Posted in: Japanese beauty firm under fire over CEO comments on Koreans See in context
"For some reason, the models hired for Suntory's commercials are almost all Korean-Japanese. So that's why it seems they're mocked on the Internet as 'Chontory,'" he wrote.
By the looks of it, both companies (DHC and Suntory) are led by xenophobes who openly practice discrimination.
There's no sides to choose.
-14 ( +11 / -25 )
Posted in: Man arrested for abusing 4-month-old son See in context
The man-child is 23.
His wife is in her 30’s.
I’ll guess he was spoiled by rotten by said-wife and saw the newcomer as a nuisance.
Dont let that poor baby become a statistics of “I punched him because he wouldn’t stop crying even after I tried my best to lull him to sleep.”
He should not be handed over if the wife doesn’t leave that donkey.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: S Korea to use radiation detectors, food from home at Tokyo Olympics See in context
Will S.Koreans also import the air they will breathe?
if not, they should stay home and stop whining.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korea's PM hopes to play messenger role during Japan visit See in context
“I will listen to Abe's words sincerely, and in turn, do my best to explain the thoughts of Moon and myself," Lee told Kyodo News in Seoul, adding that has requested a friendly letter from Moon to deliver to Abe.”
Nice change of tone; however, Abe knows what he wants and already explained it to you.
Could S.Korea explain the 165 & plus deliveries that are unaccounted for and their whereabouts or not?
While you are at it, explain to Abe your Anti-Japan campaign and what you gained from it.
8 ( +13 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korean PM to attend emperor's enthronement ceremony See in context
Funny that there’s a law in South Korea forbidding the Emperor from setting foot on the Peninsula and yet South Korean government scheduled a trip to attend said Emperor’s Enthronement.
Lee is expected to take part in a banquet hosted by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday, and hold separate talks with him, which would mark the highest-level dialogue since tension flared up last year over the issue of Japan's wartime use of South Korean forced labor, officials said.
It looks like he is not attending only for the buffet and the Sake but to beg for a place on the whitelist.
6 ( +15 / -9 )
Posted in: Fast Retailing likely hit by S Korea boycott; succession plans in focus, say analysts See in context
Samit basu:
*Korean Uniqlo employees are supporting the boycott**, since they can just move to Korean fast fashion brand retailers with Uniqlo experience.*
Anyhow, Uniqlo and DHC are two Japanese brands marked by boycott activists for elimination from Korean market. DHC is all but gone, and Uniqlo is following DHC fast.
According to you, the S.Koreans employees are happy to lose their jobs even with the high employment rate and the risk of not getting another in other to hurt Japan?
Isn’t this akin to drinking a poison and yet expecting another person to die?
The delusion must be real on the peninsula.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Fast Retailing likely hit by S Korea boycott; succession plans in focus, say analysts See in context
South Koreans are hurting themselves since Uniqlo will reduce employees hours even fire some in order to deal with the conboycott.
oh, it means also less consumers and income tax in South Korean coffers.
Unqlo will cut their losses and restructure for next year.
1 ( +8 / -7 )
Posted in: S Korean fighter jet patrols over islands disputed by Japan See in context
*“Just a moment ago, the F-15K, the most powerful fighter-bomber in Northeast Asia, has returned from completing a patrol mission over our land Dokdo... without any problems," Moon said in an address to the military.*
If that can help Moon sleep better at night.
Owning the most powerful bomber in Northeast Asia Does Not make you the Most powerful country in Northeast Asia.
What power do you have when your economy depends mostly on Japan, the USA and China?
What power do you have that whenever N.K launches a missile you run to the USA, Japan and cry to China to tame that petulant child lil’Kim.
All those flights around Takeshima are only frightening those poor seagulls.
PS: You’re not getting your whitelist privilege back.
9 ( +22 / -13 )
Posted in: S Korean opposition party submits bill to settle wartime labor dispute with Japan See in context
The bill seeks to create a fund with money from the governments and companies of both countries to pay damages to the plaintiffs.
