Japan Today

girl_in_tokyo comments

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

dbsaiyaToday 08:51 am JST

Only two things that I can get out of this. The first is don't drink to the point that you lose good judgment or worse, black out.

She didn't drink until blacking out. He drugged her drink.

Second, if she was your daughter, what would you do?

Honestly? I would have tracked that guy down myself. He'd be damn sorry when I did.

11 ( +29 / -18 )

Posted in: Japanese comedian's TV scenes cut after report he grabbed woman in 2015 See in context

Why are men so reluctant to recognize that women have good reason to be afraid of men? A guy who grabs your arm and attempts to coerce you into sex is a dangerous man - how is a woman to know whether he will become physically violent?

Women learn to make jokes, smile, try to deflect, and use every passive means in our arsenal to avoid angering men, because we well know that angering a man can lead to violence.

CephusFeb. 2 06:00 pm JST

It's easier fixing this problem affecting especially men. Always carry a written contract at your back pocket and make sure the other party signs with a signature and a hanko too before heading home or to a love hotel and boom problem solved make sure consensual is in Bold Big Letter

The affect on a man is that he may be accused of sexual assault. The affect on a woman is that she would be sexually assaulted.

Instead of a contract, how about men simply treat women with respect instead of being a sex pest.

Mr KiplingFeb. 1 11:00 pm JST

He said, she said...

Sounds like she wants some cash.

Do you have some information we don't? If not, then how can you make this assumption?

"he said, she said" should go both ways, yes? If we cannot assume his guilt, then we also cannot assume hers.

Ironic isn't it, that in such situations people will assert that we can't know whether or not the woman was harassed, so it is therefore unjust to assume the man did something wrong. Yet at that same time, the same person will accuse the woman of lying.

If you have no evidence she lied, you cannot make such an accusation. Obey your own rules.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Do or DEI: Trump's assault on diversity divides America See in context

ZaphodToday 11:01 am JST

The hit pieces just keep coming. Demanding hiring based on merit is not an "assault on diversity" (whatever that means). But yes, the divide is there. The biased legacy media and their consumers are convinced that whatever Trump does is bad.

Hiring IS, and has always been, based on merit. The only thing diversity polices guaranteed was that it wasn't only white men who were hired on merit, but also equally qualified women and POC.

Last but not least, Trump is a serial rapist and admitted sexual predator; a grifter who has had to pay fines for fraudulent businesses; has repeatedly used his office as President for personal monetary gain; and is guilty of encouraging his follows to commit treason. Not to mention he is a misogynistic homoephobic racist a-hole who makes fun of the elderly and handicapped.

So good work, America. Enjoy reaping the rewards of your poor choice.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Posted in: Do or DEI: Trump's assault on diversity divides America See in context

"If anything, the country is beset by mediocre white men who got their positions through an old-boys' network of family, friends, connections, and frat buddies who now gum up and dumb down the system at every level."

Truer words have never been spoken. Look at Japan as a great example of how screwed up a system becomes when they let old dinosaur males run the country.

It's only since Shiroi Ito shook things up that rape laws were changed so that they reflected consent and not violence as the metric.

As for the minorities and women who voted for Trump? I am alooking forward to seeing them cry after they get their faces eaten by leopards.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan #MeToo survivor says media failing to report sexual assault cases properly See in context

Geeter MckluskieToday 01:19 pm JST

Rape and other forms of sexual assault are the result of misogyny in Japanese society.

In all societies

I'm glad you agree.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan #MeToo survivor says media failing to report sexual assault cases properly See in context

Geeter MckluskieToday 11:55 am JST

Based on myopic metrics that don't take in a myriad of factors.

Japanese women rule the social world and the home.

Rape and other forms of sexual assault are the result of misogyny in Japanese society.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan #MeToo survivor says media failing to report sexual assault cases properly See in context

I don't ever want to see another comment question why women don't report sexual assault. All you have to do is take one look at what Shiroi went though to understand the hell it can be. This includes people who accuse victims of lying - no one wants that kind of attention, even for the supposed payout they assume the victim is attempting to get.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Is obesity a disease? Sometimes but not always, experts decide See in context

BigToday 02:24 pm JST

"Is obesity genetic?" Yes. Kids copy the eating habits of their parents.

