Posted in: Regulator orders Coincheck to get its act together after Y58 bil cryptocurrency theft See in context
you are right,I totally agree with you,I already had an account at one of exchange company(bitflyer)I funded my account last Wednesday for first time,deposite reflected into my account,but they emailed me after,informing me that my name shown on wire doesn't match my name registered at company,they ask me to check again wether it's in Katagana or Alphapet and correct at at home page,then they can verify it and confirm registration,I did several times but they kept sending me same email,finally there was an indication saying"your bank account information is under verification now"this was last Friday bug up till now got no further action,what am I supposed to do?!
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Vietnamese detainee killed himself in immigration center, community leader says See in context
No one is detained for doing nothing,everyone there because he violated the law.I was in Shinigawa detention center,all detainees there were detained because of over stayed,drugs,stealing,working illegally,etc.i don't know about this Vietnamese man,I can't tell,but I can ensure honestly and from my own experience,no one there just for fun or an innocent,no way.Further more,all detention centers are visited by NGO's very often,lawyers also go there to meet their clients in daily terms.Japanese detention centers are not Guantanamo,no way,don't believe media exaggerations sometimes.Am not trying to be nice to Japanses authorities,am just telling truth as I witnessed myself.Why we haven't heard such complaints against detention centers from NGO's which are always there meeting detainees of all nationalities anytime they wish freely! About medical care,I swear whenever I needed to go to hospital,they never refused or delayed,not only that,but they were checking strictly wether I took my medicine punctually on time or not and insisted on watching me when I took it .This my testimony honestly and frankly and clearly.
-1 ( +11 / -12 )
Posted in: Malaysia says nerve agent killed Kim within 20 minutes See in context
Again,yes why and how comes the two women still alive to be witnessses?!why wasn't he killed easily away from airport without this BIG SHOW?!what threatens Kim was presenting to his brother regime?!he was all time enjoying his life!! I believe. If he would have represented 1 percent hreaten to NK regime he wouldn't be left like that without top protection ,nor living several years in exile without being hunted,this very simple security criteria kids in kindergarten know it))
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Malaysia says nerve agent killed Kim within 20 minutes See in context
I don't take for granted Nk is behind it.First he was living years ago in exile made no threatens of any kind for his brother or regime ,everyone knows that,why now and why at airport?!if they were able to identify and reache him at airport,why no where else?!why no other nationalities but four Nk men in case Nk is standing behind?!Nk citizens-up to my knowledge-can't escape from their country,how comes they travel to Malaysia as tourists using their original passports,not faked ones?why they were not stopped or at least watched by Malaysian securities?!what I can say,there are lots of questions and mistries needed to be answered and revealed.until this happens and I doubt it wil!!I can say clearly am sorry am not fairy tales believer))!!
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Nomura sees opportunities from Trump's pro-business agenda See in context
DocCarlos,I agree with you.i do believe strongly there will be coming correction soon after Trump takes office.20k is no more than a trap,it has no meaning,forget about round number,all news and expectations are already over priced,what else?!on the ground nothing yet happened nor Trump took office.i don't believe he will put what he said during campaign into actions,strong dollar not in anyway good for US economy,it will damage export badly,but what I personally believe,dollar-in case of big inflation-will go to hell down,it's very likely will rocket high and oil will gain a lot.better to step out of market earliest possible,waiting and watching what will happen in the first month,not 100 days,much better than to be the last one to leave and have to turn off lights.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Predictions for 2017 See in context
My predictions;front right will win elections in France,chancellor Angela Merkel will be defeated in elections,dollar will hurry on down,gold and oil will fly higher.there will be lots of disorder,crisis on political,sociable and economical levels in US,China economy will get worse.Turkey in the eye of wind this year,and Saudia will have economic troubles more likely currency will be floated,About President elect Trump..............................................lots to be told,everyone can guess)).Italy will face serious troubles,and Greece economy hurry on down again,but this time no way to save!these are mere expectations.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Forbes Japan expects Japanese startups to revitalize the economy See in context
That's what Japan and Japanese really need,I appreciate highly Forbes initiative.yes,I do agree Japan are full of young dreamers but not really a lot of dare to fail,still salaryman mentality dominating.Am optimistic things will change in good terms soon in Japan,mainly because in a very speedy changing world there is no side ways options left,it's now or never.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: New obstacles await U.S. stocks as Dow hits 19,000 See in context
Fxgai,what you say makes sense,and what article mentioned makes sense as well.Its UNCERTAINTY .I do strongly believe Trump is a game changer,he is a businessman and knows what he says,it won't be that easy,but it will indeed be totally different.Whats happening in Eurozone will be-no doubt-in favor of Dollar and US stocks,hard times are waiting for Euro in coming days,I believe soon we will see Euro equal Dollar.we have to take this into consideration,those who are taking history as Aguirre when Fed hikes rate,I would say,this time it's different,it's a beginning of new era and new game rules,Sure stocks record new round high will face obstacles,but this is normal technically when it reaches or records new high,still believe there is a lot good in favor of Dollar and AMerican stocks and markets in the future.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Battered yen faces new ball game, more losses after Trump win See in context
