Posted in: U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq: auditors See in context
Doesn't matter. Iraqis would be forced to pay for U.S. war efforts in their country with long term oil revenues.
Why ??? Iraqis didn't ask America to invade. Isn't it clear for you now that this wasn't a war, but a huge US profitable business ? ( well, it's rather Bush & Co.'s profitable business)
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Posted in: Debate grows over keeping troops in Iraq See in context
This was a massive waste of money and lives. < :-)
Yes indeed... for the American Tax payers. But this war was a huge profitable business for the Weapon industry, The Financial Corp. (e.g. Rockfeller) and Jewish lobbystes & Israel.
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Posted in: France declares war against al-Qaida See in context
Actually, no media in France talk about this "War against A.Q." anymore.
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Posted in: France declares war against al-Qaida See in context
fishy - As I said, it's just Sarkozy's stage performance. He has a big problem with Woerth-Bettencourt case. He wants the people to talk about something else. In a few weeks, he won't talk about the "War against A.Q." anymore.
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Posted in: France declares war against al-Qaida See in context
starting war for political reasons.. what an idiot Sarkozy.. shame on you.
All the wars were started for political reasons.
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Posted in: France declares war against al-Qaida See in context
Don't get fooled. Sarkozy has too many problems, so he wants the people's attention to be outside of the country. Also, he wanted to rescue the hostage in a secret mission, but it failed.Now he has no choice than to perform the revenger. 2 birds with one stone thing...
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Posted in: US braces for blowback over Afghan war disclosures See in context
Then why is Obama sending even more U.S. troops there?
Because Obama was elected with the big help of the same people who backed Bush.
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Posted in: Chavez warns of U.S. oil cutoff in Colombia dispute See in context
China, Japan, India or even European countries would be pleased to buy Venezuelian oil. The US is not the only buyer. If Chavez offers a few dollars discount par barrel, he wouldn't have any problem to sell his oil.
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Posted in: U.S. Embassy tops list of unpaid London traffic toll fees See in context
This is the typical American Arrogance mentality. They think they can do anything in the foreign countries. Because they still believe the illusion of the "American surpremacy".
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Posted in: Abbas calls on Obama to impose Mideast peace deal See in context
Obama's foreign policy is not very different from Bush's one, as he is backed by the same people. (Jewish lobby, Financial Corp., Weapon Industry Complex etc.) America will support Israel in any case.
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Posted in: Toyota hit with $16 mil fine over recalls in U.S. See in context
People Died and others were injured in crashes due to this problem.
These accidents were not proven due to this problem. It's still under investigation, and some of them were clearly the driver's fault.
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Posted in: U.S. demands Israel cancel Jerusalem building plan See in context
Kinniku - One more post for clarity. Again, the above quote is a fabrication. It is not true. It did not happen.
It's only your affirmation. You are the only one here who say the contrary. So I think you know nothing about it but you just want to defend Israel, or you know that it's true, but you pretend that it's not true to spread the propaganda for Israel. Or you just make the thing up, as usual, to justify your imagination. Anyway, I never read the denial from Israel about this article. If you have any proof of your affirmation, please bring it to us. ( Not a made up affirmation) You are very welcome.
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Posted in: U.S. demands Israel cancel Jerusalem building plan See in context
@Damien15 - This is what Sharon said.
On October 3, 2001, I.A.P. News reported that according to Israel Radio (in Hebrew) Kol Yisrael an acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres. Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and "turn the US against us. "Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."
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Posted in: UK makes Abbey Road Studios a historic building See in context
I took a picture in front of the studio, like The Beatles' album "Abbey Road", crossing the street (^^)
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Posted in: In Dubai attack, signs of Mossad shadow war See in context
Doubtlessly, most of it has nothing to do with Israel or Mossad.
Peple who trust Israel blib dly like you make Israel to act with impunity. I know that you are a vehement Israel supporter, often without reason, but it doesn't help Israel to be a real democratic nation. Many jewish people ( like "Jewish voice for peace") are more realistic and very critical about actual Israel regime.
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Posted in: In Dubai attack, signs of Mossad shadow war See in context
The european medias are convinced of the guiltiness of Mossad, as obviously, British, German, French and Irish secret agencies knows exactly what happened. The governments of those countries convoked their Israeli representatives to have the explanation about the incident.
It must be a highly skilled group who could make the real-fake electronic passport of those different contries. And it's only the Israeli agancy that could steal the identities of 5 Israeli citizens for those passports.
Even the most of Israeli media and Israeli people accuse Mossad to be involved in this assasination.
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Posted in: Tony Blair faces grilling on Iraq war See in context
At least, U.K dared to question Blair, while Bush is living comfortably at his ranch. (probably listening to this news...)
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Posted in: Mazda i-stop Wins 2010 RJC Technology of the Year Award See in context
It's a good technology, until all the cars become electric.
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Posted in: French, Afghan troops push into hostile valley See in context
Don't misunderstand the fact. The French troops are acting as the member of NATO. They are fighting since the day one with the other members of NATO. The NATO allies are fighting against Taliban.
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Posted in: Five 9/11 suspects to be tried near World Trade Center site See in context
They are still the suspects. There is no proof that they are actually guilty, yet. And if there were any clear evidence of their guiltiness, they wouldn't have kept them in Guantanamo without sentence.