It is far more complicated than that. People are genetically predisposed to having difficulty with gaining or losing weight, just as they may be predisposed to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, or other diseases.

This makes it a struggle for some people to gain weight, while others struggle not to gain weight.

"Am I obese because obesity runs in my family?" No. No one runs in your family.

You sound like a 12 year old junior high school bully. I'd be quite amused if, as an adult, to see the results if you actually said this to someone's face. But internet bullies very rarely have the guts to say to someone directly what they write online. This is because at heart, bullies and internet trolls are both cowards.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Posted in: Porn for women in Japan: No plumbers or pizza delivery men here See in context

ZaphodToday 08:00 am JST

Females on average are way less interested in that stuff than males. Biological differences are real. Without males, the industry would not exist.

Feeeeemales ... I always hear this is Quark's voice (Star Trek, DS9).

And women like porn, too. Just different kinds than men.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: What are self-defense laws in Japan? See in context

JapantimeToday 07:57 am JST

I’ve never seen a Japanese person get angry. Most fights are caused by foreigners not understanding Japanese language and customs. There is an old saying “When in Rome”.

If you watched the video at the top of the article, then this is not true - clearly, the video shows a drunk and violent Japanese man who tried to fight the police.

I don't quite understand why you feel the need to promote the idea that Japanese people never get angry, never fight, and are never violent. Maybe if you think about it more carefully and objectively, you'll see what a wongheaded idea it is.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: What are self-defense laws in Japan? See in context

This is also why women don't hit or punch chikan - it can be seen as aggression, not self-defense. What they expect is for the woman to endure it and call the police afterwards. After all, is your life in danger when a man is groping you? The police don't recognize extreme terror or fear of rape as equal to your life being in danger.

I personally know a woman who defended herself against a man who followed her out of the station and groped her - she punched him, managed to get him down on the ground, and called the police. But when the police arrived, she was then arrested.

In the end she wasn't charged because she was smart enough to agree to apologize and let it go. If she had tried to insist on her right to defend herself or press charges against her attacker, she'd be in jail and the chikan would have been out walking the streets attacking other women, secure in the knowledge the law would protect him.

The police prefer to let the two parties apologize to one another than pressing charges, so if you're given this option, take it.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Posted in: Tokyo Cancel Christmas protest march cancelled by Revolutionary Alliance of Unpopular Men See in context

It should be renamed "parade of the incels".

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

Posted in: 'I just wanted her to see my T-back' doesn’t save man from being arrested for exposing butt See in context

ebisenToday 02:46 pm JST

girl_in_tokyo - You're on a very slippery path here.

Remember that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. He's not flashing his genitals at her and in other context there's nothing wrong with men wearing loinclothes.

He was wearing thong underwear underneath pants. He pulled his pants down to show a girl his bare butt.

Where am I on a slippery path by saying that this kind of act needs consent and context, e.g., we give consent at the beach to see people in bathing suits that show more of our bodies that is generally not acceptable in other contexts.

Are you saying context, intent, and consent are moot points and do not matter? Because that would make everything a free for all, where anyone could do anything at any time - and as clearly that is not the case, you have to admit that context, intent, and consent do provide parameters for deciding whether something is okay or not okay.

And a man pulling down his pants in a shopping mall and flashing a young girl his bare butt without consent is pretty clearly not okay.

Yes, it's deviant and strange, but remember that in other countries women showing their faces is considered deviant. So you either want equality and accept that if a girl can flash her underwear at an arab guy while walking up the stairs without getting arrested so should this guy be able to do the same.

A girl can't pull down her pants in a shopping mall and flash her underwear at an Arab guy whom she does not know. She would be arrested the same as this guy was arrested. That is equality under the law, and I agree with it.


If you are asking if I think that social judgement of a man who flashes a woman his butt should be the same as social judgement of a girl who flashes a man her butt, then no - because as we all know, men are bigger, stronger, and women fear that men who flash them will also rape and possibly kill them, while men do not have that kind of fear from women.

Only if women did not have to fear men and fear rape, would this be equal.

Your logic makes me want to chose the bear.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: 'I just wanted her to see my T-back' doesn’t save man from being arrested for exposing butt See in context

noypikantokuToday 04:07 pm JST

> "Middle Aged Woman" so what if it's a woman in her 20s would she be arrested too?

