Posted in: The key to loving Japanese TV if you're a foreigner See in context
"GW: I don't think many here want to HAVE to make many of their own choices & that a great many would prefer to have a ""supreme"" leader rather than have to deal with democracy."
They just had an election. Are you in touch with reality?
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: The key to loving Japanese TV if you're a foreigner See in context
"It is common knowledge in the expat community in Japan that Japanese TV is awful." Thinking about this again, I have no problem with an individual liking or disliking Japanese TV. But the idea that there is an "Expat Community" with similar tastes is scary, to say the least. RocketNews24 apparently represents the English-Speaking folks. Not me. I love Japanese TV.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: The key to loving Japanese TV if you're a foreigner See in context
"It is common knowledge in the expat community in Japan that Japanese TV is awful." I do not get this from the people in my circle. I watch TV for information on political events, science and culture. In addition to news, Japanese TV carries very informative and in-depth shows on science and it is an excellent source of information on Japanese culture.
-8 ( +3 / -11 )
Posted in: China tells Japan to stop interfering in South China Sea See in context
I was looking at a video the other day showing how the borders of China changed over the last 3000 or so years. A country that was limited to coastal areas up until 200 years ago, has occupied Uighur lands, took over Manchuria, and occupied Tibet. Today it is a major bully and threatens to take over the entire South China Sea. Looks like there is not much anybody can do anything about it now. Sad.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: In modern society, many people feel a desire to erupt in rage if something irritates them. If railway companies take no measures, the number of violent incidents would continue rising greatly. See in context
Yes, things can always get better. But Japanese people do not have to be so self critical all the time. I do not know of any other country that has train services as good as in Japan. The trains are always on time, they are clean, and the passengers are almost always polite. Yes, the services can be improved, but they are pretty good right now.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. dangles large land return as anti-base resentment surges in Okinawa See in context
It has been 70 years since the second world war. It is time to end the occupation.
8 ( +18 / -10 )
Posted in: Queen Elizabeth: Chinese officials were 'very rude' See in context
Chinese are not rude. They are just being themselves.
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: China angered by Japan visit of Taiwan opposition leader See in context
Dear China, please repeat after me. Taiwan is an independent country. Tibet will soon be an independent country. Manchuria was an independent country and will once again become one. Uighurstan will be an independent country. Good, thank you.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: China's Xi says Japan friendship 'worth cherishing' See in context
Japan's relations with China will improve only when China becomes a democratic country. As long as China is ruled by bullies, there is no hope.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: China must guard against Japan's denial of history: military See in context
It is good for Japan to leave the militarist past behind. Japan is a great nation and can bravely apologize for the adventures of the past. But China lecturing Japan is a joke. What about Tibet? China carved out Sichuan and Qinghai provinces out of Tibet and pretends that Tibet is a small part of the occupied land. Eventually Tibet and all Tibetan provinces will become free of the big jail called China. No denial will help.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Blogger lists three things foreigners do that impress the Japanese See in context
A few years ago I was in Machida and asked an elderly man on the street to direct me to the library. The poor man did not know enough English to give me directions and after some hesitation he just signaled me to follow him and walked all the way to the library and then went his way. I love Japanese people.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe says he may drop direct apology in WWII statement See in context
No matter how many times Japan apologizes, it is not going to be enough for China or Korea. Why bother? Did South Korea apologize to Vietnam? Did China apologize to Tibet?
-7 ( +4 / -11 )
Posted in: S Korea, Japan to resume security talks despite conflict over history See in context
The people of Japan and South Korea have similar temperament, values and culture. I hope they leave their historical differences behind them and join hands to a peaceful and prosperous future.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: China urges Japan to properly educate youth over disputed islands See in context
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the loud Chinese practice what they preach? How about 'properly' educating their own people about the murder of millions during cultural revolution? How about 'adopting a responsible attitude toward history' and admitting the butcher of Tibetans? How about educating their own 'next young generation with correct historical views' on Kashmir, Manchuria, Mongolia and Uighurs? Oops! Then China would be reduced to a third of its current size!
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Blooming row over cherry blossoms splits China, S Korea, Japan See in context
The glorious, righteous nation of China demands that Japan follow the correct path, be mindful of their historical responsibilities and accept that Cherry blossoms first bloomed in the middle kingdom. If not, look at what happened to Tibet as an example of what China can do.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe expected to skip China's Victory Day parade See in context
Abe should attend the parade as soon as the loud-mouthed Chinese leaders apologize to the Tibetans, the Mongolians, Manchurians and Uighurs for occupying their lands and to the Chinese people for the slaughter of millions during the so-called cultural revolution.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Myanmar border conflict riles China See in context
As long as Myanmar was a dictatorship, China was very pleased to be their ally, but a democratizing Myanmar on its border is a grave danger for the bullies in Beijing. Now the ethnic Chinese in Myanmar border region are China's allies. Watch out neighbors! This is the real china.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: China says Japan ties face test, opportunity this year See in context
Chinese leaders are loud-mouthed and arrogant, as usual.
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Chinese envoy urges Japan to stick to past apology See in context
Yes, Japan must apologize to China because Japan was bad. China is a virtuous, glorious nation on the pathway to piece, in fact many pieces: a piece of Vietnam, a piece of Kashmir, a piece of Taiwan, a piece of Kazakhstan, a piece of every country on its borders.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: How come Japan has never demanded an official apology from any U.S. government for the dropping of atomic bombs on two of its cities? In fact, why don't Japanese hate America for dropping the bombs? See in context
Japan can not ask for an apology because it continues to be a nation under US occupation.
-9 ( +1 / -10 )
Posted in: With eye on Japan, China plans big military parades under Xi See in context
I doubt Japan can be subdued by a military parade. Why not hold the military display parade in inner Mongolia, Uighur province, Tibet or Manchuria to show the people of occupied lands that they have no independent future?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese tourist says guide in India raped her See in context
Even if the 20-year-old woman was naive, there is no excuse for rape. I think they should castrate the rapist. India has a problem . It is time they fix it. Indians call harassment of women eve-teasing. Until that mind set changes, women tourists should avoid visiting India.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: China to hold military parade to 'frighten Japan' See in context
Chinese government does need to parade its military strength now and then not only to frighten Japan, but also to intimidate Manchurians who want freedom, Inner Mongolians who would like to be part of their northern homeland, Tibetans who would like to breathe free, Uighurs who dream of freedom, and Kashmiris who would like their Aksai Chin back. When you occupy other peoples' lands, military show is a necessity.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Why is Japan such an unpopular tourist destination? See in context
During my two visits to Japan, I found Japanese people to be very generous and kind. Temples and shrines are exceptionally beautiful and peaceful places to visit. With a little effort one could find clean and comfortable hotels to stay at in towns around Tokyo. I hope to visit Japan again.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war
Posted in: Tax enforcers, rocket scientists, bank regulators fired as Trump slashes federal workforce
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war