Posted in: Sit and swivel See in context
Wow! I never imagined how bored some people these days are... I wonder when is the desk coming out...?
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Posted in: Man attempts robbery; flees after being told to go find job See in context
I'd love to see the CCTV video of this!!! It can make this dude famous, probably all the way to Hollywood!
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Posted in: Man falls to death from platform at Akihabara Station See in context
Why do they always call such event "an accident" and not "an incident"?! If the man jumped intentionally or was pushed, then that wasn't an accident.
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Posted in: Would legalized gambling ease Japan's economic woes? See in context
Hmmmmmm....a way out for those involved in the 'sumo' scandal??? Hmmmmm....
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Posted in: Laptop with color-changing exterior See in context
color-changing pathetic! Toshiba is really struggling to be noticed in the market place.
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Posted in: How should airlines handle obese passengers? See in context
I have another idea...airline companies should take the biometrics of every passenger upon booking their flights. then they can decide where to put fat people, thin people, hobbits, etc. and again, pay per kilo upon check-in. charge double if anybody lie in giving their biometrics. how does that sound Sarge?
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Posted in: How should airlines handle obese passengers? See in context
Pay per kilo upon check-in!
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Posted in: 'Herbivore' men misunderstand what marriage arranging parties are all about See in context
@ dolphingirl....Artificial ?!?!?! Look around you if you're living in Tokyo, and tell me what's real?
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Posted in: Leah Dizon to split from husband of two years See in context
American? Singer? Model? ... Singer; 'popstar' maybe more appropriate... Model; I don't want to 'categorize'...American; is BUN american? then she would be american by marriage, which is just about to end. but as to 'ethnicity', everybody knows that she's japanese-filipina. The point is, JT could have started the article in a different way...with 'hard facts' perhaps.
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Posted in: Poisonous mushrooms may have been sold at festival in Tokyo See in context
@Disillusioned...are you living in Japan? If yes, for how long now? You'll discover that 'ignorance is not only an excuse but a way of life' in Japan if you've lived here long enough.
Then again, why were those poison mushroom mixed with the edible ones. Who grew them? Who picked them? Who brought them to Tokyo? Who sold them? Who bought them? Who were rushed to the hospital for food poisoning after the festival? Who among those rushed to the hospital actually went to the festival and bought poison mushroom? Connect the dots people!
But then again, this could be resolved by just an apology here in Japan...apology for not knowing that the mushrooms are poisonous.
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Posted in: New Lumix boasts world’s fastest auto focus See in context
Sounds like they are really going after those clueless newbies who thinks that expensive cameras automatically takes good pictures, or videos...What is this exactly, by the way --a video camera or a DSLR?
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Posted in: Poverty grows among Japan's young adults See in context
The Japanese education system just isn't working enough to prepare people for what they really have to live by. They only teach about what, where, who, when, how many and how much, not the hows and whys. Their system continue to breed more and more 'underachievers' with 'very fragile egos' and consider it 'the Japanese way'. This is the result.
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Posted in: Lego energy See in context
The lady in the photo is my regular student at an English conversation school!!! That's it....
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Posted in: What do you think are some of the most spectacular scenes ever filmed in movies? See in context
I'd say 'air raid scene along a river in the Apocalypse Now movie by Oliver Stone'. I was actually there at the location with my dad to go fishing (it's a popular local fishing area especially for young boys that I once was), but we were not allowed to enter that day because the area was closed for the filming. So my father and I waited and watched how it was done. I wasn't really impressed seeing it on site (LPG bags hanging on the trees), but I got astonished when I saw the outcome in the movie. Oliver Stone actually inspired me more later in life. I make TV commercials now...;-)
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Posted in: Y20 mil gold handset from Vertu See in context
Filthy rich people see things differently. And I think nobody here understand how things work for them in their plane of consciousness. Who does? Most of them neither understand how it is to be filthy rich. But everybody here makes a lot of sense in this plane of consciousness - reality.
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Posted in: Why do most Japanese take their holidays at the same time, such as Golden Week, Bon and New Year? See in context
Another thing is "the Japanese workflow system". Most of them work on daily routine work--like the assembly line in factories. They don't have any control of what they are supposed to do especially those in the ranks. Their bosses decide on everything, even vacations. That's also the reason why they are so scared of their bosses (this could also be a good discussion topic for later). They just work on things as they come on their desks on a daily basis. So others really have to work double if they're covering for a coworker on vacation. They feel bad about that situation. But there are always exception to this.
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Posted in: Colorful rider
Lots of MAGA supporters are unhealthy and are burden to America health crisis
Posted in: Kennedy confirmed by Senate as U.S. Health Secretary
Posted in: Trump promises Kyiv involvement in peace talks with Russia
Posted in: Japanese man acquitted of 1966 murders to sue state for defamation