The reason for "middle aged" is to make a fully accurate comparison with the man in the story. But generally speaking, the age doesn't matter.

I think the society is hypocrite. We often see this on mainstream media, that when young women show their butts to men it is "Cute", "Sexy", or "Funny". But when its done by a middle aged man, it is perverted.

Because women don't generally attack, beat up, sexually harass, sexually assault, rape, and murder men on the same scale that men attack, beat up, sexually harass, sexually assault, rape, and murder women, - so as a society we tend look at those two actions differently. We see a woman flashing a man as funny or sexy, but a man flashing a woman as sexual predation. Is is bias? Yes, but there is a logic to it.

Im not saying that the action of this guy was right! It is indeed perverted. But my point is that the system is so selective. I bet that if this is done by a young woman, for sure we won't be discussing about this and police will probably just laugh about it for sure

The legal system does not discriminate by gender. The law is the same law for everyone.

Do the police discriminate? I am sure there are police who do, since they are as human and prone to bias as any other human. But the law is the law for everyone.

This is stalking issues, if a woman reports a case of stalking, cops will take it seriously. But, if the accuser is a man, cops will not take it seriously.

This is quite true, and very very unfortunate. In such serious cases where someone is terrorized or injured, it's not at all logical to maintain the bias that women are not a danger to men. Clearly, there are times that they are.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: 'I just wanted her to see my T-back' doesn’t save man from being arrested for exposing butt See in context

AlongfortherideToday 02:05 pm JST

No, what they are comparing to is the same age girl who enjoy going to the beach with a piece of string up their but cracks showing off to the world the same as this guy did. But of course its ok for females to do that right? Just men who can't

Men can and do wear tiny binkini swimsuits at the beach. It's perfectly ok.

Please post a link to any law books that state that.

If you are unsure of the legal definition of sexual consent, I have two suggestions:

Look it up

Until you look it up and understand it thoroughly, stay far far away from all women.

> And women are perfect yes? You don't ever see cases of women engaging in criminal acts on here right?

What has this to do with anything?

Are you saying that because women commit crimes, that it's not so bad if men do, too? If not, then what IS your point? There is zero logic in this comment.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: 'I just wanted her to see my T-back' doesn’t save man from being arrested for exposing butt See in context

noypikantokuToday 12:28 pm JST

So what if its the other way around? A woman wearing super mini skirt, exposing her T-Back to a teenage boy behind her. Can that be a ground to arrest this woman for the same offense as this man? Because I've seen that very often here in Tokyo and I didn't see cops making arrests. These policies are kinda biased.

No, it the law is not biased. It is applied to both men and women in exactly the same way.

Rest assured that if a middle aged woman was wearing pants with thong underwear underneath, then pulled down her pants to flash a teenage boy behind her "to show him my t-back", then yes, she would be arrested, and rightly so, because that is flashing. And morally speaking, it would be considered by most people as a form of sexual predation on a minor.

That is why the man was arrested.

I can't believe I have to explain this - and to more than one person.


-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: 'I just wanted her to see my T-back' doesn’t save man from being arrested for exposing butt See in context

Another one?

What the hell, people.

There is something seriously wrong with the men on this site.

ebisenToday 12:54 pm JST

So at a festival then other day I was proudly wearing my fundoushi (FUN-doushi ;) ) buttcheeks in plain view. The same as hundreds other men. Women didn't seem to mind, quite the opposite, some drunk ones seemed to enjoy it more than normally. Was that an arrestable offense too?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: 'I just wanted her to see my T-back' doesn’t save man from being arrested for exposing butt See in context

I'm sorry, but WHAT?

Are you really saying that consent does not matter? Are you honestly equating women wearing skirts, which is a socially accepted item of clothing, with a man flashing his butt at a teenage girl?

When you go to the beach, you are consenting to see people, men and women, in bathing suits.

When you go to the shopping mall, you are not consenting for a man to pull his pants down to show you his butt for his own sexual gratification.

I just can't with these comments. And you wonder why women chose the bear ...

Alongfortheride Today 09:02 am JST

Yes agree this guy is a nutcase but on the flip side to this that same 18/19 year old then goes to the beach in summer in a bikini that exposes the same thing and thats fine.

WoodyLee Today 09:07 am JST

Why is it okay for females to flash and expose the top and bottom parts of their bodies and NOT MEN??

What would society think of Men wearing Mini Skirts, T backs, Bikini's, no tops, and all the sexy and provocative clothing women use to flash their body parts!???

I could never understand the logic of this Hypocrisy!!!

Men should be allowed to do what ever women can get away with.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: ‘For the very first time I really enjoyed sex!’ How lesbian escort agencies became a form of self-care in Japan See in context

“Men do not understand women and their bodies,”

In general, no they do not.

Bless these fuzoku ladies for this service!

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Posted in: ‘For the very first time I really enjoyed sex!’ How lesbian escort agencies became a form of self-care in Japan See in context

God, the WINGING by heterosexual men who are butthurt that some women, goddess forbid, don't WANT them, is absolutely MUSIC to this bisexual feminist's ears, LOL.

Keep the comments coming, guys. You're making my day brighter!

5 ( +15 / -10 )

Posted in: Man found dead in love hotel, with restraints on hands and feet See in context

falseflagsteve Today  08:17 am JST

Yes, but he was a man using a purse.

Right, because using a coin purse for your coins instead of putting them in your pocket like a Real Man makes you gay. Just like those guys who OMG wear pink or even gasp - carry a bag!!

And of course, being gay is bad, umkay, because (vague mumbling, conspiracy theories about chemtrails and gay frogs) and (more mumbling and hyper-masculine posturing).

You go, Steve. This helps us all know you are totally 100% CISGENDER HETERO MALE. Booyah!

1 ( +13 / -12 )

Posted in: Toilet use restrictions on trans gov't employee lifted See in context

BertieWoosterNov. 12 05:54 pm JST

It's really very simple. He has a male body with male body parts and male chromosomes, he's a man and uses mens' toilets. It doesn't matter what he feels. His mental health is not helped by going into agreement with his private fantasy.

Biology and psychology are anything but simple.

That you think it is just shows a personal lack of understanding.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Toilet use restrictions on trans gov't employee lifted See in context

In all my experiences of sexual assault and harassment, which are many, exactly none of them were transgender women in bathrooms.

Women aren't afraid of transgender women in the bathrooms. We are afraid of cisgender men, period.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Man arrested for hugging woman after she gets into her car See in context

People are beginning their comments by saying that hugging isn't a big deal.

You're condoning assault.

Women have the right to move through the world without a random stranger touching their body, in any way, shape, or form.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

1 ( +14 / -13 )

Posted in: Man fatally slashes 18-year-old female employee at bar in Tokyo See in context

ZaphodToday 02:58 am JST

Sure it can be, as can lots of things. Calling a girls bar a "sex business" however, is huge stretch. By that token, most everything is a "sex business". And girls bars have nothing to do with "pedophilia" either, which you also brought up.

I'm not sure what it is you disagree with here. Any business where women are catering to the desires of a male clientele, where the main feature of the business is the availability of women for the entertainment of men, is about sex. Therefore, it's sex work.

You said, "Because men tend to like young women" yet are denying that this work has anything to do with sex - that seems incredibly disingenuous when you have tacitly agreed with me that the entire purpose of such a cafe is to provide men with young girls to talk to and look at and perv over.

These establishments cater to male sexual desire. Even if no actual physical sex in involved, these businesses are in the same genre. Whether it's a girl's bar, a maid cafe, a bikini bar, a Hooter's, it is about sex and desire. And it is not a healthy atmosphere for young women who are just starting to come into their own sexuality.

I brought up pedophilia because of the age of the girls working in these establishments. They're young - too young - to truly understand what they're getting into, and older men should know better than to indulge in this kind of behavior with girls who, as I said, should be at home doing homework, chatting with friends, or working at a McDonald's for pocket money. Again, "Because men tend to like young women" - in this case, it's extremely young women, not age-appropriate women, which is highly unethical.

Honestly? I think you know this and by this point are simply being obtuse because you don't like to admit that your initial thoughts on the matter were hasty and not well-thought out. Now that you've had time to consider the points I've made, I hope you come to a different conclusion.

