Japan Today

Great Bird comments

Posted in: Japan seeks exemption from U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs See in context

Last time around Japan didn't even manage to get the implementation postponed, as basically everybody else did. Ok, not China. Despite "Abi" being the great friend that he was... the EU, South Korea and countless others got more time, Japan got the tariffs immediately.

So it doesn't matter how nice Ishiba and Japan is to Trump. The only way to get an exemption is: Trump finally realizes it's not the 80es anymore. Japan isn't taking over anything. Japan is no danger anymore. He clearly hadn't paid attention in that briefing in his first term... doubt he will now. He's too busy doing really important stuff like changing names of mountains and gulfs.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Gutting aid, U.S. cedes soft power game to China See in context

Musk works for Musk mostly. Not for China, not for the US. And yes, he's a business man, so he takes business approach to government. Problem is: government isn't a business.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump says there will be no right of return for Palestinians in Gaza under his plan for U.S. 'ownership' See in context

There were Palestinian-Americans or Arab-Americans who were unhappy with Biden?

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich See in context

France doesn't have a far left migration policy either.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich See in context

You mean they have an extreme far left migration platform?

No, I mean that simply lining up buzzwords, like "far left" "migration" doesn't make for a coherent argument. Changing "far" to "extreme" wasn't an improvement either.

The German people btw "must" do nothing at all, they will do what they like. Which unfortunately is voting for the center right CDU mostly. Or for the deeply misguided ones for the AfD.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich See in context

The SPD has no far left migration platform.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out See in context

I would much prefer a Verified Nuclear Peace Agreement

There was a nuclear agreement, ok no peace, but when the Donald took over there was a nuclear agreement. Trump the wise negotiator decided to break the deal. Expecting Iran to come running and begging for a new deal, which unsurprisingly hasn't happened.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich See in context

The SPD and CDU as far left parties! Too funny. What's next, Reagan and Thatcher, the far leftists of the 80es, next we get Trump and Putin, the far leftists of the present?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Top climate scientist declares 2-degree C climate goal 'dead' See in context

In the 80s the "climate crisis" was global cooling. Hansen should make up his mind.

No it wasn't. And Hansen clearly has made up his mind.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia See in context

The usual talking points. North Korea, abductees, Russia, northern territory. Those 4 islands are Russian and will stay Russian, whatever Japan tries. Putin made it pretty clear to Abe already that nothing at all was going to happen there, certainly he hasn't changed his mind since then. Ishiba knows that too, but it's what he has to say, so he says it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall See in context

As has been pointed out already, the "global warming" changed to "climate change" when the earth was not warming as expected.

Except this isn't what happened. You are not yourself any favors by posting clearly false information.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Canada, Mexico announce tariffs on U.S. in retaliation for Trump's tariffs See in context

The far right is upset at Canada reacting? The expectation that other countries just do whatever the American president says is hilarious. Of course there's retaliation. Completely normal, 25% ok, let's do it, 25% tariff both ways.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump withdraws U.S. from Paris Agreement. Here’s why that’s not such a bad thing See in context

Elitist power grab?

There is no elitist power grab, the elites, big oil and their lackeys have held the power for decades.

See some of the non-violent "Just stop Oil" protesters in the UK getting longer prison sentences than the good rioting guys throwing stuff at people in asylum centers.

The only elitist power grab going on might be Thiel with his boy Vance being one little death away from the most powerful position in the world. For the rest, power is firmly in the hand of the oily guys.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to halt funding for U.N. women's rights panel over call to end male-only imperial succession See in context

Any UN body, cannot simply insist values can, in some case must, be followed, seemingly imposed without question, in an indignant self rigorously, sanctimonious hissy fit.

The hissy fit is all yours. Or no, Japan is having one too. It's exactly the role of the the different UN bodies to issue recommendations, to criticize, to show ways to improve the situation.

Japan is a democracy about to make political choices, rightly or wrongly, must be through Japan peoples choice pathway.

Completely irrelevant. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy, and they still don't follow, or need to follow the recommendations of the UN women's rights panel. Every sovereign country decides by itself. The panel just issues recommendations. If it was only allowed to make recommendations that don't run contrary to what the sovereign countries are already doing... well, not much of a panel, is it?

It's a Japanese overreaction, criticize others, not us, or no more money. Japan is free to completely ignore the recommendation, but prefers to make it an issue.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump's climate withdrawal creates rare discord with Big Oil See in context

There's no UN climate propaganda. There's the globalist elite, big oil, that wants to protect their interests.

And the German green-red-yellow coalition simply continued Merkel's climate policy, without many changes.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: People leave New Zealand in record numbers in year to November See in context

The radical right at it again.

Ardern's success really hurt you guys eh? 2 years after she left office, an article that has nothing to do with her, the obsessed radical right has only one comment: Ardern! Woke woke woke woke! Brainy stuff, really brainy.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump signs order to pull U.S. from WHO See in context

The WHO’s handling of the pandemic, from delayed responses to questionable vaccine mandates, caused unnecessary economic and personal suffering. Vaccine injuries, coupled with heavy-handed lockdown policies, revealed the organization’s inability to act transparently and effectively.

Delayed response? Could have declared it a pandemic earlier, true. But it's not like governments acted faster. February 2020 was basically everybody doing nothing and waiting. Until it exploded.

Vaccine mandates? The WHO has no power to issue mandates. Vaccine injuries? Nothing to do with the WHO

Heavy handed lockdown policies? The WHO only issues recommendations.

It should also work closely with trusted allies to build an independent health coalition focused on addressing pandemics effectively without the WHO’s bureaucracy and political entanglements.

So the solution is to leave the WHO and then create another organization with the same goals, but less members. Which means less access, less information, less coordination, worse results.

The problem is that some people don't actually understand what the WHO does. Then accuse it of stuff it didn't do and as solution propose... a new WHO! Smaller less effective. A health organization without China would have had 0 access to China and information. That new organization would have had to rely on.... the WHO! Spending money for a liaison office, etc. etc.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Musk salute at Trump rally celebrated by extremists online See in context

I’m just surprised that the media is making such a big thing out of this, and when liberals were doing it, not a single word

Because they weren't doing Nazi salutes.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Musk raises eyebrows with salute gesture at Trump rally See in context

Musk clearly enjoys the adulation of the Trump fans. Not fully used to it yet, carried away, so does the Nazi salute without thinking, just wanting to thank people for their vote. Possible, but autistic or not, he has to be aware of what that gesture means historically. He has to have enough self control to realize even in the heat of the moment what he does.

Other possibility is that he knew exactly how it would look, and is either trolling or means it.

Whatever the reasons, it was a Nazi salute, it looks bad and is bad. But that's the guy you now have as sort of government supervisor...Good luck with that.

But of course as long as he isn't "woke" our rightist sheep will love him.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Agoda reveals Shanghai is Asia's top emerging destination; Fukuoka 4th See in context

A bit strange to see Paris and Shanghai, two of the world's highest-profile cities, as "emerging" destinations. But if that's what their data says, then I guess that's the case.

Paris is easy, Olympics and Chinese travelling again, so 24 had a big increase in Asian visitors compared to 23

Why Shanghai less clear, but probably visa restrictions for much of Asia were dropped earlier than for Japan (early December for Japan)?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Thousands of South Koreans protest as president digs heels in See in context

A country that cannot protect its own independence, has produced dictators, and frequently violates the rights of its citizens cannot be considered the same as a country that has won democracy.

Actually South Korea has "won" democracy. Unlike Japan, who got it donated by the US, South Koreans won it in 1987.

Violating the rights of citizens? You mean like Japan's elections, where some votes count 3 times as much as other votes?

Is it possible that Koreans have no understanding of democracy simply because they are using a system given to them by Japan and the United States?

Is it possible that Japanese have no understanding of democracy simply because they never fought for it themselves? Because they never voted for their constitution? Unlike Koreans. Just asking...

