Posted in: Japan to build anti-tourist fence at another Mount Fuji viewpoint See in context
Foreigner arriving in Japan must sign pledge to respect Nippon customs including holy mountain fujisan
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: South Korean protesters call for government action on Fukushima water See in context
Can’t see a single young Korean in the photo!
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: GOP in disarray as McCarthy fails again in bid for House speakership See in context
What is happening in the Senate is only democracy on action so stop whining! Imagine if Marjorie Taylor Greene stepped up to the plate.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan to tighten COVID border controls for travelers from China See in context
Anti-Chinese discrimination- disgusting!
-32 ( +4 / -36 )
Posted in: Tomahawks part of Japan's record defense spending next year See in context
At long last Nippon re-joins the world of nations staunchly defending freedom! Given they have spent so little on defense in the past, I think they should quadruple the defense budget immediately and at the same time, give their military soldiers the same deference that US servicemen get in the US. What is the Japanese phrase for "We thank you for your service.". Like South Korea and Singapore, compulsory military service for graduating students will solve the shortage of soldiers I read about. It will also bring more discipline to the unruly youth in Shibuya.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Ex-Tokyo Olympics official Takahashi granted ¥80 million bail in bribery case See in context
It is shameful how Takahashi is being scapegoated by the Japanese media. He was one of the key people who made the Olympics a successful event every Japanese can be proud of. The politicians knew all this stuff at the beginning so why are they only hanging out Takahashi to dry now?
-12 ( +0 / -12 )
Posted in: Japan space research team tampered with experiment data: JAXA See in context
Save Japanese taxpayer money by immediately withdrawing from this wasteful exercise in national prissy. Ace JAXA now and solve the homeless crisis.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: BOJ plans to experiment digital yen with megabanks next spring See in context
Cyber cash already proven bad. Stop playing with our hard earned CASH!
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Prosecutors raid Dentsu in widening Tokyo Olympic probe See in context
Stop taking things out on Dentsu! Japan wanted the Olympics someone has to get their hands dirty. Suck it up Japanese general public.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Odds of Unification Church dissolution order hinge on if there is enough evidence See in context
Nothing wrong with Unification Church. It has brought many single people together into happy, married lives. It also promotes world peace. What is wrong with those ideals? Also banning the church I think is just an excuse for LDP to focus away from important issues. Also it is religious persecution-this is not unlike feudal Japan did to Christians in the 15th century in Nagasaki!
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Shibuya Ward to ban drinking in public spaces during Halloween period See in context
I don’t understand. Japan cannot constitutionally make people stay home during COVID lockdown, so how can they ban alcohol? It is a travesty of individual freedom and choice.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Liz Truss quits after six chaotic weeks as UK prime minister See in context
None of this farce would have happened had BoJo stayed PM. He delivers! He delivered the most successful Tory landslide win at the last election. He delivered Brexit, unchaining Great Britain from the heavy financial, bureaucratic and cultural shackles of continental Europe. An independent Britain would have once again shone its Britannic light and led the world. But nasty-minded “unTory” types conspired to clip his wings.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Sunak likely to be next UK prime minister after Johnson pulls out of race See in context
Everyone is wrong about Boris. He alone would have saved Britain. He is the best politician since Margaret Thatcher.
-7 ( +5 / -12 )
Posted in: Alcohol price hikes add to bars' woes as they adapt to reopening Japan See in context
Price rises here are good because it reduces the chances of the poison that is alcohol reaching the lips of drinkers. If it were me, I would raise 400% taxes on alcohol.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan says Britain may join trans-Pacific free trade pact this year See in context
The two great seafaring island nations of Japan and Great Britain will be tied together economically. This is marvelous news in the MJGA and MGBGA movements.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan reports 35,418 new coronavirus cases See in context
Japan still suffers over 35,000 new cases a day. Why is Japan opening up? Lockdowns and mask wearing must be made mandatory now.
