Japan Today

Fos comments

Posted in: Japan, U.S. eye defense chiefs' meeting in Japan in late March See in context

The allegations against Beijing appear to be nothing more than a carefully scripted political charade. They reflect Washington's growing anxiety about China rather than any genuine concern for the safety. After all, the US has a long track record of spinning false narratives

Over the years, China has emerged as Asia key trading partners through training programs, infrastructure projects and other forms of cooperation, forging strong ties rooted in sincerity, openness, pragmatism, and win-win collaboration. 

Any attempt to exploit this issue as a tool for political maneuvering, coercion or foreign interference runs counter to a fair global order and regional stability. 

Asia needs shared prosperity and mutual respect, not a one-sided power play, and China is the answer

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique See in context

Everyone knows that those video evidence are fabricated just like the above alleged proofs mentioned by the US administrations, from Vietnam to Iraq. Sheer hypocrisy and double standards, from coups to wars, finally the Americans have the president they deserve. And yet they still want to give morality lessons to China or else. Real life ain’t Hollywood and Hollywood ain’t real life

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique See in context

What is real is the aggressive history of United States of America and the greed of the warlords in Wall Street.

A quick recap for our readers:

Since 1945 the US past administrations have tried to overthrow more than 50 governments, many of them democratically elected; grossly interfered in elections in 30 countries; bombed the civilian populations of 30 countries; used chemical and biological weapons; and attempted to assassinate foreign leaders.

Defining China a “threat” is historically incorrect, unless you follow the narrative of the usual suspects that call the alleged skirmished (clearly manipulative) with Filipinos fishermen a danger to a sovereign nation.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique See in context

Based on the history lessons alone United States of America is NOT and it never was in a position to give morality lessons to China or any other country .

Diplomacy in Asia is totally kidnapped by the US military-industrial complex which incites geopolitical tensions through the constant hype of the “Russian menace” and the "China threat”. Behind the growth of arms sales, the US has created or intensified conflicts and crises in different regions of the world, forcing other countries to increase their budgets and buy US weapons to better serve the interests of the military.

Commercial or military interests that often have little to do with ideals.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S. eye defense chiefs' meeting in Japan in late March See in context

And yet the US department military dispatches inform the ‘usual suspects’ about imaginary numbers and expect rational people to believe their numbers.

That’s why we are here:

to expose the coercive nature of Washington's diplomacy

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S. eye defense chiefs' meeting in Japan in late March See in context

A clear example of how the manipulation of narrative works for the US administration:

the United States of America military spending in 2023 was over $910 billions, 3 times as much as China, based on the statistics from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: imagine the 2024 with the free ride in Middle East and Ukraine!

The U.S. controls about 800 military bases in more than 90 countries worldwide, as opposed to 3 or 4 of China globally. And yet the US military-industrial complex narrative wants us to believe it’s China and Russia that seek world domination and are the biggest threat to world peace, not the United States.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S. eye defense chiefs' meeting in Japan in late March See in context

You have to feel sorry for the Japanese taxpayers, whose money keep being use for trades in Wall Street by the average American investors with the same scheme, all over again: create some sort of fear mongering about China sell more weapons for billions of dollars, ask them to buy our expensive LNG (extremely polluted for the environment), allow US solders to do whatever they want in Okinawa (see security issues for locals) and we could go on forever...

A reminder that US stock markets rose to all time high in the last year since the top 5 weapons manufacturers in the world are all Americans. 

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique See in context


Of course you are not buying anything else contrary to the narrative of “the US is a savior of the globe”, when the top 5 arms manufacturers of the world are all Americans, and as an investor you need to look after the profits. This is the world we are in after all. We get to hear morality lessons from the Washington followers after witnessing this kind of charade in the White House as we speak, and the endless conflicts and war incited by Washington.

A complete manipulation of history books (you can only laugh when you read of Vietnam war started by China :) or the fabricated skirmishes who knows where, again, for the sake of the Wall Street greed.

