Japan Today

fugusashimi comments

Posted in: Is Osaka the best place to live in Japan? See in context

The rent is average, so Tokyo data gets a bit lopsided due to areas like Ginza, Azabujuban, Ebisu, etc.

It's all a matter of personal preference. For example, there are more non-smoking restaurant in Tokyo and smoking manners is terrible. However, I like Osaka's proximity to Kyoto, Nara, Mie, and Shikoku.

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Posted in: Leftover grapes in Yamanashi used for feed, vinegar to reduce food waste See in context

Leftover skin, seed, and stuff. Make grappa!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: China imported no seafood from Japan in September See in context

More for us in Japan.

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Posted in: Kishida pledges to set up special zones to boost foreign investment See in context


According to the World Bank, in 2022, based on GDP, the ranking are as follows:








Russian Federation



4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: No women appointed as vice ministers under Japan's reshuffled cabinet See in context

The reason Japan has failed to advance in gender equity is that most leaders (political and business) don't believe in it. It's all empty promises and lip service to appease the international community. How do we know this? It's evident by all the gaffe the politicans make and token appointments. Change will not happen until people really believe.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Osaka mayor weighs in on school lunch debate See in context

As usual, they address the symptom, not the problem. Why don't take a bit more effort and make the lunches taste better. Throwing flavored salt does not solve the problem, but most likely will create other long-term issues.

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Posted in: Video of pick-up artist grabbing Japanese women on street triggers online protests See in context

He's here to conduct business in Japan. If he's on a tourist visa, just flag his name at immigration and deny him entry.

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