Already done. See 1965 and 2015 treaties.
If S.Koreans can’t respect those, I don’t think they can honor another.
If with every new president there must be a new treaty, their words are not worth the paper they are written on.
19 ( +22 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan embassy in Seoul posts radiation data amid escalating row See in context
Go Japan ! Beat them at their own game.
Hi S.Korea; Those who live in glasshouse should not throw stone.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: South Korea initiating WTO complaint over Japan trade curbs See in context
Dear S.Korea, isn’t a boycott also a trade curb?
Pray tell, how are you going to justify the government sponsored boycott towards Japanese goods?
How about seizing patents and assets belonging to foreign companies with total disregard of treaties?
Why can’t you control the final destinations, as agreed upon in treaties, of very sensitive products that could be use to make weapons by your Northern brethren?
21 ( +32 / -11 )
Posted in: Japan wins partial WTO victory in S Korea duties case See in context
South Korea:” Omona! B..But...Japan has yet to atone for the atrocities committed during WW2! Japan cannot ne trusted! Lets boycott Japanese goods! Let’s built a statue with the leftover pneumatics valves! Let’s make Goryo Great again! “
-2 ( +6 / -8 )
Posted in: Tariffs push some U.S. manufacturers to exit China See in context
This was Trump’s plan all along.
China,The overfed dragon became a bully and must be isolated.
Take your business/manufacturing plants elsewhere. SEA and Africa await.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Seoul, Busan pass bill to boycott 'war crimes' Japanese firms See in context
you need to face the fact that your country has more to lose here.
If they decide to ban these companies which are all connected, guess what, no more Kpop in Japan, no more technology transfer etc...
It took a century for Japan to perfect their products. Do you think Korea can survive without Japanese technology?
Talking about shooting yourselves in the foot.
Other countries will and should gladly take over.
11 ( +15 / -4 )
Posted in: Seoul, Busan pass bill to boycott 'war crimes' Japanese firms See in context
To sum up, they want all the Japanese companies to leave South Korea (since they’re all contracted somehow).
Watch the unemployment rate spike in the peninsula.
Don't come whining once everything starts to crumble.
To all the countries in SEA, it’s time to cooperate with Japan to bring their manufacturing plants to your shores. What you have here is a one in a lifetime opportunity. Grab it.
25 ( +32 / -7 )
Posted in: South Korea calls for ban of 'rising sun' flag at 2020 Olympics See in context
Always sticking their nose in Japan’s business.
They don’t need to come to Tokyo if they don’t want to see the flag.
Everything will surely go well without their presence.
Quick question: Why South Koreans don’t request a ban of American, Chinese, North Korean and Russian flags? They have a lot to do with their history and their biggest war. I am just saying...
17 ( +34 / -17 )
Posted in: Letter threatening to hunt Koreans sent to S Korean embassy in Japan See in context
Before the anti-Japan brigade comes here huffing and puffing, nothing proves that this was sent by a Japanese.
It could have been sent by a Korean in order to add more fuel to the already well lit fire.
The Korean Embassy needs to release the security cameras records for everyone to see. Otherwise, I will have to call bull$hit on this .
9 ( +35 / -26 )
Posted in: N Korea launches missiles again, complicating U.S. attempts for talks See in context
Japan's Coast Guard said it detected suspected ballistic missile launches from North Korea on Saturday,
Good. Proof that Japan can somehow protect herself and really didn’t/ doesn’t need the GSOMIA with S.Korea.
3 ( +13 / -10 )
Posted in: Korean Air to reduce flights to Japan See in context
A lot of low-cost airlines are already getting more passengers for those routes anyway.
The big corporations are shaking and restructuring, I see.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: No.of S Korean tourists to Japan drops 7.6% See in context
7% ? That's it?
I thought it would be more after all the huff and puffing mixed with Government sponsored nationwide boycott of everything Japanese in South Korea.
They'll be back; they can't stay away from Japan or Japanese goods anyway.
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen singer has a new song: 'Everyone must die' See in context
Samit BasuToday 07:04 am JST
I am sorry, but Pikotaro is never going to be the second coming of PSY.
PSY speaks fluent English, Pikotaro doesn't.
English is a must for any Japanese talent to reach for a global fame and audience.
The same Psy who is a druggie and had to enlist twice in the S.Korean army in order to be forgiven?
The same Psy who is involved in the Malaysian scandal and received money stolen from the Malaysian Government ?
The same Psy who is under investigation in South Korea at the moment for hiring prostitutes some underage while being under his former YG agency?
yeah, Pikotaro and Psy have nothing in commun as far as I know.
No one books Psy for shows at the moment unlike Pikotaro.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korea calls in Japanese diplomat over plans for Fukushima water See in context
SnickersToday 07:22 am JST
I thought that dust came from china.
Well, it comes to Japan through Korea and drag South Korean Pollution to Japan.
So technically its a Korean yellow dust.
-7 ( +15 / -22 )
Posted in: S Korea calls in Japanese diplomat over plans for Fukushima water See in context
That’s how low S.Korea is willing to go?
All right then; This will give power to to Japan to summon a S.Korean diplomat about the nasty yellow dust full of industrial toxic particles (such as cadmium, Asbestos, arsenic , pesticides and mercury among others) that finds its way to Japan every year from their country.
Fair enough?
-4 ( +25 / -29 )
Posted in: N Korean officials cancel trip to Japan See in context
And no one will lose a sleep over it.
They won’t be missed.
14 ( +18 / -4 )
Posted in: S Korea to tighten inspections on waste imports from Japan See in context
Well, that will also mean less revenue for South Korea which will lead to less jobs in that sector.
Taking about cutting your nose to spite your face.
Please South Korea, go ahead and tighten the export of that radioactive noise called Kpop while you’re at it.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: N Korea fires 2 projectiles into sea; says it won't sit down with S Korea for talks again See in context
This should explain the “olive branch” Moon unexpectedly extended to Japan earlier .
Good luck getting Japan’s cooperation after all assets seize, the government sponsored boycott of Japanese goods and North-South reunification talks in order to destroy Japan.
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: Statue of 'comfort woman' pulled from Japan exhibit finds new home in Spain See in context
Benet, founder of soccer rights company Imagina (Mediapro), said the museum would exhibit around 60 pieces of artwork that have been censored in different parts of the world.
To sum up, he plans to make money from controversial pieces.
He is no ally, he is a capitalist user/vulture.
-12 ( +4 / -16 )
Posted in: 'No Japan' banners scrapped in Seoul district after outcry See in context
They have money to buy 1000 banners and get the permits to hang them; meanwhile, thousands of old people are homeless, walking around, sleeping in alleys in said-district with little to no pension.(barely $150/month)
What a way to be patriotic. Shame on them!
Keep hyping your xenophobia South Korea. Soon, Japan will ask her Citizens and companies to come back home or relocate to South East Asia.
That would be another blow to your economy and your high unemployment rate.
31 ( +46 / -15 )
Posted in: South Korea to boost R&D spending to reduce dependence on Japan See in context
How will they do it though?
Japan owns most of the original patents of those original 100 key materials. Unless they try to bribe the brains behind the Japanese companies operations or go full China(copy and paste without permission) and get caught.
It’s about to be an uphill battle for the Koreans. 7 years R&D won’t be enough when your enemy is at least 100 years ahead.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Moon calls for 'peace economy' with N Korea; slams Japan See in context
Desperation, desperation, desperation.
And he calls himself a leader ?
The S.Koreans have the president they deserve.
It’s only going down from here.
24 ( +26 / -2 )
Chinese merchandise is far worse You'd know. Your Trump bible and MAGA hat were made there.
Posted in: Gutting aid, U.S. cedes soft power game to China
Posted in: Knife-wielding Swiss man arrested at train station in Kyoto Prefecture
Posted in: 'Birupaku' turns vacant spaces into unique lodgings in central Japan
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday