Posted in: Gender gap fuels disputes as Japan gets joint custody law See in context
Who cares about joint custody or single custody.
It’s irrelevant.
Before divorce, both parents still have joint custody. But if one takes the kids and runs, the other parent usually can’t see the kids.
Single custody can work - if the other parent can still see kids regularly.
But we all know fathers AND mothers who haven’t seen kids in years.
Some never see them again.
japanese need to learn to have a heart.
6 ( +13 / -7 )
Posted in: In Japan, a third of today's 18-year-old women may not have children: study See in context
Women were made to have children. This is insane.
-6 ( +25 / -31 )
Posted in: Boyfriend of woman whose 3-year-old son drowned in bathtub arrested for negligence See in context
First I was going to say that it doesn't surprise me - I have freaked out over people not watching a toddler in a bath. But bruises? If he beat the boy, he needs to be put in a room with someone who will give him some bruises.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: In Japan, which bans dual custody, a table tennis star refuses to hand back her son to her ex See in context
I have no idea why you got so many downvotes for your informative and sensible comments.
It really shows how few people know much about this issue.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: It's a miracle, say family of Japanese soldier killed in WWII, as flag he carried returns from U.S. See in context
Wonderful story.
Anyone criticizing this has no understanding of history or human values.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested over Yoshinoya standoff in December indicted after psychiatric evaluation See in context
A Yoshinoya in Yachiyo in Chiba?
Probably came straight from pachinko and bought the knife at a Mega Donki.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Saitama police officer sent to prosecutors over video voyeurism See in context
There must be some mistake.
I can’t believe a Japanese police officer would do this.
And in Saitama of all places!
Cream of the crop there!
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Doctor arrested for filming up girl’s skirt See in context
I feel sorry for this guy
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Coronavirus cases skyrocket across Australia as Omicron spreads See in context
“I thought they locked everything up, got boosters and COVID pass. How come this is possible?”
They didn’t lock everyone up.
The majority have not had boosters.
Many people have Covid passes.How did it happen? Er… some people with Omicron passed it on?
And now unvaccinated are disproportionately represented in ICUs.
let me guess, you’re an American who watches Tucker Carlson?
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan to simplify immigration procedures for wealthy travelers See in context
Great! Let's all break out the Don Perignon and make a toast....
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Police sergeant disciplined for stealing about ¥200 from shrine donation box See in context
"he told investigators that his wife hadn’t given him any spending money in 10 years, which is what led him to commit the crime"
You're average copper in the Koban just isn't really bright.
The very least he could have done is stole from his wife.
And to those who think he should just get divorced, well maybe the poor guy realizes that if his wife is that nasty to not give him money, what do you think she'd be like in divorce. He'd probably end up paying child support and not seeing his kids.
There are many people - men and women trapped in marriages in Japan
-1 ( +7 / -8 )
Posted in: Woman gets suspended sentence for killing mentally disabled son See in context
"And where is the father? Did he run away to escape his responsibility?"
I am really tired of people asking this question every time a Japanese woman injures or murders a child.
Do you have any idea of how many thousands of fathers in Japan CAN NOT see their children though they desperately want to?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo area set to end COVID-19 restrictions on eateries See in context
"Societal norms within Japan currently allow us to take masks off and speak freely in crowded enclosed dining establishments, but require us to have face coverings when walking through an uncrowded outdoor park or garden (like Koishikawa Korakuen). It doesn’t seem to make much sense."!
Look, they are just trying to get people to wear masks as much as practically possible to reduce transmission. In a restaurant you can't eat and drink with a mask. But you can talk. So if you are finished eating for a while you can put your mask back on.
As for being outside, if there are no people around I take off my mask.
This talking about logic is getting ridiculous. It's also illogical maybe to have the same speed limits for the best drivers as the worst, and you can argue that 105 should be okay in some areas, but you'd be arguing forever. Just stop whining. Masks won't kill you
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Massive numbers of new COVID infections, not vaccines, are main driver of new coronavirus variants See in context
This article was written byVaughn Cooper who is Associate Professor; Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh. and Lee Harrison, Associate Chief of Epidemiology and Education at the University of Pittsburgh. I read in and think that I guess those two would know what they're talking about.
Then randoms whose main claim to fame is being prolific commentators on a Japanese news website totally dismiss it because ....they know better?
Next time you need medical info, just ask the gaijin here. They know everything
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan may start administering 3rd COVID vaccine shots by year-end See in context
No you can’t.
-1 ( +27 / -28 )
Posted in: 3 cabinet members, Abe visit Yasukuni Shrine; Suga sends offering See in context
"i dont get what for is all of this circuss?
just to irritate korean,chinese and other neigbours?"
No, not at all. You can disagree with politicians going there, and the speeches by right wingers on Aug 15th, and the contents of the museum, but no - nothing that is done on August 15 there is PURPOSELY done to irritate people of other countries.
If there were no news about it, they'd still go there.
I might add that many normal Japanese go to Yasukuni on Aug 15 and on other days. Most people who go there aren't thinking about who was right and who was wrong. They remember the dead.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: 3 cabinet members, Abe visit Yasukuni Shrine; Suga sends offering See in context
"So if Abe could move back papi and his war criminal friends to a family cemetery nobody would say anything about him visiting them, nor about going to Yasukuni especially on important anniversaries."
