Posted in: Japan marks 29 years since Tokyo subway sarin gas attack See in context
At the bare minimum, Wikipedia is your friend. It was an apocalyptic totalitarian sect. It got a problem with anybody and everybody which was not a perfectly subservient member.
Perhaps you should try more careful wording.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan society on transgender issues to drop 'disorder' from name See in context
@ itsonlyrocknroll
Perhaps, it is time you start looking inside yourself as to why you are so scared to share a bath with someone which was deemed man at some point in their life is so much of an issue for you.
What about non-penis XY holder ? what about gay men (with or without penis) ? what about lesbian ? what about biological woman having to take hormone to be allowed to compete in women category ? what about woman which were reclassified without any surgery or so as they were deemed to be have been misclassified at birth ...
The list is long.
Mr Kipling's among other is a perfect example or hypocrisy : they should not be forced to accept Shirley interpretation of what a woman is but Shirley (along with the whole world) should accept their version of what a woman is (and the one not fitting it being hammered down until she does, see female athlete forced to take hormone instead of a simple rethink of the category like for boxing &co).
I have no idea what make a woman or what make a man, so I do not care. Everyone should feel safe but that go with increasing safety not throwing the blame over a whole group, like the misandrist usual rant about trans : men are sexual predator so they will just claim being trans to sexually predate on women if not for that they will never ever predate on women, yeah sure.
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Inflation dents budgets for cherry blossom viewing in Japan See in context
Regarding estimate, thought I can not be sure, I think they calculate for the overall period, not just one time. Hanami is a social event so will have to go with several group you are part off : work, friends, activity teammates, family, ... so for some people it can be a lot. Mixed with the one which actually use the opportunity to take a trip or have costly taste/habit, that do not seems so unreasonable, I think.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Ito left out of Japan soccer squad for World Cup qualifier amid sexual assault claim See in context
Bait click article.
To play as a representative of Japan, you most likely need to be in good standing regarding moral of say Japan. The guy acknowledged himself as not worth it when he said he was being unfaithful to his wife.
You can disagree with it but, for public person, to kiss goodbye to their job as representative of brand&co when caught being unfaithful is common practice in Japan.
It is interesting to see some people which usually love to put themselves as virtue protector now just siding with unfaithful people which they claim to hate. Not that is a first thought. Let's say I do not comprehend this level of hypocrisy, it will save me a bit of puking.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: China demands Japan start Fukushima treated water compensation system See in context
That's fair demand
No. It just illustrate they are in no way worried by the release. If they were they will not demands money but stick with stop it, find another solution.
and also Japan should start to compensate fishermen that being victim of those tainted water.
They already do :
@ ian
Even thought it was already pointed out by another :
for potential economic damage
The trick is there. The way it is worded Japan will have to pay no matter what, including for the damage created by the chinese ban and position in China (for example restaurant in China serving japanese fish, importer of japanese fish, ...).
@ all the people concerned
Could you please stop it with Covid, it is disgraceful to say the least. Pollution is a subject wide enough to not need to bring the pandemic in.
Thanks in advance
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: China consumer prices rise in February for first time in six months See in context
Do you believe what you write ?
I remember not so long ago we had all these scholar telling us how China was not expansionist even thought everyone know of Tibet situation. Now, I do not think anyone dare to utter this one.
But we have this famous multi polar world which supposedly is not already existing but will exist thanks to China and Russia. You know the actual nations which are claiming countries have to accept to be under their rules or face invasion, discreetly (or not) grabbing land from neighbor, offering not so good deal loans, helping dictatorship grabbing power, ... Yes sure. More like some Monroe stuff Europa to Russia, Asia to China, America to US, Middle East to Iran, Africa free for all resources grab. Quadripolar at best, so multipolar. Considering the so nice government Russia, China and Iran are offering, perhaps you should rethink your value, thought at least it will not be what you called puppet democracy but full fledged dictatorship. Perhaps it is what you sought, in that case I should advice you to move as a form of respect for people which do not. There is enough dictatorship in various shape to suit your taste, thanks for letting people not interested in these their no dictatorship countries.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Women break into world of Japan's 'masculine' noh theater See in context
How about reading the article ?
Unlike kabuki, another type of classical Japanese theater, or sumo wrestling -- both steadfastly male -- noh has been open to performers of both genders for over a century.
noh developed towards its current form in Japan's Muromachi era from 1336-1573, a period when the performers included women among their ranks.In the Edo era from 1603 to 1868, patronage from shoguns helped noh's popularity grow. But women were banned from the stage under government morality rules that repressed individual liberties.
