Posted in: Former Nissan executive Kelly denies helping Ghosn hide earnings See in context
Haha tbh he should be getting the gallows just for that, what an absolute pompous twat. It worked out for Japan though, oily Carlos is stuck in Lebanon forever, never to wield a position of power or influence again, his daily wakeup a humiliation, and at the complete mercy of Hezbollah when they want him to start funding their terrorist activities again. Absolutely good riddance lmao
Could not agree more, out of sight out of mind
6 ( +14 / -8 )
Posted in: Despite sexism uproar, Tokyo Olympics chief finds high-level support See in context
The Yamato Nazis and the gaijins with sexually-transmitted Yellow Fever down-voting any criticism of Mori. Pathetic.
Dang all those Yamato Nazis downvoting against us expats on JT hey!
In your opinion though, which is the worse group, the "Yamato Nazis" or the "Yellow Fevered expats" who have the gall to mingle with Japanese people? Also, what you reckon should be done about them, do you have any good final solutions to propose?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Biden tells Suga U.S. committed to defending Japan See in context
Thumbs up now?
Yikes! That's embarrassing
7 ( +12 / -5 )
Posted in: Aoki releases 'Pajama Suits' for comfortable telework with a sharp look See in context
I've always liked Aoki and Aoyama especially their Summer suit range, definitely gets the job done and cheap as hell
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Biden: Trump ignores pandemic, stokes unrest, solves neither See in context
I don't really see how Trump can lose at this point. The election is turning into a vote on law and order and that's a battle the Dems will never win. I fear the election is lost for them already because of the shocking violence and looting across America and complete failure by Dems in responding to it. The Police and working class may be permanently lost at this stage.
9 ( +14 / -5 )
Posted in: Rally supporting police draws scores to downtown Kenosha See in context
Remember, a number of BLM "leaders" have come out publicly to say they support looting and violence. Ariel Atkins said it was "reparations":
"If some decides to loot a Gucci, or a Macy's, or a Nike, because that makes sure that person eats, that makes sure that person has clothes ... That's reparations. That is reparations. Anything they wanna take, take it, because these businesses have insurance. They're gonna get their money back. My people aren't getting anything."
And one of the speakers at the Kenosha rally said:
"if you kill one of us, it’s time for us to kill one of yours"
This sort of logic is what will drive moderate voters away from the Democrats. If nothing else changes before November I think this election is already over in Trump's favor.
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Rally supporting police draws scores to downtown Kenosha See in context
The longer the Democrats associate themselves with BLM and Antifa, the more voters they are going to lose. Already the NY Police Union has endorsed Trump, and if they are doing that in NY then you can bet nationwide the Police population, and those that have friends in the Police and support the Police, probably are backing Trump already. Anyone who is against mindless mob violence, looting and destruction of private property, and who are small business owners probably have law and order on their minds this election, meaning an instant loss for the Democrats.
I think the silent majority that gets talked about so often is starting to make itself heard, which is bad news for the Democrats.
-3 ( +5 / -8 )
Posted in: Bicyclist arrested for splashing woman with urine as he rode past her See in context
Don't this people got anything better to do or think of?? It amazes me how totally retarded the 20's generation is!! Just yesterday on the news a young man a in his 20's wearing a pink backpack threw a bin through a glass door for no reason. He was caught on a security camera, and the owner said that he has never seen him before.
Agree, today's 20's generation appears to be severely lacking. Just look at the 20's mobs in America where tens of thousands of them have thrown bins through shop windows and then looted them in the name of restitution and justice. If America still had a spine this garbage would have been sorted hours after it began months ago. Unfortunately as we saw in Chicago last week, that spine no longer exists and the looting continues to this day..
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump orders sweeping restrictions against TikTok, WeChat See in context
A warning and reminder to all btw, if you post anything negative about China even on here, you can be arrested if you ever set foot in that country, including Hong Kong because of the new security laws there. What would generally follow is you'd be used as a pawn to extract concessions from your home country, and you'll be forced to be humiliated on national TV. If you ever plan on visiting China in the future, keep that in mind before posting.
I think JT should be posting a warning like this on all China-related articles tbh.
10 ( +12 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump orders sweeping restrictions against TikTok, WeChat See in context
Agreed, apart from calling the party and leadership "communist". They are far, far removed from its ideals.
