Japan Today

GrungeHamster comments

Posted in: Man arrested for stalking female store employee and taking photos of her See in context

Or you can just...you know. Ask her out to lunch or dinner instead of being a creeper?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: 'Clone' or competitor? Users and lawyers compare Twitter and Threads See in context


Fair points. Guess we will have to see how it plays out then.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 'Clone' or competitor? Users and lawyers compare Twitter and Threads See in context

Musk wrote: “Competition is fine, cheating is not.”

Musk. Buddy.

You made the Twitter code for algorithms open source. Your lawsuit is dead on arrival.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan starts accepting applications for 'vaccine passports' See in context

What’s the point of them if one still has to quarantine for 2 weeks when they return? If one tests negative upon their return then it should be done.

Who exactly has enough time off of work blow 2+ weeks just to sit around when they are fully vaccinated?

18 ( +23 / -5 )

Posted in: Missing Ugandan athlete leaves note saying he wants to work in Japan See in context

Safe and secure Olympics all right. Can’t even keep track of a single person.

20 ( +28 / -8 )

Posted in: Bach says canceling Tokyo Olympics not an option despite COVID See in context

Bach should really cancel the games. He is going to get a lot of “Chinese” people hurt or worse.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for molesting elementary school girl See in context

You know what I do when I’m stressed? Actually it doesn’t matter. I sure as heck don’t sexually assault people though.

Throw the book at him!

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan eyes tougher Olympics rules for Delta variant-hit countries See in context

Japan will impose tougher rules on athletes and staff participating in the Tokyo Olympics from countries hit by the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus 

Good call Japan. Let’s start with you first then shall we?

34 ( +37 / -3 )

Posted in: Naked man detained after damaging car, attacking driver See in context

Police in Oarai, Ibaraki Prefecture, have arrested a 39-year-old Indonesian man 

Relevance? What does the fact that he is Indonesian have to do with the crime committed? He would be arrested regardless of race/nationality.

Why don’t news stories specify each time the perpetrator is Japanese?

0 ( +15 / -15 )

Posted in: Japan plans to extend COVID-19 state of emergency beyond May 31 See in context

Look Tokyo, we’d be willing to go along with this if you weren’t in the same breath also pushing the Olympics.

You don’t get to have cake and eat it.

28 ( +28 / -0 )

Posted in: Over 50% of nurses at COVID hospital wards in Japan have considered quitting See in context

Can you blame them? The government, whose job is to protect the welfare of the people is actively working against them. On top of long hours, low wages and the bodies continuing to pile up?

23 ( +23 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 732 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 5,230 See in context

Well it’s back up again. This is why I don’t understand Tokyo and Osaka being so confident when the numbers go down for a single day.

Thats great and all, but we have to look at averages over time not just a single day.

At any rate, Osaka has the highest number of dead and now people in their 20s to 30s are being found dead their homes. What does it matter if it’s up or down?

People are dying.

23 ( +25 / -2 )

Posted in: 1,799 suicides reported nationwide in April See in context

Another failing of the Japanese government. Every possible box the Japanese screwed up and now everyday citizens are suffering.

Its criminal. LDP cronies should be in jail over this.

22 ( +26 / -4 )

Posted in: Vaccine chief Kono blames drug approval system for slow inoculation drive See in context

Well you are correct Kono on that. If only Japan had a year or so to get everything in place.

Oh wait, it did and you squandered it.

33 ( +33 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,010 new coronavirus cases; record high 712 in Hokkaido See in context

So is the pandemic over yet? I remember Abe and Taro saying very plainly that this was over? So how is this possible that there are 1,010 new cases?

25 ( +26 / -1 )

Posted in: Biden expected to nominate Rahm Emanuel as ambassador to Japan See in context

I don't think you know what ambassadors actually do. Here's a hint: their job doesn't include deciding the country's fiscal policy.

Check, tongue-in-cheek. There’s your answer.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Man shot by police officer dies in Nagoya hospital See in context

Genuine question, do officers in Japan not carry stun guns/tazers? Japanese police are pretty good about not discharging their weapons but isn't there at least one more option available to them besides a lethal weapon?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: 6 torch relay staff in southwestern Japan test positive for COVID-19 See in context

Say it with me folks.


10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Golden Week travel begins despite pleas from governors to stay home See in context

No, no they’re doing exactly as the government wanted. 「Go To」Campaign!

This is what you wanted Suga, Koike. Here’s your bed. Time to sleep in it!

41 ( +44 / -3 )

Posted in: U.S. advises citizens to 'reconsider travel' to Japan See in context

Well, well, well. How the turn tables.

21 ( +28 / -7 )

Posted in: Commuter rush seen despite 3rd coronavirus state of emergency See in context

How many times does this need to be said? It has to come from the top down. Not the other way around? I’d be happy to telework but the prefectural government and corporations are forcing workers to go in.

Stop trying to pin this on individuals.

51 ( +53 / -2 )

Posted in: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 variants in Japan double in a week See in context

Are you more likely to get the virus when eating and drinking with many other people? Yes.

Let’s not pretend that it doesn’t spread in office spaces, schools and universities as well people start getting lax on mask wearing as well.

The pandemic and the fact that it’s this bad is all on the Japanese government.

13 ( +19 / -6 )

Posted in: Suga to declare state of emergency in Osaka; no decision on Tokyo See in context


Absolutely right. It was a two birds with one stone had Japan spent its time vaccinating. People stop getting sick, stop spreading the sickness, no need to close things down and Olympics as icing on the cake.

Instead they chose some awkward balancing act of “Please social distance, but also Go To campaign by going out and spending money.”

He who chases two hares catches neither.

21 ( +22 / -1 )

Posted in: Osaka request for emergency will include store closures, online school classes See in context

And of course you forgot to mention the UK variant which brought into Japan from a foreigner.

Incorrect. It was brought into Japan by a Japanese person that had been to the UK and failed to social distance.

Japan has curbed foreign travel for over a year now. Your “It’s foreigners.” Excuse doesn’t hold water.

30 ( +31 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 405 coronavirus cases; 719 in Osaka See in context

Wish government and media would painting this as though it were the common people that are at fault for this.

People have to go to work, school, etc..

If we want tea change, put resources into inoculating the population.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo, Osaka consider asking gov't to issue another state of emergency See in context

What does that mean though? “It’s officially a State of Emergency.”

Okay. That means, what? They haven’t given details to what that means. People are still being asked to come into work and school. If anything is to change, this stuff has to come from the top down.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Posted in: Virus surges fuel fears 100 days before Tokyo Olympics See in context

Just the 100 days before? People have been saying this is a bad idea long before this point for good reason.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Olympic torchbearers run through empty Osaka park as virus surge tops 1,000 See in context

When is Japan going to accept that it is running on borrowed time? Time paid out in the blood of innocent people.

Stop this nonsense already.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

Posted in: Suga to designate Tokyo for stronger anti-virus steps as infections spike See in context

“Doing nothing hasn’t worked, so we are going to try more half measures.”

The J’gov’t doesn’t seem to understand how any of this works.

"Reducing the flow of people is key in preventing infections," she said.

Wrong madam, wrong. Vaccinating people is how we stop this.

22 ( +27 / -5 )

Posted in: Osaka declares COVID medical emergency with 878 new cases See in context

Can someone explain what a “Medical Emergency” is in this context? I feel like that’s been the case the entire time.

This entire saga has received several different labels and the government on a prefectural level as well as a national one has not been clear at all.

State of Emergency, Red Stage, Yellow Stage, Medical Emergency. So what is different this time?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

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