Japan Today

Hawk comments

Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer See in context


But the article is about the charge of "racially aggravated harassment". I don't know the details of that law, but the jury found her not guilty.

Absolutely. I'm obviously on the wrong side of this. What she said was belittling and insulting but, according to a jury of her peers who had access to much more information, it wasn't a crime. And nor should it have been, in my opinion. But that's another discussion.

I'll still be interested to know what happens when a white man calls a black officer 'stupid and black.' We'll see if the standard holds. Thanks for the discussion.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer See in context


But what's not clear is the behavior of the police officer prior to her saying that.

There was 30 minutes of footage from the police station played in court. And as the Sydney Morning Herald reports: "At various points in the exchange, Kerr called people words beginning with C showed Constable Stephen Lovell her bank account, and made reference to the “best word beginning with F lawyers”." And I misquoted Kerr before. The quote was "word beginning with F stupid and white," and “sick” and a “white privileged man, " as if all white people are privileged, which is a racial stereotype in itself.

I'm sure the officer gave some back - coppers are like that, the Bill in particular - but there was no reference to race from him, as far as I know.

Kerr simply called an impeccable 'I'm the victim here' game of bingo in court and the jury seems to have bought it.

Anyway- can't we all just get along?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer See in context


The case was complicated, and there were various accusations from both sides about the events that took place.

True, but Kerr calling the officer "stupid and white," twice, was on camera and played for the court.

Calling someone black, or white, or brown alone is not discrimination unless the intent was to discriminate.

Also true. However, the officer wasn't called "white" alone. He was called "stupid and white" which anyone would take as an insult. Much as anyone being called "beautiful and white" would take it as complimentary.

I'll accept the jury's decision on this one. They heard far more than we did about what took place.

I agree there. And anyway, I don't think we should be policing people's words. With obvious exceptions like incitement to violence of course.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Lions tour looms over Super Rugby as the tournament itself faces scrutiny See in context

New Zealand’s head of professional rugby, Chris Lendrum, said “we’ve always felt Super Rugby sets the standard for club rugby around the world in terms of quality of product, excitement and skill level. And it’s got a massive role to play in preparing players for what might come beyond at international level.”

Not for a long time now, and especially since the South African teams left. South Africa, with their clubs playing in the north, have won the World Cup twice in a row. New Zealand's All Blacks have been going backwards and the Wallabies are a bit of a basket case with their clubs only playing each other. Adding another Japanese team won't help.

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Posted in: Gatland out as Wales rugby coach midway through the Six Nations, with team on record losing run See in context

The WRU said Gatland's departure was by mutual consent, after he approached the governing body on Monday to discuss his future.

I bet that was a short conversation.

Gatland: "I quit."

WRU: "Good. Now we don't have to fire you."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer See in context

So in the U.K. it's perfectly okay to call someone stupid and black. I would never do that, but there it is.

Any charges for the damage to private property?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: McDonald's improving global sales help to offset U.S. weakness in fourth quarter See in context

Everybody do your bit! I'll be popping in for a Big Mac later.

Thank you for your service. Big Macs all round.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Whenever you read about random knife attacks in public places, does it make you more attentive to what people around you are doing when you are walking along the street, waiting on train platforms or shopping? See in context

Some. But I've always had a decent base level of situational awareness. Turned up a bit in crowded spaces and busy train platforms.

The chance of being caught up in such a situation are incredibly tiny but they are not zero, and you can say the same thing about being struck by lightning or falling through a sinkhole.

While you can take certain precautions, you can't live your life being ruled by fear. Sometimes bad stuff is just going to happen.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation See in context

Great article. Lots of true and useful information.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Eagles deny Chiefs Super Bowl three-peat with dominant defense in 40-22 rout See in context

And the Superb Bowl is quite a big thing.

It's huge. In the States.

That's a great arabesque in the photo. Spandex game is on point, too.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Posted in: Eagles deny Chiefs Super Bowl three-peat with dominant defense in 40-22 rout See in context

And the world said, "Meh."

-2 ( +13 / -15 )

Posted in: Devoted nap-takers explain the benefits of sleeping on the job See in context

"Remember to give yourself 10 minutes after napping before engaging in mentally or physically demanding tasks."

So a thirty minute nap, and then a short break to recover from your nap. Sorry, but your source is hilarious.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Devoted nap-takers explain the benefits of sleeping on the job See in context

Citation needed.


Or they are taking their lunch, according to you it is then also recommended for people to don't eat anything until they are back to their house, right? Else this would also invalidate the argument.

Well I probably wouldn't ask during the accepted lunch time. Nap time? This is a professional work environment, not a nursery school. Furthermore, you can much more easily reply to an email, answer your phone or go to someone's office if you are in the middle of eating a sandwich than when you are fast asleep.

So again, how about concrete numbers of gained and lost productivity, either evidence or a reference where an experts supports this claim.

Same for naps, please.

The reference from Harvard is still there, and they do not recommend replacing a short nap with excercise, this alone would disprove your claim.

Nor do they dismiss it. And anyway, the article about post-retirement napping. Nice try but that's not what we are talking about here.

I mean, your own source says it is recommended to take a power nap, and it does not mention it is better to replace it with anything.

It does. In your own time, not anybody else's. It also provides a list of alternatives. Further sources linked at the bottom if you missed them.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Devoted nap-takers explain the benefits of sleeping on the job See in context

Yet people can benefit from having one as the article describes.

They can get those same benefits from taking a quick walk around the block, skulling back a cold glass of water or doing 10 push-ups in a corner. Much quicker.

Increasing importantly productivity in the afternoon is a waste? for this argument to hold any weight you would need to demonstrate that the increase in productivity do not outweight the 20 minutes "lost" sleeping. The same argument could be said by the time "lost" eating lunch, when people could simply push and work with an empty stomach.

I love it when I need an email or a report etc from a colleague in a timely fashion, only to be told that I have to wait for thirty minutes because they are taking a nap. It's really good for my and the rest of the office's productivity.

Which expert supports this claim over a short nap? obviously you are not trying to say this based on your own authority, right?

Any of them do, particularly, when the choice is between that or sleeping on the job.


There are a few here. It does list taking a nap, but with the important caveat: "...on your lunch break."

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Devoted nap-takers explain the benefits of sleeping on the job See in context

But even if people are not falling asleep at their desks they can get many benefits from a nap. You are confusing between two very different situations as if they were the same when they are not.

When you are energised and alert because you slept well the previous night, the last thing on your mind is a nap. What a waste of your - and your boss's - time. That circadian dip is more than offset by regular and adequate sleep. You should also be aware of the healthy benefits of a good diet, and exercise. Nappers are likely lacking in one of those areas.

And if you do have an energy lull in the day - life happens and we can't always get an appropriate amount of sleep - get up. Elevate your heart rate and enjoy some adrenaline and endorphins. That'll get you going. Sorry, but save your naps for your own time.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Devoted nap-takers explain the benefits of sleeping on the job See in context

If you're falling asleep at your desk, you're not working hard enough, or not sleeping properly at night. Don't blame circadian rhythms when really it was those pints and tiktoks the night before.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: What do you think about all the various products to combat the effects of hay fever? What do you recommend? See in context

I occasionally have what I call a 'hay-fever day.' I'm fine on the surrounding days but for some reason, one day my nose runs like a tap and I sneeze a bunch. I take an antihistamine, usually Contac, and it generally clears up within the hour. (I don't think that's how you are supposed to use it but it works for me.)

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4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Chelsea star Kerr denies using 'whiteness as an insult' against police See in context

Chelsea star Kerr denies using 'whiteness as an insult' against police

Of course she meant it as an insult. She said that he was "stupid and white," in the same way you might say someone is stupid and ugly, or stupid and weird. In the context, they are insults.

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3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: When danger strikes, how should foreign visitors to Japan be alerted? See in context

When danger strikes, how should foreign visitors to Japan be alerted?

By a service, notification or email based and preferably free, that they've voluntarily signed up for.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: 1 person dead and 5 wounded in shooting at Ohio cosmetics warehouse See in context

the shooter is described by the New Albany Police Department as being "6-feet tall, weighing 175 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes."

anything really important missing?

Shoe size?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-lawmaker gets suspended sentence for raping junior high school girl See in context

Shiiki, who had never met the girl before the incident, paid her ¥10,000 for the act.

So child prostitution, solicitation of child prostitution and possible child trafficking.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Chelsea forward Sam Kerr allegedly called police officer 'stupid and white,' jury hears See in context

She can be heard saying: “I hate to break it to you, but when a male is driving a f(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)ing car, for us, for two women, it’s f(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)ed, it’s f(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)ing scary.”

Charming. Anyway, there were two of them, both fit and strong athletes, against the single male driver.

As to the officers believing the driver over them, it's the presumably sober driver's word over that of the two drunk women. Was the window really broken? Was there vomit in the car? Easily verifiable facts. And he did drive them to the police station so he obviously felt confident about his own position.

Finally, as to the clearly racist language, as @Jay says above, reverse the colours and condemnation would be swift and harsh. However, legal punishment should be applied for the damage to the cab, but for language? I'm not so sure.

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7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump agrees to pause tariffs on Mexico, Canada after they pledge to boost border enforcement See in context

So with the tariffs, Trump wanted to end inflation, secure production and jobs in the US, erase the trade deficit, and end the supply of fentanyl feeding the ceaseless demand of the US. What he got was a bit more border enforcement. Great deal.

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7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Ex-lawmaker gets suspended sentence for raping junior high school girl See in context

A three year sentence suspended for five years is obviously a slap in the face to all victims of rape and sexual assault. However, even the fact that:

Prosecutors had sought a five-year prison term,

seems lenient. I'm sure Shiiki's political connections had nothing to do with it, though.

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0 ( +15 / -15 )

Posted in: Do you think restaurant menus should list the calorie content for each item? See in context

No. And could you trust them if they did? At my restaurant, I'd list all the most expensive items as super-low in calories and the cheap ones as super high.

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-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Do you have to pay the NHK fee? See in context

I'm sure via my foreign residence card's address. So, the household to which I'm personally registered

The household. Thanks for not being a dick about it.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Do you have to pay the NHK fee? See in context

One of the things they checked prior to finalizing my permanent residence visa was whether or not I’d paid my NHK fees.

You personally, or the household?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: High-tech spin for samurai-era ukiyo-e artist Hokusai at Tokyo exhibit See in context


From what I understood, there were originals in the temporary exhibits. Lots of drafts and notebooks etc.

The building by itself is worth a look. Very cool.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Do you have to pay the NHK fee? See in context

Over 50 years that is 660,000 yen though. I would rather have a nice holiday!

Well yeah, it would be better if it were free. There's no arguing against that.

I'm just happy to say that, for me, it's not either or. I can pay the NHK fee and still afford nice holidays.

I'm just saying that because I use the service, I have no problem having to pay the fee. It's like Netflix. And there's just as much rubbish I don't want to watch on Netflix, believe me.

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2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: High-tech spin for samurai-era ukiyo-e artist Hokusai at Tokyo exhibit See in context

Could be fun. Or you can see the real stuff at the Sumida Hokusai Museum.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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