Japan Today

greensatindress comments

Posted in: Beatles remain popular in Japan See in context

Japan ruined the Beatles for me.

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Posted in: Kimono queens See in context

which one is queen?

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Posted in: What are your views on parents hitting their children as a means of discipline? See in context

I am a believer in "Spare the rod, and spoil the child" I know that some parents abuse their children and also their responsibilities, but children need discipline. A smack on the backside never did anyone any harm. If there had been more such discipline of the brats going around today when they were younger, maybe society would not be in the shambles it is in today. I dont like the "parents hitting their chldren" part of the sentence above this thread. It is not a question of "hitting" because that implies violence for violence` sake. The act of discipline by smacking a child on his/her posterior is actually an act of love, to produce in the child a better personality in the future so that he/she will not be a pain in the ass to everyone else for the rest of his/her life

I completely agree with this. Thank you for being a realist ;) There are a lot of 'o-shiris' that need a good smacking in this country, but not Japan alone.

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Posted in: Lincoln ranked best president by historians See in context

To 'Badsey'

If you are voting for Presidents that almost destoyed a country: Lincoln Obama Clinton Johnson Nixon G.W.

I fail to see how Obama has almost destroyed the U.S.

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Posted in: Clinton has busy day, meeting PM, Ozawa, empress, abductees' kin, students and visiting Meiji Shrine See in context

i was also wondering how the families could directly meet with H.C.

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Posted in: An addict’s guide to pachinko See in context

Hmmmm, thank you for your response. I didn't know that they were run by the Korean mafia, I just assumed they were run by the Japanese mafia (which may be Korean decent?). And so they are sending that money to North Korea? To help build nukes??? Sorry, but I don't understand why the Korean mafia in Japan would want to do that. I seems like they are shooting themselves in the foot. But maybe they are getting some kick-backs. I don't know, this dark underbelly is all news to me.

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Posted in: An addict’s guide to pachinko See in context

I still would appreciate it if someone would kindly explain why the profits are going to Korea and what Korean people have to do with pachinko. Thank you to the person who is nice enough to give me an answer, even if it is quick and simple.

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Posted in: An addict’s guide to pachinko See in context

I was invited to try pachinko once and still to this day I have no idea why. Since I knew absolutely zero about the game and the strategies, I thought it was a strange waste of time. However, having read this article it cleared up a few questions for me. I'm still not interested in going again. To 'Disillusioned' up there, why are all the profits going to Korea? (sorry, I am obviously very naive about this subject)

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Posted in: Women in their 20s want to get married, live in a big apartment and become cute moms. See in context

This is the most idiotic 'quote of the day'---including the comments.

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Posted in: Kiyoshi Hikawa prays for marriage See in context

Surely the Sokagakkai could help solve this problem for him, round up a few beauties from their elk. Well, for now, keep on chanting Hikawa-chan.

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Posted in: Some tourists seem to have the impression that Gion is a theme park, and geisha and maiko are walking the streets as part of a performance. See in context

Hmmm, I don't care if you're a clown or a geisha, people shouldn't grab sleeves and demand pictures. Besides, aren't there fake geisha hanging around tourist spots just for the sole purpose of camera fodder and photo opts for tourists?? There were a few in Saga-Arashiyama when I went there.

Bakabaka up there makes a point about Japanese tourists and their picture taking. Just go to Rome or Milan for that particular treat.

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Posted in: What bad manners annoy you the most in public places? See in context

oh come on, everyone commits stealth farting now and then. Japanese people don't have a monopoly on the silent but deadly type.

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Posted in: What bad manners annoy you the most in public places? See in context

While I agree with most of the posts here, the ol' 'stop starring at me b/c I'm a gaijin' doesn't phase me anymore. I'd probably stare at me too if I was Japanese and I even find myself looking longer than usual whenever I spot a fellow gaijin b/c there are practically no other gaijin where I live. We just stand out and that's a fact you have to get used to. People are just curious to see something they don't see every day. They don't even realize that they are starring and more to the point, that we are taking notice of the fact they are starring. I'm convinced that they think they are invisable for some reason.

