Posted in: Australia moves to ban children under 16 from social media See in context
Be careful what you wish for Oz....Meta is already annoyed with the demand to make them pay for any news hosted on their sites in Australia, now this. They might just decide to pull out of Australia completely. No soup for you! (not just the kids)
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Democrats enter a Trump presidency without a plan or a clear leader See in context
and don't ghost Joe Rogan.
Lol, let's face it Trump going on Joe Grogan was preaching to the choir there. All the bros who watch Rogan we're not going to be swayed by Kamala going on. I listened at 2x speed to that show. It was definitely in the comedy category of of a JRE show.
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: PlayStation 5 Pro goes on sale, but will gamers pay hefty price to play? See in context
How much is a iPhone 15pro max? A Galaxy s24 ultra? More than double that price. How expensive is a good laptop or MacBook pro? People forgot the amount of hardware in consoles now and the comparable prices of other tech. Minus the screen , a PS5 pro is packing some expensive chips inside it.
Not a for regular kids anymore, but hard core adult gamers.
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Olympic organizers cancel second day of triathlon training in Seine over pollution See in context
Seine sure is dominating the news this Olympics! First the controversial boat parade, now the recurring poo problem.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Hifumi Abe wins 2nd straight Olympic men's 66-kg judo gold See in context
I channeled surfed my tv on marugoto mode out of curiosity expecting to see news on Kano's fencing gold (there was a smidgeon) or Matsushita swimming silver - I didnt see any. Great swim. Heck, I barely saw anything on the skateboarding 1-2! No, the national obsession with Olympic Judo was hogging all the limelight. Hifumi 's gold was even taking a backseat to the epic meltdown by Uta. I get the disappointment, but that was poor sportsmanship. The weight of expectation on Japanese Judo athletes is obviously immense. I feel for her because of that, but that went beyond bitter disappointment into embarrassment. Sadly I think she has tarnished her legacy - she won't be remembered for winning in Tokyo; she will be remembered for her screaming in tears.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Paris Olympics kick off with ambitious but rainy opening ceremony on Seine River See in context
Just watched the whole thing, and yeah um. Brave of France to try that, but sorry it was bad. The athletes on the boats is the biggest talking point on the interwebs it seems - its almost universal panning of the move. had the best Aussie take in it “Paris was utterly taking the p**s” …it was as disappointing as a day old Coles croissant”
The Sun naturally had the best pun headline “Wat-er Farce”
The laser light show on the Eiffel Tower was my highlight.
Please let the games be better, terrible and raw food at the athletes village is not promising start.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Recruit fatally shoots 2 SDF instructors, injures 1 at Gifu gun range See in context
Wow, a real life scenario of the movie Full Metal Jacket. I saw on the news as more info came out that the recruit had a grudge against the 52 y.o drill instructor, the 25 y.o was "in the way" for him to get a shot at the the 52 year old. He really want to get him. A lot of hate there.
Sounds like our "private Pyle", the 18 year old generation Z kid didn't like the old school strict discipline of the military.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Kyoto wants to add extra charges for tourists to use city buses See in context
Kyoto has many immature and regressive rules, I find the place tiresome.
to add that thought, I can see suggestions of bike rentals. In most places, it's a viable option, but currently, in Kyoto, it s definitely not, the "Bike Confiscators," a.k.a the Bike "four letter n-words," are the most aggressive and nasty in Japan. You leave a bike outside a shop - totally out of the way for just a second, and one of these knuckle-dragging vultures will come swooping in, greedily hunting bikes for their quotas. Kyoto City HATES bikes.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Netflix making live-action 'One Piece' from popular manga See in context
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Message to foreigners at Japanese convenience store sparks controversy online See in context
Here I am thinking, people actually intentionally eat those pitiful little steamed buns? The third world cousin of the mighty meat pie? ....though it is probably a good thing that ubiquitous convenience stores don't stock meat pies, I'd be at least 10kg heavier than I am now!