Only at the end of the 19th century were women once again allowed to act in noh, but they had to wait until 1948 to be recognized as professionals.
Traditionaly, Noh is woman friendly. They were banned from it in the name of gender inequality but thankfully were able to come back.
If women want to do sumo why not. The religious aspect seems more like a excuse in the present sport form.
4 ( +8 / -4 )
Posted in: Osaka Prefecture eyes collecting fixed fee for inbound tourists from 2025 See in context
Could you provide any reliable link about your claim France is looking at charging different fee depending of citizenship for Le Louvre entrance ?
Actually they are not, the closest one is for residence ship and only concern young people : thus a French 24yo living in China and a French 27yo living in France will have to pay but a Chinese 24yo living in Germany will not have to pay.
People are not targeting the idea of taxing non resident tourists but adding on top of it a tax only targeted only at foreign one. Resident pay yearly tax ; Tourist pay tourist fee both help the budget of the place they pay their tax/fee to. These are not citizenship related. But having a specific tax targeted at foreign tourist create an issue as that discriminate between people for no reason other that their citizenship. You will have 2 people which only have different citizenship pay a different price. Thinking of people with dual nationality, you will even have the same person paying a different price depending of the passport they show.
If we go back to Le Louvre most likely they get part of their founding from France and Europe thus it is understandable they cut price for some people which contribute to these founding out of their tax but not to people which not. It could also just business related : make entrance free to get them to come as paying customer in the future.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan eyes up to 800,000 more skilled foreign workers over next 5 years See in context
Could you please stop with the "foreign guest workers". It is highly racist. They are, most likely like you, foreign worker. They are not guest. They should be covered with the same rules, laws, ... than any of their Japanese counterpart.
A "guest worker" for example "guest university professor" is a specific situation which do not cover these foreign worker.
By knowingly improperly using it for every foreign worker, it reflect badly of you.
Thanks in advance.
@Mr Kipling
Do you have any evidence as proof of ghettoized non native population as much higher crime rate that native ghettoized population ? And if yes, any research about why, would be welcome.
Thank in advance.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Uber Eats starts robot deliveries in Tokyo See in context
"using sensors to avoid pedestrians and other obstacles"
Me think that do not work well.
At a demonstration on Tuesday, the robot nearly collided with a pedestrian
"I thought it might bump into people's feet, but people give way to it,"
According to the article it does not seems people choosing to accept robot delivery will get a discount. I so love all the thing to face the supposedly labor shortage (in Tokyo, sure) result in increasing pressure on collectivity/customer but income for company. At least this one is honest in the fact that addressing the actual labor shortage issue in remote area is just going to be a potential after thought :
The service could also one day come to rural areas, where many residents are elderly and drivers are scarce,
Most likely will never come if not heavily subsided by government as not profitable enough. It could be good if government actually play their card the other way round.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese student at Yale urges Gaza ceasefire as U.S. universities quiet dissent See in context
You forgot the part about who declared war to who.
Gaza declared war to Israel (again). They attacked it and specifically targeted civilian for daring to exist no matter their gender, age, physical abilities, nationality, faith, political opinion ... and Israel accepted a full scale one.
And for people with short memory, from the creation of Israel, it was, along with Palestine targeted by Arab. The extermination of Israel and its people (and as proved recently anybody just happening to be there) is unfortunately the obsession of a bunch of people.
People should not throw the word "genocide" as they see fit. Not all war crime are genocide and the situation as to be taken in account : the independently elected government of de facto independent Gaza failed to improve its relationship with its neighbor and worst purposely blur the difference between its armed force and civilian, creating a situation where - opposed to any other conflict - the civilian can just not run to safety in a neighbor country.
I often got the feeling of some muslim entity, while believing in their own superiority thus entitlement, have been able to use other people racism, self loathed and/or latent antisemitism to serve their interest.
How many people remember how strong a colonial power muslim dynasty were ? Several european countries (partly or fully) were also occupied by different muslim dynasty. How many people just bring UK colonial empire even thought Israel was actually a colony of the ottoman one ? How many people do not differentiate between The West Bank and Gaza ?
Hamas people are not some kind of more instinctive, less educated, less civilized, ... or whatever make you feel superior. They know right and wrong, they can scheme (and sometimes mess up), ... and for years, they did not hesitate to arm anybody, including whose they should be representing, in order to serve their interest (and their far right view).
