Posted in: Olympic minister Hashimoto reported to be top pick to replace Mori See in context
Yep, after Mori's sexiest comment, Hashimoto is a PERFECT figure to take over.
Got drunk, forcing Takahashi figure skater to kiss her with her position.
Just getting worse..
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Berlin district to keep 'comfort women' statue for now See in context
letsberealisticToday 12:29 am UTC
So, are you suggesting there is some worldwide conspiracy over generations of historians against Japan, and that these select 'Korean experts' that you found on a right-wing Japanese website are the truth?
I found on right-wing Japanese website? ?
You got to stop having the idea of "Japanese right wing, Blah! Blah!", believing the news these medias are feeding you.. You don't even know who wrote this APress article.
I have and read books written by these scholars.
This is about a history, the fact, documents, statistics, collecting truthful or false testimonies, the time consuming job which these Korean scholars went through while there are so many propagandas/ false information out there.
The lecture is available on YouTube. (Unfortunately currently only Korean and Japanese subtitle)
13 ( +18 / -5 )
Posted in: Berlin district to keep 'comfort women' statue for now See in context
*Historians say tens of thousands of Korean women were lured or forced into sexual slavery at Japanese military-run brothels when the Korean Peninsula was under Japanese colonial rule in 1910-45. .*
*© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.*
I hope people makes sure where the news source comes from.
There it goes, a full of false propaganda again.
The way it writes sounds familiar. I know who wrote this article.
And... Historians? Who?
The truth is below.
The oppressed voice from Korean professors, which some media refuses to pick up.
[1] Korean History Textbook Research Institute
OPEN LETTER Our standpoint on the statue erected in Mitte Borough, Berlin
....We must face the fact that the “Statue of Peace” is a symbol of a distortion resulting from a combination of distorted facts and fabricated stories of comfort women....
[2]Professor Park Yuha of Sejong University
The myth "Korean comfort women were coerced by the Japanese military"
[3] Professor Lee Yong-Hoon 李栄薫 got assaulted by Korean nationalists after he said comfort women were prostitutes.
He is the author of the book, Anti-Japan Tribalism(反日種族主義)
15 ( +20 / -5 )
Posted in: Nike ad addresses bullying and racism in Japan; riles up debate online See in context
Why can't the journalists convey the information correctly?
This issue is NOT about Naomi/Skin color.
The issue is NIKE voluntarily contact North Korean organization, "朝鮮総連", and used girls for AD "YouCantStopUs" and portraited as an innocent victims of bully in Japan.
You should know, these Korean descendant girls/parents refused to go to Japanese/South Korean school in Japan, but North Korean school (not authorized as a legitimate school by Japanese government) worshipping a dictator Kim in class killing its people and starving to death and abducted Japanese/South Korean people.
Worst thing is NIKE mixed this North Korea issue with BlackLivesMatter as if they were at same level.
-9 ( +11 / -20 )
Posted in: War of Resistance sculpture See in context
a sculpture depicting Chinese soldiers
I am always troubled with this simplistic view of history like a propaganda.
Chinese soldiers?
Did they mean communist Mao or Kuomintang(KMT) led by Chaing Kai Shek?
Chaing Kai Shek is the guy who got away from his crime, the yellow river flood because he was supported by the US.
[Yellow river flood in 1938]
Chaing ordered to bomb a river 9 month after Nanking battle to block Japanese troops killing 400000-1000000 Chinese civilians with drowning. KMT was still firing Japanese trying to save Chinese people, later KMT said Japan did the flood.
History is more complicated .
There was no single independent country like China back then.
There were
1) Kuomintang(KMT) ,
2) Communist Mao,
3) Manchurianᡳᠯᠠᠨ ᠪᠣᡠ᠋ (Qing Dynasty),
4) Japanese.
Japan has been investing Manchu cities before.
The problem is, Manchurians(last emperor) were defeated at Xinhai revolution by Han people. Japan used the last emperor Fugi to keep its interest building a country Manchuko and Fugi used Japan to stay in power.
But anyway,
Who should own Manchu?
Should Manchu be an independent country from the rest of China?
Do you think Communist China have it all?
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: 5 things to know about Japan's World War II surrender See in context
MilesTegToday 05:50 pm JST
It was not based on anti-semitism but rather on economic and political strategies.
If any political pressure there, that would be not upsetting Nazi Germany by saving Jewish people.