As for the store clerk, if you are a regular there, you could probably spot the winner who wrote the sign quote easily, next time snap your fingers and point.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Quake kills at least 3,000, injures thousands in Turkey and Syria; bad weather worsens plight See in context
Shocking really, really shocking scenes. And it's not just old buildings but modern, expensive-looking multi-story apartment buildings.
It does, but it is very expensive and most countries cant afford it, so they build cheap buildings.
No, the buildings I have seen, looked very much like they could afford it. But in a terribly corrupt country with a corrupt evil leader, you can get away with it.
The innocent locals have to suffer this corruption with the destruction of their homes and with their lives.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan to allow unlicensed electric scooter riding from July See in context
Ah, yes, as a cyclist it's nice to see my arch nemesis the motorist on here whining. The most arrogant and self important of the road users. Every person has the right to use public thoroughfares - Your expensive steel and glass behemoth does not make you a king that lowly serfs like cyclists and pedestrians must bow before.
I am extremely aware of motorist, a shame the majority of them weren't as aware of us "lesser" road users. There will always be problems with interactions between road users, this electric kickboard will likely be another. We can only hope the police get out of the koban and monitor everyone better.
I also wish municipalities did more to make more and better lanes for the cycling and now the e-scooter.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Croatia beats Brazil on penalties to set up semifinal clash with Argentina See in context
Excellent, nothing like seeing the arrogance drain from Neymars face.
A shame we could not get the double, and have the Argies go out twith them.
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: Richarlison's goals help Brazil beat Serbia 2-0 See in context
Neymar ,:The boy who cried wolf. Well has the injury wolf shown up for real?
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Saka, Rashford help England rout Iran 6-2 See in context
my sense is that only the Argies
...Did your Spidey senses not tell you the Argie pretty boys with their sleeve tattoos and slick haircuts would only look the part of footballers and forget to play against the Saudis? ;)
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Saka, Rashford help England rout Iran 6-2 See in context
If you are watching abema TV, go the menu and change camera angles. The skycam has no commentary, just stadium sound! Hooray you can save your ears from the inane droning Japanese commentary. Sadly abema, despite being the modern digital option offers no English commentary, Naturally NHK, as they are a joke didn't offer it either.
Well done England they looked dangerous
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo June heatwave worst since 1875 as power supply creaks under strain See in context
Japan really should get serious about insulating their homes, otherwise just suffer in the heat and don't complain about it.
You know what, they have! Have you been in a modern house? one built in the past 20 years? They are very well insulated many with double glazing. Perhaps you move should to one?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Costa Rica claims last World Cup place with victory over New Zealand See in context
Incompetent inexperienced UAE referee out of his depth, surely FIFA could have found someone superior? Qataris on the VAR? oh, wait, yeah FIFA got the team they wanted in the finals. Costa Rica are going to get pumped by Spain and Germany. The World Cup should be on right now if it were being held in a truly deserving host country.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan reaches semifinals in women's curling See in context
Japan loves you..
Loves watching you, listening to you not so much! Squeaky and squealing. Deffo a volume down sport.
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: Shcherbakova wins figure skating gold as Valieva collapses; bronze for Sakamoto See in context
Felt sorry for Shcherbakova, won and sat in silence. Unable to celebrate the joyous occasion. Only Sakamoto with the unexpected medal was happy.
Was watching the BBC coverage, Robin Cousins was choked with tears and emotions at the whole fiasco.
IOC, doing their best to utterly ruin what is left of the Olympic spirit. Only the stellar performances on the snow and ice by athletes is what keeps worth watching
Inept, incompetent and corrupt. This, the Prada snowboard fiasco, the list goes on.
9 ( +12 / -3 )
Posted in: Rams overcome injuries, dig deep in rally to win Super Bowl See in context
The Punt bowl. Rams running game, non existent. Stafford needs to donate half his salary to Kupp. Kupp was clutch.
Mixed reviews on the half time show. If you liked any of those artists in past, you probably enjoyed it, other is was pretty insipid compared to previous years.
