Posted in: Investigation into Baltimore bridge collapse picks up speed as divers search for missing workers See in context
Why were there no tugboats guiding the ship out to the open ocean? Was their a port pilot at the helm? Sounds like a failure on many levels. It will take years to cut up and remove the debris as a lot is underwater and that work also require underwater welders.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested for pouring urine on pachinko machine in Sendai See in context
Wow, talk about being p**ed Of.
8 ( +11 / -3 )
Posted in: Alabama executes prisoner with new nitrogen asphyxiation method See in context
It would have been more humane to use nitrous oxide.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Rolling Stones announce 2024 North American Tour in support of 'Hackney Diamonds' album See in context
Time the boys in the band act their age and retire to a villa in the south of France.
-7 ( +5 / -12 )
Posted in: Johnny's sex abuse victim dies in apparent suicide See in context
Why does'nt the Japanese government shut the new company spinoff down and prosecute every past and former employee as they all must have seen or known about these sexual abuses.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Swift bests Scorsese at box office, but 'Killers of the Flower Moon" opens strongly See in context
Regarding Killers of the flower moon Leonardo DeCaprio is an OK actor but he gets put into characters that don't look real like Howard Hughes in Aviator. The first thing that I noticed in about all the pre-release photographs for this film is that everyone's clothing looks brand spanking new and just came back from the dry cleaners. People had perfect complextions and the men must have had a hot shave 5 minutes before each scene is shot. Deniro is Deniro but he at least he can morph himself into believable characters and DeCaprio is stale and not believable as that character.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Fighting for Shine On! Kids See in context
Nice that people want to help children with serious illnesses or diseases but the proxy boxer fighters is strange. Boxing as a sport if you want to see it that way is all about two men beating each other up and how is people hurting each other a good example.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: China auto show highlights intense electric car competition See in context
No country including China will have a major shift to EV technology until the technical and infrastructure support systems are in place, like the current fuel stations that are everywhere.
EV vehicles are most suitable for countries like Japan that already have a transportation infrastructure that is very well organized and works and personal vehicle use is minimal.
If you spend a lot of time and distance commuting or using a vehicle for work and want an EV, you must consider where and how long you can spend waiting for the EV battery to charge. 5-10 minutes to fully charge battery is a long ways off.
Currently car manufacturers do not make a standard power connection port on their EV vehicles where you plug the power charge cable to your vehicle. This means you need an adapter to hook up to charge in many locations.
If vehicle manufacturers had a common design for the vehicle power cells that would allow a fast and simple exchange for a fully charged battery at a power supply station would make the transition to EV more practical. You drive into a exchange bay at a power supply station where a technician removes your battery and slides in a fully charged battery in a few minutes and off you go.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Ramen manners debate: Should you put your used napkins into your bowl after you eat? See in context
I had an American business acquaintance who always put his paper or cloth napkins on his plate even at $$$ restaurants. He did not make a good impression on our clients who were Japanese businessmen. Also cloth napkins on leftover scraps makes it much more difficult to clean cooking oils and sauces from them. What about those people that put salt and condiments on their food before tasting it. When one of my sons was around 12 years old, he brought one of his friends for dinner. This kid started eating before we all were even served and when he finished, he stood up and walked out of the room and left us without saying a word. He could not use a knife at all and it was rather comical to watch him fumble around. I have never seen anything like that. He is probably the type of person who puts his napkins on his plate or bowl.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: 'Paper City': The untold story of the firebombing of Tokyo in World War II See in context
My father in law was about 10 years old when the fire bombing of Tokyo burnt their home down and the family lost everything except the clothes on their backs. Went out into the countryside to find shelter. Even though his family lost everything they never showed any anger towards me, an American.
15 ( +16 / -1 )
Posted in: Pentagon tracking Chinese spy balloon over U.S. See in context
If the balloon drifted off course then why didn't the Chinese shoot it down over the pacific before it accidentally drifted into US airspace and over sensitive US military installations. Why did the US air force not shoot in down as an incursion over us air space as well as military installations. The USA needs to take on China more seriously and this balloon incident makes the USA look weak.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 skiers caught in avalanche found; showing no vital signs See in context
It does not take long to die buried in snow usually from suffocation. The use of transponders worn by each person allows the surviving people to locate the direction and distance/location of the buried person(s). These transponders have been around for years and being prepared for the worst is a good survival method.
This paragraph is from "backcountry access's" web site and briefly explains their product.
BCA Tracker avalanche transceivers do not require user interpretation. Instead, the beacon processes the information filters extraneous data, then clearly shows a searcher the direction and distance to the buried victim. While the Tracker is easy to use, practice is essential for a successful companion rescue.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: One way to keep warm See in context
Looks like a typical rush hour commuter train crowd to me.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Mother, holding 2 children, jumps off platform into path of train; all 3 dead See in context
Horrible news.
Did she drag her children with her going off the platform or did the three jump together?
Any news about her husband/father and any family been interviewed?
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: How accurate are China's COVID-19 death numbers? See in context
Who cares if the government statistics show that there are one thousand or one million deaths related to the Covid virus when your population (China) is over a billion people and the world is at roughly 8 billion people.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Disney's Black mermaid is no breakthrough – just look at the literary subgenre of Black mermaid fiction See in context
A black mermaid is novel at being racially correct ??? The advertising and marketing world has gone overboard with trying to make everything so politically and racially correct in their view regarding ethnicity and diversity in media. I am Caucasian, married to an oriental (Japanese) woman and over the past few years I have noticed that almost all marketing visual imagery in North America and Europe are now biased to the non Caucasian peoples of the world. This is fine in theory but when you look at the racial demographics of the target audience you might think that non Caucasians make up the majority of the target audience which is not accurate. What if 50% of Japanese media depicted non Japanese (Caucasians and peoples of non Asian ethnicity) in their media. The fallout over that would be monumental.
As a test, watch North American and European media (television, movies, printed materials etcetera's) and count how many people in those media are white and non white. You will be surprised. Do the non Caucasians really represent the target market for the products they show in media? The answer is no. Someone is passing around the Kool-Aid and the average "Joe" is drinking it in copious amounts.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Take the hassle out of cleaning your rice cooker with this simple lifehack See in context
Have had two Zojirushi Japanese rice cookers in 30 years. One of them lasted about 20 years. I initially thought the product price was exorbitant but the value is in their longevity and continued great performance. That also goes for the hot pot water dispenser if you and your group drink lot of coffee and tea etcetera's. Cleaning is quick and a no brainer if you have half a brain to start with and know how to use a sponge.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Finding pieces of India in Japan See in context
Ethnic foods taste better when the chef/cook is someone from that cultural cuisine. As far as Indian movies, seen one, seen them all. Too much singing and dancing with huge casts.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: 'I like Hitler': Kanye sparks outrage in wild Infowars stream See in context
Acting a real fool. Stop listening and watching any stories about this clown and maybe he will fizzle out, I hope.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Biden administration to provide $2 million to Cuba for Hurricane Ian relief See in context
2 million dollars would not give all those impacted by the hurricane a plate of black beans and rice. It would be interesting to know how much of this aid money will not get to the persons who need assitance and end up in rip off artists pockets.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Brain cells in dish learn to play video game See in context
What about using a method to possibly teach those brain cells a simplified alphabet and number system to learn an idea or concept. Wouldn't that be cool.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Letters of fallen WWII Japanese soldiers found in U.S. See in context
Many soldiers in all wars took and kept souvenirs to show off back home. A business associate of mine has a "Samurai" sword that his father-in-law took from a family's home during the occupation in Japan after the war where he served. I feel that it was very wrong to steal a family's belongings and especially a sword that was probably past down in that family for generations.
Good for Mr. Royal to recognize the value in returning those letters to the families.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan to pledge around $30 billion in African aid at conference: report See in context
Yeah right. Any country investing in 3rd world countries to the tune of millions and billions of $$ is not doing it for nothing in return. A friend of mine worked in the oil industry in Nigeria and Angola told me 20 years ago that the Chinese were so prevalent in Angola that it was scary. He told me that the Chinese investments in Angola paid off their ruling government officials to look the other way while China harvested almost all of the natural resources there and shipped them back home. The same for the European nations that raped the Americas for centuries for the natural resources. The USA, France, Portugal, Spain and Britain for centuries have colonized Southern Asia (present day India, Pakistan), Middle Eastern countries, Indochina, Indonesia and the Philippines on the banner of raising the bar of enlightenment to those poor countries who had huge natural resources in oil, food, spices, coal etc.
Japan is no different but a few centuries too late to enjoy most of the riches of those areas. Even the Japanese before WWII were advancing on Eastern Asian countries for raw materials until the USA wanted to stop them for their own gains and used the Pearl Harbor attack (the USA knew the Japanese were going to attack somewhere but they were asleep at the wheel) as a reason to get into WWII in Europe and far East.
The investments are for bribes and cooperation to rape those 3rd world world countries and not for any humanitarian reasons. I'm sure the average Japanese citizen could care less about those 3rd world countries.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Young people eager to have sex, but will post-pandemic hookups bring happiness or despair? See in context
Happiness or despair. There is only one way to find out and it would require a large study group.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Schools pull out of Tokyo Olympic spectator program over virus fears See in context
Get vaccinated and be comfortable to not live in fear.
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Police officer's loaded gun, handcuffs found in Osaka convenience store See in context
Ridiculous keystone cop scenario. Terminate his employment. How can you use a toilet and walk out and not feel that you are lighter. In the USA someone would have taken those items and sold them on the black market.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Tech stars quit Silicon Valley as politics, pandemic weigh See in context
My daughter moved to England. My younger son moved north of Seattle. My older son is moving to Florida. I'm moving up to Washington State because California has become incredibly complicated and there's no way you can live here and pay an employee at starbucks $15 an hour and expect them to be able to live in this area unless they live in a ghetto. It's totally out-of-control. I would move to Austin Texas or Seattle in a heartbeat. My rent in a 1 bedroom apartment is almost a home mortgage in another state. No way jose.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: German factory races to churn out COVID-19 syringes See in context
My mother 93 years old was just diagnosed with covid-19 and put in quarantine. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I think we will all eventuality get the virus and some of us will survive. Thank you China. Good luck and God bless.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Texas asks U.S. Supreme Court to help Trump upend election in long-shot lawsuit See in context
Trump is an idiot. Look at his business past.
11 ( +17 / -6 )
Posted in: Empress Masako turns 57 See in context
Thank you and happy greeting. Please take care yourself and take care of the people in Japan during this time.
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall