Japan Today

fraris comments

Posted in: Record high number of ambulances struggling to find hospitals in Japan See in context

May it be because ambulances belong to the fire department and not to the hospitals? If ambulances belonged to hospitals as happens in most countries they wouldn't have problems getting back to the "home" hospital instead of wandering around.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Adored and endangered: The complex world of the Japanese eel See in context

Have a look at Seaspiracy all, and you'll understand that there's no fisheries control that holds, and all the "sustainably fishing" story is a mockery.

We must look at a different diet that preserves living natural inhabitats, everything points to a plant-based diet...I enjoy my shoujin unagi time by time and don't miss the real thing too much.

Protecting the sea means protecting yourself, we are all connected to this living thing.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: 2nd Omicron case confirmed; Japan to bar foreign residents' re-entry from 10 African nations See in context

Well, I am talking from a moral standpoint...

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: 2nd Omicron case confirmed; Japan to bar foreign residents' re-entry from 10 African nations See in context

When you go to a party you pitch in some beer money, don't you? However that doesn't make you part of the household.

I hope you're joking, your example doesn't make any sense, it's like pitch in beer money and being told to drink it outside because I am a foreigner, this is what they are doing.

Virus doesn't know nationalities and having family and contributing to the Japanese economy with my work makes me eligible to have the same rights as national Japanese.

Not to mention your "us" and "youse" mentality...

11 ( +18 / -7 )

Posted in: 2nd Omicron case confirmed; Japan to bar foreign residents' re-entry from 10 African nations See in context

This is a violation of human rights, don't we pay the same taxes as our Japanese fellows do?

As residents, our life, our family, our activities are based in Japan and nowhere else, the authorities shall not have the power to strand us while nationals are free to travel and spread.

22 ( +45 / -23 )

Posted in: Japanese actress Haruka Ayase hospitalized for COVID-19 See in context

No wonder she was promptly hospitalized. Some lives are more important than others right.

26 ( +33 / -7 )

Posted in: Lack of blood from cancelled Comiket contributing to donation shortage in Japan See in context

I wish they allow us europeans to donate, as long as no mad cow-related issues have ever been proven to exist.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Shinrin-Yoku: The Japanese art of forest bathing See in context

That shinrin yoku may serve you to recover from the 2 hours (more?) hateful trip needed to finally see some green emerge from the Tokyo-crete scene...but you'll be pissed off again as soon as you enter the - overly crowded!! - woods, you know...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo coronavirus cases hit record daily high of 224; 80% in their 20s, 30s See in context

These numbers are not helpful if cannot be compared with the number of tests that have been carried out.

Does anybody know where we can check how many tests are performed daily?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Posted in: Mandatory charging for plastic shopping bags starts in Japan See in context

Plastic shopping bags are combustible and do no harm to marine.  It is from neighboring countries that are reaching Japan's coasts

Yes, because polluting the air is harmless, right? Especially burning plastics that release dioxins that deposit on the crops that you eat.

Anyways, the charge on plastic bags is a (late) start but makers should invest much more in bio-materials and customers should start to use those "maibaggu" that buy abroad and then leave on a shelf to take dust.

Hopefully the new generations will understand, but I expect older ones to prefer to pay those few yens for their own convenience.

Another huge issue is the plastic transparent bags used at the supermarkets, I believe they are excepted from the charge. Even though I always tell the cashier to avoid wrapping fruits and veggies in plastic bags they keep using the transparent bags, like they're not recognized as being plastic, and if I give them back they throw them away: who taught you civil education??

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Posted in: Man arrested for filming up woman’s skirt on train platform See in context

Glad to hear that after the coronavirus everything is back to normal.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan baseball season starts Friday night without fans See in context

I am sure that all those panels are fully recyclable. Ah no...

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan official to Kardashian West: Kimono belongs to Japan See in context

What is he waiting for to claim back the four seasons as well? They naturally belong only to Japan...!!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese comedian baffles, amazes judges on 'America’s Got Talent' with weird dance, Japanese humor See in context

Ridiculous, embarrassing, unskillful. Like most comedians here, has the sense of humor of a 6 yo child.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Posted in: Osaka takoyaki seller found guilty of ¥130 million tax evasion See in context


In her best sales year she made 240.000.000 yen (240 millions yen).

That means an average of 657.000 yen per day. That in euros is 5100€, in dollars 5800$. Per day.

I'm going to buy a truck and some takoyaki flour. And, I promise, I will pay taxes...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Osaka takoyaki seller found guilty of ¥130 million tax evasion See in context

How could you even make an average of 110 million yen per year selling takoyaki...?...

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Plastic piling up in Japan after China waste import ban See in context

The Japanese ministry said it will expand domestic capacity to process plastic waste, while also preventing illegal dumping.

This should just be an emergency measure for the time being.

I'd like them to start from the roots of plastic waste issue, to be said decrease its usage from the industry and mostly start a campaign that instructs people about waste issues, there's such a lack of self consciousness, superficiality.

Plastic bags are definitely a plague here...a massive step might be to introduce biodegradable ones (why not here yet!?), and the next step is to bring your eco bag with you, that would be the plastic bag death.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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