Japan Today

greenlibran comments

Posted in: Indian wrestler Phogat retires after Olympic disqualification due to weight See in context

Phogat's journey, marked by unwavering determination and numerous accolades, exemplifies the resilience and courage of athletes who dedicate their lives to representing their nation on the world stage. While the outcome in Paris was not what she had hoped for, Phogat's fighting spirit and past achievements continue to inspire aspiring athletes in India and beyond.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: ADB forecasts China, India to power strong growth in 2023 See in context

The future business in APAC will be driven with China and India demands. Japanese companies would be wise to expand In India to build their brands and future growth.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested over murder of 3 family members in Saitama Prefecture See in context

@Tom san - As per local Japanese reports, quoting some neighbours, the victims (at least one of them) were foreigners and seemed nice people.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan protests to Russia over military exercises with China See in context

Apart from China, Russia - You can see the flags (and contingents) from Belarus and India in the photo.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Taliban ask to address U.N. General Assembly See in context

Dont make that mistake. Ideologically they are still in bed with ISIS and Al Qaeda. Legitimizing a radical organisation will encourage others to do the same

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Americans apologize to Tokyo court for role in Ghosn escape See in context

He is a trained former Green Berets. Thats how they achieve the outcome - Stealth, deceit, fake, lie if needed.

Im sure his training kicked in, along with understanding that the best outcome is to admit guilt - the Japanese way (Cry, sob, bow etc).

Dont let their "act" deceit you about their clandestine ways!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Mizuho's corporate culture to blame for serial system failures, probe finds See in context

Japanese companies believe risk management is part of checklist management.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: For those of you who changed to working remotely from home when the pandemic began, have you developed any bad habits? See in context

Makes much easier to take care of my kids while working from home. The preCovid - Travel time to office and stress of "living by the minute" is gone. Plus i can make my own coffee the way i like it!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Rebuking someone to the point of letting them break down is power harassment. I filed this suit to let it widely be known to society how much such language and actions hurt people, as I think my husband is not the only victim. See in context

@Robert Cikki i agree with your point. In my own case i quit my Japanese company due to unnecessary burden put on employees with directionless goals . Outstanding performance is not recognized and only relationships matter in Japanese companies. If you are bad on PR then its a lost cause in J company.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested over sexual assault of 10-year-old girl 8 years ago See in context

Never ever let your children alone or un-supervised with "friends" or " extended family". The trusted circle is the one which is breached often. Check out the statistics on google if you dont believe it.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-director sues Amnesty Japan for firing him over Japanese ability See in context

I worked for major Japanese corporations like (Among top 3 bank ) and vouch for the pressure put on foreigners - even with business level of Japanese - is crushing. This inspite recruiting foreigner for his various ability and not only for Japanese language skills .

I contrast this with global non-Japanese firms which focus on the professional/technical skills and not just language skill. Anyway this is what i call Island mentality.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Kobe woman, Nagoya Sagawa delivery man, JAL cabin attendant test positive for virus See in context

Japanese govt is slow and stubborn , reflects the way the society functions. I’m afraid it will be too late for japan to control the situation as the virus seems to have spread to whole of japan.

compare this situation to China, Kota and Italy which are desperately trying to limit the spread to a city or region. Japan ,alas, will pay a heavy price for this.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: 'Invisible pandemic': WHO offers global plan to fight superbugs See in context

Antibiotics are prescribed not for viral cold but treating the bacterial infection usually follows due to weak condition or environment.

viral cold has clear “watery” runny nose while bacterial infection of cold makes the mucus darkish green n yellow.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Get your fax right: Bungling officials spark nuclear scare after quake See in context

Japan culture keeps old customs but blends it with new. That’s the reason we see fax used along side emails. Hanko still used but hanko scanning machine working along with face/finger scanners too.

Even the Tepco maker checker system ( regardless of fax communication) relies on 2 humans only without any automated software system providing the report and humans just checking and reviewing it.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan to give up on daylight saving time for 2020 Olympics: report See in context

Not sure of the public opinion, but many IT systems are legacy and any time changes will have to be planned, changes made (example stop the systems and change time, some programs may run twice which are dependent on computer clock) and tested . Not to mention cost of the planning, change, test and then announce to their customers about the possible impact (imagine old japanese customers not aware of this time jump, will expect their ATM deposit time to be different). Customer Regulations are stricter in Japan, for that matter the whole Japanese culture is based on services given and services received concept!

So the IT tantou or Bucho would be gladly saying "Taihen" and "Mendokusai" and Shacho would say No to KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation) .

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Blame cultural inertia for Tokyoites letting snow make a mess See in context

@szero25, i had to login to japantoday (reset my password as hadnt logged in for a long time) just to reply to your comment. You hit the nail absolutely on the mark and i am so much enthralled by your comments and previous posted comment on similar issues (japanese etiquette based culture, false standards and fear of ostracize).

Japan has to absorb more foreign culture (really they need to learn how rich and powerful cultures grow) to make a dynamic and lively society otherwise it risks rottening and become a fraction of its former glory.

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Posted in: For many Japanese, laid-back overseas vacations a one-way ticket to nowhere See in context

Guys, Im from India and can tell you that marijuana (Bhang in local lang.) is widespread and local police too dont seem to mind unless its designer drugs and high profile personalities. Hindu tradition allows to consume "bhang lassi" (Note:Its allowed legally but very diluted quantity) once a year during a festival called "Holi" which is considered to be in the spirit of the festival. People having good family support systems dont fall into the drug habits but sadly and majority of poor Indians are addicted but noone seems to notice them least take care of them. Tourists should be carefull not to fall prey to these habits, as it only gives a false sense of momentary hope but lifelong despair..

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Posted in: Christchurch quake may portend major seismic activity for Japan See in context

Have a good presence of mind when the "big one" strikes, follow your drills, keeep emergency kits loaded near your entrance/exit. Does'nt cost a ton, but might be enough to save your life. Been living in japan for a long time and somehow believe it has been relatively calm over the last 3-4 years without any major quake to hit Tokyo.

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