Come down to earth. Now tell us more about your 水商売 experience.

I brought it up because you called me a prude, so it was necessary to counter that view. Now that you know I am the furthest thing from a prude, and am coming from a place of experience and concern, has that changed your mind?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Man fatally slashes 18-year-old female employee at bar in Tokyo See in context

She was 18. Nothing to do with "pedophilia"?

Because men tend to like young women. What in the world is strange about that? Would it permissible in your mind for men go to cafes where the only staff are old men?

Again, I really don't feel I should have to explain why young women don't exist for male fantasy and entertainment, or why sex work is a bad path to lead young women down.

Who is "they"? Girls bar jobs very straight forward, not related to shady sex businesses. Honestly, your comments sound like someone has time-travelled here from the Victorian England era.

As someone who has worked in 水商売 , I'm the best person here to know its definition, what is entailed, how it works, and how it can be very bad business for women, especially younger ones who are just starting out in life.

It really is hilarious to me when people think my views are "Victorian" considering the reason that I know these things all too well.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Man fatally slashes 18-year-old female employee at bar in Tokyo See in context

ZaphodToday 01:58 pm JST

Nonsense. I know several girls who work part-time in girls bars, and there is nothing shady going on there. Is is all about looking cute, sing karaoke, and getting the customers spend another 3000 yen or so to stay another hour.

That is not to say that some girls might have other issues and be involved in other things, but that has nothing to do with the concept of "girls bars". It seems some people here let their imagination run wild.

What about "catering to the desires of pedophile men" was difficult to understand? Do you actually need someone to explain to you why men shouldn't patronize cafes that have young girls as a feature?

And yes, they are grooming these girls for sex work, because working in a cafe where you serve drinks to men where the entire purpose is to provide men with young girls to talk to and look at and perv over is sex work.

Girl bars are sex work

Hostess bars are also sex work

And all too often, girls who are groomed from a young age to do sex work wind up dependent on sex work to make a living, and end up in abusive situations or are even murdered, as the poor girl in the article was.

Sex work is inherently dangerous, particularly for the very young, and I wish that it wasn't so normalized in Japanese society to the point where there are men actually arguing that it ISN'T sex work.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Man fatally slashes 18-year-old female employee at bar in Tokyo See in context

EugeneToday 09:13 am JST

I think a few of you are confusing "girls bars" with "hostess bars"

I have been to quite a few girls bars with friends. The barmaids do not sit with customers, they do not hustle drinks. They will sometimes drink if offered but they are just regular drinks at regular prices.

The drink prices in girls bars are reasonable.

The barmaids do not have "handlers"

Regardless, the girls are being groomed for sex work. It's still an extremely misogynistic and unsafe business for young women to work in, and patronizing those places allows them to continue to flourish. It's just shameful that men go to these places, when these girls should be at home doing their homework, chatting with friends, playing sports, chilling at home with a movie ... instead of catering to the pedophilic fantasies of men old enough to be their fathers.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: 42-year-old woman arrested for kidnapping teenage boy after taking him to hotel See in context

I'm sorely tempted to reply like many of the men do here, and say something like,

"We should put some of the blame on the boy, maybe he is engaging in prostitution, or lied about his age, or is lying, or ..."

But I won't, because that would be wrong. Instead, I'll say this:

commanteerToday 10:27 am JST

She should be investigated and prosecuted in the same way as a 42-year-old man who is doing exactly the same with a girl of the same age. Laws are gender-neutral and should be executed like that.

Disagree. I applaud your desire for equality, but men and women are fundamentally different. The idea that laws must be applied equally, especially in cases like this, is just senseless.

shogun36Today 11:06 am JST

a teenage boy

is that 13? 19? 16? It kinda makes a difference.

taking him to a hotel for the purpose of engaging in lewd activities

if the teen is 19, this is a bad thing?

The ender of the perpetrator or the victim is irrelevant - adults should not seek out sex with minors, as they do not have the maturity to understand their actions or think them through, and therefore cannot give active consent.

It is illegal for a reason. It is a form of rape and sexual abuse.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Posted in: Cutting back on meat doesn't have to mean going without protein See in context

DatAssToday 09:29 am JST

Protip: just eat more meat.

Pro Tip: stop caring about what other people eat.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

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