Posted in: Saudi Arabia to showcase kingdom's transformation at Osaka Expo 2025 See in context
Mr. have not been to Saudi Arabia he you ?
Now you move from "being illegal " to being shouted at ?
Aussie racists shout at tourists speaking in their home language " speak English, this is Australia "
Come on buddy...your paternalistic nationalism is showing.
BTW Saudi has "regular tourist zones " now, has it ?
Where be those ?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
"No one trusts Iran "
Really...Iran's major trading partners are China ...big country ,big population, ;India...same as China: Turkey; UAE etc etc.
Get at least some facts right.
Google "Iranian embassies worldwide "....then "foreign embassies in Iran "
Seems to " not trust," in your mind, is to do huge business with the worlds most populous nations and to have diplomatic relations with most of the world
I give up....some posters dont even try to be accurate.
Check under your bed tonight....might be an Iranian hiding there.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
Hezbollah does not recognise the CURRENT state of Israel as many countries do Saudi Arabia.
Hezbollah not calling for the expulsion of Jews as Israel calls for the expulsion of Arabs.
Yeah...I read more and hyperventilate less.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
Itsonlyrocknroll....nice rhetoric
Hamas accepts a Jewish state of Israel
Iran has a large number of Jews living in Iran, who could emigrate to Israel, but choose not to .
Iran has a fatwa against using nuclear weapons and does not have any at present.
Iran has some of the top 10 supplies of oil and gas in the world so that might give some an idea of why the USA is "interested "
If you see a travel show by a westerner on Iran you will see people much like ourselves...not some fanatical "Islamic fundamentalists "
America engineered a coup in Iran when the Parliament decided to nationalize the oil fields.
USA and UK installed the he was a real sob. sound more frightening in your absurd "Nostrodamous like " predictions and language than anything coming out of Iran
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Saudi Arabia to showcase kingdom's transformation at Osaka Expo 2025 See in context
Mr Kipling...wrong again buddy.
I checked the Saudi Govt. office for obtaining visas....pretty accurate source.
Foreign women visitors are NOT required to wear head covering.
Since 2019 Saudi women are not required to wear head covering either but should dress modestly.
Most Saudi women DO wear the hijab or similar, many tourists do not.
Easy google check, with accurate sources, and you wont be mistaken so often
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says he is serious about Canada becoming 51st state See in context
Olympic level trolling by Trump.
Puts out a thought repeats it, forums discuss it.
How about something the Yeti ?
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says he is committed to owning Gaza, but could let Middle East states help rebuild See in context
Upvote from me, Desert, and no I don't really hate cats....the indoor pet ones are fine.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says he is committed to owning Gaza, but could let Middle East states help rebuild See in context
Word on Arab street is that MBS organised the murder of a Saudi journalist at a Saudi Embassy where the victim who was supposed to collect some documents was cut into pieces and spirited out hidden in suitcases.
And Rocknroll....Gaza was the area Palestinians were DRIVEN INTO by marauding Zionists terrorists during the Nakba and beyond.
Gaza used to be a farming area with small towns and villages.
9 ( +10 / -1 )
Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out See in context
Iknowall.... 2700 BC Elamite civilisation emerges in Iran ...then called Persia.
BBC reference 550 to 330 BC Achaemenid rules the first Persian Empire.
330 BC Alexander the Great defeats the Persians.
Is that enough for you "IKNOWALL "
Google is your friend.
Persia, renamed Iran, is as old as China.
How long has the USA been around ?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
Iknowall...had you paid any attention, Hamas offered a ceasefire and hostage release in the first months of the war .
Netanyahu refused,,,as did his hawkish cabinet members.
War could have been over a long time ago but for the Israeli sides demands for the "total eradication of Hamas ", a group Netanyahu helped foster.
Now, how do you eliminate an idea born out of oppression ?
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
to preempt the forum shills who blame Arafat for ruining the Oslo Accords and Clintons input I refer to an first hand account by State Department officials who detail the facts of the meetings in "Camp David ";The Tragedy of Errors " written by Robert Malley and Hussein Agha, available for viewing at the New York Review of Books,
August 9 2001
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context
In Australian defamation law, truth is a defence for naming people and events.
Obviously not in Japan
-15 ( +32 / -47 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
Worth repeating it seems.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
Problem in the short term is that some of Netanyahu cabinet threaten to leave if the war does not continue.
Need a new election
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
Here is one problem some members of Netanyahu cabinet have threatened to leave the coalition if the war does not continue.
Quality people in that cabinet.
Netanyahu would then not have a majority and may need to have an election.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Israeli forces begin to withdraw from key Gaza corridor, part of the ceasefire deal with Hamas See in context
Here is one problem some members of Netanyahu cabinet have threatened to leave the coalition if the war does not continue.
Quality people in that cabinet.
Netanyahu would then not have a majority and may need to have an election.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich See in context
I have read many scholars argue that the root cause of the holocaust and racism in Germany and other parts of Europe was the failure to accept multi culturism as a positive influence on the nation.
In 2025 we might have moved past the "glorious days of German culture "
The world is becoming integrated.
Those posters who disagree seem to be living in Japan whilst having a non Japanese background...funny that.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out See in context
Iran predates the USA by 2000 years or more.
It is not going anywhere. Trump has 4 years to bluster.
A drop in an ocean by comparison.
Iran will be standing when the US has returned to a third word state.
Students of history will know how short a time frame this US hegemony has been in existence....probably post WW2 and before lots of incursions into mighty kingdoms like Guatemala and Grenada.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Top climate scientist declares 2-degree C climate goal 'dead' See in context
Yes "parts of the earth will be inhabitable " lets see how these "inhabitable nations " welcome those whose climate has rendered them inhabitable.
Because the history of the world is one of sharing and caring isn't it ?
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: N Korean leader Kim slams U.S.-S Korea-Japan partnership and vows to boost his nuclear program See in context
Not a fan of NK but wouldn't an alternative approach better suit both sides ?
How about moves towards a treaty ?
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens See in context
Memo to prospective hen is not as expensive nor as complex as it sounds.
Plus hens eat crawling bugs like cockroaches before they get into the house.
Note...snakes and lizards like eggs too.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Saudi Arabia to showcase kingdom's transformation at Osaka Expo 2025 See in context
I believe Saudi is using much of its precious groundwater to feed vanity green "hey, wer,e not a desert at all "
Oil wont last forever either
Bat crazy real estate projects will also bankrupt the country.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire See in context
Holocaust wrong because of all the deaths and mistreatment.
Eliminating Iran because.....Itsonlyrocknroll thinks it is a good idea.
My thinking , by comparison , is that ELIMINATING any group based on nationality, ethnicity or whatever is no better, even worse than the holocaust.
Worse,,,because it shows people HAVE NOT LEARNED the lesson of evil begets evil.
Before sanctions reimposed on Iran, hundreds of thousands of EU and UK people visited Iran as tourists.
Eliminate them too rocknroll ?
And heres you in a past post expressing a strong Christian ethos.....makes me laugh.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire See in context
No babies beheaded, no women mutilated etc etc.
Continue with this stupid hasbarra lies forever...wont make them true.
Were any of the hostages raped with lengths of pipe as happened to Palestinian hostages held in Israeli dungeons ?
Those hostages didnt look too sprightly on release either.
And the Austwitch ...spelling/...reference is another attempt to link Palestinians with Nazi Germany and dehumanise these oppressed people.
I am not 2 steps, but 20 steps ahead of you 2 posters and your Israeli shilling.
1 ( +11 / -10 )
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance See in context
WA4TKG....unnecessary fear mongering....what nations has China actually invaded, colonised ang forced the people to speak Chinese. ?
Maybe Tibet...thats about it....
Look at the USA "necklace " surrounding China for a glimpse of where real concern should be directed.
-2 ( +8 / -10 )
Posted in: Hamas accuses Israel of ceasefire breaches ahead of next hostage-for-prisoner exchange See in context
Geeter...there were maybe 20 or so Israeli attacks on Gaza even before it yourself...
Thousands of innocent people killed.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Hamas accuses Israel of ceasefire breaches ahead of next hostage-for-prisoner exchange See in context
Iknowall....maybe Israel could secretly sterilise all the Palestinian women like they did to Ethiopian Jewish women as reported in the BBC and Guardian and now admitted by Israeli authorities.
Cant have too many black people contaminating the pure white Jewish peoples land can we.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Hamas accuses Israel of ceasefire breaches ahead of next hostage-for-prisoner exchange See in context
If you google "Netanyahu says Israel is for the jews " a number of sources, many Israeli based, that confirm these words and similar ethno bigotry from other members of his Cabinet.
I dont do homework,,,but "972 Israel " has these exact comments.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Countries vow support for ICC as Trump hits it with sanctions See in context
Gutless Australia....and I am an Aussie.
Shameless pandering to a bully
3 ( +9 / -6 )
Posted in: Trump says U.S. Steel will get investment from Nippon Steel, instead of being bought by it See in context
No major shareholding stake, no major role in restructuring the old war horse called US Steel.
Looks like a dud arrangement for Japan and a short reprieve for US interests.
If US steel is moribund who is going to give the bad US workers and management.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if U.S. funding stops, UN agency warns
Are they still fishing from those waters?
Posted in: Fukushima nuclear plant operator to dismantle water tanks next week
The Gravy Train ran its last run
Posted in: Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if U.S. funding stops, UN agency warns
Posted in: Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if U.S. funding stops, UN agency warns