Posted in: Do Japanese kids need to wear special slippers at school? One part of Tokyo doesn’t think so See in context
Exactly! Home is one thing. It's a perfectly understandable practice there. I've been removing my shoes when entering my home for decades, well before moving to Japan. And, asking guests to do the same.
But, other than a select few public places, ones with tatami flooring for instance, removing ones shoes is an annoying waste of time.
I hate going to a doctor's or dentist's office and having to remove my shoes and put on a pair of slippers that hundreds of strangers have had on their disgusting feet. Plus, they never fit me. They are always too small.
My current GP doesn't require it. And, her office floors are squeaky clean, which proves how pointless the ritual is. My physical therapy facility doesn't require it, either. Also has clean floors. (Of course, shoes are removed when using treatment tables/beds.)
I'm thinking of changing dentists just because he still requires it.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested over attempted robbery of woman he met on social media See in context
I wonder if she was a professional? It would be strange for a guy to attempt an armed robbery of a woman who agreed to a regular romantic encounter. But, if she was a professional, he may have set it up specifically for a robbery, assuming she'd have lots of cash on her person.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: At least 176 harassment cases reported at Japan fire stations in FY2023 See in context
According to the latest survey, the majority, 145 cases, were attributed to bullying or abuse of power...
What do they expect in a society where bullying is ingrained in the culture, beginning in grade school, continuing through the workplace, and even into retirement where oyaji bully store clerks over trivial nonsense.
As soon as the bullied move up to some position of authority, they become the bullies. It's similar to child abuse victims becoming abusers themselves. It's a vicious circle.
The senpai/kohai dynamic certainly doesn't help.
-5 ( +6 / -11 )
Posted in: 5-year-old boy found dead in car with brother and father in Saitama Prefecture See in context
Another murder-suicide where the suicide part failed, despite a successful murder. I wonder why that happens. so often. I guess it'll remain a mystery.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Record number of online casino users detected by Japan police in 2024 See in context
I've never understood the attraction to gambling. I find it weird to spend money with no guarantee of receiving anything in return. Men, especially, seem to do it the most.
The only exception for me has been 25c slot machines in Vegas and Reno. I lose a few spins. I win a few spins. And, with the right machine, it can be pretty entertaining for an hour or two, whether I win or lose
I would usually end up winning by the end of each session. Sometimes a modest amount, like $30. Sometimes a coupla hundred $$. Occasionally, I'd lose $30 or $40. Sometimes, I'd break even. But, even when I lost, it was worth the $30 or so for a couple hours of entertainment.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening See in context
We're thinking of going, as we live in Kansai. But, not until the construction is 100% complete, and everything is open, which is very doubtful for April 13. I'm hoping it will be the case by June, before it gets ridiculously hot and humid.
If not, we'll gladly wait until September, when it cools off. And, whichever time of year we go, it'll be on a weekday, of course. And, not during a holiday or school vacation period.
Why not? Unless the reviews are overwhelmingly negative, it'll be something to do for a few hours.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening See in context
A complicated ticketing system does not help
quote: to enter lotteries for entry to some of the pavilions and special events.
Common in Japan, but in many countries unheard of, weird and off-putting.
Right? Buying tickets for events here (concerts, sports, etc) can be very frustrating. Like so many procedures here, purchasing tickets is almost always far more complicated than need be. Complexity just seems ingrained in the culture.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Silver man See in context
Paraphrasing Jerry Seinfeld, "Here's your silver medal. Of all the people that lost, you were the best."
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Pet euthanasia and culling in Japan: How kill rates dropped — and the challenges that remain See in context
What a screwed up lot are JT posters when I can say I loved a dog and get down votes
Mr Kipling
These down voters obviously never had a dog. Their loss.
I hope the person who thumbed that down gives us the reason. I’m really struggling to find one.
My guess is they're from countries like China, India, or some in Southeast Asia or the Middle East, that have large populations of people who are scared of or simply hate dogs. (I might add that when I've met someone from those countries who do have dogs, they're always crazy over-the-top dog lovers, as if they're making up for all the dog haters from their home countries.)