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Hello Kitty theme park in Tokyo closed over 'terrorist' security alert See in context
I think it is missing a "by" :
Hello Kitty, created by Sanrio Co and celebrating its 50th anniversary this year
Moderator: Thank you. It has been corrected.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Soccer player Ito sues accusers for ¥200 mil over sexual assault claim See in context
I think you forgot one tiny thing :
Ito is a married man* which aknowledged being unfaithfulLet's remember what usually happen when some japanese celebrity is caught involved in adultery ?
*伊東純也 一般女性と結婚を発表「これまで以上に努力を」南野拓実ら祝福 - 日本代表 : 日刊スポーツ (
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Soccer player Ito sues accusers for ¥200 mil over sexual assault claim See in context
... I forgot : and ideally sue after the ruling stating you were innocent.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Soccer player Ito sues accusers for ¥200 mil over sexual assault claim See in context
So he is suing for an amount he can reasonably think they can most likely not afford even in a lifetime without being forced (potentially with their whole family) into not good business. That smell like a scare tactics : I withdraw if you withdraw.
I guess he missed some PR course. If these lady allegation are fake or you genuinely think there are you should not sue for anymore than real financial damage with keeping check of the real world value of money.
Remind me of Yamaguchi and his 130millions.
So I do not if he is a rapist but sure he is not a good person.
1 ( +7 / -6 )
Posted in: Former reporter traces how famous Ainu portraits wound up in France See in context
Please read the article. The most plausible explanation is that the paintings were not smuggled but legal possession of French.
Perhaps you should tell the whole story instead of what just suit your narrative. The lower court ruling in the favor of the first owner of the artwork : Buseoksa temple which put a claim that it was stolen by japanese pirates. That ruling was then overturned by the higher court in 2023. The issue is still in legal proccess.
I clearly 'doubt'* your statement that art increasingly is not being loaned to South Korea, since some loaned art is/was stuck in several countries including South Korea because of covid or war, and international museum sign partnership there :!
* to stay polite
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 72-year-old man arrested after remains of mother found buried in vacant lot See in context
For people interested about the cost of funeral, I read some interesting article which explain that even using cheaper option, thanks to waiting time, it will cost a lot just in body storage :
in the article : 13000 a day
basic full pension : around 65000
So government should as pointed by GuruMick start offering free funeral.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese consumers eating more local fish from waters off Fukushima See in context
You can tell it's an AFP article by reading the title. Reads like propaganda.
There is just a little flaw in your reasoning : it is not an AFP article but an AP one. You are aware there are different agency from different country, right ?
I guess it explain why as people have pointed before, we do not see price decrease. Good for the fishermen. Thought :
Fukushima’s local catch today is still about one-fifth of its pre-disaster levels due to a decline in the fishing population and smaller catch sizes.
make you think, it could be better if we switched, at least for a bit, to sustainable ethical fish farming instead of fish fishing in order to help the population grow back and face environmental change which are affecting the whole world.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo scraps gender quota for public high school admissions from 2024 See in context
the article's original error.
Is it ? I mean binary is used to talk about gender as in mean both in a system which has 2. Then we talk about non-binary people meaning they do not identify into either of the 2 part of the system. But someone which identify as the 2 part of the system should be called binary, is not it ? So it should be in gender system :
identify into male - 1 side of binary system
identify into female - 1 side of binary system
identify into neither male nor female - non binary
identify into both male and female - binarySo perhaps the article author purposely used "binary" to talk about the people which actually wanted to select both thus could feel distressed to not be allowed to.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Fukushima treated water release spawns misinformation See in context
Well, it is kind of what it is. It is not fact check articles - which are linked at the bottom- but a summary of the said articles whom you will be able to read fully by clicking on provided link. Considering each article can be quite long, I guess it was a way to get the information accross to busy/lazy/... people.
Perhaps a line more clearly stating it would have been better.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. challenges world to tell Russia to stop using Ukrainian grain as `blackmail' See in context
Shut up America most people know that you are the major cause of conflict on this planet!
So Russia is fighting for the top spot ? In how many countries/territories coup, war, ... did them or their proxy were at play ?
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Why is NATO expanding its reach to Asia-Pacific region? See in context
@Hervé L'Eisa
Like from the beginning ?
Do you really think if Hawaii was attacked it will be not be covered because in the Pacific ? From the start NATO was in the Pacific and from early on countries with no border with north Atlantic were part of it.
It is just a name, the original one was "Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance between the United Kingdom and France" then it became "The Western Union" when Benelux joined then it became "NATO" when the US joined.
