Posted in: Man arrested after barricading himself in home of Johnny's president See in context
Kitagawa promptly dressed the man in a tutu and made him into a boyband.
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Posted in: Employees reveal absurd company regulations See in context
If you are spending time worrying about what your co-workers are doing, then you're a busy body. You need to focus on your work and keep your nose out of other's business. Tmarie- what you did basically is telling on your co-worker. That is childish and you should just do your job. Companies can not dock your pay for taking smoke breaks in Japan. That is against the law. Plus no one wants to sit there and follow people around. Stop being stupid and get to work.
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Posted in: Right-wingers vow to block release of 'The Cove' in Japan See in context
Funny part is that a majority of the Right Wingers are not Japanese. Most of them have last names like Pak and Kim.
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Posted in: Looking for extreme sports? Try Yamagata See in context
You don't have to go all the way to Yamagata to scuba dive. They have great scuba diving in Tokyo too. Less than one hour train ride and your there. There are places that offer English speaking instructors too.
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Posted in: Continental Airlines to sell seat assignments See in context
Get Emergency First Response trained and you can flash your EFR card at check in. They are more likely to give you the seat. You can get EFR training in English here in Tokyo.
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Posted in: Corporate 'blacklist' circulating among new graduates See in context
You should have a good understanding about the labor laws in Japan. They have sites in English that spell out everything for you in plain words that everyone can understand. Do a google search for Japan Labor Laws and you will find them.
First you should realize that unpaid over time is illegal. If you work more than 8 hrs. they have to pay you 25% more. If you have signed a contract saying that you will work 12 hr shifts, that is an illegal contract. They still have to pay you for those hours that you worked over the inital 8 hrs.
If you are being mistreated or over worked file a compliant with your Labor office. They are located Hello Works or in your local city office. Once you file a complaint the labor board HAS to investigate. I have had to do this before because of a Japanese company making me work on 12hr shifts. It took 3 months but I won, and they had to pay me a huge settlement.
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Posted in: Futenma commander defends Marine base See in context
There is a lot of lies in this article. I have lived close to Futema and in Tokyo. First Only mainlanders are against the base. Okinawans in general don't care if it is there. Next the planes that make all the noise are the Harrier Jump jets. They have to come in at a hover. It also takes WAY longer than 2 minutes for them to land. And if you you are on the phone or trying to talk to some one 1 foot away from you it is impossible. Third, the Americans LIBERATED Okinawa from the Japanese. The Japanese were responsible for horrible war crimes during the time they had Okinawa.
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Posted in: Susan Boyle arrives in Japan See in context
Lovey portrait of 3 British ladies.
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Posted in: Visit Japan Campaign launched See in context
Hmmm... let's see. Step one, be nice to foreigners.
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Posted in: Can anyone suggest a solution to the U.S. bases issue in Okinawa? See in context
The military bases here in Okinawa are the only thing that is keeping the Okinawan economy alive. There is NOTHING here. There are not any huge manufacturing plants, no jobs, no parking, basically nothing to draw in tourists. What you don't understand until you live here is that the people that protest the bases are not Okinawan. 99% of them come here from the mainland. Out of the people that come here most are paid by the event company that sets up the 'protests'. It is totally a case of a small group of idiots trying to force their opinion on to the Okinawan people.
Next, if you pulled out all the bases the economy in Okinawa would die. There are thousands of locals that work either on base or in an industry that is supporting the base. You can not simply put all those people out of work.
Okinawa also is NOT internationally minded. Most hotels do not have English speaking staff. Nearly all resturants do not have English speaking staff. There are not very many things here for tourists to do. You can dive, or go to the aquarium, or visit some war memorials. That is about it. There is no big drawing attraction here like a casino or theme park. There is also no good shopping. People that come here are not motivated to spend a lot of money when they arrive. That's the facts.
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Posted in: Cop caught taking up-skirt videos during anti-pervert campaign See in context
The offense was noticed by another police officer who was on the same train. Police said that the sergeant broke his cell phone in half, destroying the evidence, after he was reprimanded by the officer.
So because he broke it in half the little SDRam chip that the picture was saved on could not be checked.... Was his phone from 1991?
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Posted in: Tokyo 2016 See in context
No Olympics for Tokyo until they stop killing dolphins and whales. Also Japan is a racist country that suffers from Xenophobia. Ishihara has made several anti-foreigner comments over his career. This guy is also a crook. They could not handle the Games.
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Posted in: Older men up in arms over slovenly female behavior See in context
Yes. As men we should beat these women until they do what we tell them. See how allowing women to be indepenent and get educated has ruined them. Now they think they are first class citizens. Yes... the old Japanese way in the best in the world. (sarcasim)
Who are these old dudes? Tell them to shut up and mind their own business. I could go on for hours about who Japanese old men are the ones ruining this country with their teeth sucking, Pomado Kusai hair grease, clandestine train guffing, loud sneezing, and nose picking.
In my opinion, if these noisy people or free willed people are not hurting anyone, then these Japanese old dudes need to sit down and shut the heck up. Live and let live.
