Japan Today

Goodguy comments

Posted in: Time for change See in context

These people want change but what is their alternative? These people should get a job. If some of them do have one, they should ask their CEOs, how much of their companies revenues are coming through Chinese trade.

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Posted in: Tensions high after North, South Korea trade shelling See in context

Klein, how is the west going to keep the pressure on?

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Posted in: Steve McQueen Exhibition to be held at Marunouchi OAZO See in context

SM is simple the epitome of the word "Cool".

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Posted in: Tensions high after North, South Korea trade shelling See in context

Klein? are you serious? That the price controls in China is due to food storages? I suggest you start getting news from other sources other than the chat forum on Japan Today. Either you are very uninformed or you are mssing a few screws in your head.

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Posted in: Tensions high after North, South Korea trade shelling See in context

Poor Kim wants some attention.

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Posted in: Cameron says UK still a world power See in context

Great Britian needs a name change. Britian should suffice.

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Posted in: Chinese president vows open trade, stable currency See in context

Mexicano, please study economics 101 before commenting about world trade.

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Posted in: Hear this See in context

Can someone please tell me what these people are protesting about?

That China is not a democracy? Well it appears that Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia are communist states, Myanmar are ruled by a military junta, Brunei is ruled by a monarch with numerous wives.

Or is it about China is getting too economically strong? Or is it about the dispute about a few rocks in the middle of Timbucktoo?

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Posted in: Anti-China protests held in Tokyo See in context

I agree with some that the poor kids been dragged to this demostration do not have a clue other than been "brain-washed" into thinking that the Chinese are bad. Seeds of hatred are been planted and it is a damn shame.

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Posted in: Naito to defend WBC flyweight title against Kameda See in context

These days, the mention of boxing instantly brings pacquiao to mind. Imagine Pacquiao in the ring with one of the kameda brothers...oh well we can always dream...

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Posted in: Man held for stealing car left in parking lot where bodies in drums found See in context

The yaks aren't as stupid to put bodies in drums and leave it in a rental parking space. Yaks would either chop up the bodies or dump the drums in the ocean. Sounds like this guy simply had so means of dumping the bodies. How stupid of this guy.

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Posted in: Toyota slashes bonuses for managers by 20% See in context

This is going to be a grim Christmas in Japan.

-Toyota slashing bonuses -JAL slashing pensions -JTB closing 200 branches -Yen is at 14 year high vs Dollar

Double Dip recession anyone?

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Posted in: Toyota slashes bonuses for managers by 20% See in context

Bonus are taxable.

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Posted in: Erika Sawajiri gives up studying for Spanish nightlife See in context

Is her family rich, excluding the soon to be ex-hubby? With no real talent, her can only take her so far. Wish I have a time capsule and see how she will be in 10 years.

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Posted in: Obama's China trip shows power shifting See in context

<Go outside a few of the big cities in China and its like stepping out of a time machine into the 19th century.>

That is very scary and to think that the US already owes China $1 trillion. Imagine what the figure will be when these 19th century people move into the 20th or 21st century.

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Posted in: Obama's China trip shows power shifting See in context

<After China implodes and breaks down into four or five countries, what will people say then?>

Please enlighten us and tell us how this is going to happen.

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Posted in: Obama's bow to emperor causes outrage in Washington See in context

Bowing is a sign of respect. It has nothing to do with not being proud. If only most Americans understand this simple idea.

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Posted in: What do you think about Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's proposal to create an East Asian community, to promote what he calls fraternity in the region? See in context

<Whatever the cause of the demographics the result is the same>

China's problems is easier to fix as long as its gov't decides to end the one child policy, which they have started to. China's one child policy is not etched in stone. It is strictly a policy developed years ago to control its population when the country was dirt poor. Now that it is a little more prosperous, it can loosen this policy.

On the other hand, the Japanese have tried everything except throwing the kitchen sink at the problem and still people are relucant to have more than 1.31 babies. The fundamental problem with Japan is that people want a bigger family but the economics of it simply prevents it.

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Posted in: What do you think about Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's proposal to create an East Asian community, to promote what he calls fraternity in the region? See in context

Wow, many greats comments back and forth. Stimulating discussion. The idea floated by Hatoyama is a step in the right direction for Japan. Japan needs to realize the new reality in the world. The 21st century belongs to BRIC countries. The sooner Japan attaches itself to these countries the more beneficial it is for Japan. However, the only and possibly the biggest stumbling block is Japan has not fully repented their role in WW2. Until this issue is resolved, the East Asia community means no more than the paper it is or will be signed on.

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Posted in: New graduates face gloomy job prospects See in context

This is the cold reality of the modern globalized world. Japanese students need to realize that simply graduating from Todai, Waseda, or Keio means less than before.

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Posted in: Security tightened in Tokyo for Obama's visit See in context

Where did all the extra police come from? Are they pulling double shifts?

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Posted in: Meet the brains of Tokyo's women-only housing boom See in context

Did I miss something? Where did they get their capital from? Daddy? They have a good business model/idea but any good idea requires capital.

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Posted in: Japan's soccer team under curfew in South Africa See in context

I think World Cup event will draw the lowest number of fans from other countries. SA is simply a dangerous country to be in.

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Posted in: The Year of No Money in Tokyo See in context

The next installment of this series will be called 'The Year of Having Lots of Money'.

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Posted in: Obama confronts an Asia reshaped by China's rise See in context

know you don't want to hear this but China is a huge country with internal deomgraphics (large minority populations) that have led to problems with the country falling apart (only to reintegrate). Those issues haven't been settled and may never be settled. Taiwan, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Uighurs, Hong Kong? Is this not why scholars argue deomcracy doesn't work for China? Was this not the theme of "Hero"?>

China is over 90% Han chinese and Buddist, which is probably the most non violent religion known to man so I am not sure how China will implode from this angle.

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Posted in: Obama confronts an Asia reshaped by China's rise See in context

One doesn't need to be an expert to assert the obvious, so you're saying China hasn't imploded and reformed numerous times in it's history? All those changes of dynasties went smoothly?>

stating the obvious? Please stop embrassing yourself. What country hasn't gone through civil war and internal strife? So French is going to have another revolution? The US another civil war? Blacks in the US will be slaves again?

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Posted in: Obama confronts an Asia reshaped by China's rise See in context

Funny how everyone is a China expert here. I know this is an open forum but seriously please have some logic and facts to back up one's statements. Otherwise it will be like sitting in an lecture with a pre-school toddler trying to lecture about Nuclear Phyics.

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Posted in: Obama confronts an Asia reshaped by China's rise See in context

USA will implode and break apart into several different countries eventually. Ones in the East and West will thrive but those in the other parts of the country will turn into places like Canada and Mexico. The country cannot continue on its path of major inequalities in life style and incomes.

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Posted in: Becky and Ryuta Sato win Best Smile of the Year awards See in context

This is so silly. So what are the next categories, Best dimple? Best receding hairline?

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Posted in: China pledges $10 bil funds, aid to Africa See in context

In my view, China's approach to Africa is more of equal footing. China through the past and now has shown the Africans sincerity and respect. On the other hand, the west may have given billions more in aid but looking back at history much more was taken.

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