Japan Today

FreeInJapan comments

Posted in: Microsoft hopes 'Titanfall' can boost Xbox One See in context

nateinjapan - I had already taken a chance and pre-ordered it, but was able to spend a good amount of time with it in the Beta for Xbox One and I was definitely glad I chose to purchase it. Only regret is that I went with a retail copy instead of Digital download, but only because I could have started playing it earlier! Just got the delivery notice this morning though, so I know what I'll be doing tonight! :) Also, it's available on PC as well if you'd like to play before getting an Xbox One. It's a larger install (almost 50 GB) but only because the PC version installs with uncompressed audio so it can run on minimum spec PC's with no issue. It works very well from what I understand, although I've seen there have been some issues with Origin (published by EA so has to be purchased for PC through Origin of course).

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Posted in: Microsoft hopes 'Titanfall' can boost Xbox One See in context

Nenad... have you actually tried it? Everyone will have thier own opinions, of course, but I'd say "a joke of a game" is a bit strong, especially considering the consistenly high reviews it has recieved so far. Anyway, having played the Beta myself I absolutely love this game and can't wait for my retail copy to be delivered! It's a refreshing take on FPS that adds several new concepts that are executed well... I haven't had this much fun in an FPS since I can't remember when. Also, I'm happy to see how well it's taking advantage of the Azure servers and what it can mean for the future of gaming as a whole for developers. Respawn has essentially shown just what Microsoft's server farm is capable of (minor hiccups alongt the way of course but they were resolved quickly), and I really do think that will give developers much more freedom and incentive to move away from Publisher owned dedicated servers. I think in the next few years the Azure cloud solution will be stantard for PC and Xbox gaming, and Sony will likely move to provide their own solution as well to try and match it. That will be great for both competition and continuing to move Cloud technology forward. It's a great time to be a gamer! :)

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Posted in: Microsoft sells over a million Xbox Ones in under 24 hours See in context

Mine was finally delivered last night after an unfortunate delay (thanks DHL), and all I can say is... no regrets! I've been looking forward to this system for a long time, and so far it's living up to expectations. I have not had any hands on the PS4 so I can't really give any comparison, but out of the two next-gen consoles only the Xbox One appealed to me. That's just a personal preference though, as I've always found the Xbox experience more satisfying somehow.

Regardless of the misinformation that's been thrown out all over the net, the Xbox One was done with gaming very much in mind. It's also capable of doing so much more (part of what appeals to me since my family and I use the consoles for more than just gaming). Wait until you get a chance to have some hands on experience with the PS4 and Xbox One before you make any judgements on either console, they're both fantastic systems. I'm really looking forward to how they evolve over the next 10 or so years.

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Posted in: A Japanese government advisory panel has proposed lowering the adult age to 18 from 20. What do you think about it? See in context

As a person who has already been drinking in Japan since the age of 18 (albeit, as a gaijin, not that it matters), I see this as more of a ploy to further pad the conviction rate... think about it, a higher conviction rate for all the juniors that break the law under 20, slam dunk to make everyone think the Japanese legal system is effective.

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Posted in: Driver who hit and killed 3 nurses to face lighter charge of involuntary manslaughter See in context

Sorry, but the sentence "hit three nurses while they were waiting at a crossing" implies that they were on the sidewalk. If that's the case, whether he intentionally missed the traffic signal or not is only one factor, how about the fact that he WENT OFF THE ROAD!?!

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Posted in: Man found dead on grounds of Defense Agency See in context

Something tells me this poor guy was probably having problems before he started, and perhaps his first week just pushed him over the edge, literally... sad.

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Posted in: 'Sakura police' unit targets crimes of indecency against minors and women See in context

@Tahoochi - don't worry, I'm sure they probably WILL report zero incidents! That way it can look like it's actually effective...

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Posted in: N Korea warns airlines, ships of preparation for satellite launch See in context

Yelnats - Will never happen. They don't need to concentrate on feeding their own people, because we do it for them. Actually, we give them the food to feed their people but instead they give it to their Armed Forces.. and we let them do that too. Isn't it amazing how such a backwards country claims that they can't afford to feed their own people but somehow CAN afford to build and launch missiles/"satellites"?? Nothing new though, that little dwarf has been getting away with saying one thing and doing something completely different for way too long. Because we let him, of course...