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Posted in: Naha: A place in the sun See in context
If you come to Okinawa, why stay in Naha? Mihama area is better. You should try to stay in Sunabe or in Chatan. That is where all the stuff is and you will have more fun there.
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Posted in: Waka Inoue looking for carnivore partner See in context
Girls need some meat on their bones. I am not a fan of the super skinny heroin addict looking type. Waka is a hottie! You gots ta have buns, hun...
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Posted in: Bad sales numbers? Don’t take it personally; your questions sucked See in context
good article. It is always good to hear how someone else does it. One thing I'd add in there is the most important point. Don't be afraid to ask for money/commitment. Say sign the contract today and we can start moving forward. Or say put 500,000 down as a retainer and we can move on to sorting out the fine details. You have to get them to commit.
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Posted in: Microsoft streamlines Windows 7 options See in context
Can't wait for this to tank... looks like at least 10 more years of steady work.
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Posted in: Tokyo Metro See in context
The fact they have to advertise about this is a statement of how rude people in Tokyo have become.
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Posted in: What behavior by passengers or staff at airports annoys you the most? See in context
At Narita the Airline has 20 counters but only 2 highschool grads checking in everyone. Also in the background of the 2 checking everyone in is 10 idiots milling around uselessly.
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Posted in: NPA left red-faced after official blows his top at Narita See in context
Good! Now fire all the other useless fat j-cops!
Suck it Matsuda!
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Posted in: ANA doubles in-flight entertainment choice on international flights See in context
ANA sucks when you are in CATTLE class. The seats make you feel like you booty is in a vice and then there is the lack of leg room for anyone over 4 feet tall.
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Posted in: 'Poverty business' becoming new social problem See in context
I can tell you that if you quit a job or sign any paper that says that you are resigning for any reason, that you have to wait 3 months before you can get unemployment benefits.
Some companies will try to trick you into signing something like that because it gets them off the hook for paying your unemployment.
On the other hand if you are "fired", you can get unemployment benefits within a few days or a week. Here is some tips that you should know.
If your job is going south, keep your mouth shut and make them fire you. If you have been at a job longer than 6 months, it's nearly impossible for a company to fire you. (unless you do something against the law.)
If your company is going to let you go DON'T SIGN ANYTHING! You are not required by law to sign any document. They can not hold your salary. They have to pay it. If they threaten you that they will hold your pay. Walk out and head down to the Ministry of Labor and register a complaint. They will jump through hoops to pay you off to settle that.
Tell the HR person that you want your Rishoku-hyo immediately. This is the paper you will have to turn in to the Hello Works office to get your unemployment.
After that go immediately to your local Hello Work office. This is the Japanese unemployment office. They have 1000's of jobs, and the companies that hire people introduced by Hello Work do not have to pay any recruiter fees. That will make your resume that much more appealing to the companies that they introduce you to.
Don't let your ability to speak Japanese bother you about going to Hello Work. They have a special on in Shinjuku just for us foreigners. The people that work there are very nice and very willing to go the extra mile to help you.0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Junior high school teacher arrested for lewd behaviour with high school girl in Ibaraki See in context
Stressed out at work... That seems to be an excuse for every j-creep out there. How about we let him get stressed out in prison?
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Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting U.S. Marine in Kanagawa See in context
Saiki is a big wuss. He just lied and can't face the fact that he got caught commiting a crime.
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Posted in: Nippon by the numbers accentuates mostly negative news See in context
Last January, three Chinese approached me about declaring everything within a 500-meter radius of Ikebukuro Station to be Chinatown, which I felt was preposterous,” says Mitsuru Miyake, chairman of the Ikebukuro West Exit Merchants Association. “My biggest concern would be safety. Both the police and I are saying they have ties to gangs. And they’re also impolite; they scatter parts of Shanghai crabs and the stinky remains of fish all over the street around here.”
“Even with a part-time job at an izakaya (pub), Chinese manage to send money back home,” a Japanese journalist based in China warns. “So the Chinese who come to Japan to study bring their families over. Anyone can find work as waiters or in convenience stores, or as a janitor, so if a Chinatown can be established, they’ll wind up bringing in their whole family one at a time, including by illegal means.”
Ahhhh... the stentch of Xenophobia....
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Posted in: 70-yr-old man held for molesting 17-yr-old high school girl in Saitama See in context
I think that girl gould have just clocked that 70 yr old in the face.
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Posted in: Sony type P See in context
Why is the one one the left sqeezing her cheeks together? Too many kaki fry during lunch?
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Posted in: Ai Iijima's last days shrouded in mystery See in context
Why is it that the autopsies here have such a problem determining the cause of death ?
Because this is the real world and not CSI.
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Posted in: Founder's grandson may take over struggling Toyota See in context
His only qualification is that he is the dudes grandson. That seems like a great business plan!
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Posted in: Former porn star Ai Iijima found dead at Tokyo apartment See in context
Ah... that is shocking and sad. RIP my friend.
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Posted in: Trump calls India tariffs a big problem; agrees to trade talks with Modi
Someone votes down a question.
Posted in: What's next for Honda and Nissan?
Posted in: Trump has unleashed chaos by distraction upon the international community. That's no accident
Posted in: What's next for Honda and Nissan?