Japan Today

Fred Wohosky comments

Posted in: How come Japan has never demanded an official apology from any U.S. government for the dropping of atomic bombs on two of its cities? In fact, why don't Japanese hate America for dropping the bombs? See in context

The Japanese are a tenacious and doggedly proud people even more so during the war. They are guilty of unspeakable atrocities perpetrated on the civilian populations they invaded. As a child I was present when my father made recordings, which I have in my possession, in 1950 of our Filipina housegirl at Clark AB talking about the invasion of the Philippines and how the Filipino people were treated. Beheadings, bayoneting of infants, locking people in churches and burning them alive. The Japanese were silent for 60 years after the war because of their shame, and that is at least one of the reasons. They asked for it, they deserved it, and they got it. After the war, the President of the Philippines whose wife and children were murdered by Japanese soldiers had the heart to to forgive them and so do I. It had been determined then that the war would continue for an indeterminate amount of time... we will never know if that evaluation would have proven true. The only truth is that dropping the bombs ended it, just like this story should end.

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