As for "protect its own independence", now in 2025 which country really can, without help by a major power? Souths Korea's military is stronger than Japan's (understandable since it has a direct land border with North Korea), but both would be in big trouble if China attacked and they got no help from the US.

Dictators, yes, before 87. Since then, they haven't had one and due to people's fight for democracy just managed to thwart an attempt at authoritarianism by Yoon. Pretty impressive.

Japanese people have a lot of catching up to do, if they want to develop an understanding and love of democracy like the South Koreans have.

Try to learn from South Koreans please!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: The government is formally still committed to a target of welcoming 60 million annual foreign tourists by 2030, but this will only be viable if they can be spread out – both geographically across the country, and throughout the year including the off-peak season. See in context

Actually Tokyo can easily absorb another 30 million tourists. Spread over a year. Asakusa maybe not, but then I don't see what's so interesting about Asakusa, there's ton of more interesting places in Tokyo. But Tokyo can cope with an increase in tourists.

Kyoto, yes, that one is pretty full. Lack of drivers, so transport problems with the overfull busses, subway that isn't always a good option, I can see the problem there.

Osaka don't know.

The problem with this whole spreading out idea to me is: Where do they want the tourists to go?

Having an increase in let's say Ichinoseki/Hiraizumi, for Chuson-ji and the gorges, the limit there would be reached very fast. Shiretoko, same, basically every rural area lacks the infrastructure for a huge increase. And you can't start building hotels in the hope that your place goes viral. Get the increase in places like that, and you'll have 200 "Fuji-conbini" stories a year.

So smaller cities? Here too, places like Kanazawa, which I think probably already get quite a few tourists can cope with more, but not as well as Tokyo can. Sapporo, Fukuoka similar, other places... not even Japanese visit Toyama City (I guess) get a million tourists more there and....

So, I don't really see the whole spreading out as a real option, there are nice places all over the country, but most places, outside of Tokyo, aren't ready for a big increase. Tokyo IMO is, it can cope with more tourists. Send them to Kawasaki if there's not enough hotels, same thing anyway, just on the other side of the river.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan's new flu cases hit record high in late December See in context

Record high mask wearing and record high flu, who woulda thunk.

Easy question, I know the answer! Only an idiot would have thunk it!!

And of course the situation is different. Record high flu, but mask wearing is faaaaaar from record high!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Why are there so many cults in Japan? See in context

Personally, I prefer the definition that says a "cult" is all-consuming belief system that is totally devoted to a particular leader or icon. Thus, e.g. the Unification Church would be both a religion and a cult, but e.g. climatism or genderism would be cults, but not religions.

That makes no sense.

Your examples don't fit your definition. Who or what is the leader or icon of "climatism" and "genderism"?

Maga would have been a good example for your definition btw.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Ishiba noncommittal over nuclear ban treaty in meeting with Nobel-winning Hidankyo See in context

Neocon I know, neo-com was new to me.

Wouldn't call the LDP neocon though.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Elon Musk helped Trump win. Now he's looking at Europe, and many politicians are alarmed See in context

Unite?? In what universe?


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: McDonald's is latest company to roll back diversity goals See in context

DEI has been destroying businesses. Thankfully, it's going the way of the dodo!

Which businesses has it destroyed?

Go woke, go broke.


1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Ishiba noncommittal over nuclear ban treaty in meeting with Nobel-winning Hidankyo See in context

Neo-com LDP nod in agreement.

Neo-com? What's that, neo communist or some other weird new thing? The LDP is a lot, but neo-com, whatever that is supposed to mean, most likely not.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. Congress certifies Trump election victory with Harris presiding See in context

A fringe party? The democrats?

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: Tradition vs tourism debate clouding future for famed local festivals See in context

Weird article, mixing 2 different things at times.

Locals have been searching for ways, sometimes with little success, to keep their traditional events alive, or just revive them to a point where they can emulate some of their past glories.

The festivals selling premium seats are certainly not the ones having troble to survive.

Tourism.... Premium seats, some certainly is japanese tourism too.

Alcohol is a big part of every matsuri I've been too, not selling it at the VIP seats is a bit weird, but who cares really. Go drink afterwards.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

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