Posted in: Do you think the Fukushima nuclear disaster is worse than Chernobyl? See in context
Chernobyl was a much worse accident than Fukushima. That is a fact. My "perceptions" are based on the facts. I can't understand how others cannot find out the facts and base their answer to this question on facts only.
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Posted in: Film legend Elizabeth Taylor dies at 79 See in context
Rest in peace Elizabeth Taylor.
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Posted in: Palin warns of China's rise in visit to India See in context
Hmm, Obama has done this how often? Ah wait, bad analogy, Obama's incompetent, probably shouldn't use him for comparison.
Obama never assured reporters access then barred them at the last minute. As usual Molenir does not know what the hell he is talking about. As far as Obama being incompetent; well look at the source once again.
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Posted in: Palin warns of China's rise in visit to India See in context
Reporters who had been assured access were barred at the last minute.
Wow; big surprise there! She can't handle the pressure. She will never be able to answer questions on the fly.
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Posted in: Rescuers find 80-year-old woman, 16-year-old grandson in rubble 9 days after quake See in context
Great story. The footage I saw was quite compelling. I hope both of them have a speedy recovery.
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Posted in: U.N. authorizes 'all necessary measures' to stop Gadhafi in Libya See in context
I can't believe China and Russia abstained. I wish I could say that Gadhafi's days as a ruler were numbered but it is hard to say what will happen in this conflict.
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Posted in: Gadhafi forces, foreign mercenaries strike back at revolt near Tripoli See in context
yanee at 06:58 AM JST - 25th February
...But as long as Obama loves him it's all ok
Nice Try!
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Posted in: Should parents be prosecuted if their kids are caught throwing rocks at trains, cars or other other vehicles? See in context
Prosecuted - NO! Held financially responsible - yes.
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Posted in: Pakistan's intelligence agency ready to split with CIA See in context
The CIA repeatedly has tried to penetrate the ISI and learn more about Pakistan’s nuclear program. The ISI has mounted its own operations to gather intelligence on the CIA’s counterterrorism activities
Spy vs. Spy
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Posted in: Gadhafi's hold whittled away as Libya revolt spreads See in context
With the army crumbling it is either going end soon with the ouster of Gadhafi or it will break out into full civil war. I have no idea how many Gadhafi supporters their are so it is difficult to determine the outcome at this time.
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Posted in: Somali pirates: Warship shadowing hijacked American yacht See in context
I knew they were in deep crap when they captured Americans. Now let's just hope they don't get them to land before the rescue begins.
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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context
“The people who are not around the Capitol square are with us,” said Rep Robin Vos, a Republican from Rochester and co-chair of the Legislature’s budget committee. “They may have a bunch around the square, but we’ve got the rest on our side.”
What a tool. He is either lying to protect his interests or he is delusional.
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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context
should remember that there are more voting taxpayers than there are voting government union members.
However the number of pissed off people far outweighs the "voting government union members." Union member anger across the state is evident. I have also discussed bargaining with my colleagues in management and most seem to thing it is disgraceful to take away a person's right to bargain.
Scott Walker miscalculated and will one day pay dearly for this mistake. I know that it is likely that the legislation will pass. But it will end up a "W" in the Wisconsin Democratic column. In two years the Wisconsin legislature will be in the Democrats hands. In four years we will have the governorship.
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Posted in: 14 Wisconsin lawmakers flee state to block anti-union bill See in context
If they can't get their points across in a reasoned manner for stating their claims, and all they can do is run away, that says that they really have a weak point.
"That says" no such thing. They have a weak position not "a weak point." So strong is their point that they are willing to stand up to ridicule. You don't see the level of support they have attained from supporting a "weak point."
It is one thing to take away the right of Policemen to strike - along with other strategic jobs. But to take away the right to bargain is inconceivable. The dumbass Republicans constantly bitch about Obama's health care bill but they do not support the alternative either. Public workers have a right to bargain matters concerning their health care. Now I would expect some idiot to bring up that they already have health care. THEY GOT IT THROUGH BARGAINING!
With 70,000 strong the people are saying yes to full collective bargaining rights. This is looking more like a "W" in the Dems column.
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Posted in: Egypt echoes across region: Iran, Bahrain, Yemen See in context
I would love nothing more than to see an end to the despotism in Iran. However I don't see that happening without a great deal of bloodshed.
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Posted in: Arizona Rep Giffords shot, 6 killed, including judge, 9-year-old girl See in context
It makes for a much more polite state
Should have read, "It makes for a much more police state."
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Posted in: Obama eases into Hawaiian holiday See in context
Enjoy yourself Mr. President. You deserve it for all the hard work you have done.
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Posted in: Obama signs 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal See in context
sailwind at 10:56 PM JST - 23rd December
Never was a ban,
Before 1993 gays were prohibited from serving in the armed forces. Clinton wanted to lift the ban. A compromise call DADT was made at that time.