Well, they literally call themselves the CCP, so I'm using what they call themselves. They also require membership to the CCP for all government jobs and all upper management jobs in SOEs and even private companies. Communist and Marxist ideals are taught in school and university (even though they reject all Western influence), they even have Communist political officers installed at all education institutions and even large private companies. So yeah we can call them Communists. Economically, they are nationalist capitalist. But they also call their system "Socialist with Chinese characteristics". Their control structure is far, far beyond authoritarian so we can call them a totalitarian state as well. And their repression of everything and anything indicates they could be labelled as fascist too.
To cut through the mental gymnastics BS they try to confuse us with, let's use the name they call themselves.
9 ( +11 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump orders sweeping restrictions against TikTok, WeChat See in context
I'm no Trump fan, but I applaud him on this. Enough of the Chinese Communists, they are an enemy of all free societies and are actively undermining it. I think it's time for reciprocal economic policy towards China, ie. if China is doing it to you, you do it to them. Without any action taken against them, the 21st century will likely go down as the worst in all history. Enough is enough.
I work in tech and work with SaaS, if you think people inside China don't have access to data that they own on foreign servers in foreign countries, you are misinformed. Data being stored physically overseas means nothing.
8 ( +14 / -6 )
Posted in: Int'l school teachers in Japan exempted from entry ban See in context
People are completely against domestic travel because of the virus, but are outraged when they can't head off on a holiday overseas because of the virus. Insanity.
Exactly! This sort of embarrassing entitlement is a stain on all foreigners in Japan and they shouldn't be allowed in regardless of a pandemic. There are expats here in Japan who love it and have their lives here, but a tiny minority of triggered and eternally outraged expats are brewing up a huge backlash against all foreigners.
1 ( +13 / -12 )
Posted in: 7 countries restrict entry from Japan to thwart new virus spread See in context
I guess better safe than sorry, but if this virus takes off in a large number of other countries, are we going to be seeing an almost complete ban on entry for most nationals into most countries?
12 ( +12 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump scoffs at 'Parasite' Oscar win See in context
Well he was elected the president of the US and is still supported by over 40% of people there. A lesser percent than supports Brexit in the UK. So much for that lauded and mythical "critical thinking" that is supposedly taught in the US and UK that people comically take pride in. I guess it was make believe all along.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese restaurant in Paris vandalized with 'coronavirus' graffiti See in context
Well many people can't tell Chinese and Japanese apart, just as I can't tell the difference between a Brit and a Slav, or an Italian and a Lebanese so we're all the same that way. However taking action on this is a different thing altogether.
Either way, it seems there's only a thin line holding back actions like these which are just beneath the surface of these societies.
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Americans from virus-hit cruise ship head home by chartered plane See in context
Good to see the Americans wearing their face masks, they'd be truly stupid not to
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan urges citizens not to travel to China because of virus See in context
@rgcivilian1 What rest of the world has banned travel to China? The US only today raised its alert level to strongly urge against travel to China, so I assume you think the US is behind the rest of the world too? Besides North Korea and Russia, there doesn't appear to be any outright travel ban to China so what the hell you on about?
12 ( +20 / -8 )
Posted in: Prosecutors issue arrest warrant for Ghosn, 3 Americans over his escape See in context
The criminal has to stay in Lebanon, no civilized country will accept such a tainted and criminal family, and likely he'll end up dead at some point in Beirut, so dominant is Hizbullah the terrorist group in that country. Maybe he finances them, in that case he's safe but will be targeted by Israel and the West meaning a quick end. Either way he's done for. Good riddance
-4 ( +12 / -16 )
Posted in: Nintendo wins ¥50 million lawsuit against operator of Tokyo 'real-life Mario Kart' company See in context
Good, there is nothing cringier and more embarrassing in this world than seeing a bunch of idiotic tourists wearing Pokemon costumes driving around at a beginner's level dangerously on the roads. Good riddance
18 ( +21 / -3 )
Posted in: Prosecutors issue arrest warrant for Ghosn, 3 Americans over his escape See in context
Japan should open up a back channel with Hizbullah and indirectly send them some cash; they'll send Ghosn back to Japan in a dog cage. They control Lebanon and couldn't care less about this dirty criminal family. Ghosn used private actors to break the law in fleeing like a coward, Japan should too now.