First, there are no bodies or ashes there. Second, if the "un-enshrined" the A class war criminals, do you think that China and Korea would be okay with all of the politicians going there on August 15th?
I think that they'd still be upset.
And I think they'd still be upset if they "un-enshrined" the B and C class war criminals too.
Maybe people could think about why other countries don't get so upset every year about this.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: 3 cabinet members, Abe visit Yasukuni Shrine; Suga sends offering See in context
"Aren't there class A war criminals enshrined there?"
Yes. And B and C.
So, you are okay with them going if there are only B and Cs there, but not if there are As?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: China wins women's 4x200 freestyle relay with world record See in context
What a race!
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Olympic broadcasters curb sexual images of female athletes See in context
Plenty of women watch the Olympics to see ikemen with sexy bodies.
Actually plenty of women like watching sexy women too.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Kono says gov't trying to reach young adults to combat vaccine misinformation See in context
I literally know 10 people too scared to get the vaccine who think anyone who gets it is an idiot.
They aren't Japanese though.
But I'm sure there are Japanese who look at weird YouTubes too.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: 'Will you shut up, man?' Repeated interruptions, insults mark fiery debate between Trump and Biden See in context
“Biden and Wallace just asked Trump point-blank to denounce white supremacists and right-wing militias.He didn't. He said they were needed.”
Biden and Wallace ..... That says it all. It was a debate between Trump on one team anc Biden/Wallace.
and Trump said “Sure” twice!
i waited for Wallace to ask BLM and Antifa to stop burning things but ... i guess he .... forgot ...
-11 ( +1 / -12 )
Posted in: Japanese kids suffer near worst mental health among richest nations: report See in context
Let’s also remember that divorce is skyrocketing and 70% of kids don’t see their parents after divorce.
So, my kids haven’t seen me, their father for five years, have no contact with any relative on my side (yes, no phone calls, no nothing), and are told that their father is evil. So, maybe they wouldn’t answer that they are happy in a confidential survey.
As for juku, while I am not told which school they attend, I am told that they attend juku - something they wouldn’t be doing if I were there.
So perhaps the kids who don’t see one parent at all, and know they can’t admit they want to, might skew these figures.
While the number of these kids may not be high, it’s thought to be 150,000 a year so that adds up
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Half-Japanese woman hands card to people who ask tiresome questions about her race See in context
Obnoxious girl who will give other haafu a bad name. People are just trying to be friendly and make conversation.
Many people have real problems out there. When she’s an old woman she’ll look back and realize she was silly.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: New Zealand city removes statue of its 'murderous' namesake See in context
Ghandi's statue will have to come down too, if you are worried about racist comments.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: New Zealand city removes statue of its 'murderous' namesake See in context
If a person is judged not by the good things they did but by the bad, almost nobody should have a statue or be memorialized.
If a statue is ever made of Floyd, will the violence against women groups order it taken down because of the trauma he inflicted on the pregnant woman against whose stomach he held a gun and robbed?
My point is simply that many people who achieved great things or were martyred late in life were flawed.
Or just do away with statues......
I've never met a perfect person yet.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Mother arrested after 11-month-old daughter drowns in bathtub See in context
She got help.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: #coronadivorce trends online as locked-down couples realize they don’t actually get along See in context
“Where's the frying pan?' 'How big do I cut the vegetables?' and so on. I couldn't get any work done." Finally, says Eiko, he refused to do any more cooking claiming that it's a woman's job.”
no wonder he said that if she got mad with a few questions.
So the guy tries to make lunch and she can’t handle questions?
nobody in the office ever gets questions??
she obviously hated him anyway.
because usually a man making lunch and checking how the size of veges sge likes isn’t really that unbearable.
if she got upset at that no wonder he gave up and told her to do it.
i wonder what their sex is like...
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Officials puzzled by outbreak on docked cruise ship in Nagasaki See in context
“Mitsubishi initially said the crew never left dock after March 14, when Nagasaki reported its first coronavirus case and asked all crew members to stay on board. But the company acknowledged the following day that some members who passed body temperature checks and other requirements had been allowed off the ship. “
yeah so I’ve read this three times and its really so puzzling!
how on earth could anyone have had corona.
maybe i’ll ask a 6 year old
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Mother arrested for stabbing 1-year-old daughter to death See in context
I wish people wouldn’t ask about the father. Most times the mother gets to keep the child. In her case it was probably easy since she lived with her mother.
There is no excuse. Post-natal depression? Mothers are killing their babies in Japan well after birth.
And too many times the father has no chance to do anything.
Start changing the law and culture so more fathers can share in child raising - even if separated or divorced.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Justice Department's independence threatened as Trump's team asserts power over cases and staff
Posted in: Justice Department's independence threatened as Trump's team asserts power over cases and staff
Posted in: Europe tries to muscle up as U.S. plots mediation to help end Russia's war in Ukraine
Posted in: Trump administration cuts reach FDA employees in food safety, medical devices and tobacco products