I have a feeling Fed will not hike interest on December as almost all expect,simply because up till now what is happening in markets have no fundamental base nor reasonable reasons,just mere great expectations,I don't think it will come true that easy or simple as many wishes or hope.Up till now hyper optimism behavior move markets.Remember few days ago same markets were so sepismistic about Trump ,but because as we all know-money never sleeps-markets have to make money in all ways.Colorado Fed president said on Thursday"we can't be shoe before coming of new administration"that's sounds logical for me,but who knows?!never say never.The question is,how will the situation if Fed won't hike interest rate on December?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: BOJ loses bark and bite under Kuroda See in context
I believe yen,after Kurosawa announcement will be spiked high to more damaging and dangerous levels,putting Bojin the corner,having no choice but QE.Anyway,never say never,and expect the unexpected.Yes,I agree,if money doesn't go to Japanese citizens,waiting for inflation will be no more than waiting for Godo))!.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Yen hits 6-week low See in context
That was exactly what i posted twice today before publishing this article,when i commented on government plans announced by Abe.I also mentioned Speculators are selling Yen since days,thats what article mentioned as well.Dow Jones today will show which direction dollar is going,there night be sort of correction after strong rally of gains last days.but that will be temporary.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Melania Trump ignites GOP convention after gloom, turmoil See in context
Though i dont like Hillary,wish her not to win presidency election,but i have no doubt she will win.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: May says Softbank-ARM deal shows Britain can be a success post-Brexit See in context
Well,it shows one thing,still Britain the biggest stock market in Europe,the second after Wall street,still attractive for investors,low sterling pound is a good reason.I would confirm,Softbank bargain is a master stroke,they hunted when every one is afraid,hesitated and confused,let alone fears.The question is,how much such a bargain worth before Brexit,in case they would be (ARM)interested to sell it?the answer shows how clever Softbank is.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe says it is his duty to revise constitution; calls for debate See in context
In changing world order,changing power balances in South east Asia,Geopolitical complicated conflicts aroud the clock,and trouble makers neighbors threatens,makes changing constitution A MUST.Neither Abe,nor anyone else wanna go for a war,but should be strong enough,ready enough to make others think hundred times before taking any stupid step,this is the fact everywhere in the world-Japan is not an exception,let alone States isnt interested to play same role as before,and i guess all of us know very well States is encouraging Japan to take this step.Even if Japan keep being nice and peaceful,others wont be so,nor appreciate it.If Japan has nice peaceful neighbors,we have the right then to blame or attack Abe,but is this the case?sure not.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: No chance Japan will adopt 'helicopter money,' say officials See in context
I do not take seriously any talk about Yen,not based on Technical analysis.What i said before was ,all-based on technical analysis,proved to be true.Its also well known that every up should have down,Yen will rebound at certain point-not so far from bottom made after Brexit- goes down against dollar again,which i suppose to be in a short term.What goes on now, mere speculations,but also shown in technical analysis,nothing randomly.I dont know what Gary Raynor reasons or evidences behind his expectations-he didnt tell-but it doesnt seem to me technically.Anyway strong selling signals already been shown,I posted after LDP won elections,aking to keep eyes on Yen and Nikei,there will be good gains,but yen wont be able to continue.Dow Jones achieved historical levels now after breaking a very hard level of 18ooo,which failed to break dozen of times.I believe will continue especially with approaching of American presidency election and biggest possibility for Hillary to win.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: No chance Japan will adopt 'helicopter money,' say officials See in context
Gary Raynor
Is what are you telling about Yen,is mere expectation or prediction,or based on technical analysis?i expect yen to go below 100 yen against dollar,around 95 against dollar,but i cant tell now if it will go farer,we are waiting for government meeting and BOJ in coming days.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Ultraconservative lobby Nippon Kaigi backs constitution revision See in context
Thanks for your valuable post needed badly among hysteric angry hateful posts,let alone low language and disrespectful words,impolite manner,ridiculing and insulting aged voters,and attacking young ones-one called them sheep!!-a female poster called voters for LDP IDIOTS!Its surprising this big hatred,The amazing thing is that they refuse democracy because it bring what they hate,believe it or not!!How comes Japanese respect or even believe people show their interest for their good while they insult and ridiculing them when they disagree with them,thats why they keep loosing and going down always.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Ultraconservative lobby Nippon Kaigi backs constitution revision See in context
Mark901 You should take into consideration,Abe and LDP won elections and got the majority by free democratic elections,Japanese voted for them,this simply means supporting and backing.These is a fact we should not forget nor jump on,no matter who likes or hate.
-9 ( +0 / -9 )
Posted in: Ultraconservative lobby Nippon Kaigi backs constitution revision See in context
Great Tadae and excellent step,hopefully all other lobbies back Abe Shinzo and LDP to revise EXPIRED CONSTITUTION.There should be Japanese lobbies SAME AS STATES,support and back strongly Abe and LDP.Abe ,this exceptional extraordinary Japanese prime minister,who dares to what never any other prime minister dares to do.No doubt he is the best Japanese prime minister in Japan modern history,Japanese proved to be wise and aware enough to vote for him and LDP,i never doubt this fact.Hope this great initiative from great Tadae will be followed by other good guys.Good news,go ahead,good bless you all.
-7 ( +0 / -7 )
Posted in: Sanders finally endorses Clinton See in context
Outrider I said i have no doubt she is the coming president,though i believe,always expect the unexpected,but up till now she is the black horse.She is also well experienced and highly professional for sure.I wont be exaggerating when i say,she will be one of best handful American presidents,far much better than Obama,but i would prefer a new honest president,for sure she is not.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Sanders finally endorses Clinton See in context
Though i feel pity for Sanders hard luck,but i was sure he wont have a chance,he is not backed by cartels or lobbies like Hillary.I dont wish to see her in the oval office,but i have to say,she will win presidency elections in November,i have no doubt about
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Yen slips as Tokyo stocks jump on renewed Abenomics hopes See in context
Ten gain will not continue,103.54 is a hard resistance to break,once it comes to this level it will go high again to 100 ten against Dllar,this is just as a reaction to LDP and Abe big victory,till Government reveals its new economic plan.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house: exit polls See in context
I said yesterday keep eyes on Yen and Nikei ,there will be big gain,it happened today,but i believe yen is gonna rebound at the level of 103 against dollar even if it goes little higher,it will go up again to 100 Yen against dollar,maybe less until Government reveals its fiscal plan and how big it is,which is strongly expected.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house: exit polls See in context
Those who criticized,voting had been made by old people,i would remind them,Brexit refe.had been made by same way,but we havent heard a clue against,though in both cases its people choices,whether we like it or not.they just-in case they really believe in democracy-to accept and respect,.Those who voted are in all ways,citizens have the full right to choose and decide,no democracy for young only.Voting age has been down to 18yrs,what else can be done?If someone doesnt wanna vote,thats his or her choice,we dont argue about,and we shouldnt argue about old citizens choices as well,
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house: exit polls See in context
James Burke
Do you remember our discussions about Abe Shinzo and LDP?we disagreed,i told you Abe will win,you ensured he will loose,you said he will never be able to change constitution,i said he will,you said there will be big demonstration will step him down,Now its obvious i won.You have been in Japan more than 7years,and speak good Japanese,i am in Japan since a year and dont speak Japanese,i follow up news in English,but am involved in politics long ago,and know well how it works,You told me i have zero percent be recognized as a political refugee,but i was the solely recognized political refugee in 2015 among 27 were recognized.Thats only to remind you.
-13 ( +2 / -15 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house: exit polls See in context
36% OR 3.6% who cares,We WON the election,we won the majority,this is the fact on the ground.Why its hard to accept and respect Japanese choices?!
-16 ( +1 / -17 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house: exit polls See in context
Keep eyes tomorrow on YEN,as a result of Abe and LDP victory,hopefully what i said before will come true,NIKEI is expected to make good gains.
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house: exit polls See in context
CONGRATULATIONS! Abe and LDP bloc did it-as expected-despite hard times,i told before we gonna meet in summer elections,and here we meet again.Am waiting for confirmed numbers and news,then we will manage how to celebrate this historical victory.
-12 ( +6 / -18 )
Posted in: Japan ruling bloc election win could be too big for markets to swallow See in context
It is complicated,for example,there are day analysis,hour analysis,and so on,within these short time trading there are ups and downs by billions of dollars.let alone if something happen,this may take you rocket high or hell bottom in seconds!!Even mega speculators lose money.Soros George is an example,he made billions of dollars when he bet against Asian Currencies in 1997,he destroyed currencies like Thai PAT,in days lost 40%against dollar!!Former prime minister of Malaysia Mahatir Mohamed said after S,George attack on their currencies"What Malaysia built in 40years,Soros George destroyed in a week",but whenb tried to play this game with Russia Putin,he lost i billion dollars)) Genius Soros George,the great speculator,forgot he is playing with one of greatest KGB gray foxes (gray fox is a terminology describe intelligence men).Any way its a big Casino,not for me or you,its only for mega players.everyone knows the rules of play,but not every one can win))
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan ruling bloc election win could be too big for markets to swallow See in context
Though it seems pretty well known,LDP will win,but i always say"expect the unexpected".In politics and life,never say never.Yen tries to try again-as shown-to move toward resistance 103,but wont be able to break,even if happens shortly,then will go up again too 100 yen against Dollar,Yes,i believe once LDP wins,Priority will be for changing constitution,there will be an intervene for favor of yen,but how far will be more easing money,hard to tell now,it depends.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Man sentenced to life in prison for raping 10 elementary school girls
Posted in: Enzymes are the engines of life
I'm sure the women who read this will rush right out to get a new job so that they become…
Posted in: What jobs would make a woman an attractive wife to Japanese men?
Posted in: What jobs would make a woman an attractive wife to Japanese men?