But, yeah, downvotes on comments promoting basic humanity towards animals, women, or other victims of cruelty or abuse are ponderous, and happen more often than one would hope from presumably educated adults.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Pet euthanasia and culling in Japan: How kill rates dropped — and the challenges that remain See in context
PETA’s Elisa Allen advocates for sodium pentobarbital injections as a more humane alternative.
Unfortunately, the drug has been unavailable in Japan since 2019.
Our vet used a strong sedative-like drug for two of our dogs to end their suffering. So, there is definitely an injectable drug available for animal euthanasia here.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Pet euthanasia and culling in Japan: How kill rates dropped — and the challenges that remain See in context
I have seen pet dogs in Japan who should be euthanized because of age or frailty neighbours dog had obvious cancer of the testicles which were the size of coconuts.
It can be hard finding a vet here that will euthanize an animal. And, most pet owners here would never ask, anyway. It's so sad.
Responsible dog owners will euthanize a sick or very aged dog....part of being an owner.
I had my best mate Labrador euthenized around age 15 years , a long life for a 45 kilo dog.
Did you have any difficulty finding a vet to do it? Or, convincing your current vet, if he was reluctant?
Our 18-year-old cat died a painful death because our JP vet at the time wouldn't euthanize. Fortunately, the vet we eventually found for our remaining animals later on was willing to help end the suffering of two of our dogs over the years, since then.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Pet euthanasia and culling in Japan: How kill rates dropped — and the challenges that remain See in context
One of the best ways to reduce shelter kills is to adopt your next pet from a shelter or rescue group, instead of buying from a pet shop.
We've adopted two rescue dogs since moving to Japan. And, one of the two dogs we brought with us from the US is a rescue. All of our cats over the years have been rescues, as well.
The overwhelming preference of Japanese people has historically been for store-bought puppies and kittens. But, I've been running into more and more rescue dogs at the parks, dog runs, and on walks in the last year or two. Websites listing animals available for adoption have become popular. And, adoption fairs are quite common now, as well. It's a welcome development.
If anyone here is looking to adopt a pet in Japan, a good place to start is Pet Home:
Also, ARK (Animal Refuge Kansai, which also has a Tokyo office.)
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Pet shop owner faces 30 years in prison for sexually assaulting 4 female employees See in context
Al Ahu Snackbar
Can someone explain to me what exactly is being sold at a so-called pet store?
Seriously? Have you never heard of a pet store? Your use of "so-called" leads me to believe so.
Pet stores in Japan generally sell pets (dogs, cats, birds, rodents, reptiles, fish, and insects) and pet supplies (food and treats, habitats, clothing, bedding, grooming gear, health products, etc). Many also offer services such as grooming and boarding.
Basically, the same things sold at pet stores around the world. (Although, thankfully, in many states and municipalities in the US, dogs and cats are not allowed to be sold, only offered for adoption by rescue groups.) I can't believe you've never heard of pet stores.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 doctors arrested over cover-up of patient’s murder at hospital in Aomori Prefecture See in context
The man who killed Takahashi was sentenced to 17 years in prison.
For stabbing a man to death. In his face. While he slept. Obviously premeditated, as he crafted a shiv from a toothbrush. (A common prison weapon. Perhaps the murderer had spent prior time there?)
I've got 100yen that says the hospital director and his doctor brother get suspended sentences for the coverup, and don't see a day in prison.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Pet shop owner faces 30 years in prison for sexually assaulting 4 female employees See in context
It's highly doubtful he will receive a 30-year sentence in a country where rapists often receive suspended sentences with zero incarceration, and even murderers receive sentences of only 15 years or even less.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: What do you think of U.S. President Donald Trump's suggestion that Nippon Steel invest in U.S. Steel rather than buy it? See in context
A 51% and higher stake is still technically an investment.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: What is your favorite chocolate brand? See in context
Some Godiva fan boys here, it seems.
