Japan Today

fuzzycuffs comments

Posted in: 'Sleep Water' promises to help you drift off, wake up refreshed See in context

Why not buy L-Theanine instead?

This is silly.

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Posted in: Japanese users not proactive enough about cybersecurity: survey See in context

RSA Tokens

RSA tokens require a pretty serious infrastructure, and cost a lot per device/license.

If you're talking about multi-factor authentication so that you don't only rely on username/password, there are far cheaper (from free to $10-20) consumer-friendly methods.

Google Authenticator (or any of the similar ones) Yubikey etc.

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Posted in: Consumer prices, household spending fall in March See in context

Household spending falls because no one has any money, because companies are not investing the free money they get from the BOJ into more spending and/or money in the pockets of their employees.

What is BOJ going to do to change rates that they haven't already? The issue is not that the BOJ can't or won't give out free money, it's that it stays with companies who are too scared to use it.

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Posted in: Luxury or bust for foreign automakers in Japan See in context

Are there any Tesla in Japan at all? I haven't seen one yet.

There are a decent number of them in Tokyo, typically nicer neighborhoods. I've seen a decent number of them on the road. Unfortunately though, no supercharger stations outside of one in Yokohama or something. So these people are just driving around their house and coming back home--not driving across Japan (not like you'd do that with Shinkansen anyways)

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Posted in: Plans for daycare center scrapped after residents complain of possible noise See in context

Someone going to send a tweet directly to Abe about this one and force his government to pay attention to this problem again?

He goes on a sudden offensive about building more daycares after the anonymous woman complains, and then lets this happen?

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Posted in: Special intelligence required See in context

Did they have this meeting in a storage room or something?

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Posted in: Tokyo Olympic organizers get over 14,000 logo applications See in context

If I recall correctly, the 'prize' for the winning selection will be 1,000,000JPY, which is a tiny amount considering you must also give up all commercial copyright claims. The logo itself could be worth billions, being emblazoned on everything leading up to 2020.

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Posted in: The Kyoto startup hero See in context

“In Silicon Valley, I learned the importance of keeping a product simple, so literally everyone from every culture can understand it,” Rakusai says. “That’s a problem in Japan, and something we should [teach] more here. Japanese products are often made for Japanese only.”

So true.

But I'm very happy for this guy who went outside of this thought process and is making global products! Well done!

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