From the beginning these alliance are bound to evolve be it extending or rescinding and be it one way or another. It is just a name. If you want to complain, it should be about the fact they should have renamed it long ago as some people seems to easily misunderstand.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: 27% of Japan's nursing homes face bankruptcy due to price hikes: survey See in context
@2 Year Old
Do you use any overpaying plan ? It give you tax break.
If not you should. Obviously there is Ideco (not for US citizen)
The less strendeous on budget with good return regarding contribution but still low amount should be : fuka nenkin : you pay 400yens more a month then you will get 200yens more by year for every month you have paid it. It is not much money but from 24month of paiement, you start breaking even. Be careful, if you have Idecoo, you need to cut that paiement out of the maximum for tax break (normal max is 68000, with fuka nenkin, it become 67000). If you choose bulk payment of pension, you get a reduction, which an be enough to cover cost of fuka.
If can not have Ideco, there is nenkin kikin. As fuka, it share the same tax break that Ideco.
I would greatly suggest you to start looking for improving your pension payment if you plan to go for retirejapan or so.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Yokosuka adopts ChatGPT after favorable trial results See in context
@ tokyo_m
Ten minutes less overtime?!
There is a misunderstanding. One official day of work is 480minutes. So they are going to get rid of 1 out of 48 employee or something like that.
It will help reduce labor costs.
They said it themselves, they plan to reduce labor cost. So no less overtime, same amount perhaps more considering some tasks will not be easily doable by machine.
Concerns exist about confidential information being leaked by ChatGPT usage. The Yokosuka government said it does not allow its officials to input personal information when using it.
Only that ?
Oh dear, what could go wrong ?
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Powerful typhoon to approach Okinawa later this week See in context
For people which want to educate themselves about naming of typhoon, cyclone, hurricane.
Mawar means Rose. It was probably listed by Indonesia, I would guess.
The whole world does not revolve about the US. Other countries also give name to their children. People from other countries also have idea. Countries can come to agreement regarding international system.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: How Japan's big plans for a 'hydrogen society' fell flat See in context
@Spooky Tea
So what is AFP talking about?
The article itself include reference to other with the key difference is that they are developing green hydrogen while Japan is going for grey and blue hydrogen.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: More clashes as French protesters rally against Macron's pension bill See in context
Actually, it is a bit more difficult than that. Did you bother doing some researches or to just ask a French ?
The minimum retirement age is in between 62 and 63 depending of the year of birth.
But, in order to get full pension, one have pay in the pension fund for in between 168 and 172 trimesters depending of date of birth or work until 67 years old.
Seems there are also some specific like people starting working as teenager which could stop working earlier if they have at least paid in the system for 44 years.
I could not sequestrate French friend any longer to get more info about these specifics, so feel free to do your own research if you are interested in the subject.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: To postpone the aging process, keep on driving, article urges seniors See in context
They conveniently forgot nondriver in the article. These people are right in between but they just go the stopping driving bad.
Also, the study was based on people situation as of 2012, at that time there was not so much pressure (exterior and self) to stop driving moreover for people in range so than between 65 and 77. At that time there was not so much pressure (still discussing stage) and it was more toward people aged 75 or more. So has pointed by other : for what reason did they stop driving.
So quite possibly the people which stopped driving thought they were better off not driving for whatever reason which should be taken in consideration. So a higher incidence of trouble than for people which could have assessed themselves as safe driver. While for non driver, they could be more 50/50.
For me it is more like they try to push old people driving down other people throat including elderly.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Draft bill proposal seeks to curtail unconventional 'kirakira' kanji name readings See in context
If not allowing offensive and character names is understandable, I am quite worried about the unusual reading one. As Japan becomes more international, names will too. Thought, I have no idea why 太郎 could be chosen for Maikeru, it could be understandable than parents wanting to name their kid Mickael would want to choose kanji matching the meaning of the name not the pronunciation ; same for foreigner taking Japanese nationality. So, I guess, if they go that way, they have to start listing several kanji option for name which could be also exist outside Japan.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Beaujolais time See in context
@Brian William Meissner
You should take a second look at the picture. People not drinking are wearing mask and party are wide apart. Most likely the two ladies were asked to take of their mask for the photo and/or were drinking.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?
Posted in: Kanye West's account on X goes dark after hate-filled rant
Do they string you up proper for this in Korea too? That would be nice
Posted in: S Korean teacher admits to stabbing 7-year-old girl to death, police say
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?