There are many Japanese folks involved in saving Jews from Nazi, and friendly group photos with Japanese and Jewish people.
This is not about strategy thing, simply a conscience.
Japan was not an evil.
It was a country with different values and ideas from westerns.
Another example, the testimony from African American, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, who wrote the article in Pittsburgh Courier about how he was treated same as white guests by Japanese at hotel in Tokyo.
Pls search your own.
We are living with an internet.
Nothing can filter information and prevent us from knowing.
You will find so many historical facts you wouldn't dream of and probably find this JT article boring.
-17 ( +3 / -20 )
Posted in: 5 things to know about Japan's World War II surrender See in context
MilesTegToday 05:00 pm JST
They allied with Nazi Germany. This is their legacy and can't be swept under the rug. Is this presented in Japanese school textbooks?
You need to go further in depth. Not just the plain history written by victors who don't teach you and "filter" anything inconvenient to their cause of war.
Japan was allied with Germany, but Japan was against antisemitism.
Yousuke Matsuoka, helped Jewish people to move/live in Manchuria under Japanese rule, and promised them Japan would not let Nazi harm Jewish people. He said this is the message from Japanese emperor.
Matsuoka was arrested after a war as a Class A criminal, and after his death he was honored in Yasukuni.
See Book, "Under the shadow of rising sun", page 59, Meron Medzini,
(Japan and the Jews of Manchiria Beginning in 1931)
Try and search keyword,
Fugu plan
-12 ( +5 / -17 )
Posted in: Japan's legacy of forced labor haunts ties with neighbors See in context
This same stuff over and over,
1) As many mentioned here, it was already settled in 1965 treaty. It is Korean government's responsibility to distribute money it got from Japan to these people.
Koreans sued their own government. Yes, this is what they should. Not blame Japan.
2) Koreans killed Japanese 44 fisher men after WW2
Anyone here who claims labor issue is not over yet or Individuals still hold rights to demand, must explain this issue as well.
After WW2, Koreans under its radical president Rhee admin set a border called "Syngman Rhee Line", and shot Japanese fishing boat there killing 44 people and 3929 were captured, 328 ships were seized. Koreans must pay for this. Nothing was addressed for this crime in Korea.
If Japan must pay for labor, with the same logic Korea must pay for killing Japanese and seized ships.
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: A day at the beach See in context
I personally don't recommend any beach around Shonan/ Yuigahama/ Enoshima in Kanagawa prefecture.
Water is a dirty.
In stead, try to go to Shimoda (下田) in Izu (伊豆) in Shizuoka prefecture where there are many different beaches with cleaner water.
伊豆白浜大浜 is a famous one.
Take a train, Odoriko 踊り子 from Shinjuku, taking 2 hours 45 min, and stay at least one night at hotel there .
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe to avoid visit to Yasukuni Shrine on 75th anniversary of war's end: report See in context
>The shrine has also honored leaders convicted as "Class A" war criminals
Yousuke Matsuoka
Japan was allied with Germany, but Japan was against antisemitism.
Yousuke Matsuoka, helped Jewish people to move/live in Manchuria under Japanese rule, and promised them Japan would not let Nazi harm Jewish people.
Matsuoka was arrested after a war as a Class A criminal, and after his death he was honored in Yasukuni.
See Book, "Under the shadow of rising sun", page 59, Meron Medzini,
(Japan and the Jews of Manchiria Beginning in 1931)
Try and search keyword,
Fugu plan
Yasukuni shrine also honored Koreans who died in Atomic bomb.
Korean price,Yi U, 李鍝
His grand father is Korean Emperor Gojong. He was killed with A-bomb in Hiroshima.
He was well respected by Japanese people and his guard Hiroshi (吉成 弘) committed suicide on account of not being able to save Prince. Prince funeral was held even at the time Japan was in chaos losing a war.
9 ( +15 / -6 )
Posted in: Yasukuni Shrine a symbol of haunting wartime legacy See in context
From my experience, those against Yasukuni, usually refuse to listen to opponents say or learn more detail about it.
I show you two Yasukuni Honored figures.
[1] Korean price,Yi U, 李鍝
His grand father is Korean Emperor Gojong. He was killed with A-bomb in Hiroshima.
He was well respected by Japanese people and his guard Hiroshi (吉成 弘) committed suicide on account of not being able to save Prince. Prince funeral was held even at the time Japan was in chaos losing a war.
[2] Yousuke Matsuoka
Japan was allied with Germany, but Japan was against antisemitism.
Yousuke Matsuoka, helped Jewish people to move/live in Manchuria under Japanese rule, and talked and
promised them Japan would not let Nazi harm them.
Matsuoka was arrested after a war as an A-class criminal, and after his death he was honored in Yasukuni.
Try search,
Fugu plan
Book, "Under the shahow of rising sun", Meron Medzini
-11 ( +12 / -23 )
Posted in: Yasukuni Shrine a symbol of haunting wartime legacy See in context
Boring typical propaganda/ misconception article.
The truth is,
China and Korea didn't have any problem with Yasukuni before 1985. Prior to that, every Jpn minister visited Yasukuni, Then, it all started after Japanese lefty brainwashed and talked China and Korea into being against it.
Tojo was not even in Japanese cabinet when Japan annexed Korea and had the battle with KMT in China .
He has nothing to with China and Korea. The prime minister at that time was Fumimaro Konoe who is not honored in Yasukuni. Tojo is responsible for the pacific war against the US.
Of course, there should be an argument about who should/should not be honored there but that does not mean you can deny the entire shrine, which has been there since 1869 throughout Russia-Japan war and WW1 honoring Koreans, Taiwanese, and animals(military horse/bird/dog), as well.
-5 ( +20 / -25 )
Posted in: Man sentenced to death for killing 19 disabled people at care facility See in context
Like all other media news, they need to present a supplemental information as well.
Not just like a man who thought he needed to kill disables for the society was sentenced to death..
We also need to know like his life, skill, or childhood, chronological order.
He has a drawing skill maybe because his mother, Mari Uemastu , was a cartoonist drawing scary comic books.
See the president Trump that he drew.
His mom and dad were in a bad relation and his dad, a teacher, left home.
So much to think about.
What made him that way?
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: Quarantine nightmare still not over for left-behind cruise ship crew See in context
And all the sacrifice the crews made and all the effort to quarantine Japanese government made might be in vain, because the passengers from Westerdam ship are coming to Narita this morning in Japan!!
Westerdam ship is the one Japan refused to accept and went to Cambodia. Cambodian government carelessly let passengers get off after testing only 20 people. Later, one US woman was found positive in Malaysia.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Number of infections on virus-hit ship in Yokohama up 70 to 355 See in context
1glennToday 09:05 pm JST
we are closer to a pandemic because the passengers on the Holland America liner Westerdam were released in Cambodia without quarantine. After more than a hundred passengers boarded airplanes for destinations around the world, it was found that one passenger still in country tested positive for the new virus. If any of those who flew out of Cambodia were contagious, things could get very bad. Maybe we will be lucky, and only the one passenger was infected.
I agree.
1200 passengers on the Holland America liner Westerdam were released so soon in Cambodia.
Is it good?
You think Cambodia does better job than Japan?
Because they tested only 20 passengers who claim they have fever!
Then, later one of released passengers was found positive. Who knows? 1179=1200-20-1 might be positive as well. Now they are everywhere in Cambodia or other nations infecting people.
I know people complain Japan handling Diamond Princess. But it shows how secure Japan is. :)
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan offers explanation of 'rising sun' flag in Korean See in context
With that logic, we must ban the U.S flag and British flag. PERIOD!
Korean flag as well for the atrocity against Vietnamese, Lai Dai Han.
Besides, none of these countries paid reparations yet. PERIOD!
9 ( +27 / -18 )
Posted in: Japan offers explanation of 'rising sun' flag in Korean See in context
Korea must stop stupid propaganda.
I think it is time the world to know that what Japan did to Korea, how much Japan used its money to invest and help Korean people.
It was also analyzed by British author, Alleyne Ireland in 1926 in his book "New Korea".
7 ( +24 / -17 )
Posted in: Lawmakers eye restoration of ex-imperial members to ensure male succession See in context
I knew that this issue brings confusion to foreigners.
I don't know why the media won't explain more detail the issue.
First, the issue is about whether there should be empress or not.
empress is called "女性天皇" (Jyosei- tennouu)
There have been some empresses in past, so Aiko-sama can be empress.
Second issue is about whether Aiko-sama's childrent, boy or girl can be emperor or empress.
Her children will be called, "女系天皇" (Jyokei - tennouu), meaning female descendant.
This is unprecedented in past, and some people are opposing it.
They say, if female descendant emperor or empress succeed, there is a chance that Chromosome Y will be lost, and become a complete different DNA unless they conduct DNA test.
This is what they say, not my opinion.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Aichi exhibition closed over Korean 'comfort woman' statue reopens See in context
Again,.. why is there only comfort woman photo up there?
So that readers get impression that that is what this is all about?
These are problematic exhibits people are talking about.
I wanted to write URL as reference for viewers, but if I do, JapanToday deletes my post, so I will leave only keywords.
1) The movie of burning Showa emperor and scull photos with gas burner and stepping on its ash.
2) A strange cave looking object titled “Grave of Stupid Japanese” with messages like “Japan is sick” and Japanese flag with Kamikaze, Tokkoutai,特攻隊,messages on top.
This is a disgrace of those who died for the country. Please learn how second sons decided to fly to enemy ships with one-way fuel.
3) The photo of the current royal family, but their figures are perished and only their shadows remains.
Artist who made this was initially making photos of Showa emperor with his figure gone by modifying it. But this time, the target becomes entire family.
I found this very dangerous sending a wrong message such as assassination threat.
The government decided not to give 70 million yen funding.
Now left wing gets angry and claims that this is the censorship like what Nazi regime did back then.
I think this is crazy. No one bans these exhibits, but only they thinks this is not appropriate to do this with tax payers money.
4 ( +23 / -19 )
Posted in: Man with 'toy gun' robs convenience stores in Tokyo See in context
Ahh,. In case Foreign folks here didn'T know, if you ask Japanese around 40's about gun Walther P38, they say a famous cartoon, Lupin the 3rd, and the lyrics in its ending song in 1971 says it.
This song brings me back a lot of memory when I was child..
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: South Korea calls for ban of 'rising sun' flag at 2020 Olympics See in context
For more than 50 years since WW2, Korean has no problem with a rising sun. One biggest counter example to anti-rising sun claim is Korean born world wide religion "Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU)" have been using a rising sun looking logo where Korean people LET that happen all the time not being even an issue. It is too late to complain about flag.
Rising sun has been a traditional Japanese design since the ancient time. It was used for military in 1877 in Japan, before Japan's annexation of Korea in 1910. It is not same as swastika.
3) -------------------------
Even if you banned the flag, the problem won't solve.
One after another, in Korea, Japanese stuff is removed, such as trees planed during Japanese colonial rule, a statue of Japanese man power vehicle, the statue of Korean great guy who worked together with Japanese during war.
Even building looking like one from above sky has been an issue.
I mean are they serious??
I would say go to see a doctor. You have a problem not a building.
Good summary.
7 ( +12 / -5 )
Posted in: Nagoya exhibition defends pulling 'comfort woman' statue; opponents say it's censorship See in context
If you want to criticize Emperor, go ahead, but not offensive way .
First, we all should be aware that we don't even know exactly what was going to be presented at exhibition as a whole.
What we know so far is it wasn't only comfort woman statue, but together with a burning Emperor and stepping on its cremation movie and other stuff with a label "Ugly Japanese grave" and so on wrapped as anti-Japan politically extreme left content.
I found some Japanese conspiracy theory comment saying Governor Omura or others use this threat as an excuse to close exhibition mentioning publicly only comfort woman statue part hiding other stuff so that they can escape from being pursued for failing to check its inappropriate all contents.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Nagoya exhibition defends pulling 'comfort woman' statue; opponents say it's censorship See in context
If you want to criticize Emperor, go ahead, but not offensive way .*
This facility is owned by Japanese people.
This art event is run by Japanese people's tax.
Of course Japanese people get angry.
Imagine burning photos of Mao Zedong in China or presidents in the US at the public run art event?
It doesn't mean it is ok to send death threats, but why doesn't media tell us the whole story while only emphasizing getting a threat part.
People don't need any stupid filtering on media.
Let people know exactly what happened as it is.
Let people judge from that.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Nagoya exhibition defends pulling 'comfort woman' statue; opponents say it's censorship See in context
This is the movie exhibited together with comfort woman statue.
Burning Showa Emperor.
This is something Japanese people are talking about.
Actually not just movie but also there were more.
And this is something media refuse to show us.
What you hear is the only filtered version.
If you want to criticize Emperor, go ahead, but not offensive way .
