Japan Today

getbent comments

Posted in: U.S. military serviceman, girlfriend found dead in apparent murder suicide See in context

I'm not sure why many people seem to be jumping to conclusions concerning this story, considering the dearth of information. Anyone remember the airman stabbed by his crazy girlfriend a short time ago?

Here we have a aging 44 year old woman with a child by another man and a strapping 31 years young Marine. Who's to say that he didn't threaten to leave her, she shanked him in his sleep, then killed herself?

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Posted in: U.S. military lifts some restrictions on sailors in Japan See in context

All the US military members should be confined to their bases, at all times, and places like Tama Hills Recreation Center in Tokyo (ever seen that place? A crime that such a wonderful space in Tokyo is reserved solely for US military, SOFA, and JSDF) should be turned over to the public.

-4 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Police say no more stores in Tokyo selling 'dangerous drugs' See in context

Oh boy! The fine fellows of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police must have been busy!!! There are thousands of stores selling "dangerous drugs" throughout the city. How could they even do that?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 58.4% of high school seniors say they don't like studying English See in context

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is that it may be nice for Japanese to be able to read news and viewpoints from different parts of the world. At least, if you're an English speaker, you can get news from a pretty wide variety of countries and cultures.

Oh, wait. very, very, very few people here care about anything not filtered through a Japanese viewpoint.

Never mind.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

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