Japan Today

gonemad comments

Posted in: Japanese government promises expressways will be free by the year 2115 See in context

Every 10 years the date is pushed back. First by 10 years, now by 50 years. So in 2033 it will be pushed back to 2365 and in 2043 to...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese makers of Tropicana fined ¥19 million for '100% Melon' juice with only 2% melon juice See in context

100% fruit juice? Probably not even that is true, as almost all fruit juice sold in Japan contains artificial flavouring. But for whatever strange reason that seems to be legal in Japan. Always read the fine print.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Kim Jong-un summoned to appear in Tokyo District Court See in context

Doesn't Japan have a statute of limitations?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Fukushima locals criticize government for tone-deaf tritium mascot See in context

Kag, it's you, who doesn't understand radioactivity. Tritium is a beta radiator with comparatively low energy. The radiation can be shielded easily. It can't get through the even the uppermost dermal layers, so as long as it stays out of our body, it is harmless. But when you drink or inhale tritium, there is no shielding any more. Especially when it is incorporated into the DNS, it can provoke serious long-term damage. Tritium keyholders are indeed safe - but only as long as they are not broken.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: 40 countries, but not U.S., China, agree cars must have automatic braking See in context

In a next step, the US will denounce this as non-tariff trade barrier...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Copyright watchdog files lawsuits over background music in stores See in context

Really? I find this a bit hard to believe. Even if they were playing old-timey music from the 50s and 60s, I suspect the modern sound recordings would still attract some degree of copyright protection. Or were they actually spinning the original vinyl records on one of those giant gramophones? That said, I have no sympathy for the copyright gestapo.

As far as I know the copyright expires 50 years after the artist's death. That means you typically can't play music from the 50s or 60s for free.

There is modern music where the artist(s) explicitely relinquished their copyright. You can use it for free. I would assume you can also play it for free in a shop, but the world is full of extremely stupid copyright laws and Japan is no stranger to stupid laws... (In my country for example, even if you only play free music in your shop, it is still mandatory to notify the "public performance" to the local copyright association. You have to provide proof that the music is free, otherwise you still have to pay. Good luck with that when it is music from foreign artists...)

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Taiwan's Foxconn says Toshiba deal 'not over' See in context

@sensei258: Who said that that sign is located at the company headquarters?

I agree with Gou that the battle for the Toshiba deal is far from over. Regulators from a lot of countries will have a very detailed look into the participation of Hynix, because already now there is hardly enough competion in the flash memory market. It could easily break the deal. On the other side, it looks like the Japanese consortium is unable to stem the purchase without the help from Hynix.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. asks China to do more to rein in North Korea See in context

The conflict is between NK and the US. China can mediate between the two, but won't be able to solve it. The US have to understand that they are part of the problem.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Kia tops new car quality survey for second straight year See in context

Take it with a grain of salt. This is judgement after just 3 months and as the article says, clearly dominated by software/UI problems. While not unimportant, what people are probably more interested in when talking about quality of a car are the accumulated repair costs after several years.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Fast-moving cyberattacks wreak havoc worldwide See in context

Especially if the NSA hadn't been so easy to hack

What can be hacked, will be hacked. Data will leak. Inevitably. The only question is when. Remember this when your government (or any private company for that matter) tells you next time that your data would be safe with them.

One of the problems in this particular case is also, that government agencies keep security flaws for themselves when they discover them instead of informing the maker to fix them. They get a small tactical advantage but leave the whole country vulnerable to attacks from outside. For WannayCry, can we thus say "thank you, Obama"?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Fast-moving cyberattacks wreak havoc worldwide See in context

"Ransomware becomes particularly nasty when it infects institutions like hospitals, where it can put people's lives in danger," said Kroustek, the Avast analyst.

I usually don't blame victims of a crime, but in this case I can't help to note that it is particularly unresponsible when the management of hospitals neglects IT security where it can put people's lives in danger. The infection could have been avoided.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: After Comey firing, Trump's frustrations boil over See in context

Kudos to Trump and his team in the White House for breathing new life into the dwindling genre of reality show. Obama could be entertaining in his speeches, but Trump has really raised the whole show to an unprecedented level. I can't wait to see what's coming next. Absolutely brilliant. Hey, popcorn, more popcorn, I'm running out of popcorn...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Tunnel with nuclear waste collapses in Washington state See in context

Most of the waste deposit tunnels at Hanford are now operated by more than twice the time they were designed for. One of the workers at Hanford reported a stability problem with the exact tunnel which has broken now back in 2011. Obviously nobody cared. Does that sound familiar to anybody?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Jakarta's Christian governor jailed for two years for blasphemy See in context

Isn't a blasphemy law just blasphemy in itself? Do people believe that their god is too weak to defend himself?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Okinoshima recommended for UNESCO heritage list; 4 other sites rejected See in context

women can not legally be banned from visiting Okinoshima only requested not to

Shure they can if the land is private property.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context

Well, a lot of negative comments here, but I have to agree with most of them. Nonetheless, let me add something positive: the pages for the individual articles as well as the section pages have a nice clean layout and are easy to read on different devices. This is a clear improvement.

