Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
Its really sad to see how low he has gone.
The Orange Idiot has gradually lowered 'the bar' to such point where one has to dig a trench to pass under it.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
BlacklabelToday 09:58 am JST
Yep we had to have a 16 day shutdown so dear leader could get his unconstitutional Obamacare.
At the time, the blame for that shutdown was overwhelmingly attributed to the REPUBLICANS.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
TheRatToday 07:22 am JST can a president legally shut down an entire border?
When has the legality of doing something ever been a consideration in the Orange Idiot's decision making?
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
So 47% blame Trump but more people blame someone else.
No other discernible individual, or group, was blamed more than the Orange Idiot for the shutdown.
What's more, he is on the record as saying that he would be PROUD to carry the blame for the shutdown.
It’s obvious.
Only to a devoted follower of the Orange Idiot.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
It was their sacrifice that was required to get what the president wanted. Same case here.
Ordinary Americans have to make sacrifices to appease the Dear Leader?
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
How many children have, so far, died in immigration detention, in America?
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
So 47% blame him- that doesn’t mean 53% don’t?
Hypothetically, at the next election if:
Trump wins 47 % of the vote
Democrats win 33% of the vote
Others win 20% of the vote
Who wins the election?
The result of the Poll clearly shows that Trump himself, personally, carries most of the blame for the shutdown.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
Hopefully this latest Trump Debacle will cost him, at least, the votes of the 800,000 people whose Christmas and New Year celebrations he has managed to ruin.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
lincolnmanToday 09:09 am JST
The Great Orange Idiot throws another two-year old temper tantrum...when will his doctor ever get him to take his Prozac...
Two years in office, two-year old temper tantrum, I like it...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
True Headline: "Forty-seven percent of adults hold Trump responsible, while 33 percent blame Democrats in Congress, according to the Dec 21-25 poll, conducted mostly after the shutdown began. Seven percent of Americans blamed congressional Republicans."
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
Ok, makes perfect sense. :-/
Maybe in Trumpistan.
Also, the words trump and logic have been proven to be mutually exclusive a gazillion times over the past 2 years.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump threatens to close Mexico border; blames Democrats over shutdown See in context
Still, the Grinch is having a rotten holiday, so that's a small consolation.
I'm sure, if you were to ask the Orange Idiot, he would declare that he is having THE BEST HOLIDAY EVVEEERRR. And, that Nobody has ever had a better holiday in the history of 'merica!
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Cohen claims Trump knew hush money payments wrong See in context
Trump = Idiot
This is actually true.
Google the word Idiot and see what the most prominent result is.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Top Democrats say Trump may face impeachment, jail over hush money See in context
He'll be doing the "perp walk" long before 2020....
I'm not so sure about a 'perp walk'.
Given his crippling Bone-spurs problem the Orange Idiot will probably get a 'doctor's' certificate allowing him to use a motorised Golf Cart.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Top Democrats say Trump may face impeachment, jail over hush money See in context
What happens when the people elect him again in 2020?
The PEOPLE didn't elect the Orange Idiot in 2016, Hilary Clinton easily won the PEOPLE'S VOTE.
4 ( +8 / -4 )
Posted in: Top Democrats say Trump may face impeachment, jail over hush money See in context
I heard of victim blaming but this is a new high - "Mr Kashoggi, it's all your fault you were attacked, strangled, cut up, and your body dissolved in acid and poured down a drain..."
Sorry lincolnman, but I must correct you on this one.
The comment made by the Trumpster-in-Chief marks a new LOW in victim blaming and, IMHO, is the most despicable comment made about the tragic, and brutal, murder of Mr. Kashoggi by anyone who has written about this matter, anywhere!!
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. prosecutors name Trump in hush payments; detail Russian contacts See in context
There = 37 indictments and more include Don Jr...
Ok, and?
When the wave finally crashes over the heads of the Orange Idiot et al, it will make the 2011 Fukushima Tsunami look like a ripple on a pond.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. prosecutors name Trump in hush payments; detail Russian contacts See in context
That’s the liberals mantra.
Hallelujah!! By admitting to subscribing to the "liberals mantra", The Trumpster-in-Chief in this forum has just outed himself as a LIBERAL!
No, just Trumpers who post here on JT....
as well as the haters of the President.
Not haters, just people who recognise the Orange Idiot for what he really is, and continually, but apparently unsuccessfully, try to open the eyes of his misguided and blind acolytes.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. prosecutors name Trump in hush payments; detail Russian contacts See in context
Mueller's going to end up in prison.