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Posted in: Passports linked to 9/11 found along Afghan border See in context
I think "Someone" wants to give a good excuse to send more US troops to Afghanistan. If Americans hear this story, they would agree to enforce the military presence in Afghanistan. Is this "Someone" CIA... or Mossad...
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Posted in: Netanyahu: No war crimes trials for Israelis See in context
In your comment, you always play with the words. (like your "What if" game) Your comment is always the critics about the other posters and I don't see your own opinion.
What do you mean by "your lack of comment of any close looks at Hamas behaviour and of the possibility of war crimes on the part of Hamas soldiers." ? Did you read the caption?
Netanyau says "No war crimes trials for Israelis".
My comment is "we need to have a close look in the possibility of war crime by the Israeli soldiers and judge them" What else do you want ? When I say "we", it's of course I meant the UN. What do you expect ?
Don't try to change the subject by expanding the point. That's what you do always to scramble the points. For me, what you write doesn't make much sense on this issue. I don't see any of your comment about what Netanyahu said. You just trip up the other poster's comment. Maybe you want to show that you know a lot of things, but when it's irrelevant, it's irrelevant. (or maybe it's relevant like when the butterfly wings in Brazil, there is a storm in Europe...) Don't try to justify yourself by writing unneccessary long comments. Short precise, relevant comments are always the best.
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Posted in: Netanyahu: No war crimes trials for Israelis See in context
Kinniku I am suggesting that we need to have a close look in the possibility of war crime by the Israeli soldiers and judge them, in spite of what Netanyau claims. We are talking about the war crime in Gaza perpetrated by Israel, not about the getting back the territory or the good relationship between Israel and Egypt or Jordan.
Of course I would disagree with the statement that Israel can do whatever it wants. I also disagree with calling anyone that disagrees with Israeli policy an antisemite. However, you will admit that many that claim to disagree with Israeli policy are actually anti-semites.
I wanted to point out that there are actually many Jews who disagree with Israeli policy. And I don't think they are anti-semites, like you affirm.
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Posted in: Netanyahu: No war crimes trials for Israelis See in context
The Israeli government is one of the most rogue administration. Even the many non israeli and israeli jews are against its policy. You can find many sites like "jewish voice for peace" that asks the action against Israeli government. I used to hate Bush US government, but I didn't hate Americans. I have two jewish friends and they hate what Israeli government does, too. (They are not israeli) Many posters here mix up the Israeli government and Jews. Most of us hate Israeli government and it's policy but not Jews (who are not neccessarilly israeli). So anti-Israeli government isn't anti-Semitic.
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Posted in: American commander: U.S. on the road out of Iraq See in context
BobbieWickham - Iraq has been liberated just as Vietnam was.
You mean "devastated" ?
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Posted in: Calley apologizes for Vietnam massacre See in context
If you read the history of the Vietnam War, you would know that this was not the only atrocity that US soldiers made. The rape of the village women were un ordinary activity of the US troops in Vietmam. This My Lai case is one of the worst massacre, but there was My Khe massacre of 90 people as well. What thay don't say, is that the most of the soldiers didn't participate the killings, although they didn't try to stop them neither. They were just watching the raping and killings of their fellow soldiers. As someone stated, the biggest problem is the army's cover up attempt. And even now, the real criminal who ordered the massacre is not convicted. Un fortunately the same kind of thing happended in Iraq, too. The history repeats...
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Posted in: Holocaust denier begins jail term in Australia See in context
smithinjapan:people who deny any atrocities like the death tolls of the atomic bombings (or the reasons for dropping them), those committed by Imperial Japan preceding and during WWII, etc. etc. The scale may be smaller but the denial is the same.
There is a big difference. There is no law specifically condemns those denials you mentioned, except the Holocaust. Unfortunately, in many western countries, which are dominated by the Jew influence, made this law of anti-Semite. You have no right to criticise Jews publicly. It's againt the law.
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Posted in: Cheney felt Bush stopped taking his advice See in context
What I don't get is why dick cheney is out bashing his boss. Does it get him higher on the failure chart? < :-)
I think he is preparing to put the blame on Bush and leave the responsanility of their administration, in case if he is charged for wrong doing. He just want to say that for many things, Bush decided by himself, without his advice.
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Posted in: French pool bars Muslim woman for 'burquini' suit See in context
Badsay - Here, we are talking about the municipal run public pool. They have their own rules. I guess it would be different in the amusment park swimming pools. They may be more tolerant. There are the pools where you go to swim, while there are the others where you can have fun.
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Posted in: Iran says 3 detained American hikers might be spies See in context
These people are just idiots. I don't trust Iran but when you put yourself in a situation where you're close to the Iranian border where the lines are probably a bit fuzzy then you should expect some consequences for your stupidity.
For sure, they are the CIA agents.
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Posted in: Russia’s shrinking world: The war in Ukraine and Moscow’s global reach
Posted in: Frozen in time: Hospital room preserved since 1945 Tokyo firebombing
Posted in: The EU was built for another age – here’s how it must adapt to survive
Posted in: Taiwan pledges chip talks and investment to mollify Trump