Japan Today

GenevaMan comments

Posted in: Next autumn's look See in context

I like that. Cocky look. Something between Miro and Mondrian. Messy display of cool stuff. I love the vintage classic sunglasses. And nice gals of course!

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Posted in: How to stop kids from walking into door handles See in context

LOL the pic cracked me up.

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Posted in: Enter the dragon See in context


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Posted in: Japanese passenger arrested in Hawaii for punching Delta flight attendant See in context


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Posted in: Members only: Tokyo's sexiest party gets ready to take on Asia See in context

Hey lookie! While we are a bunch of nobodies coming out of our soon-to-become-a-third-world-country piece of land, we are here in Japan milking the cows, making believe to this people from another country-soon-to-become-a-third-world-country that we are a bunch of elite music makers.

To the chinese audience: be merciless and don't be fooled like the Japanese did: please sort the has-been western junk looking for money to the real western stuff.

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Posted in: Softbank to release record-long TV ad featuring 'White Family' See in context

I am surprised we haven't seen any black vans nor any demonstrators around the softbank HQ. There are too many korean stuff on TV these days, and now we get an apology of bestiality and interracial relationships. Geez, japanese viewers it's time to get a backbone!

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Posted in: Hashimoto unveils grand vision of Osaka metropolis See in context

Can't wait to visit the Suupaa Osaka metolopolisu, conjugating the expertise in loud, drunk and obnoxious behaviour of its male citizen and the offenssively excessive in self-display of boorish clothes and make-up of its hysteric female counterparts, to bring you the ultimate "jeez, I need to gtfo of this slum asap" experience.

Osaka, a land of contrasts.

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Posted in: Olympic judo champ Uchishiba indicted over teen rape See in context

Very soon black belt in soap dropping... Karma is a bitch.

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Posted in: Man arrested for two hit-and-run violations while drunk See in context

Fear and loathing in Tokyo

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Posted in: A cap for the PM See in context

Noda here looks like an Uzbek.

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Posted in: Yakuza involved in Fukushima clean-up: reporter See in context

It is very common for Yakuza to "hire" and use people who are in debt; extreme japanese porn (for example involving bestiality) are usually made with women who are in debt; same thing with a lot of "fishermen" working in the sea of Okhotsk, etc.... Yakuza are trash. Period.

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Posted in: Fukushima village's nuclear reality sets in slowly See in context

Frankly speaking, these ojiichan and obaachan might live an even more dreadful (and perhpas shortest) life outside their "terroir", even though it has been irradiated. Glad they are allowed to spend their last years in their neighborhood.

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Posted in: In protest See in context

These guys need to get a jobby job.

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Posted in: More than 1,000 dead birds fall from sky over Arkansas town See in context


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Posted in: Using his head See in context

OMGWTFUSSR. In soviet China, Japanese get jumped.

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Posted in: Maid to order See in context

Live and let live people. And she is one cute eyecandy for sure.As we say in french: "miam miam".

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Posted in: Japan split over maiden names, foreign suffrage See in context

Foreigners should become citizens if they want to vote. Don't like it? Go home.


Married couples should have one single family name in order to show unity as a family unit and to avoid confusion.

BS. YOU seem to be easily confused.

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Posted in: What do you think of the quality of refereeing so far in the World Cup? See in context

USA was robbed.

Too many red cards.

I am Swiss, and two yellows were given to my homeboys without reason. Also,5 minutes of additional time were given at the end of the Swiss-Spain game. This is insane.

I don't think anything suspicious is going on. I just think refs and officials are not doing their job properly.

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Posted in: Constant drone of vuvuzelas killing World Cup atmosphere See in context

I will be one, or three! One for home, one for driving and one for my office.

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Posted in: Dear Angry Western Guy See in context

Dear Melissa, from my own experience, people who work too hard to please the Japaneses are usually becoming the most bitter Japanophobes.

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Posted in: Rush hour See in context

Sheer hell.

I am so happy I don't have to go through this ever again.

Worst time to take crowded trains in Tokyo: December, when all the drunkies go out of their bonenkai.It just reeks of a funny smell and all the shaky salariman zombies are the worst, short time big pathetic w@nker I had the unpleasure to endure for more than 5 minutes. I always had the impression that my clothes were leaking shochu even hours after getting out of these "drunk wagon"

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Posted in: What do you think are some of the most spectacular scenes ever filmed in movies? See in context

@nedinjapan, rofl

1)Gunfight in Heat 2)Explosions scenes in The Hurt Locker (saw this movie yesterday, I am still in shock) 3)Highway scene in Matrix 2 4)Like many other posters here, I liked the fight Balrog VS Gandalf. 5)The most shocking and "kimochi warui" CG performance belong to Koroshya Ichi, of Takashii Miike.