Why? There's only one mention of Godiva, and it's a negative one.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi drop their talks on business integration See in context
Maybe they should have waited until after they had an agreement ironed out before announcing the merger.
7 ( +10 / -3 )
Posted in: Cupid's arrows now flying in both directions, as Valentine's Day in Japan undergoes 'major changes' See in context
NCIS Reruns
With the soaring prices of chocolate on international markets, the practice might soon be no more than a distant memory. Likewise for coffee.
Eggs will become the new status gift
♫A kiss on the hand may seem quite continental. But, omelets are a girl's best friend.♫
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Cupid's arrows now flying in both directions, as Valentine's Day in Japan undergoes 'major changes' See in context
In the US, it has mostly evolved from a day of men giving gifts to women (typically chocolate or flowers) to a day when people of any gender give their romantic partner (or wannabe romantic partner) a token of their affection, which may include chocolate or flowers, but can be anything that will be appreciated by the recipient.
It will be nice to see it evolve to that here. No more "obligation chocolate". And, they could lose White Day altogether, which is redundant, and just an excuse for merchants to sell more crap.
OTOH, White Day can be for non-romantic gifts of support and gratitude, while V-day is reserved for romantic ones. That might be win-win to satisfy both old and new, and keep merchants happy.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: 800 cabbages stolen from Aichi field See in context
800 cabbages oughta fetch a lotta cabbage.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Starbucks Japan unveils new Sakura Frappuccino for cherry blossom season 2025 See in context
If it has peaches in it, it should be okay. Luvs me some peaches.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman, boyfriend arrested after threatening to gouge out her son’s eyes See in context
re-arrested.................what are the police doing over there?
so they've done this before?
They were already arrested on Jan 20, and presumably in custody, for tying the child's hands and feet. They were re-arrested, which typically means arrested for additional criminal charges, for threatening the child on Nov 24, which one would assume came to light upon further investigation - either from interrogation of the adults or questioning of the victim.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Do you think the art of conversation has been lost in the digital age? See in context
Uh huh.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Knife-wielding Swiss man arrested at train station in Kyoto Prefecture See in context
Lots of questions left unanswered. I imagine there will be further information from the authorities, at some point. It will be nice if JT posted a followup, once more info becomes available.
16 ( +18 / -2 )
Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context
Only two things that I can get out of this.
The first is don't drink to the point that you lose good judgment or worse, black out.
Second, if she was your daughter, what would you do?
You forgot "Three, don't rape anyone".
Actually, that should be #1.
9 ( +14 / -5 )
Posted in: Man arrested over hit-and-run death of 87-year-old woman See in context
"I hit something, but I didn't think it was a person.”
Do they teach a class in school here on what to say if you're arrested?
It's the same three or four excuses, depending on crime, word for word.
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: Ishiba says Trump isn’t as frightening in person as on TV See in context
Japanese Prime Minister said Friday he was excited to meet a television celebrity like U.S. President Donald Trump.
"Television celebrity" pretty much describes his qualifications to be president.
4 ( +10 / -6 )
Posted in: Ishiba says Trump isn’t as frightening in person as on TV See in context
We are in complete agreement here; when did 'suck up' enter the general lexicon?
Fifty years or so ago, along with its variation, "kiss up". Have you been in a coma?
(Although, multiple sources site usage as far back as the mid 19th century.)
2 ( +8 / -6 )
Posted in: If you live in Japan, which city other than where you now reside, would you like to live in? See in context
We're seriously considering Kobe or one of its suburbs. It's not that far from our current primary home in another part of Kansai. But, we just like Kobe, and have friends and relatives there.
If Kanto was a consideration, then Yokohama would be the choice there. For some reason, Yokohama reminds me of Kobe a little. Maybe because both are port towns with a history of international trade and culture? I dunno.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: What jobs would make a woman an attractive wife to Japanese men?
India runs on petrol and diesel. The EV market, while growing, is dominated by Tata.
Posted in: Tesla begins hiring in India after Musk and Modi meet
Posted in: Federal judge won't immediately block Musk or DOGE from federal data or worker layoffs
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war