-13 ( +5 / -18 )
Posted in: Australia defends choice of remote detention center to house locals evacuated from Wuhan See in context
A country with some common sense! All the whiny PC types should probably be sent for a 14-day stay too to clear up their illness.
Compare this to Japan where they aren't forcing evacuees into quarantine camps, absolutely ridiculous! Anyone with any contact to China should be in a camp, it's common sense
9 ( +14 / -5 )
Posted in: Ghosn says in video statement he is innocent and a victim of backstabbing See in context
Hmm, I don't think saying it's all a conspiracy is a good idea, makes him look unhinged and severely discredits him, particularly seeing as he doesn't seem to have any facts on his side. I would think his lawyer would have advised him against that..
4 ( +13 / -9 )
Posted in: Ghosn, lawyer protest his rearrest; prosecutors confiscate Ghosn's wife's passport, mobile phone See in context
How could they prove that anyway? Did they have it on camera because a phone doesnt leave a history of who is using it. I call this busted. Even if that's what the prosecutors are after.
I don't know what sort of data the police have on phone usage, but I suspect they have phone usage metadata for most phones in the country (as does likely all countries). If they had records that her phone was used in a way that violated his bail conditions, or possibly even tied to these new charges or something, then that could be grounds for confiscation to prove that the phone was used in that way that could lead to charges, which I would say is a reasonable move. This is obviously hypothetical, but then the question would be who exactly used the phone in that way.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Ghosn, lawyer protest his rearrest; prosecutors confiscate Ghosn's wife's passport, mobile phone See in context
Dont you think they would have arrested her as well if this were the case? I'm positive they have been monitoring all family members phone records, they don't need to check the actual phone to see if Ghosn had been using it.
Who knows, maybe they have records of her phone being used in ways that would violate the bail conditions and they need the actual phone to cement that evidence, particularly seeing as this entire saga is being scrutinized so heavily (ie. 2 sources of hard evidence would implicate whoever was using the phone, that being either Mr or Mrs Ghosn). Perhaps just having police surveillance records on the prosecution side is not enough to convict here; although I have heard cases in the US where mobile metadata (call summaries and locations) has been enough to convict in the US
Anyway, this is all speculation so we shouldn't jump to any conclusions and wait for more detailed info
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Ghosn, lawyer protest his rearrest; prosecutors confiscate Ghosn's wife's passport, mobile phone See in context
Uh oh, sounds like Mrs Ghosn could be implicated here. If she allowed her husband to use her mobile while under bail conditions she could become an accomplice for violation of bail. If this is the case seizing her passport makes sense. Needless to say, this is shaping up to be one of the trials of our time
5 ( +14 / -9 )
Posted in: Ex-Nissan boss Ghosn served 4th arrest warrant; calls it 'outrageous' See in context
An elite criminal getting arrested for committing an incredible number of crimes? How outrageous!
He was putting on weight again so it's nice to see he'll get back down to a healthier size
-5 ( +14 / -19 )
Posted in: Renault probes gift from Versailles chateau linked to Ghosn's wedding See in context
Let me guess, this elaborate wedding at the palace "gifted" to Carlos was also all a lie and part of a smear campaign by Nissan and Renault? Bye bye Carlos, you are definitely going to stay in jail now
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: Why do Japanese characters in anime, manga and video games "look" Caucasian? See in context
Sometimes they look caucasian, but Japanese find caucasians a curiousity to be adapted and laughed at rather than emulated. One only needs to look at a few TV commercials with silly caucasians attempting to speak Japanese and doing goofy things to see what the intent is, although caucasians do themselves not favours by submitting to this generalisation
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korea accuses Japanese patrol plane of threatening flight See in context
I trust South Korea as much as I trust North Korea, China, and Russia.
19 ( +21 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo court denies Ghosn's latest bail request See in context
Good. He would immediately destroy evidence, in addition to all the evidence he has destroyed so far so no chance of release. Hopefully they bring charges of destruction of evidence too
-18 ( +16 / -34 )
@GuruMick, My impression is good kicking techniques but weak punching teckniques.
Posted in: All-Japan Taekwondo Championships to be held in Tokyo this weekend
Jacobo @ Mr Kipling, However, this is soft crime. I would have thought "hard" crime.
Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
Ok. I give up. The only way to go is to institute anther Sakoku period and be done with the…
Posted in: The squad saving deer from tourist trash in Nara
Sorry my calculations were off. I must have been thinking of something else.
Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.