And by "We", I mean the International Community.

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Posted in: Microsoft to let PC users turn off IE web browser See in context

Likeitis - zzzzzzzz... oh, wha...? Sorry, I dozed off when I realized you were just saying the same thing over and over again, regardless of what actual information is introduced by others. You want to continue to selectively apply your logic, and that's fine, just don't be upset when people stop taking you seriously because you make it too obvious that you don't actually know what you're ranting about.

@Yasashihito - Yeah, I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone like you jumped out with the "crashes, like, every 2 seconds man!" comment. I guess the horrid "instability" of all things Microsoft explains why Windows holds over 88% of the market share, to include the PRIMARY OS of all major businesses, globally. Because, you know, non-innovative, buggy, unstable software that crashes "every 2 seconds" as you claim is what's required to keep big bussiness going around the world. Wait, then again, considering today's economy my sarcastic statement could almost be true... ouch. Anyway, if you need something more to say, go back and refer to your trusty Macworld magazine for more baseless one liners about how bad Microsoft is. After all, Apple has to be the know all end all on all "true" things about Microsoft right? I hope one day you will be able to have an original thought, seriously, I do.

Well, this ride is obviously just gonna keep going round and round... starting to make me dizzy. Time to jump off and do something worthwhile.

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Posted in: Man arrested for killing boss on Kanagawa beach See in context

No DUI charge for driving to the police station after drinking? And it must not have been a very successful business, seeing as how they were both living in a car and the guy was firing his only employee. I also wonder, who's car was it? Possible Auto-Theft charge to follow? D'oh!

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Posted in: 40 fans chosen for chartered flight with Tom Cruise See in context

@likeitis - He's got plenty of reasons for taking the role! 60 million of them! (his average paycheck per movie...) ;D

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Posted in: Microsoft to let PC users turn off IE web browser See in context

@Likeitis - Well, so sorry to be a "pest". I guess it must be frustrating for you to have someone constantly provide fact to your desperate fiction.

"They are providing people with a product that is not necessary for an OS to have. Its not even a basic version, but rather their best."

Wait... I just laughed so hard I almost wet myself again! Seriously, you've gotta stop this, I'm running out of clean underwear! Ok, so by this statement, I take it that you're getting Operating Systems confused with Web Browsers... there are no BASIC versions of IE, or any other browser that I know of. It's not Vista, there is no Basic, Premium or Ultimate. There are simply versions, just like FireFox and Safari.

"How many people are going to go out and pay money for a second browser when they have already paid for a top-end browser bundled with Windows?"

If you are paying money for any browser, then I have a few things of my own I'd like to sell you! What browsers, specifically, are you talking about having to pay for? Considering that the only ones I know of worth mentioning are all free, the only way your statement would make sense is if the user had to go out and buy physical media that contained the browser installation. Alternatively, they could simply use the included IE web browser to download the browser of their choice for, what a shocker, free. Then they can simply forget about IE, not all that difficult. If you had your way and Windows was shipped without any browser at all, any cost saved on Windows would be spent on having to go out/order, and purchase the physical media. Wow, what a step backwards... isn't the whole point of technology to continue moving forward? And if most users don't want to take the time to look for other browsers, whose fault is that? I would say the other browsers need to increase their efforts to advertise their product and make it more appealing, just like every single other consumer product. THAT seems fair, and just plain common sense.

"What I said was that their market share of the OS market is not like that of MS." -Of course not, considering the fact that Apple primarily focuses on the home user and is not considered proficient enough for business use, and that Microsoft markets itself to both home and business very well, it's very easy to see why Microsoft has such an edge.

"And you are accusing me of not understanding tech??" -Since I'm typing and not talking, I'm fairly certain I didn't studder... would it be better for you if I said "With the more you write, the more clear it becomes that you don't have a complete grasp on things that are technical."?

Part of what Microsoft argued in the Antitrust case against them in the U.S. was that IE has actually become an integrated part of the Windows OS, which was done for numerous reasons (supposedly to enhance the experience of the user and make it available for free among them). Therefore they argued that it's not actually "bundelled" with Windows, it is PART of Windows. Who are you to say they should have to re-engineer their OS? Part of the settlement they made with the DOJ is that they would open their API's to 3rd parties, allowing competitors to make their products work just as efficiently with Windows as Internet Explorer, or as in some cases MORE efficiently. Forgive me, but I still fail to see how this is unfair...

And by the way, "Those companies don't make phones." - Really? So, what's up with the insanely high price of handsets that supposedly are used to cover the cost of research and development of... phones? Also, did you know that Mac's are essentially 3rd party hardware stuck inside shiny white boxes? Well, maybe not so cut and dry I'll admit, but for the most part true. They hardly build their products "from the ground up". As for our iPhone/Touch argument, it actually IS opened up for developers outside of Apple... that is, to a point. You see, while Apple allows 3rd parties to create Apps compatible with these devices for sale/distrobution through the iTunes App Store, they are not allowed to make use of the actual deep level stuff that could allow the App to compete with actual iPhone features/applications. Kinda starting to sound like your "evil" Microsoft, isn't it? I brought up the Psystar vs Apple because, well, you asked me to provide you with an example. I never said that Psystar was 100% in the right, but you can't deny they have at least in some small way a valid point about Apple's own monopolizing practices. That is, if you're willing to concede that Apple and every one else should have to play by the same rules Microsoft does, but something tells me you won't be.

Well, I'm sure there's plenty more we could go tit-for-tat on, but to be honest I'm starting to get a little bored as in the end it's more futile than anything. Everyone needs a villain, and yours is apparently Microsoft, even though you admittedly continue to use their "high quality" product that you hate so much. But before I sign off, I just have to make one last comment... If IE is really wasting so much space on your hard drive, might I recommend that you upgrade your PC? You see, PC's nowadays have these spiffy new Hard Drives that hold whole Gigabytes of data...

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Posted in: Microsoft to let PC users turn off IE web browser See in context

Likeitis - Well, I suppose since you so clearly don't care for Windows, you could probably start with your user account... ;-D

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Posted in: Microsoft to let PC users turn off IE web browser See in context

@likeitis - You don't ride bandwagons? Ok, my mistake even though I'm fairly sure I just saw you cruise by on one... and the only thing "unique" about your opinion on this matter is that it seems, at least to me, that it's full of contradictions to the argument you're trying to make. The most apparent thing I can gather from trying to make heads or tails of any point you put forward is in actuallity you know little about technology, or are unable to convey your opinion in a way that I can understand. Which is ok for me, I'm sure neither of us will lose sleep over the other's unwillingness to change our minds. Of course, that won't stop me from pointing out a few flaws that I see in your logic:

You said that the nature of an OS is to run programs designed to run on it. Ok, in a pretty watered down and basic way, that stands true. Your point gets lost after that though. What exactly are they "picking and choosing to be fair about?" I'd like to see you post some actual facts not just generic comments that don't actually say anything. What rules specifically are you referring too? The ones you claim they are ignoring in order to keep the playing field unfair... And companies aren't allowed to give their own products special consideration any more? Wow, that's a stupid rule... I guess by your logic I can go tell AU that they have to let me use a DoCoMo phone on their network now, right? Sweet, DoCoMo phones are cooler! No wonder companies are failing left and right! They must have found out they had to promote everyone elses' product over their own!!

Yes, it is a fact that MS does not currently bundle Windows with competing web browsers. Here's another fact: WINDOWS IS COMPATIBLE WITH ALL COMPETING WEB BROWSERS!! They also in no way prevent customers who buy Windows from selecting the web browser of their choice and using it as the DEFAULT web browser. Total epiphany, I know... I only just figured that out myself years ago. The fact that MS allows this makes it a pretty fair playing field in my book. Now if they didn't allow competing web browsers to be compatible with Windows OS's, THEN I could understand people complaining of a monopoly. But alas, no matter how much you and others like you wish it were true, it's not and that leaves you grasping for straws to find something to call MS on.

