Japan Today

hawaiibadboy comments

Posted in: 14-year-old swimmer Yamada wins Japan's 1st Paralympic medal See in context

Congrats Miyuki !!!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's top COVID-19 adviser criticizes Bach's revisit to Tokyo See in context

That feelin..

When the guy talking (Omi) is sounding like the leader of a country

And the leader of the country talks like a local City office worker lifer who got the job cuz his dad knows a guy who knows a guy....and you still wonder "how did this dead eyed looking dude actually get this job??"

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 4,392 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 22,284 See in context

Note that in Tokyo severe cases are classified as those of assisted breathing machines.


ONLY Deaths that are under the care of a Doctor and/or a RN are counted in the official statistics.

Fuji rock fest is going on as we speak and 150,000 school kids are attending the Paralympics soon.

Japan is a disaster.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 5,074 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 25,492 See in context

 “Less than 10% of Tokyo patients with COVID-19 in hospital”

Less than 10% CAN GET IN to the Hospitals.

Top story on here is Taliban with Tokyo count being under the fold as they say or "Burying the Lead"

If the comments are still unlocked in a few hours I'd be shocked.

Biggest social welfare topic since I have lived in Japan ad the keep censoring the feedback (comments)

Pretty sad. Not shocking though. Which is sad itself. To EXPECT censorship.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

Posted in: First coronavirus case reported in Tokyo Paralympic athletes village See in context

None of those things were the result of a spineless government bowing the knee to the IOC. They may well be the result of people not acting very smart, but it's a separate issue to this one

I hear ya

But it's the same folks.

10 dudes at a bar = BAD

Few thousand at a Soccer game = Nani??...Daijobu!!

IOC is pathetic but without a pathetic partner (Suga and CO.) it never happens.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: First coronavirus case reported in Tokyo Paralympic athletes village See in context

If the volunteers are going in and out of the Olympic village daily, catching trains home and then back to the village again daily……..how is it a bubble?

Well well...well

What do we have here?

An independent thinker??


Absorb the complacency and sit down sir..SIR!!!

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Posted in: Nagoya mayor apologizes for biting athlete's gold medal See in context

He asked why she wasn't married and if romance was forbidden for her.

Aaaaand had her put her medal on him..which he bit cuz Covid is fake and he's a moron ??

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Suga's medical adviser urges tougher anti-virus measures See in context

11.2 per 100,000 people, compared to 2.8 in India, 37 in the United States and 41 in Britain, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Those #'s are so messed up.

Japan's test #'s are minute compared to India and...well, the rest of the world pretty much.

They do not even include positives taken at many clinics nationwide and include them in their reported and published stats.

Using flawed #'s leads to flawed assumptions and conclusions

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Man dies after being assaulted, thrown off bridge in Osaka See in context

Sorry earlier post

This is the attack

lotta kicks to the head


5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Man dies after being assaulted, thrown off bridge in Osaka See in context


Looks like a cluster **** 20 resuers and a guy in cardiac arrest.

The guy is on vid who did it. Wonder if they get him...

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Man dies after being assaulted, thrown off bridge in Osaka See in context

Trinh Tu Duc Anh

(Victims name)

Filmed by other Vietnamese who were criticised for not trying to help instead of filming for Social media

22 ( +24 / -2 )

Posted in: COVID state of emergency likely for Tokyo Olympics See in context

I guess now this shows complete take over by King & Lord Bach over Tokyo/Japan? I did not know that IOC has a five star hotel in Tokyo - what more?

That room costs $10,400.00 per night with IOC paying $400 0f that per night. That is just Bach's room

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan officially launches its largest ever Olympic delegation See in context

Why the intensified scrutiny and (not to be ‘offensive’ but, almost personalized?) responses to some comments regarding the article?


Total disconnect from reality?



Futile attempt to control a narrative that was lost long ago?

Money...there it is

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 389 more cases of coronavirus See in context

ack last year in 2019 December near X'mas Eve I was suffering a very bad Flu like symptom with a raging fever and burning lungs and went to get flu tested and came out negative so Im thinking it could of been a case of Mild Covid-19 as it took me over a week to recover since they were convering up the fact that COVID-19 was leaked around that era. I will truly never know or findout.

> > I signed up just to reply to you.

I import stuff from China and 2 weeks before Christmas i got something like a sever flu..but it wasn't, lasted 7 days (toughest part) ..my lungs got wrecked throat was fire and I thought i was going to die in my sleep one night because of sleep med,pain killers and fatigue from rough breathing.

I have had influenza a few times in my life. I had something else.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

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