"75cent" is trending.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Nissan Frontier vs Toyota Tacoma in 2022 See in context
Lot it Toyota love and Nissan hate here. Nissan have been good to me and my family over the years. Have a hybrid Nissan Kicks now, it's awesome. Still a lot of loyalty among Japanese people to Nissan.
As for these vehicles, terrible to drive on the open road, hard to park in the non American sized city. Niche market that just exploded and became so popular, don't get it myself. Contractors, farmers, outdoors rural livers, sure, but urban tractors?
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Kevin Durant leads U.S. men to 4th consecutive Olympic basketball gold See in context
*KD's Olympic resume 'unimpeachable' after third gold medal Brian Windhorst recaps Team USA's journey to Olympic Gold as Kevin Durant leads the team to its fourth straight gold-medal finish.*
From the story you posted, it says KD's third and the team's 4th straight.
2008 Was Lebron, Kobe (C) Wade, Kidd, Melo and crew.
Touche KD scored a ton of points. Granted, you can argue he's the #1 player in USA Olympic history. In 92 there was so much firepower on that team, MJ didn't need to score, there was plenty of sharing the ball
The best player to play or perform ON a USA team AT the Olympics. You can have that battle of semantics
But, the best player to play FOR the USA, is Michael Jordan.
P.S Is this Kevin Durant burner account? Hi KD, well done on the win mate.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Kevin Durant leads U.S. men to 4th consecutive Olympic basketball gold See in context
KD is the best Olympic Basket ball player ever!
Woah, let's pump the brakes there buddy.
He has 3 gold now, so you argue the winningest.
However let's not forget the BEST Olympic Basketball player ever, is also the BEST Basketball player of all: '84 and '92 Gold medalist: Michael Jeffery Jordan....mic drop.
In MJ's own words......."slickdrifter said KD was better and I took offence to that" ;)
Well done, team US, they did not look good coming in, with warm up losses and opening loss, took them time, bit there just too much talent in the end on that team. However if the 1992 dream team or even the '96 had played this 2020 team, it would have been a slaughter!
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Irie wins women's featherweight boxing gold See in context
Well done, such good sportsmanship between the two fighters. Watch and learn Aliev (DQed French boxer).
Japanese athletes really stepping up this games.
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: High jump friends decide on double gold over jump-off See in context
Um, dangerous precedent? Do you know how rare and unusual this is? It has never happened before and may well never happen again.
This is an anomaly, no one is talking about all sports events, we are talking Olympics, the Olympic High Jump. Stop extrapolating this and making irrelevant hypotheticals.
And Vegas? Psssh. Those vultures are the last people in the world who should get a say.
This was pure sportsmanship, and the perfect ending on the day. Sport won, the Olympic spirit won, and humanity won.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Outdoor drinking party in athletes village being investigated See in context
As for two athletes being out and about. It's just had to be Georgians.
Athletes at the village, should have been a little more discreet. Outdoor? Actually much safer for limiting and spread, but more likely to attract the trouble. Have a couple of quiets with you teammates, in your room.
Gotta be smarter guys.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Disappointment, dissatisfaction at no-spectator Tokyo Olympics See in context
Disappointment and dissatisfaction. A lot of that going around.
Yes, Thanks Suga.
9 ( +11 / -2 )
Posted in: Fans to be banned from Olympic events in Tokyo, 3 neighboring prefectures See in context
Well it's seems unless you follow the narrative you will get down voted to oblivion.
Yes, I was the right call to make, but I am disappointed and saddened, and was looking forward immensely to going as a life long fan of the Games.
Such a shame.
-16 ( +15 / -31 )
Posted in: IOC chief Bach arrives in Japan for Tokyo Olympics See in context
Well it's seems unless you follow the narrative you will get down voted to oblivion.
Yes, I was the right call to make, but I am disappointed and saddened, and was looking forward immensely to going as a life long fan of the Games.
Such a shame.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
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Posted in: White House says Musk not in charge at DOGE, but is advising Trump
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