After fixing all the technical issues, please don't forget to rework the layout of the top page. It's incredibly cluttered and confusing.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Intel documents offer no evidence of spying on Trump Tower See in context

It's pretty obvious what you hope it means.

Obviously I was expecting too much when I was hoping for a serious answer. Isn't it strange when a representative of the House intelligence committee makes a statement and at the same time admits or at least insinuates he doesn't have all the information required to make the statement? My first conclusion when reading this was that the House does not have sufficient power to supervise the FBI. But then who does and why does everybody rely in their political judgements on the statements from the wrong body? Or is it that the committe doesn't trust the information they got from the Justice Department and the FBI? Then why don't they call for consequences? Or is there any other better explanation? For somebody who is not from the US, this looks pretty weird.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Intel documents offer no evidence of spying on Trump Tower See in context

Nunes added: “There was no FISA warrant I am aware of to tap Trump Tower.”

I wonder what this very specific disclaimer means?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Security researcher cautions against striking Japan’s favorite picture pose See in context

Today it's fingerprints, tomorrow it will be iris scans...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: What do you think about U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's threat to slap punitive tariffs on Toyota's Mexico-built cars that are imported into the U.S.? See in context

First, he has to revoke NAFTA. Like other treaties of this kind, NAFTA probably has defined transition periods for this case which should be long enough for Toyota not to care. Just more hot air from the Donald...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Mr Trump, here's what other presidents learned from the CIA See in context

It looks like Trump prefers different sources for his briefings...


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan gives Malaysia two patrol boats See in context

Japan isn't giving away billions of yen. It's decommissioned boats from it's overaged fleet. The scrap value can't be high. The intention behind this deal is probably more to make it easier for politicians to grant money for new boats for the Japanese coast guard.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Belgium breaks deadlock over EU-Canada free trade pact See in context

This (the addendum) is a clarification, the actual treaty does not change

So in other words, it is a useless piece of paper. Let me see how my bank reacts when I add a unilateral 'clarification' to our house loan contract.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: What's your view on violence in prime-time TV shows? Do you try and restrict what your young children watch? See in context

Fortunately, no one in our family watches prime-time TV nonsense any more. That said, there is no restriction in any form regarding the media consumption of our daughter. It doesn't mean we don't care, we do keep an eye on what she watches. The important point is that she can always talk to us when she gets into contact with disturbing (not only violent) content. When you put up barriers, children will try to circumvent them just out of curiosity, but as a result they will not be able to talk their parents easily, because they first have to admit they broke the rules. Leaving our children alone digesting excessive violence (both physical and mental, btw!) is one of the worst failures we can commit in education.

Last but not least, many programs aimed at children are incredibly violent as well, albeit typically in a less striking form. It's important to talk about this violence as well.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S., Russia abandon diplomatic niceties in testy Syria debate See in context

“Supposedly we all want the same goal. I’ve heard that again and again,” a visibly angry Kerry told the council. “Everybody sits there and says we want a united Syria, secular, respecting the rights of all people, in which the people of Syria can choose their leadership.

How can he say this when it doesn't even reflect the position of the US, let alone it's allies?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan likely to scrap Monju fast-breeder nuclear reactor See in context

They had also agreed to keep the nuclear fuel cycle intact and would set up a committee to decide a policy for future fast-breeder development by the end of the year.

Seems you guys haven't read this line. There's your next trillions going...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan lowers voting age, but are young ready to vote? See in context

but are young ready to vote?

Why don't you ask the same question when it comes to older people?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Abandoned boy reflects Japan's attitude on discipline, abuse See in context

Yamato and his sister should be taken away from the parents immediately, as they almost killed him.

We have now read about this case daily for two weeks. The parents have gone too far, that's sure. But abuse is still another category and from what I have read so far I don't feel in the position to judge it. There are a lot of important details missing which make the fine line between a (terrible) mistake and abuse. The fact that the boy almost got killed as a consequence is not relevant per se. But even if come to the conclusion that this case actually constitutes abuse, it doesn't mean that the children should be taken away from their parents. That would probably place a much higher psychological burden on them than what has happened so far. What we have to judge against is the danger of a repeated abuse in future. I'm glad that this difficult decision is not with a self-righteous crowd in the net lusting for vengeance at any cost.

How often do we have to read about this, parents locking their kids in plastic containers, leaving them at pachinko parlors, or in cars while they go into said parlors, tying them to trees, putting cigarettes out on them, etc., before something effective is done?

The mere fact that I don't remember ever having read any of this shows me that you're heavily exaggerating. For what purpose?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Luxury brands struggle to attract Internet generation See in context

“They might buy one piece; if it’s very special, it’s very valuable, has a memory of a trip somewhere,” Quinlan said.

And this won't happen when you sell the same boring stuff everywhere.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Do you think Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should visit Pearl Harbor to reciprocate for President Barack Obama’s historic trip to Hiroshima? See in context

Yes, Abe should visit Pearl Harbour, but only after going to Nanjing.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

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