Posted in: Kyrgios beats Yoshioka to win Citi Open See in context
Nice tennis from both Kyrgios and Nishioka. Yoshioka is just unbelievable though!
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: A-bomb survivor says Kishida's nuclear speech avoided 'honest debate' See in context
What would she prefer: alignment with China? North Korea? India? France? Oh, wait…New Zealand! Jacinda will keep the wolf from the door!
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Will Smith posts an apology video for slapping Chris Rock See in context
What so many people appear to forget is that there are two kinds of comedy: one based on what individuals do, and one based on what they are. This is why there came a day in junior high school I woke up to myself and gave up telling racist jokes. I have hated them ever since and regret not realising sooner what effect my words were having.
Has there been the slightest hint of regret from Chris Rock for taking advantage of Jada’s alopecia? If so, good. If not, then it seems to me that some of us are in danger of making him a very undeserving martyr.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Will Smith posts an apology video for slapping Chris Rock See in context
I don't think anyone cares about such intra-ethnic conflict
The existence of this article contradicts your racially...focussed comment, Wobot.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: Shooter signaled Abe killing in letter to Unification Church critic See in context
So, the police were aware that this guy, or at least some guy, who had guns, was looking to kill Abe? It will be very interesting to find out how much they knew exactly, and how long before the shooting they knew. On the face of it, incompetency of an unrivalled magnitude does come to mind.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Britain, Japan said to be looking to merge Tempest and F-X fighter programs See in context
“If Japan wishes to play a significant role in the defense of rules based international order, it should develop its own domestically designed military aircraft, a modern version of the Mitsubishi Zero fighter.”
But isn’t that exactly what the FX is?
”The Mitsubishi F-X is a sixth-generation stealth fighter in development for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. It is Japan's first domestically developed stealth fighter jet and will replace the Mitsubishi F-2 by the mid–2030s.” Wikipedia
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan bids farewell to Abe at funeral in Tokyo See in context
Whatever your politics, the death of anyone in these circumstances is a tragedy. I think I’d even say the same for, and I hope I never have to, Trump.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan bids farewell to Abe at funeral in Tokyo See in context
Can the four people who have expressed dislike of my comment,
”May he Rest In Peace and may his family and friends find consolation.”
please explain what they found wrong with it?
Was it hatred of the man? Disgust at an implied belief in an afterlife? Distaste for conventional expressions of sympathy and sorrow?
I am genuinely curious and happy to engage in objective conversation about it.
-2 ( +16 / -18 )
Posted in: Japan bids farewell to Abe at funeral in Tokyo See in context
May he Rest In Peace and may his family and friends find consolation.
6 ( +22 / -16 )
Posted in: Former Prime Minister Abe dies after being shot while campaigning in Nara See in context
May he Rest In Peace.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Whale meat is still not recognized as an ordinary food product. I want to spread the word about delicious ways to eat whale meat, even to people who have never tried it before. See in context
Well, if you want to eat a few common minke whales, go for it, I reckon, provided you don’t endanger the species’s survival. You had better leave our bloody humpbacks alone though. We nearly killed them back In the 60’s here in Oz and we don’t want to go back to those bad old days. They’re too precious. The whale bacon I tried once out of obligation didn’t do much for me though, frankly. There are far more efficient means of getting protein into your diet, surely
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Ex-PM Abe in critical condition after being shot while campaigning in Nara See in context
The photo provided by Redstorm suggests the weapon is a homemade job, which in turn suggests a lone lunatic to me. It’s not easy to plan for people such as that, especially in such a relatively peaceful country. My prayers go out to Abe, his family and his friends.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Ex-PM Abe in critical condition after being shot while campaigning in Nara See in context
That poor man and his poor family and friends.
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: UK Conservatives say 'toxic' Boris Johnson should be replaced now See in context
It’a a relief to see that many British Conservatives have more honour, conscience and understanding of the need to defend democracy than most American Republicans.