Only on visiting days, so he can mock the Orange Idiot.
16 ( +16 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman’s body found in Roppongi apartment See in context
Chip StarToday 07:23 am JST
How can we form an opinion without knowing both the age and occupation of a person-of-interest?
Maybe ‘we’ are not given these details because ‘our’ opinion on this matter is not being sought and, moreover, ‘our’ opinion would be nothing more than pure speculation and, therefore, irrelevant. Don’t you agree?
10 ( +10 / -0 )
Posted in: Iran in the spotlight as Trump, Rouhani set for U.N. clash on Tuesday See in context
SerranoToday 06:01 am JST
"Trump boasted about his accomplishments in his speech and the room laughed."
Oh my...
Trump’s speech at UN was music to my ears: Nigel Farage
Clearly Farage is ‘Tone-deaf’.
Oh my...indeed.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: What happens to Mueller probe if Rosenstein loses his job? See in context
CrazyJoeToday 09:26 am JST
Maybe it's just me, .....
Nah, don’t worry Crazy, it’s definitely not just you.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: What happens to Mueller probe if Rosenstein loses his job? See in context
SuperLibToday 08:57 am JST
Trump can run, but he can't hide
Trump can’t run - BONESPURS, AND he can’t hide.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump calls N Korean leader Kim terrific during U.N. visit See in context
Trump calls N Korean leader Kim terrific during U.N. visit
Could this actually be another ‘covfefe’ moment from the Orange Idiot?
You know, where got confused again and said terrific, when he really meant to say TERRIFYING?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Police officer arrested for injuring passerby who caught him filming up woman's skirt See in context
Andrew CrispSep. 25 06:52 pm JST
A lot people who do upskirting aren't necessarily the perverts they do it to post the photos online to make money, it's the people who go to these websites are the perverts.
So, as long as you are only taking upskirt photos/videos, without the victims' knowledge, for the money you make posting them online, that's okay?
Good luck trying to use that defence in court.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage See in context
@Toasted HereticToday 12:50 pm JST
Isn't the phrase 'Common courtesy' an oxymoron?
And no, I do not mean an Irish Welder.
Surprised to see such stereotypical comments like that coming from you, Gremlin. You're normally on the ball. There's plenty of Irish people who make a living from welding and suchlike who are educated.
I believe there's something like a thousand or so Irish living here in Japan.
Mea culpa - sincere apologies to anyone who was offended by my unnecessary subscript referring to people of Irish decent in a derogatory way.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage See in context
@Texas A&M Aggie
PDJT - Pompous, Deluded, Junior Tyrant
Yeah, that works for me.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage See in context
Toasted HereticToday 12:50 pm JST
Isn't the phrase 'Common courtesy' an oxymoron?
And no, I do not mean an Irish Welder.
Surprised to see such stereotypical comments like that coming from you, Gremlin. You're normally on the ball. There's plenty of Irish people who make a living from welding and suchlike who are educated.
I believe there's something like a thousand or so Irish living here in Japan.
Mea culpa - sincere apologies to anyone who was offended my unnecessary subscript referring people of Irish decent.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage See in context
Raw BeerToday 12:40 pm JST
their "leaders sow chaos, death and destruction,"
"They do not respect their neighbors or borders or the sovereign rights of nations."
If one asked people around the world which country the above refers to, I'm pretty sure the majority would answer America, and Israel a close second.
So, you're saying that America and Israel are currently financing all of the terrorism, and other armed conflicts, IN THE WORLD?
Once again, I find myself having to invoke the words of John McEnroe to say: "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!"
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage See in context
katsu78Today 12:25 pm JST
We criticize people for what they do, not for who they are.
I believe I understand what you're saying but, I prefer to have me seen as criticising/commenting upon the opinions people express in the various threads hosted by this forum - I could not care less what they do, or who they are.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Do Japanese kids need to wear special slippers at school? One part of Tokyo doesn’t think so
Where is the report in the article about COVID-19 vaccines?
Posted in: Man arrested after driving car onto sidewalk and hitting 80-year-old pedestrian
Posted in: Frozen in time: Hospital room preserved since 1945 Tokyo firebombing
At least she didn't jump in front of a rush hour train and make everyone late for work.
Posted in: Death of S Korean actor at 24 sparks discussion about social media and internet culture