Posted in: Japan disappointed with Security Council failure to agree on Syria See in context
US accused Sadam as having mass destruction weapon and end of the day, he did not have it. So we should not trust US and other countries always. But in this time, there seems evidence of using chemical weapon in Syria but it is not clear that who used it. We are always not sure who did for what
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Posted in: Kishida, Tillerson to meet on Syria conflict N Korea threat See in context
Young leader in NK does not want to give up his current luxury life. However, he have executed numerous people to protect his position and doubt surroundings. Seems like he doubt anyone and so afraid from death by association or coup etc... How if US continue high pressure to him, he might do behave unexpected action
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Posted in: Abe, Trump agree on close coordination over N Korea See in context
Red line for US is if rocket can reach main land of US, so US might take action before it
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Posted in: Japan supports U.S. missile strike in Syria See in context
There has been death of thousands and hundreds Syrians over six years with guns and airstrikes.. And only when used chemical weapon, people start to talk. I feel like it shows World allow to killing civilians if not chemical
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Posted in: Should there be an age limit for driving licenses? See in context
It is very difficult to measure ability of drive car by age. Age does not really reflect
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Posted in: Japan to extend unilateral sanctions against North Korea See in context
It seems hard to change attitude of North Korea just by sanction..They should have other route to get monetary resource
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Posted in: Japan top destination for Chinese during Lunar New Year holidays
Musk works for Musk mostly. Not for China, not for the US. And yes, he's a business man, so he…
Posted in: Gutting aid, U.S. cedes soft power game to China
Posted in: Gutting aid, U.S. cedes soft power game to China
Arrest em and locked up but why is this world news? There has definitely been a media blitz to try…
Posted in: Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments