Posted in: 7 killed, 15 wounded in Dutch mall shooting See in context
Maybe the laws don't stop the kooks?
So why not get rid of all laws? Let the kooks rule!!!
Do speeding laws stop you from going over the limit? Not calling you a kook, but you know what I mean. And I know what you mean, guns for all will lead to a peaceful society where everyone knows their place.
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Posted in: 7 killed, 15 wounded in Dutch mall shooting See in context
Another sad gun story. Opps, man with gun story... person with gun story... person with weapon story... sad story... It was a sunny day.
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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context
And you're point?
My point was (and is) that unions exist because no one in the public or private sector can guarantee that no one will come around willy nilly and take their jobs away. The Governor has ligit concerns but taking away collective bargaining for most public sector jobs while other public sector jobs receive preferential treatment (primarily those unions that supported his election) smacks of union busting.
And to be clear, I am no fan of teachers' unions. They put themselves in the crazy situation they're in (along with the state government) and they need to find a workable solution. Currently they are willing to have all public workers suffer for their craziness.
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Posted in: 70,000 protesters surround Wisconsin Capitol See in context
If the voters wanted better wages for state employees they would have voted in democrats, they didn't.
You have just made the case of why unions are needed, whether in the private or public sectors. Job security is a very real issue for millions of American families. If corporate America along with the GOP are not interested in this basic concern of most people (bring home the bacon to support one's family) then there will be unions.
You don't like unions? Neither do I actually, then support positive policies that do not create the need for collective bargaining. Read yesterday's NYTimes about Hyundai's non-union factories where the need to organize is fed by good wages and working conditions.
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Posted in: U.S. weighs response to Somali pirates' hijacking of yacht with 4 Americans See in context
Am I missing something here?
Yes, plenty. First, these guys are pirates and not terrorists. Pirates have a profit motive while terrorists have a political motive. Second, at some point the "not paying ransom" approach fails because the price of not paying is too high. For example a loss of a supertanker full of oil or the deaths of human beings, particularly American ones. Third, if no one pays a ransom in this case, the pirates know they're plenty of other ships in the sea. Piracy pays because there is always a pressure point after which someone will pay. Fourth, these guys are pirates because there are no jobs. Fifth, governments cannot be expected to bail out their citizenry through commando rescues every time they do something unadvisable - that would be most likely more expensive and put the lives of well trained soldiers and the hostages at risk. A payout, while odious, may end up being the preferred option.
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Posted in: Muslim Brotherhood to hold talks with Egyptian government See in context
Ahhh the power of the left to stamp their feet in a temper tantrum to try to get their way. Very typical. And not representative of the whole of the population.
I hadn't realized the Tea Party was a leftist organization. Thanks for clearing that up mikehuntez!
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Posted in: Palin: America out of step with Reagan's values See in context
But of course this is all George W. Bush's fault, lol.
OK, so are you arguing that W had no impact or legacy that can be praised or criticized when talking about the national debt? Or are you arguing that W wasn't even a president worthy of criticism?
America had a surplus when W took office who then handed Obama an economy in the tank and was/is expected to pull the proverbial bunny out of the hat. Bush had no such expectations on him, as Sarge's quip affirms.
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Posted in: Armed gangs free Muslim militants in Egypt See in context
most everyone held their nose and (in one way or another)supported Mubarak to keep the status quo
. However, I do disagree with you that this is strictly a religious uprising. There might be elements of that but I don't think it's the predominant reason.
I agree with you on both points. While America may face criticism, fairly or unfairly, it's inevitable given its power and influence. Why some cry about it while China doesn't is beyond me (China does make the existential claims that America does for starters).
I have read reports (BBC I think) that indicate that the Islamic Brotherhood were, like everyone else, caught flatfooted - this is an encouraging sign.
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Posted in: Armed gangs free Muslim militants in Egypt See in context
Why is it that China can get away with backing cut throat leaders in places like Africa and NK, to get the resourcs that it wants,; but then if the US backs a dictator, we are just being puppet masters?
So you equate America with China? So much for being exceptional.
Anyway, America has supported dictators, like Mubarak and worse, all my life and well before you and I were born. So stop feeling sorry for yourself.
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Posted in: Japan lifts Asian Cup with 1-0 win over Australia See in context
Excellent game with a fantastic set up for a blistering shot. A great game, very entertaining.
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Posted in: Arizona shooting victim arrested after threat to tea party leader See in context
I understand his surprise. All week he and his cohorts have been arguing that their language and symbols have no power to influence. Which is why Humpheries blamed Giffords (even though last year told Giffords to relax when someone showed up with a gun) before anyone was buried.
Mmmm tough one. Responsibility for one's actions does included what you say. It's not a left-right issue, it's life.
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Posted in: Obama, at Arizona memorial service, says polarized nation needs healing See in context
True enough Palin is not an elected official, but she aspires to be taken seriously as a leader - elected or not. But to take your point that she is a "private citizen", then why on God's green earth would she decide that the morning of the memorial would be the best time for her ill-conceived video? Tasteless, crass, and self-serving... though I am no fan of the GOP - the leadership knew when to sheath the rhetorical swords so that all who wanted could focus on the tragedy in Tucson and mourn with those who mourn.
And I am not blaming her for the shooting in Tucson, I'm just disgusted by her actions.
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Posted in: Obama, at Arizona memorial service, says polarized nation needs healing See in context
Most calm and rational people on the left and right have refrained from assigning culpability to anyone, while at the same time lamenting the level of discourse on the extremes.
The "blood libel" claim by Palin does nothing to improve the discourse and demonstrates that everything is about her. She could not even be bothered to mention the victims by name, or identify with the parents of the 9 year old girl. Obama did what a real leader does - as Bush, Clinton and Reagan have all done after national tragedies - and that is to speak to the moment and to the grief and represent all Americans. Palin represented herself.
As for the tone that Brit Hume and others have complained about, well I guess they have to decide if they want to live in a free country or not. The memorial was, of course, arranged in haste with over 14,000 people in attendance. I suppose their could have been some announcement to refrain from cheering or being "inappropriate", but then Hume and others would be howling about "Big Brother" government infringing on the rights and freedoms of Americans. If I was there, I would not be hooting and hollering, but that's me and I was not there. Saturday seems like a long time ago, but it was almost yesterday and the need to be emotional is understandable. I certainly wouldn't criticize Obama for the free release of emotions.
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Posted in: Man due in court over Tucson shooting rampage See in context
If the radio pundits and others think their rhetoric has no influence, then perhaps they should resign and find a more productive line of work. Of they won't because they do, in fact, have influence.
Also, one does not have to listen to them to know what they are saying because what they say is so outrageous that it gets reported on. On this point all of media deserves to be held responsibile for creating an echo chamber of over-blown rhetoric.
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Posted in: Arizona Rep Giffords shot, 6 killed, including judge, 9-year-old girl See in context
Blame, Blame, Blame and no one in America is willing to "man up" and accept responsibility, whether it is the shooter with the gun, the media with the words of violence, or the politicians with the symbols of violence.
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Posted in: GOP agenda: Major impact may be on 2012 election See in context
Seems like the terrorists of 2001 may end up doing to the USA as the USA did to the former USSR - creating and perpetuating a crisis that compels the US to spend its treasure on war. With so much money being poured down the economic sinkhole of war - America spends more on the military than the rest of the world combined - it is foolish to ignore its impact on the national economy, especially when a failing economy is fast becoming a national security issue.
Unfortunately, foolishness seems to be the political and economic backbone of the US for the last 10 years. Good luck in 2012.
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Posted in: Obama calls India creator, not poacher, of U.S. jobs See in context
(At least someone's more honest on the figures and job projections.)
And that someone is not a member of congress, nor among the newly empowered GOP. It's all blame to China and India for embracing capitalism and none to the US which seems to have forgotten what capitalism is all about i.e. financial crisis, real estate crash, etc.
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Posted in: Bill Clinton races to help Democratic candidates See in context
Yeah, so the Dems have impeached Clinton doing the rounds, helping out where he can. And where is Bush? Can't be bothered or not wanted? Perhaps a little of both given the glazed look many GOP/TPers have.