-18 ( +3 / -21 )
Posted in: Kishida says Japan will ease COVID border controls from Oct 11 See in context
Foreigner must accept sincerely Japan sentiment to follow rules. Mask in hotel, shakai distance - then you are welcome.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe's controversial state funeral may backfire on Kishida See in context
Today I put my hands together in gassho type prayer for Japan’s greatest PM. The one who made Japan Great Again.
-47 ( +6 / -53 )
Posted in: Young women in Japan want only one child or none at all: survey See in context
Stop blaming the Japanese government.... young people these days don't have the same sense of responsibility to think about future generations, only thinking about themselves. It was different in my day.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan reports 39,218 new coronavirus cases See in context
Kishida opening up Japan's borders without visa filtering will reverse the declining coronavirus numbers......not a good strategy both from a health point of view nor for the main bloc of LDP voters who are elderly. It is shameful.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Toy firm allegedly bribed ex-Tokyo Olympics executive See in context
I can promise you EVERY company that got a merchandise contract with the Olympics had to pay Takahashi. Dirty money for a dirty games. To believe he was a sole operator is a joke. You have the military-industrial complex but this is the sports-business complex. Takahashi should go to prison for a long, long time.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Next generation of British royals to see more scrutiny See in context
Unfortunately Meghan and Harry have shown themselves to completely disloyal to the Throne.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Obama to skip Abe's state funeral; Hagerty to attend See in context
it is wrong not to invite president trump.
-19 ( +8 / -27 )
Posted in: Japanese government shutting down its COVID contract-tracing app COCOA See in context
This government continues to make the wrong decisions. COCOA is an essential app for tracking future variations of the coronavirus. Moreover it saved lives. I strongly feel every citizen, resident and visitor to Japan must be made to install it on their phones, and there should be mandatory penalties for not using or deleting it.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Deepening Tokyo Olympics bribery scandal casts shadow over 2030 bid See in context
a "clean" bid free from corruption.
Simply ban Dentsu from the process
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan to increase entry cap on arrivals to 50,000 from Sept 7 See in context
This is a terrible and oh so wrong decision that will open the floodgates into Japan of as yet to be determined and potentially fatal variants of the coronavirus. Follow China’s exemplary lead on this - zero covid, zero deaths.
-15 ( +1 / -16 )
Posted in: Russia to hold joint war games with China in Far East, Sea of Japan See in context
it Is about time Japan publicly declared it has nuclear weapons on its soil as a warning.
-7 ( +6 / -13 )
Posted in: 72% of survey respondents say border controls reason for not visiting Japan See in context
If a foreigner wants to visit Japan that much, they must respect the rules made by the government. I am for keeping tight border controls in place because the coronavirus is still responsible for too many deaths. China has the correct policy.
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan eyes lifting of pre-departure COVID tests for inbound vaccinated travelers: media See in context
Another article in Japan Today stated, “The number of coronavirus-related deaths was a record daily high 340.” The proposed action by the government to do away with pre departure testing for inbound foreign travelers is a smack-in-the-face to medical workers trying to save lives. Japan must immediately close its borders and follow the exemplary lead of China’s zero COVID policy.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Cheney's defeat end of an era for GOP; Trump's party now See in context
Politics, like everything else in life, evolves. What we are seeing in the GOP now is cutting edge conservatism that began to mature with Sarah Palin and is in its latest itineration in the great Donald Trump. Trump is a political trailblazer for the 21st century. No waffling or evading the issue. He’s a no holds barred straight shooter who reads the electorate well. We need more Trumps in the world.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Tourism boom sends prices soaring at Niseko ski resort
"less than USD1K?" This robbery incident did not involve American dollars.
Posted in: 73-year-old man beaten, robbed of ¥150,000 in Hokkaido
Please do not bend the knee, kiss the ring.
Posted in: Taiwan pledges chip talks and investment to mollify Trump
two words: bullied and intimidated.
Posted in: Japan Today Spotlight #4 | Ishiba meets Trump: What did Japan’s PM secure in Washington?