Let's move on to how you think it's different for Apple because they make their product from "the ground up." That was so funny I think a little pee came out... What do you suppose Microsoft did? Do you think they just found Windows on some abandoned shelf and decided to polish it up a bit before selling it as their own??? So again, I pose the question why is it different for them and not Microsoft? And Apple doesn't have a big enough market share to be considered one of the big boys? Did you tell them that? I bet they, and a rather large fan base, might disagree with you there. I also didn't know all these products that have been coming out for years were lying about being compatible with Apple OSX because Apple hadn't decided to be compatible with other products yet. Well, according to you anyway. And even if your comment about only Microsoft being big enough to worry about a monopoly remotely rang true, are you saying that it's ok to whine/complain/cheat on the playing field as long as you're smaller than the opposing team?

What next? Ah, that's right, you felt that I couldn't fairly compare PC markets with hand-held devices like smartphones and music players. Guess what a smartphone is... it's a device that has a processor, memory, storage device, and an OS. Wow, that's a PC!! Sure, it's not as powerful, but neither is a Netbook. As a matter of fact, smartphones are commonly referred to as miniature computers that have phone capability. My comparison stands true. And just to educate you a bit further, the compatibility of smartphones are why they are so popular. For example, did you know that you can RDP into your Windows PC from your iPhone? If that's not compatibility then I don't know what is. I still find it funny how no one can intelligently counter my case that Safari being the only allowed Web Browser on the iPhone/Touch products being a monopoly, by your loose definition of the word.

You asked me to prove that Apple sued anyone over the use of OSX. Do a search for Apple vs Psystar, and you will also come accross Psystar vs Apple (for which Psystar says Apple is unfairly leveraging it's copyright by binding Mac OSX to Mac hardware). My point? Proven yet again. Yours? Still waiting...

One last tid bit for the technologically un-educated: Did you know that IE is actually BUILT IN to Windows? You see, there are a number of applications that depend on libraries installed by IE, and by uninstalling those applications could fail to function (like the help and support system) and result in system stability. Not only that, but in versions prior to Vista, Windows Update could not run without IE because other web browsers don't support ActiveX. This ability to "turn off" IE is in all actuality leaving the core essentials and just removing the executable.

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Posted in: Microsoft to let PC users turn off IE web browser See in context

@ebisen - All OS's have their strong points, including Linux. Apple OSX is geared toward the less tech-savy (although many enthusiests use it as well) and multi-media market. Microsoft Windows tends to be for everyone from the basic newb to hardcore enthusiest and can support many roles. Linux can be considered just as capable as well, however, even with recent strides in making it more user-friendly it's still not as friendly as OSX or Windows. Many cool things can be done with Linux but it also requires much more know-how than your average consumer is going to be willing to learn, especially when most of them just want to surf the internet, watch a movie or play a game or two...

It should also be noted that Microsoft has been taking steps lately to foster relationships/take part in development and reasearch with open source. They're looking to increase compatibility with Linux.

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Posted in: Microsoft to let PC users turn off IE web browser See in context

@glaspar - You make some very good points and make plenty of sense, but I can't exactly agree with everything you said. While admittedly, Microsoft has been known in the past to be fairly tough on the "little guy", mostly through intimidation and many times just buying up new technologies and companies before they took off, they've changed their ways quite a bit. I'd also hardly call that a monopoly, more like it's just business. If Microsoft were trying to keep other browsers off the playing field, then why would they allow the competition to be compatible with Windows in the first place? An interesting fact, the first public version of Opera (1996) ran ONLY on Windows. It was also trialware and had to be purchased after the trial period ended. Then in 2000 it did away with that requirement (the same year they went multi-OS/platform) and became ad-sponsored, which meant users who had not paid got advertisements displayed whenever they used it. That stayed in effect until 2005. I would argue that this is a major factor in what put Opera behind most other web-browsers, not that Microsoft had an unfair advantage by "underhandedly" packaging their own browser whith their own OS, while simultaneously allowing competing browsers to operate on said OS (even with the option of setting that competing browser as the default, by the way). On the mobile devices playing field, Opera has flourished, including on Windows Mobile operating systems. No intervention from MS that I know of to take that market away from them...

Opera's failing was not properly promoting their product in a timely fashion, nothing more.

You're spot on with why MS and Apple are so successful, each have their particular strengths and cater to their own user base. I also like seeing that users will have the option of switching off IE and Media Player, although I don't see it as necessary. Truth be told, users have had the ability to remove unwanted features/functions from Windows for quite some time now, simply by slipstreaming an installation disk. Of course it requires a bit of know how, but it's becoming more and more of a user friendly process with applications like nLite(for XP) and vLite(for Vista).

I also wonder how some people that complain about getting IE with Windows when they want a different browser... how exactly do they intend to download their browser of choice if they have no browser-client to connect to the internet in the first place? LOL...

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Posted in: Microsoft to let PC users turn off IE web browser See in context

@cleo - Nope, it's not difficult at all. But that won't stop the haters from bashing simply for the sake of bashing. Also, you might want to check and see just how new your Mac is if it's coming with IE installed, seeing as how Microsoft stopped supporting IE for Mac in 2005 and pulled it from their Macintosh downloads site in early 2006... ;D

And FYI for any of the MS haters, when they pulled IE for Mac they recommended "that Macintosh users migrate to more recent web browsing technologies such as Apple's Safari." Wait... Microsoft recommended a competitors browser!?! How uncompetitive of them!!!

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Posted in: Microsoft to let PC users turn off IE web browser See in context

@likeitis - are you actually being serious? Do you actually believe the words you're typing? I see, way easier to jump on the bandwagon and do the popular MS-bashing instead of actually forming your own opinion. You must be a Mac...

First off, of course the cost of developing and maintaining IE is made up through other products and services. Why would that suprise you? It's no different than how other Browser developers make up costs through other means, be it adding it to other products or making profit through integrated advertising. That's just business, duh. If other browser makers couldn't efficiently defray the costs then they wouldn't be in business.

Let's be honest, the whole reason Opera started their little hissy fit is solely because they couldn't think of any other way to try and keep their crap product alive. They started being outshined by the competition years ago, simply because they couldn't compete. Not because Microsoft has an "unfair monopoly" by packaging their own products together... wait, a company wants to sell their own product with more of their own products? The horror!! Since when did that become illegal? Since outdated companies lost the ability to be innovative anywhere other than the court room, that's when. Opera's only true market is with smartphones now, they should stick to it and shut up.

It always makes me shake my head to see how the "Microsoft has a monopoly!!" argument stays so primarily one sided. Think about it, why isn't anyone going after Apple for installing Safari with OSX? Or even better, how is the fact that the ONLY browser that can be used on an iPhone or iPod Touch is Safari... why is THAT not considered a monopoly? Isn't that anti-competitive by these standards? Taking it even further, how about the fact that Apple sues any company that tries to sell any non-MAC PC's loaded with OSX. Oh, I forgot, when other companies do it it's ok because they are not Microsoft...

Plain and simple, stupid litigation like this only serves to stifle competition, not promote it. All browsers have their strong points and weaknesses, that's why they continue to progress and try and out shine the competition with each new version. If you want to compete with the big boys, learn how to play, don't go crying to mommy and daddy just because you don't know how.

Well, at least Microsoft is taking the high road and accomodating most of the little whiners.

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Posted in: Work-life balance more important than ever See in context

TJrandom - from what I can gather from your comments, it would seem that your "management" style will be more of a factor in your company failing than your staff wanting to have enough work/life balance, that could possibly go along way in preventing them from becoming another burned out salary man.

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Posted in: Taliban cement hard-line law after truce in Pakistan region See in context

@WilliB - Sorry, but I don't see your point. The fact that we didn't wait and finish the job in Afghanistan in the first place before moving on to Iraq, and subsequently fighting two wars at once, plays a major role in why so many Taliban were able to take refuge in Pakistan and setup shop.

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Posted in: Kochi government worker arrested for stalking woman See in context

@Tezbo - LOL, right on!! What the heck, suspended sentences all around!!

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Posted in: Bag with Y1 million snatched from woman 50 meters from Osaka police station See in context

"The victim told police the two men were in their 30s and wore blue clothes."... sounds like uniformed J-Cops!! Case closed! =P

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Posted in: Ryoko Yonekura takes a bullet in 'The Negotiator' See in context

Uh, actually Eiddie Murphy was a negotiator in "Metro"...

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Posted in: Microsoft streamlines Windows 7 options See in context

Notginger, that's what the MUI is for (Multilingual User Interface).

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Posted in: Man shoots woman and her father in Tochigi See in context

From Wikipedia:

In Japan, airsoft guns are legal, but may not shoot with a muzzle energy above 0.98 joules. Legal requirements are set on airsoft model manufacturers to prevent any possibility of a replica weapon being converted into an actual firearm. Standards include (but are not limited to) use of low-melting point metals and non-ballistic plastics in structural components and incompatibility of mechanical components with actual firearm components and mechanisms. The overall litmus test used by the Japanese National Police Authority is whether the replica weapon can be made to chamber and fire an actual round of ammunition. These standards have proven successful within Japan, as it has been found that criminal elements discovered that it is significantly easier to purchase an actual illegal weapon in comparison to modifying a comparatively fragile replica into a functional firearm. Due to this reality, most crimes involving a threat of physical violence are often perpetrated with edged weapons, as firearms seen in public are (by default) believed to be toys by the public at large.

I've only been able to play once so far here in Japan, but even at 0.98 joules it can definitely sting and as one poster commented already it can actually break skin, as in leaves a scratch and a bit of a welt. If it truly was a modified airgun that was used then I'd have a hard time believing that the injuries were life-threatening...

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Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting U.S. Marine in Kanagawa See in context

Man, this article made my day!! I mean, all I can say to you US Military bashers is.... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Enjoy the process of trying to justify this j-knucklehead's actions, haven't seen anything convincing so far.

Good on this young Marine, it just goes to show you how much dicipline the Marines instill in them when going through basic. I also think it's worth noting, just to rub it in the US bashers faces as well, that since the new carrier arrived at Yokosuka Naval Base I can't recall once incident being reported in the news. Shocker huh? Hahahahahaha....

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Posted in: Windows 7 beta available worldwide See in context

Well, considering that I've heard nothing but good things (even from the Pre Beta!) from people trying Windows 7 Beta so far, I'm looking forward to loading it up tonight and finally seeing for myself! FYI, after the initial problems with Microsoft's servers being overloaded they've resolved the issue as of this morning and you can now download your copy of the Public Beta and get a Product Key.

Also, for anyone experiencing issues with Vista, I highly recommend going to www.maximumpc.com and going through some of the Vista customization tutorials. It's ok if you're just a regular user, they are very detailed, go step-by-step and explaing pretty much everything and why you're doing it. Give it a shot and I'll bet your Vista experience gets better.

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Posted in: Two men rob Osaka taxi driver See in context

Not related??? That's just stupid... I guess the J-cops think the rash of Taxi robberies has been caused by one person then? I already knew it but this just confirms the J-cops won't be solving most of these cases anytime soon.

Ok, it's not related, it's just "inspired by"...

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Posted in: Windows 7 beta available worldwide See in context

Even though the Windows 7 pre-beta and beta's have been leaked in bitTorrent for weeks now, I've been waiting for this to see if people have had any issues... hear nothing but good things so far and looking forward to trying this out.

Looks like I've got something to geek out on over the long weekend...

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Posted in: What do you think of the government's plan to give a Y12,000 cash handout to members of the public in an effort to stimulate the economy? See in context

Just a quick point, but other information I've read on this says they propose to give ¥12,000 per family member, plus an additional ¥8,000 proposed for dependents aged 18 and younger, or over 60 years of age (if I recall correctly).

Granted, I agree that this money could be better spent... but on the other hand I'm not one to turn down money (especially since it's money I've already paid in taxes), and if I recieve ¥12,000 per family member plus and additional ¥8,000 for each kid then I'm looking at a decent chunk of change. Of course I'll be packing some of that away in savings but it will also provide a little extra spending money as well.

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