As a fact the US is trying to advance its "Indo-Pacific" strategy to contain China, fanning the flames in the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan Straits and South China Sea.

The only difference is that China belongs to Asia, whereas the United Stated of America is just selling weapons of mass destruction as explained above.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context

Lol where are you getting your numbers from Fos?

Have you ever heard of The Lancet? It is neither a Palestinian source or Iranian, and their authoritative study says the death toll is higher than official number


Israel has a right to self-defense, but this right cannot be indiscriminate vengeance. And there cannot be collective responsibility of the Palestinian people for the actions of a terrorist minority from Hamas.

Lets also remember that the Netanyahu's regime in Israel has warded off completely the Gaza Strip since the start of the military operations, same as the battleground in South Lebanon. Therefore all the actions and destructions by Israel IDF cannot be documented by foreign media. Only the media embedded with Israel army. So you can have an idea of the authenticity of the chronicles, especially the narrative of American media.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context

Lets also remind the readers here, with reference to the so called "two states solution" that according to the Israeli anti-settlement group, Peace Now, in 2024 settlers established 59 new outposts, without authorisation from the Israeli government. That was more than double the number from the previous year – which was also a record year for settlement outpost establishment.

Israel has built about 160 settlements housing some 700,000 Jews since it occupied the West Bank in the 1967 Middle East war. The settlements are considered illegal under international law,

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context

The article and the general news worldwide are about the Israelis breaking the ceasefire rules, same as what happened numerous times already. 

Lets also remind to the readers that Israel IDF and the extreme right wing government in Tel Aviv are responsible for the death of over 65.000 people in Gaza and Lebanon, 70% are innocent children and women NOT affiliated to Hamas, UN says. A “blight on the conscience of humanity.”

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: Ukraine's rare earth elements could help keep U.S. military aid flowing See in context

First the hundreds of billions of dollars of lethal weapons, then the LNG gas (three times the prize and extremely dangerous for the environment) and now the stealing of the rare earth minerals in the country. 

If there was any doubt about this proxy war by Washington all these elements expose the coercive nature of Washington's diplomacy

Let’s not forget that the US financial markets reached historical high and the top five arms manufacturers in the world are all American

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Ukraine's rare earth elements could help keep U.S. military aid flowing See in context

The US administration, past and present, reveals the true nature: hypocrisy and greed.

As if it is not enough, after all the billions of dollars made by the warlords in Wall Street with the sale of weapons, now the US industrial military complex is trying to collect more profits, regardless of the thousands of Ukrainian being lost

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique See in context

All these misinterpretations come from the representatives of a country which has become “the joke of the world”, trying to give morality lessons :) And that says a lot about the depth of this conversation.

It is a pity that the usual suspects forget to mention the main aspect which distinguish the two nations: the warmongering of Washington as opposed to Beijing.

China has not been engaged in military activity for the past forty years. In that time, the US has overthrown numerous governments and illegally invaded many countries.

In the course of the 20th century alone, Washington has participated in 39 armed conflicts, or one every three years, and since 2000 it has engaged in at least 12 wars, the equivalent of one every two years. 

Over the years, China has emerged as Asia key trading partners through training programs, infrastructure projects and other forms of cooperation, forging strong ties rooted in sincerity, openness, pragmatism, and win-win collaboration. 

Asia needs shared prosperity and mutual respect, not a one-sided power play.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique See in context

Funny that, US manipulative narratives at full throttle here, trying to spread the usual fear mongering about China, to finalize, guess what, their multibillion dollars sale of weapons to Japan and destabilize the continent. Pretty much like they did in Eastern Europe and Middle East. 

Asia welcomes China (and their tourists) because China is part of Asia. That would be the starting point of any conversation

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump says there will be no right of return for Palestinians in Gaza under his plan for U.S. 'ownership' See in context

As you can probably sense, commentators agree with my views on most subject on JT

And some of them don't agree with my views, and this my point. For many decades the U.S. have tried to edulcorate reality to preserve their economic interests with their allies partners.

As a Japanese researcher you should wake up the conscience of people in this country who know nothing about geopolitics and stil see US as a beacon of democracy, instead of alienating them with your rhetoric against neighbor countries 

The world is in tatters: look at the conflict in Middle East or the War in Ukraine, where Washington is leading a diplomacy which is inciting tensions, and to what result? 

We are talking about Gaza plan here, where United States want to dictate the rules with their main ally in the Middle East, Israel, after an horrendous mass killing of innocent people, and China or Russia have nothing to do with it. There is no reason to bring them up. 

This is what I define manipulation of narrative, which is unacceptable.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Iranians mark anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution See in context

Lets recap here for our readers the concept of democracy and history US vs China:

In the course of the 20th century alone, Washington has participated in 39 armed conflicts, or one every three years, and since 2000 it has engaged in at least 12 wars, the equivalent of one every two years, overthrown numerous governments and illegally invaded many countries

China does not have a history of military aggression beyond the defense of its own borders.

The anti-Beijing hysteria is clearly being led by the the US military industrial complex supported by a compliant media,  which is not concerned that China will attack other countries, but is worried that its world hegemony is being challenged.

As a reminder the top 5 arms-producing and military services companies in the world are all America in order, and (go figure) the US financial records are on all time high:

Lockheed Martin (USA)

Raytheon Technologies (USA)

Northrop Grumman (USA)

Boeing (USA)

General Dynamics (USA)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump says there will be no right of return for Palestinians in Gaza under his plan for U.S. 'ownership' See in context

What the global community could be witnessing is a final conclusion, a decisive conflict, festering over hundreds of years being brought to an end.

And here we come, the usual manipulation of narrative, with the propaganda pro US, totally missing the point (Iran?), desperately trying to justify the wrongs of the past and present US administrations. Until when will independently run media will be dominated by these double standards and hypocritical views? And what is in it for them?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: Iranians mark anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution See in context

Lets not forget, this is history, Mohammad Mossadegh, Iran's prime minister, was overthrown in a 1953 CIA-backed coup known as Operation Ajax. His government had nationalized Iran's oil industry, angering both the British and the U.S. After his removal, the Shah was restored to power, marking the beginning of an authoritarian regime until the 1979 Revolution.

So perhaps we should redefine the US military dispatches, void of any knowledge of history. Not only the hypocrisy these days: United States of America is far from a healthy example of democracy for others to emulate.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump says there will be no right of return for Palestinians in Gaza under his plan for U.S. 'ownership' See in context

This is a good thing, be more scrutinizing who can and who cannot come back.

And we need the sheriffs in Wall Street, or the usual estate agents in New York, most likely part of the Trump's accolade, to come up with a development/peace plan?

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump plan to end Ukraine war must prevent new Russian aggression, Zelenskyy says See in context

What evidence do you have for this?

He said himself! In a speech to a US corporate lobby group, Zelensky thanked Black Rock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Elon Musk's Starlink, promising: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYkQO5fOXH8

“Everyone can become a big business by” buying up Ukrainian assets

It seems like we are talking to AI here: US military dispatches thrown away without much logic, to defend the economic interests of the US administration and the warlords in Washington

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump plan to end Ukraine war must prevent new Russian aggression, Zelenskyy says See in context

Zaphold explained extremely well: without Nato expansion (the greed of Washington warlords) none of this would have happened.

Zelensky in an unelected official who is doing what the big US military industrial complex tells him to say, while the big chiefs are counting the profits in Wall Street. Let’s remember once again the SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing and military services companies in the world, all American:

Lockheed Martin (USA)

Raytheon Technologies (USA)

Northrop Grumman (USA)

Boeing (USA)

General Dynamics (USA)

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump plan to end Ukraine war must prevent new Russian aggression, Zelenskyy says See in context

Elections are against the constitution during wartime

How convenient for the US industrial military complex and for the Zelenskyy clan :)

A reminder that the presidential elections in America were held on November 7, 1944, during World War II, which ended the following year. So Thea is not excuse, he is not a legal government.

Trump unfortunately does not have any power against the military apparatus, same as President Dwight Eisenhower warned against in 1961. 

The truth is Ukrainians continue to suffer the consequences of this massacre. And the conflict is a dangerous, unwinnable proxy war undertaken by Washington against Russia. Praising the big US industrial military complex will make things worse.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context

The only criminals here are the Israel IDF: over 65.000 killed in the undiscriminated vengeance, 70% of which are innocent children and women, UN says.

This terrible conflict would end the first 24 hours the US administration stops shipping lethal weapons to Israel, but, as we know, there is too much at stake for the US lobbies in Wall Street

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump plan to end Ukraine war must prevent new Russian aggression, Zelenskyy says See in context

As we all know the main responsible for this full scale disaster is the big US industrial military complex, the same one that President Dwight Eisenhower warned against in 1961.

Putin made clear that he cannot negotiate with Zelenskyy, who is as a fact a dictator since he cancelled the election due last May 2024. Majority of Ukrainians want peace negotiations to start, but the White House is not done and pressures the Kyiv regime to send its 18 year old kids to the frontlines.

The common knowledge is that the great illusion of victory over Russia has dragged Kyiv and Europe into the abyss. Sanctions and military aid have not worked. Putin, whether you like or not, has time on his side and is waiting for Trump. The curtain is about to close on hundred thousands of deaths which could have been prevented with negotiations from the start.

And the American warlords in Wall Street are counting their money by the pool in Florida.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance See in context

You have to feel sorry for the Japanese taxpayers and the way their premier get fooled by the manipulated propaganda of the US big industrial military complex, fabricating story about belligerent China, when we all know that Washington had fought more wars than any other country in recent history and remains the most aggressive nation by nature. 

And the warlords in Wall Street are raising their glasses about naive Japan

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire See in context

One third of those killed were Hamas terrorists, another third were Hamas supporters, and the other third were a combination of both.

And the source is once again, the military dispatches straight from Netanyahu's office?

Gaza death toll is 40% higher than official number, a Lancet study finds

Analysis estimates death toll by end of June was 64,260, with 59% being women, children and people over 65


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire See in context

The Camp David summit of the year 2000….

Another fabricated dispatch from Tel Aviv?

Perhaps you are omitting that just before the deal was being signed, in 1995, a terrorist, a Jewish extremist, killed Yitzhak Rabin, the Israel Prime Minister, and the only chance to promote peace.

The Camp David accords did not comply with the Palestinian right of return, of self-determination and to national independence and sovereignty. Again, we need to quote history books based on facts, not impressions.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump says he wants to negotiate about Ukraine. It's not clear if Putin really does See in context

As we all know the United States played a key role in generating and perpetuating this terrible conflict in Ukraine since the Bucharest Nato meeting in 2008: 


Now they are desperate to manipulate the narrative trying to spread disinformation about the real intensions of Putin, who demonstrated his willingness to talk to an elected leader, not to dictator Zelensky who stayed in power despite his term has already expired.

The majority of Ukrainians want peace negotiations to start, but the big US industrial military complex is not done with their profits in Wall Street, and still pressures the Kyiv regime to send its 18 year old kids to the frontlines.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire See in context

The whole community, the rational side of human civilization (certainly not the US administration which keeps providing billions and billions of dollars of lethal weapons to push Wall Street profits on historical records) knows that the only Auschwitz aspect is the one perpetrated by Israel with their indiscriminate vengeance after the 7th october 2023. 

There cannot be collective responsibility of the Palestinian people for the actions of a terrorist minority from Hamas. What has been going on in Gaza is the most documented genocide in history. Palestinians being intentionally massacred by Israel IDF, starved, and stripped of everything needed to sustain human life. The demise of rule of law, a prelude to the hand of humanity. 

We ask these contributors to open history books rather than military dispatches, educate themselves. Pause before they forward information which will not solve any issue on both camps.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

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