However, like the other posts, I also feel like people have zero self-awareness of their surroundings and I wish people would learn to pick a side (sidewalk, street, escalator etc) and stay on it.

I would have to say my latest pet peeves are:

1) vomiting in public (carry a bag with you when you go to your bon-nen-kai or other nomi-kai)

2) talking loudly on the bus, train, resturant. Some people just have no idea how loud their voice is and that EVERYONE can here it.

3) mothers who don't fold up their baby stroller on the crowded bus/train (but even that I realize is "sho-ga-nai" but it still annoys me)

4) people who shut the sliding door when they know I am right behind them (e.g. at onsens). Or let the door shut at other places such as dept. stores, resturants etc.

With all this said, I still think Japan is pretty nice as far as standards of politeness and etiquette. Some other countries are much worse. But then again some countries may be much better....

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Posted in: Two members of train groping gang grabbed on Saikyo line in Saitama See in context

Why do Japanese women allow men to grope them for even more than 18 seconds?!?!? I can't imagine having the mentality of just suffer and endure.

More like the "sai-aku" line.

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Posted in: Japanese cooking shows and the loss of sanity See in context

for the longest time I wondered why they would always have a close up of food held in chopsticks by someone with a bad case of the nervous shakes. Now I realize that person was probably trained for god knows how long to get the effect just right.

I also can't stand to watch people eat.

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Posted in: The Japanese Skincare Revolution See in context

I'm not sure why people often say "Japanese women are renowned for their beautiful skin" when Japaense women tend to go crazy over white women's skin and do their best to have "white" skin. Oh well. Anyway, it all boils down to one's genes (any nationality) and how you take care of yourself.

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Posted in: Finance minister says financial crisis mainly U.S. fault See in context

It would be nice if "they" could stop tossing the ball of blame around and start creating measures to fix this economic crisis. In the end, does it really matter?

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Posted in: Art installation See in context

Acturally there is no art in that art.

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Posted in: Smoking See in context

Sad and so tacky. It is so hard to get the smell of smoke out of kimonos.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for fatally stabbing husband in Shizuoka See in context

Truck drivers have a hard job. She just killed her golden goose. Anyway, a sushi knife is far better than an ol' fruit knife.

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Posted in: Fears of a Democrat crackdown lead to boom in gun sales See in context

ha ha, good one Caveman.

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Posted in: Woman downs 383 bowls of soba in 10 minutes See in context

I have to agree with cow76. Whatta waste of time :( She probably threw up after eating it, or the digestion system is in shock. I love soba though.

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Posted in: Jury bra See in context

ha! nice saying there Jersey. This is probably the most ridiculous bra I've ever seen. I can just hear the squeals "wah~kawaii!!!" from the design room when they revealed the latest design. sigh

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Posted in: Obama sweeps to victory, says change has come to America See in context

That was in response to Nessie's :No boos when Obama, in his speech, mentions McCain. Boos when McCain, in his speech, mentions Obama.

This clearly shows that McCain was the superior candidate.

(for some reason my quote didn't work)

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Posted in: Obama sweeps to victory, says change has come to America See in context

this is a fantastic day!!! I hope we can wake up from this 8 year nightmare.

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Posted in: Washable suits See in context

so Mr. salaryman can come home, take a shower in his suit and then hang it out to dry for the following morening. Killing a few birds with one stone, eh?

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Posted in: White rum-soaked raisin donut See in context

Why is everyone so crazy about these Krispy Kremes. I think Mr. Donuts is much better. And why would anyone stand in line for these donuts AND post comments on JT? Sad.

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Posted in: Sugamo a clearinghouse of all things traditional from rice balls to granny panties See in context

I love my "aka-pants"!! They are so comfortable, I should go back to buy more. Good o-miyage!

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Posted in: Crown prince See in context

I wonder if she pulled her own tooth out. Does the tooth fairy come or do they throw it / bury it...?

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Posted in: Soka Gakkai boosts advertising on TV See in context

There may be a lot of people who have been helped by the SGI, but there are no "victims."<

Well, we can see who on this forum has been brainwashed, hung out to dry and folded by the SG.

So what do you call the people who have NOT been helped but rather hurt by the SGI?

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