Posted in: US church creates stir with gay exorcism video See in context
I meant to say " where is the transition between them and us"
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Posted in: US church creates stir with gay exorcism video See in context
fatfrenchfool.... You obiviously didn't take a an unbiased approach. In his dvd "The Case for the Creator" he makes it very clear, and I agree 100% with inteligent design. Do you truly feel all this is by pure chance? In his other dvd "The Case for Christ" he explains how so many different historians acknowledge the fact that Jesus was real, they just called him a magician. Can you explain that? Why would his disiples choose to be tortured, stoned, beheaded, and put to death, when at one point, they didn't even really believe him, until they saw him ressurected. Read the books, check out all the history. It's all right there. As far as Evolution, can you honestly say that you came from an Ape, when is the transition between them and us? I'm pretty sure that we don't just pop out of monkeys and apes. I never said I agreed with everything that he said, but he sure helped me in my search for the truth. I also looked with an unbiased eye, as I recommend you do.
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Posted in: US church creates stir with gay exorcism video See in context
It seems to me that most people here don't believe in GOD. That is truly amazing to me. How can that be so? I thnink most people try to judge or create an opinion without even looking for the abundance of evidence that there is, all you have to do is look. I wasn't always a Christian, but through research and study, have found that it would take more faith to be an Ahiest than a Christian. Lee Strobel was somebody that helped me with a lot of the material I needed to look at and study. Atleast take a look and do the research and then make an opinion, if you already have done that, and choose not to believe, then that's fine. Atleast you made the effort to look for the truth.
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Posted in: US church creates stir with gay exorcism video See in context
I don't really know what to say about all this. It seems pretty crazy. I don't agree with homosexuality at all, but this is uncalled for. I believe Jesus Christ as our lord a savior, 100% but, I would never do this. Nobody really has the right to say my religion is crazy, I don't say that to non-believers. Many of my friends are non-believers, but we are still friends. Who am I to judge anybody else? That is GOD'S job.
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Posted in: Hawker's family to visit Japan on 2nd anniversary of her murder See in context
This is the best they can do? How can nine police officers let a bare-footed suspect run away from them? These cops seem to me to be a joke. I wonder what kind of training these cops go through. Dont they have to stay in shape? The guy ran completey bare-footed and still managed to get away. So, what your telling me is that none of the nine police officers could catch up with him? Mark McCracken- I completely agree with you.
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Posted in: Japan goes up in marijuana smoke See in context
I understand how non-smokers feel about the tabacco smoking issue. I am one of those non-smokers. But, When was the last time you got second hand smoke from MJ? MJ smokers do it in the privacy of their own homes(the smarter ones anyway). Tabacco is way more harmful and destructive than MJ. MJ is in no way addictive, it may be habit forming but by no means addictive, on the other hand, tabacco is both addictive and habit forming. Same goes with alcohol.
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Posted in: Japan goes up in marijuana smoke See in context
lmao, This has got to be a joke. I truely can not understand the logic behind the views of alcohol and marijuana. How can it be possible to compare alcohol and marijuana and the conclusion come to be that alcohol is a much better and more accepted thing to do? What is wrong with this picture? And, to top it all off, as bad as things are in japan and the rest of the world. how can this be a top priority? What about all the suicides,the economy, the issues with the hospitals, these are all way more important issues than marijuana. This is just silly!!
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Posted in: What do you think about shotgun weddings? See in context
I think it's a horrible idea. IMO it will just cause more problems in the long run. You can still be there as a father even though you don't actually live there. Nothing should ever be forced!!
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And yet a former politician rapes a 12-year-old schoolgirl and gets a suspended sentence.
Posted in: Man sentenced to life in prison for raping 10 elementary school girls
Yeah, but you're wrong. Stay away from those who appear troubled. That's most people.
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide
Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide