanted to go back to the facilities and

she was being difficult to handle.

This boy even gave most of his income (he wasn't going to high school) to

his mother.. The mother called him a sweet boy.

While he should never has kicked and harmed the little sister, the biggest

problem was the mother - just my opinion.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo hotel criticized for 'Japanese only' notice for elevator use See in context


I agree with you.. they should have put 'olympics" and 'non olympics".

and that was their original intention.

but then again, the way they put (japanese and foreigner) totally failed.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo hotel criticized for 'Japanese only' notice for elevator use See in context

The way they put on the signs were bad but their intention was to separate

their ordinary guests from Olympic related guests.

Not defending discrimination but would like to defend their purpose to

protect residents and all others who entered Japan with the proper

procedures (Olympians and their staff are not going thru the standard


-14 ( +6 / -20 )

Posted in: Mom who went drinking all night indicted over deaths of daughters left in car See in context

Jack o helen

He was home the entire night,

She went out with the kids because if she had the kids, the husband would not think she went drinking or went to some guy's house.

The kids were used so she could go have fun.

When he was interviewed, he simply said - go ask that woman.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Mother arrested after daughters, aged 6 and 3, die in overheated car while she goes drinking See in context

japanese media reports that she took the kids with her when she left home because she was going to see her boyfriend.

if she had the kids, her husband would not think she left to see a man.

and the man didn't know she left the kids in the car.

she parked her car, left the kids with some snack and drink. she went drinking and went to her boyfriend's flat, slept till almost noon before returning to the car.

she probably had done it before to hide her affair.

this is so terrible.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Half-Japanese woman hands card to people who ask tiresome questions about her race See in context


i kind of understand what you're saying.,but i don't necessarily agree with that comment.

being mistaken for 'hafu' is somehow a compliment in most cases, i said 'most' because i am aware that there are discrimination towards certain nationalities.

but the term 'hafu' isn't meant to be bad and i certainly don't feel that way.

those silly questions we get, i normally tell them everyone asks me, and that literally ends that initial phase.,moving onto regular talks :)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Half-Japanese woman hands card to people who ask tiresome questions about her race See in context

can only imagine how painful it is to be told you're "Half", 

it isn't painful (personally speaking) knowing the term half isn't meant 1/2 in japanese language (forget the original english meaning).

it makes me 'me'.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Half-Japanese woman hands card to people who ask tiresome questions about her race See in context

hmm..i'm 1/2 french and 1/2 japanese.

never felt the term 'half' was offensive nor used with ill intention.

sure people ask if my eyelashes are real, but it's meant to be a compliment.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Arashi singer Ninomiya marries former announcer See in context

Take responsibility as a man.. a bad translation in my opinion.

What he meant was to step forward to make it official.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Former entertainer Tashiro arrested for 5th time over possession of drugs See in context

Addiction is a lonely people's illness.

It is easy to blame him and the sentences he's received, but the real sentence he's received was the never ending loneliness and sadness.

He has lost families and friends, yes, it was his own doing but then again, that's the ultimate sentence.

when he was out, he was attending many drug awareness events, he wanted to tell people how horrible it is, yet, he couldn't win his fear, loneliness and sadness.

I feel sad for him.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. diplomat for Asia to make 1st trip to Japan, region from Thurs See in context

BackpackingNepal: " flag is above Japan, it says it all."

Spot on! his trip to Japan is to deliver Washington's orders to Abe.

It looks like the US flag is above the Japan flag in the photo, but it is just the angle.

The Japan flag is on the right side (you're standing in front of the flags looking at them, Japan on the right side when displayed in Japan as the host country).

When these 2 flags are displayed in the US. The Japan flag is placed on the left side because the US is the host country.

When there are country flags displayed, there are no above or below.. they all follow the flag protocol... nothing more, nothing less.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Families of Japanese abducted by N Korea hope meeting Trump will help See in context


Has it worked so far? Why are the families deluded to think politicians are going to help?

Well then who else would they go to?

Also, remember Koizumi brought back some people from North Korea.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Teacher’s verbal abuse, threats blamed for 15-year-old girl’s suicide See in context

The situation is that a girl is dead by her own hand and things DID NOT have to come to this! Some more people should've been using a watchful eye and noticing some things about her, and intervened if they could. This is a sad tragedy that goes on every day somewhere and it doesn't have to be. It can be stopped!

Agree completely.

This was an unnecessary death and nobody should ever treat anyone rotten like this, to threaten someone with words like I will kill you should never come out of anyone's mouth.

 Some may be that way, but there is enormous variation within Japan in this as other areas

Agree to this one, too.

I am against generalizations - having children attending schools in Japan and me myself attending schools both in Japan and abroad while growing up, I do know that not all schools here are bad.

There are schools that are not that great but then you can also find great teacher(s) in those schools.

On the contrary, there are some reputable schools that have terrible teachers that should never be teaching any children.

Above applies to schools in Japan and in abroad.

Not everything about club activities are bad, there are great things, too.

I mentioned in my earlier post, but my kids enjoy playing sports in their clubs and sure it is not all flowers and rainbows, but they have mates who they call life-long friends and they are doing what they love.