In Nihon Chinbotsu, I was impressed by the scenes were Tokyo was collapsing (even though the movie was crappy IMO). Not surprisingly, I have heard this movie was a big hit in China.

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Posted in: J-pop starlet May J reveals her Persian heritage See in context

I want to debut in Iran, if it’s possible. I hope I can be a positive image for Iranians

Well, pick up the burqa and do the twist!

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Posted in: Which country's beef gets your vote for the tastiest? See in context

Any kind of beef is fine, as long as it doesn't get the benzedrine, anabolic steroid nor methandrostenolone treatment.

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Posted in: Nikkatsu revives successful porn genre of ’70s and ’80s See in context

The Nikkatsu had the absolute monopole on theater movies in the 80's. That is why japanese cinema had the time of his life through video cinema. The Nikkatsu produced porn out of pure lack of imagination and desperate need of ¥¥¥. If one desires to watch interesting funny softcore, one has to check the video cinema that were released during this time.

Also, I agree with some JTnautes here. There is nothing to celebrate, when we consider the place porn has taken in Japanese society today.

Weird, because I always though Japan was pretty sexually liberated and progressive in their own way. Not in the over the top, in your face, American way, but in a way that seems comfortable and pragmatic with sex and sexuality. Japan seems free of the hang ups associated with sex in some countries, it seems to celebrate it.

Tamarama, no offense, but you might be aware that today japanese are not feeling horny watching Ukiyoe. This is a western cliché. All this talk we hear in the West about how japanese sex is sophisitcated and easthetic is BS. I am all for sexual freedom, however today homo japonicus desire is focused on the infantile, passive, submissive, dumb, mini-skirted teenager. Basically, today's japanese porn describes a mighty japanese man dealing with silly, submissive, (too) young girls, which is a "carnivalesque inversion", considering that japanese men are now beleaguered, mostly bitter and rely pretty much on masturbation or prostitution to get satisfied, and that more and more women are dealing with their sex life in a less "men-centered" way and can deal with their sex life more than before.

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Posted in: Bare statistics mask human cost of Japan’s high suicide rate See in context

I could see many of my J-friends being stucked in the worst and most sinister jobs, crappy romances, boring lifestyles, failed marriages and family life... Most of them don't chose something else, not because they don't want to, but just because they have no idea that somehing else is possible.

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Posted in: New graduates face gloomy job prospects See in context

As much as I agree with the posters who stated that grads and diploma are not the key to get a good situation, but this is specially true for Japan. If you study accounting in Europe, then you will get accounting skills. I am amazed to see that in Japan, they are not taught anything at all, and are basically relying on this good-for-nothing background to be dispatched like soldiers in different companies, without any regards to their skills, capabilities and personality. I work with Japanese employees and most of them are not qualified for even lifting a pen, but they still have those high flown titles and take themselves really seriously. This model can't last any longer. If Japan pretends to be a capitalist country, then they need to change this "corporate" culture which is no different to a welfare system.

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Posted in: New uniforms See in context

The uniform is ok. I just don't understand the red card around the neck.

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Posted in: If you saw someone you thought was murder suspect Tatsuya Ichihashi on the street, in a restaurant or on a train, for example, realistically speaking, what would you do? See in context

The fact that a gaijin attacked a Japanese would bring the cops running like speeding bullets.

True. But I was assaulted three years ago in a train. One nutter attacked me when I was sleeping (there was nobody around, it was closed to Atami, at night). I quickly woke up, slap the guy (once), then he ran away in a random station. I ran after him; five minutes later, the cops arrived and stomped on me. The bloke looked at me, laughed and ran away. I explained to the cops what happened, but it took almost 30 minutes after they released me. And of course they never looked for the nutter. If you decide to beat the cr3p out of Ichihashi, then you have to make sure he won't be able to use his legs before the cops arrive, otherwise he'll quietly reach the whorehouse where he is hiding.

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Posted in: 147 killed in Baghdad suicide car bombings See in context

Lessee... an Iraq no longer ruled by an awful dictator, but by a freely elected government that doesn't seek WMD or threaten its neighbors...

I would LOL, but I won't. If one had a slight idea of what is going on in Iraq, one would know that those attacks are just symptoms. What Bush started in Iraq and in the Middle East hasn't even reach its climax yet. We will pay for this stupid war for a century, probably more.

Moderator: Readers, please keep your comments focused on the current situation in Iraq, and do not rehash old arguments about Saddam Hussein and whether or not he had WMDs.

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