BTW who is the leader of the GOP? Will Palin rule from her Facebook page or will she just tweet in it?
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Posted in: U.S. toll reaches 1,000 deaths in Afghanistan war See in context
As a ratio of population, the U.S. has suffered a heavier burden than other countries.
Many countries have suffered heavy burdens in Afghanistan - the heaviest being of course the Afghani people. With the US population over 300 million, how is the American losses in Afghanistan heavier than other countries?
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Posted in: U.S. toll reaches 1,000 deaths in Afghanistan war See in context
This underscores the fact that the U.S. is shouldering an unfair burden in Afghanistan.
America is in Afghanistan because of 9/11 which happened in NYC. Yet some like Sarge complain of some "unfair burden". As a ratio of boots on the ground/boots in boxes, other countries have shouldered a heavier burden. Yet for some, the sacrifice of others counts for little.
Sarge your pity party is a new low for you.
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Posted in: Muslim anger prompts Pakistan to block Facebook See in context
Having a freedom and flaunting it just to make someone angry is immature and stupid. Now, having said that, Islam and Muslims need to realize how their "Jihad against everything" attitude is doing nothing more than inciting hatred and isolating them.
Agreed. No shortage of fools on both sides.
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Posted in: LA approves Arizona boycott over immigration law See in context
And so who is hiring illegals to do all the work that is attracting them in the first place? Maybe there should be better enforcement of the laws against hiring illegals (assuming such laws exist).
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Posted in: Obama promotes tax breaks See in context
That's funny, coming from a community organizer. Something for nothing is their mother's milk.
You forgot corporate handouts. The whole GOP concept is the redistribution of wealth from the many to the few.
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Posted in: Obama calls on Democrats to pass health care bill See in context
How about if people start taking responsibility for their health by eating the right foods in the right portions and doing a little exercise once in a while.
Huh? And healthy people do not ever ever get sick or have accidents or get old?
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Posted in: Senate, Obama spar over health plan's pet projects See in context
o, for the sake of 10% of the population, you're in favor of destroying the best health care in the world. Go ahead, you do the math.
If you get 90% on a test, that is considered excellent and top of the class. But it does not translate in other fields. If 90% of all cars were safe and 10% unsafe, would that be OK? Or how about 90% of what you eat being safe and 10% unsafe? Arguing that because 90% of Americans have some sort of health care does not necessarily mean that you got the best health care system in the world. There are many countries with fewer than 40 million people who have wider coverage.
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Posted in: Obama says he'll use high-tech 'bounty hunters' to stop health care fraud See in context
If this bill passes Rush Limbaugh says he'll leave the country. That in itself is enough for me.
The question is: if Rush is serious about walking away from the millions he makes by being what he is where he is, where would he go?
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Posted in: Palin said she used to cross border for Canadian health care See in context
Yeah, back when Canada actually had quality medical care, people did go to Canada. Then they decided to go the socialized medicine route, and now those who can afford it, head to the US to get treated.
And when was that? You don't know, do you?
Canada socialized health care began in the 1940s and was in full swing by 1961 - long before Palin's dad traipsed across the border.
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Posted in: Parents of Pentagon shooter warned authorities See in context
And who is it that's pegging their political future on the promotion of fear of government?
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Posted in: Corporate 'blacklist' circulating among new graduates See in context
So, give names.
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Posted in: Top U.S. Army, Air Force warn against lifting gay ban too quickly See in context
Just who brought this subject up? I'll bet his initials are BO (Barack Obama)
Ummm I think it was the gays themselves that brought it up almost since day one.
I hope you didn't bet the house.
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Posted in: 8-hour Russian drone barrage keeps Kyiv on edge as war in Ukraine nears 1,000 days
Posted in: 8-hour Russian drone barrage keeps Kyiv on edge as war in Ukraine nears 1,000 days
Posted in: 8-hour Russian drone barrage keeps Kyiv on edge as war in Ukraine nears 1,000 days
Posted in: With Trump's win, some women wonder: Will U.S. ever see a female president?