The important thing I always want the kids to know is that it is OK to quite when they want to, they have choices and voices.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Teacher’s verbal abuse, threats blamed for 15-year-old girl’s suicide See in context

 I think that there is a bit more to this than meets the eye

I am a little puzzled because Japanese news said this girl stopped attending the club in mid March and did not go since then (she went to school but not the club).

Since she did not attend the club anymore, she knew that not going was an option (and she chose to not attend).

Agree, there may be some other reasons (combined reasons perhaps).

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Teacher’s verbal abuse, threats blamed for 15-year-old girl’s suicide See in context

Never ever put your kids in a sports club or even the band

That's an extreme comment - my kids belong to sports clubs in school and they love the sports, their teammates are important to them and say they will be life-long friends.

They also know they CAN quite any time if they want.

Kids can and should try any club or sports if they want and as long as they are happy, and they should also know it is okay to leave when they no longer want to be there.

Some teachers are terrible, some are actually awesome.

Having said this, this guy should be appropriately punished, nobody should be telling anybody that they'll kill them or to push them to the corner emotionally.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-LDP lawmaker referred to prosecutors over rape allegations See in context

While it is true you did not use the word "wrong", you said it "isn't accurate", and strongly implied that you didn't believe the woman had actually been raped. You additionally made up facts and presented them as truth, such as "She was pissed off that she decided to "get him" and pull him off from his position." which you could not possibly know.

I have read in Japanese news article that she said ビデオを見て許せないと思ったwhich means after seeing the video I thought I couldn't forgive him.

Hence my comment she was pissed off that she decided to get him.

While my wordings weren't exactly what she said, that was my interpretation of her words.

Yes, like you said, I didn't use the word "wrong" and chose to use the words "not accurate" because I didn't agree with the choice of word "assault", given the fact there wasn't a clear "no" from her and they were bf and gf staying in one bed.

I guess you and I won't reach an agreement so let's just agree that we disagree.

There were some good points in what you said so thanks for sharing your opinions.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-LDP lawmaker referred to prosecutors over rape allegations See in context

I wonder how many times they had already dated before

...also why was he in her home? did he break into her house?

Japanese news said that the  two had been dating for 3 months.

Why was he at her house? They had a Christmas eve date and went back to her house after dinner/drinks - she was drunk and fell asleep.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-LDP lawmaker referred to prosecutors over rape allegations See in context

I'm not even sure how to reply to this. You seem to be saying, without having any evidence, that the article is wrong. If you have reason to think that JT didn't translate the article correctly, wouldn't you do your best to find out, and then request it be corrected?

I would suggest that if you have some evidence that the article is not factual, you should get JT to take it down.

I didn't say the JT article was "wrong" but the translation was rather not accurate.

I say so because I've read articles about this particular case in the original language. He said 当時は犯罪に当たるとは思わなかった, meaning he did not realize that it'd be a crime at the time, therefore I questioned your remarks about "he had to have known". He said he didn't realize it'd be a crime.

Once again, I say that this doesn't make what he did was not wrong, in case you might think I'm siding with the man (I am not).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-LDP lawmaker referred to prosecutors over rape allegations See in context

Sorry I posted before I finished typing...

but I am saying that what's written in the article (especially that more than often, original phrases are not accurately translated in English news article).

what's written in the article isn't always accurate.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-LDP lawmaker referred to prosecutors over rape allegations See in context

You are supposing he didn’t know it was rape, despite the fact he fully admitted that it was; thus, he had to have known. Again, your suppositions are not based on facts.

He fully admitted? How do you know?

He admitted that he "slept with her" while she was asleep. How do you know he had to have known? He "fully admitted" that he didn't think it was rape. What he admitted was that he slept with her while she was sleeping - In this news article, the writer wrote that he admitted to sexually assaulting the woman - it is scary how certain wordings can give certain impression of how the original phrase.

He admitted to sexual assault.

Says the article. He admitted that he had sex with her while she was asleep (and did not know it was rape/assault). Now, it does not make it OK and it does not justify the videotaping, but I am saying that what's written in the article (especially that more than often, original phrases are not accurately translated in English news article).

But the percentage IS the possibility. A woman has roughly a 20% chance of being raped while a man’s chance of being falsely accused is less than 1%.

Not talking about this particular case here but I would hate to be that 1% and then dismissed because the percentage is small.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-LDP lawmaker referred to prosecutors over rape allegations See in context

Now tell me: which is scarier? Women reporting rape, or men raping?

They are both scary scenarios, that is why it is important to get the facts together before making any judgements.

She was pissed off that she decided to "get him" and pull him off from his position.

Rape is scary, but to be called a rapist (even if you were innocent) is also scary. It is not about the percentage but it is the possibility that scares me.

He didn't admit that he raped the woman (girl friend), he admitted that he slept with the girlfriend while she was drunk and asleep. He didn't think it was a rape, and I probably wouldn't think it'd be a rape if my boyfriend did it with me while I was asleep, what pissed her off was the taking video part.

I would probably be pissed if anyone took any video of me while asleep naked (and doing things I had no memories of).

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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