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Posted in: Obama toasts 'season of progress' after big wins See in context
Article 5 Section 3 is about the conversion of ICBM/SLBM's to missile defense interceptors and vice versa. When we still maintained plans to implement a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech the Russians were very concerned about the ability to easily convert defensive weapons into offensive weapons. NOTHING prevents the further deployment of the launchers of missile defense interceptors and the interceptors itself. The exact text follows:
"Each Party shall not convert and shall not use ICBM launchers and SLBM launchers for placement of missile defense interceptors therein. Each Party further shall not convert and shall not use launchers of missile defense interceptors for placement of ICBMs and SLBMs therein. This provision shall not apply to ICBM launchers that were converted prior to the signature of this Treaty for placement of missile defense interceptors therein."
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Posted in: Argentine ex-dictator sentenced to life in prison See in context
I hope he has many more years of life left in him to spend in prison.
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Posted in: Obama toasts 'season of progress' after big wins See in context
There is nothing in the treaty that prevents any efforts for antimissile defense in America. Read the f~ing treaty; it is available in PDF form on the State Dept. website. I am so sick of conservatives that can't get their facts straight. Another link is through Wikipedia. Look up New Start and under External links at the bottom click on "The New START Treaty and Protocol from"
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Posted in: Obama signs 'don't ask, don't tell' repeal See in context
Wolfpack: rights advocates have made a huge social change with far reaching implications for American society - all negative in my opinion. [Blah, blah, blah][Slippery slope, slippery slope, slippery slope]
I see the typed words after his name in the post but all I hear is blah, blah, blah - the same old bullshit.
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Posted in: Obama gets Republican votes for arms control treaty with Russia See in context
Glad to hear it passed.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
skip, I was simply stating that by saying, "what's next cross-dressing?" you are presenting a slippery slope fallacy. The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the event in question.
Glad to hear your not a bigot about gays in the military. I was only pointing out your logical fallacy and although you did it in a benign way others use it to support their bigotry.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
Excellent post @ SiouxChef at 01:04 PM JST - 21st December
SiouxChef basically refuted every point Wolfpack has made concerning the evils of homosexuality. I do thing Wolfpack would make an excellent pointman for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He could explain why it is just to execute gays in Iraq. He has already shown himself quite worthy of the front man task.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
Wolfpack at 04:03 AM JST - 21st December
the repeal of DADT is not the end of debate about public policy issues and human sexuality, it is actually just the beginning. The entire rationale for the repeal opens up a pandora's box of other groups of people that define themselves by their sexuality and whose "rights" cannot no longer be logically dismissed.
That is the slippery slope logical fallacy I was speaking of earlier. You beat skipthesong to the punch the first time you eluded to it.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
Laws against things like sodomy, homosexual behaviour, oral sex, etc., are still on the books.
"You're nearly a laugh, You're nearly a laugh but you're really a cry." Only a moron would interpret this as nothing short of an utter repeal on gay sexuality. Gays will be able to have anal sex, oral sex and girls will be allowed to share sex toys. RR just wants to alleviate his own pain of being on the losing end. We have already seen RR use other screen names on this thread to denigrate gays, try to label them as degenerate and call for them to be killed (put on the front lines). So now the losers are trying to rewrite the law in their favor (in their mind). Too bad. The gay soldiers and future gay soldiers (sailors and airmen etc.) are the champions and nobody including RR can take that away from them. I can just hear Freddy Mercury singing "We are the champions, no time for losers, cause we are the champions . . ."
Homosexual behavior against the law. Too funny. The UCMJ will be free from all such language once they implement this law.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
Sarge at 11:07 PM JST - 19th December
Decorated gay soldier: "Don't ask, don't tell? I think we should be allowed to tell."
Good point Sarge.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
sailwind at 05:32 PM JST - 19th December
More important to piss off people who don't agree with your politics than to do actually do the right thing and actually have the right policy for our men and women in uniform instead I guess.
I guess you don't understand what added bonus means. I saw your long worthless speech.
The bottom line is that it is the best policy is to insist that the men and women in uniform obey this morally correct policy. This is a human rights issue and it is immoral to deny gays the right to serve without fear of reprisal.
I can't believe the liberals on here who concede the moral high ground to these homophobes. It is immoral to call gays deviants. It is immoral to kick gays out of the military because they had sex or were exposed in some manner including self disclosure.
This law did not get passed because America is declining morally. That is a bunch of bullshit that homophobes and bigots want to pass off. The vast majority of Americans support this. These are straight people who understand what the moral and ethical thing to do is.
This is not about being politically correct. It is about human rights and the losers, the bigots and the homophobes can cry all they want to and lie all they want to and make up their myriad of excuses for taking the moral low ground but that is exactly what they are doing. Make no mistake about that.
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Posted in: Is DOGE a cybersecurity threat?
Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer
Posted in: Trump pushes for plastic straws as he declares paper ones 'don’t work'
Posted in: Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments