Japan Today

gustavadolf comments

Posted in: Rainbow of hope for Japan See in context

"Yes, I like to teach. My course is called Entrepreneurial Leadership. It is compulsory. Everybody has to take this course. It is important for me to be with students to help them foster the qualities and mindset of visionary leaders before they graduate".

Great news to hear,every one's watching and listening for news from Japan, and hoping for their best.

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Posted in: At this point in time, who has the best claim to the disputed four Russian-administered islands off Hokkaido? See in context

1. To: sfjp330. Sharing compatible principles and values.

Thanks for your comments. Not dreaming, just looking straight ahead, up the middle of the road.

There are three words that make some people froth up in the mouth:

Understanding. Cohesion. Natural Law.

So many people can't even sit down, focus and think about a single topic that is put in front of them. And use the information for learning and share a cohesive opinion.

The building blocks of understanding require consistency.

If at the very basic level there is no understanding, then conflict remains.

Communicational cohesion is when parts of a module are grouped because they operate on the same data (e.g. a module which operates on the same record of information).

Self determined and Independent Nations think and make decisions. Unlike what the Communist Soviets tried to do. Brainwash people into useless/mindless muddle. Parroting words that they were fed with.

The wider world has a lot of shared values, and Japan is working along with them. Don't buy the "threat-bully-extortion" of the Soviets, that will only dig a hole for them.

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Posted in: At this point in time, who has the best claim to the disputed four Russian-administered islands off Hokkaido? See in context

1. To: Tokyokawasaki.

”I mean come on”.

You mean come on GDP, that’s what politicians are for, and who cares about anything else.

Voters do put pressure on politicians according to the voter’s personal values.

GDP s is important but there is also National identity and Cultural understanding and National pride.

Products made in Japan, is also one component of National pride. That deserves respect from the overseas consumers.

Respect for their excellent products, and reliable friendly people. Japanese are the leaders in many fields on manufacturing.

International Communities/organizations do communicate and share understanding.

Why should Japanese foreign minister buy the confused facts and wrong data from Russian?

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Posted in: At this point in time, who has the best claim to the disputed four Russian-administered islands off Hokkaido? See in context

Sharing compatible principles and values.

It the two (Foreign Minister of Japan and Russsia) can’t agree on simple facts with understanding, it is much more complicated to share mutual understanding.

The building blocks of understanding require consistency. Understanding can’t be achieved if the values and principles are in conflict.

If at the very basic level there is no understanding, then conflict remains.

Similar to that of technology when multiple module group operate on the same data. Communication cohesion is achieved or it is in conflict, because of the data.

Exactly like when learning a new language, the basic's need to be learned and respected, other wise understanding can't be achieved.

Without understanding then power play takes over.

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Posted in: Russian FM talks tough to Maehara on dispute with Japan See in context

Quote: #1.

"The US Senate Resolution of April 28, 1952, ratifying of the San Francisco Treaty, explicitly stated that the USSR had no title to the Kurils,[17] the resolution stating".

Take note:

"As part of such advice and consent the Senate states that nothing the treaty [San Francisco Peace Treaty] contains is deemed to diminish or prejudice, in favor of the Soviet Union, the right, title, and interest of Japan, or the Allied Powers as defined in said treaty",

Take note:

"in and to South Sakhalin and its adjacent islands, the Kurile Islands, the Habomai Islands, the Island of Shikotan, or any other territory, rights, or interests possessed by Japan on December 7, 1941, or to confer any right, title, or benefit therein or thereto on the Soviet Union".

Take note:

"The USA maintains that until a peace treaty between Japan and Russia is concluded, the disputed Northern Territories remain Japanese territory under Russian military occupation via General Order No. 1.[9]".

Conclusion: The northern Territory is Japanese Territory.

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Posted in: Russian FM talks tough to Maehara on dispute with Japan See in context

1. Quote:

"Lavrov said Friday that Russia will pump more money into the Kurils and invited investors from other nations, including South Korea and China, to follow suit, drawing an immediate icy response from Maehara, who said that Japan would strongly object to that".

Today leaders in Russia are counting on these points:

Use Stalin as the national hero/brand, it will pull the people together.

Promote Stalin’s image. Send his statute to Virginia USA, as a reminder the world that they were Allies during WW2.

Count on it that the West won’t mention War Crimes, they were silent in 1945. Stalin was considered as the “Good Old Joe” by the Americans.

By drawing closer to the Soviet Union era policies e.g. Expansionism policy. That will ensure that the offended neighbors won’t have the political will or the nerve to challenge it.

With the elections coming up next year, the; “ground work” needs to be done, and to address the National security issues the old soviet way, because that’s where the people are at.

There has not been an International challenge to Soviet Union regarding the many border violations in the past. With more time maybe the issues will go away.

Economy is the main attraction; Worldwide, who cares about history and values.

By making trade agreement with the West. That could tie them to compliance, and maybe they will look through their fingers regarding; Illegal territory claims.

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Posted in: Russia's Medvedev says he's sending weapons to disputed isles See in context

To: Frungy.

Haallooo! Re: JT–Article.

“The disagreement over the southern Kuril islands, known in Japan as the Northern Territories, has long been a sticking point between the two countries. It also has kept them from signing a formal peace treaty ending their World War II hostilities”.

Comment: “Is it just me or has PM Kan really been pandering to the hard right lately? First the tension with China, now aggravating Russia and vowing to bury dead soldiers on Iwo Jima.”

No, I don’t think it’s just you. The roots of the issue go back to the 1940’s.

The issue is: Enough is enough, no more Soviet Communist style manipulation and exploitation.

It is not just the Japanese islands, but there are similar border violations in Europe, Caucasus, Baltic and the Nordic region.

But the in principle they have the similar “Invader” taking territory from the other. And it was always a small State, small population, or at the time of weakness when the Soviet jumped.

I think you are making wrong assertions on the PM of Japan. The issue goes back a long time in time. “Why did they say something earlier”?

You may ask. Well, well what do you know the history of a totalitarian regime? Freedom of speech is the first one to go out the window.

It went out the window, and it did not find its way back in until the 80’s. It’s true, read the history.

The PM of Japan is right in my opinion to respect and honor those that have fallen in wars. Who is to judge his motive when the proposal is correct, I think it is a cheap shot on the other hand to blame him.

Most people agree that there has to be rule of law between different countries. E.g. the International Law.

Most people expect consistency across the board. Being open with their past War Crimes, and not denial.

There is the USSR/Russian that has not come clean, they have been avoiding the denying the real issues since they happened in the 1940’s. That’s why the along the border many States have not got their territory back.

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Posted in: Russia's Medvedev says he's sending weapons to disputed isles See in context

1. "Russia will send more weapons to its islands in north Pacific, President Dmitry Medvedev announced Wednesday—a mere two days after Japan again demanded that Russia return several islands it has held since the end of World War II".

To: Richie Rich.

"I honestly believe that it may be time for Japan to give up their claim on these islands. Yes, they were Japanese",

"but Russia is never going to hand them back, and let's face it, Japan only has themselves to blame for the situation".

You got half of it right.

Think about it, from a different angle. You presume that the past is the blue print for the future.


If it was all reliant on your understanding and logic, to design a new model Toyota. There would not be a new model Toyota. Right, because it is beyond your mind skills to create it.

If it all relied on you, the current world record high jump would not be broken. Right, because it is beyond you to break it.

It it all relied on you, there would be no cure for malaria. Right because it is beyond your mind to find the solution.

So why do you rely on your ability and understanding, to give out a blue print of future events?

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Posted in: At this point in time, who has the best claim to the disputed four Russian-administered islands off Hokkaido? See in context

Quote: Smithinjapan.


"Russia didn't 'steal' them, they were taking in an offensive during war-time, and are as such the spoils of war. Imagine if Japan had never waged its war of aggression... they would still have those islands and so much more". "Imagine if Japan had never waged its war of aggression.... they would still have those islands and so much more".

There are to positives about the above quote:

Japan. Islands.

But the rest is presumption. You imply that all those States borders that the Soviets crossed were was to stop the aggression.

Read the history of the Baltic States, also the Caucasus and Finland. The aggressor was the Soviets. Why do you think there was a Cold War?

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Posted in: Russian FM talks tough to Maehara on dispute with Japan See in context

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavroy representing the Soviet/Russian interest and policies that have not changed since 1940's.

The Japanese people need to learn more from the internet Wikipedia regarding who they are dealing with. It is always good to know history of the potential business partner.

Today's world and the political climate is much different from the 1940's. There were those that used force to suppress the freedom of information and expression. But information continues to get more freedom, and we have services like the internet Wikipedia that informs and educates people.

Learning and education is good, freedom of information helps us to have access/learn on our own free time. The world has come a long way in the last 70 years. Reading about a country like Hungary e.g. helps to appreciate the freedom we enjoy, and to learn that this freedom did not come without the sacrifice of many human lives.

Japan and the Kuril Islands of Japan, also want to be free, freedom from foreign occupation of their territory.

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Posted in: Russia's Medvedev says he's sending weapons to disputed isles See in context

Reply to: Hokkaidoguy.


"If you honestly think that Russia will ever be part of NATO's missile shield, I have a bridge to sell you. Apparently you forgot the crisis in NATO-Russian relations surrounding Georgia, despite the fact that it's mentioned in the article".

Ssssshhhh, not so loud. If the Soviet Russians Politicians hear about it, they will bend the truth and say that; NATO was their idea in the first place, and claim Nato for themselves.

It is true that if the Soviet had not been in Berlin, then there most likely would not be NATO.

It all started with the Berling Air Lift back in the 40's.

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Posted in: Kan calls Medvedev's isle visit 'unforgivable outrage' See in context

To: Borcht. Re: Your entry.

"Let me get this straight. You start a fight and then get the snot kicked out of you but expect the other side to give back the spoils of war? Then give Okinawa back to the Okinawans"!

The logic and reasoning you used is flawed. And there are mixed metaphors. It is not reasonable to do so. A. Picking a fight? B. Loose fight. B. Spoils of War?

The Soviet Russia has a history of being a war monger. And usually picked Stated and Nations that were smaller and weaker. That was Soviet Russian style in the 1930-45.

And when the weaker States that Soviet Russia bullied rallied together, and were matching the numvers of Soviet Russia, and fought back. Soviet Russian was hollering for help from America.

Soviet Russian does not have history of fighting fair.

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Posted in: Russian FM talks tough to Maehara on dispute with Japan See in context

I would like to know whether the Soviet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov believes in the study of history, or is it a sad topic for him.

A common response from the Soviet Russian politicians is that the past is not worth going into. It is more convenient to go on from the relevant recent days.

In the 40's, 50's 60's 70's the Soviet Communism had such a strong grip over the Baltic Nation and Finland Governments, that you could not even mention the 1939 Soviet invasions.

The Soviet used threats of violence as their best weapon to keep people/Governments silent. Today because the Soviet/Russian grip is loosening, and people are starting to talk, now the Soviet Russians are saying it is too far back in history, let's forget about it.

But the world has more respect to humanity and the rule of law and order, to reject justice.

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Posted in: Russian FM talks tough to Maehara on dispute with Japan See in context

Japanese Islands belong to JAPAN, not to foreign (Soviet-Russian) invaders.

The strings of the heart can play many sounds, there is also the sounds of; Integrity, honesty and truth.

The attributes requires consistency. Choosing to play the sound of true and honesty, will tune the heart strings to play music that is consistent with honesty and truth.

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