Japan Today

Gagan Narang comments

Posted in: Berlin rescinds approval of 'comfort women' statue installation See in context

South Korea should not mess with japan. Japan is diplomatically amongst the most strongest countries. south korea's whole economy stands upon its countable few companies. Such moves could hit hard to South Korea if they keep on escalating the polarization with Japan.

Its not anymore about freedom of speech. Out of nowhere if decades later a settled dispute is pushed by government, there has to be some motivation or they need some leverage.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Making vegan and organic dishes in Japan See in context

@proxy Sorry—organic farming is actually worse for climate change

You are just a flat earther in a different way. You gave a link to prove yourself. I read that article and within 2nd paragraph i found out that facts are twisted. They say that organic farming takes up more space hence emits more green-house. Which seems true but more gases than what? simple farming? by how much or which crop?...and that cannot give you a green-light to eat a pig that eats a 1000 kg to be of consumable size which is basic essence of veganism and not organic farming, to begin with.

Secondly, organic farming usually takes up more space but that's simply not true for every crop. We had organic tomatoes locally grown in a green house farm. It took almost same space, just that it was more hard to take care of that crop.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Do you think China made the coronavirus and released it either deliberately or by accident or it wasn't manmade? See in context

Virus originated in China. Manmade or not, China had so much responsibility to inform everyone, but it seems over time, they take none whatsoever. Hence, they are the culprits here. Their leaders officially recite policies of World Trade Organization, United Nations and what not, but unofficially they provoke everyone by blatantly breaking rules and norms and then play victim cards when someone responds with iron fist. Worst thing is, even after covid crisis, it seems world is sucking up so much RMB that they still won't change world order as it have become.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: China unveils global data security initiative; says some countries bullying others See in context

Yeah...like there weren't any already well established rules they could have just follwed..this is just a new way to divert the attention from the new Chinese hatred in countries like US, India and Australia

16 ( +18 / -2 )

Posted in: Do you think climate change could be a driver of infectious diseases by bringing long-dormant viruses back to life? See in context

Overpopupation ,deforestation and carelessness are some causes according to me. One could find a link with climate change as well. But well, Earth's gonna change with human domination, could be good could go wrong. These things happen Trees will grow back again on top of that once we are done.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to lift virus ban on re-entry of some foreign residents from Aug 5 See in context

People those who were left stranded in their countries without re-entry provisions, I am interested in knowing that were they allowed to work from home or they were eventually let off by their companies? Were their any security measures taken for them?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

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