9 ( +12 / -3 )
Posted in: Johnson resigns, but will remain British PM until new leader chosen See in context
It’a a relief to see that British Conservatives have more honour, conscience and understanding of the need to defend democracy than American Republicans.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: North Korea slams U.S.-South Korea-Japan military cooperation See in context
“Yes they used nuclear weapons and tests that perished millions including their own people -dont forget about the New Mexico Trinity test of 1945 and the Atomic bombings of Japan and the Pacific islanders -bogeyman yes !”
Kyo, your use of the past tense rather than reference to current events, coupled with the exaggeration “millions” does little to increase your credibility in the eyes of the intelligent reader.
7 ( +11 / -4 )
Posted in: North Korea slams U.S.-South Korea-Japan military cooperation See in context
I wasn’t expecting to play “Spot the conspiracy theorist” when I read this article, but am not complaining. Funny how some people want to paint the US as the bogeyman even though the reality is that it and its allies are the only things stopping completely evil governments from enslaving even more of the free citizens of the world.
12 ( +17 / -5 )
Posted in: Will Smith, Chris Rock confrontation shocks Oscar audience; 'CODA' wins best picture See in context
Pardon the poor grammar. I should have done a thorough read-through.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Will Smith, Chris Rock confrontation shocks Oscar audience; 'CODA' wins best picture See in context
The reason no charges are being laid is that Chris Rock is probably well aware that with he committed the first act of violence by joking about Jade’s medical condition. That was, in terms of its effect, more than a metaphorical slap in the face. Will reacted as some men will, laughing at the joke until it sunk in and then wanting to punish Rock for his assault. A poor choice perhaps, but don’t tell me there aren’t people here who haven’t felt the red mist come down when they find those they love under attack. I still love that he desired to defend her. Too many these days wouldn’t.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Will Smith, Chris Rock confrontation shocks Oscar audience; 'CODA' wins best picture See in context
Will Smith won’t ever have to buy a beer at a bar ever again, as long as there’s a red-blooded man ready to defend his lady there. Legend.
-11 ( +0 / -11 )
Posted in: Ukraine says Russia seized relief workers in Mariupol convoy See in context
You said: Without fail, whenever the MSM quote a resident from Maruipol describing the situation they always leave out whom the person is blaming or the quote only includes the vague "they"
For your information, it is acceptable to use pronouns such as ‘they’ when it is blindingly clear who is being referred to - the Russian military.
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: Putin appears at big rally as troops press attack in Ukraine See in context
Putin's quoting of the Bible and an 18th-century Russian admiral reflected his increasing focus in recent years on history and religion as binding forces in Russia’s post-Soviet society. His branding of his enemies as Nazis evoked what many Russians consider their country's finest hour, the defense of the motherland from Germany during World War II.
I wonder if there’s a special place in Hell for hypocrites of this class.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Putin appears at big rally as troops press attack in Ukraine See in context
We never had a dictator in US history. We have had electoral problems but never a dictator. Unlike Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, Saddam, the US has never had anything like that.
@bass4funk You came close a couple of Januaries ago though, bro.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Putin appears at big rally as troops press attack in Ukraine See in context
the world is not going to pick up a gun and save Ukraine from invasion. The world is just worried that they are next.
Jero Sakura, the world is worried that if they pick up a gun, they will be next. And with Putin running out of conventional weapons, that’s a logical fear.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Putin appears at big rally as troops press attack in Ukraine See in context
the world is not going to pick up a gun and save Ukraine from invasion. The world is just worried that they are next.
Actually, world is worried that if they pick up a gun to save Ukraine, they will be next.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Who is a war criminal, and who gets to decide? See in context
Let’s keep things simple, shall we? Putin is actively and intentionally targeting and slaughtering children, so we all need to forget finger pointing at others and focus objectively on his crimes.
6 ( +20 / -14 )
Posted in: British PM Starmer offers to send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine
Posted in: British PM Starmer offers to send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine
Posted in: British PM Starmer offers to send peacekeeping troops to Ukraine
Posted in: Tourism boom sends prices soaring at Niseko ski resort