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: I don’t think Japan made sufficient atonement after the war or was required to make those kinds of reparations ... because the U.S. saw Japan as a bulwark against communism. It might’ve been great for U.S. geopolitics, but it obscured suffering of millions of Koreans and millions of Chinese. See in context
Appalling and shocking...
And he called himself Director of Asian Legal Studies??
I bet he doesn't even know about post war2 comfort woman for the US soldiers.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Yasukuni Shrine vandalised by man claiming to be Chinese See in context
BertieWoosterAug. 20 08:37 am JST
Supposing Yasukuni was a war museum and shrine in Germany and featured such stars as Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, et al.?
More specific?
Exactly who do you suggest to be Japanese Hitler to Chinese people?
Among A-class criminals judged by the US, only these 4 people below were the ones convicted for the damage and atrocities to Chinese people.
板垣征四郎 Seishirō Itagaki
土肥原賢二 Kenji Doihara
松井石根 Iwane Matsui
広田弘毅 Kōki Hirota
So, removing these 4 out of a honoring list should fix the problem?
Like I mentioned before, Hideki Tojo has nothing to do with China because he joined the cabinet after Japan attacked China, and he was guilty for Perl Harbor.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Strange blanket promises good night’s sleep with help of tentacle-like noodles See in context
Brilliant idea.
I hope they already submitted a patent for this.
It is not theoretically proven yet, but probably the comfort comes from a maximum surface of contact of body because of its unique shape and a bouncing force from each tentacle works as a massage or something.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Abe sends ritual offering to Yasukuni Shrine for war dead See in context
The prime minister, Fumimaro Konoe (1937-1941), who was in power when Nanking battle(1937) happened and teamed up with Naziis(1940) is NOT honored in Yasukuni.
Hideki Tojo(1941-1944) who is honored in Yasukuni joined cabinet AFTER Nanking and no record shows he was in Nanging when he was in military.
So why is Chinese activist angry setting fire with label "Nanking" and "Hidelo Toji"?
Who is Japanese equivalent to Hitler?
-8 ( +4 / -12 )
Posted in: Statue of 'comfort woman' pulled from Japan exhibit finds new home in Spain See in context
quercetumToday 09:54 am JST
The above links do not intend to exonerate the Japanese involvement and indictment but to add Koreans to the accused am I right?
No, not adding.. it is a different role.
Comfort woman is all about money, because the amount of money for prostitution Japanese military paid was a lot!, as shown in recruitment advertisement or their bank accounts (before Japan came to Korea, Korean women were not even allowed to have a bank account!) ,
These are types of people involved.
(1) Parents
Poor and needed money
(2) Their daughters
(3) pimp/ mediator/ local recruiter
(Either Koreans or Japanese )
(4) Japanese military
Story line
Parents(1) sold their daughters to pimp(3), and received a half of money in advance.
Their daughters(2) were foolishly lured into a vehicle with a bait gift like a red beautiful pair of shoes or something(as testimony says) taken to the comfort station .
Japanese military paid a lot of money to pimp(3) and girls start to work.
Here below is an famous official cautionary documents about comfort woman station issued by Japanese military.
It says to be more carefully about recruiters who might have kidnapped girls and getting a trouble with police. Try not to hurt the prestige of Japanese military.
source Figure 7
So, who should be blamed first for comfort women?
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Statue of 'comfort woman' pulled from Japan exhibit finds new home in Spain See in context
Wallace FredToday 09:36 am JST
*You want the education about comfort woman?*
Oh? Try spinning this then
That is a very famous case.
Her father complained to the comfort station and 4 stations were shut down.
But that's the only individual crime done by Japanese officer.
Are you saying if only some individual police officers committed crime, it means ALL ENTIRE officers are criminal?
Hell No!
There was no official Japanese military document issued to order to abduct women against their will.
Have you took statistics class? What you do is just BIAS SAMPLING.
Question is how much that Dutch woman case represents all the entire comfort woman?
Answer me, if you can.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
I’m surprised users weren’t asked for their patience and cooperation
Posted in: PlayStation outages frustrate users around the world
Posted in: Trump says he wants to negotiate about Ukraine. It's not clear if Putin really does
Posted in: Ishiba curries favor with Trump on economic front
Posted in: Hamas releases 3 frail-looking Israeli hostages for 183 Palestinian prisoners under Gaza ceasefire