Posted in: Bill Gates among 117 foreigners to be decorated by Japan See in context
This is a joke, right?? Gates is a friend of the Chinese dictatorship and therefore an enemy of democracy. Just listen to his newest nonsense about how the PRC (the responsible party for the pandemic, together with the highly corrupt WHO that Gates also supports) were somehow the victim and criticism were exaggerated. A regime that lets people (yes, human beings) disappear for stating their opinion or even plain facts. I get it that Japan's current government holds ideals that are equally immoral and that maybe Abe and his people would love to have their own dictatorship. But this is a slap in the face for all people who believe in freedom and humanity. Gates is a very problematic person and should be treated as such.
0 ( +9 / -9 )
Posted in: Food poisoning closes restaurant in luxury Bvlgari building in Ginza See in context
It's "Bulgari", not "Bvlgari". The latter is just the stylized writing used in the logo (since u and v were identical in ancient Rome or whatever).
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: S Korean prosecutors request arrest warrant for Lotte chairman Shin Dong-bin See in context
And...? There's no "and", it's an article. If you expect a plot twist, go for the movies. ;)
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Crisis-hit Busan film festival to go ahead next month See in context
Good news! Would have been a shame for one of the best film festivals in the world.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan protests to Russia over man detained on disputed island See in context
The only thing there's no disputing is that the islands are Russian.
You definitely need to do your homework, dear smithagainstjapan.
-4 ( +9 / -13 )
Posted in: Tobacco firms lose UK court bid to stop standard packaging See in context
So yeah, all smokers are idiots and children. People who claim things like this surely don't have many friends. I prefer being a smoker over being anti-social like for example Cleo.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Man cuts off 12-year-old girl's hair with scissors See in context
At least it's her hair cut off, not another panties
Well I don't know, but if I was a girl I'd rather prefer losing my underwear, wouldn't you? At least you can buy new panties everywhere whereas growing your hair will take months, if not years, so she'll be remembered of this accident for a long time. It's a much worse humiliation in my opinion. I sincerely hope they catch this weirdo soon.
Besides, if he was an "unemployed man in his 30s" or not, what difference does this make? I really can't stand these prejudices. Some guys here really seem to believe that every unemployed man is a potential killer/rapist/child molester. Wait until you lose your job and get forced to live with your parents again (another prejudice -- this happens everywhere and even in the best families) and then judge again. May be that many criminals use to be "unemployed men in their 30s", but given the large number of them it's still a minority.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: First criminal 'revenge porn' case involving messaging app Line emerges in Japan See in context
Deleting Line, now.
Oh, why don't you just cut off your own hands, because other people have killed each other with their hands?
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Chinese woman dies of knife wounds, strangulation See in context
Terrible. Anyone knows where it happened? Nishinari maybe? Can't find any Japanese language news about it.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Silver porn' shows 50 shades of greying Japan See in context
ben4short already said it, get rid of the mosaics. That's so silly. But one day or another it will happen.
Besides, respect to all people who live their dream, don't mind silly taboos and enjoy their sex life, regardless of age. Good article!
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Vast majority of women in survey say no to guys who smoke See in context
Just for your information: There are also women who smoke. Some damn pretty ones. This is really cheap and somehow even sexist.
Now let the smoker bashing start once again, I'll have a cigarette in the meantime.
-22 ( +11 / -30 )
Posted in: Gov't to launch campaign against hate speech See in context
Freedom of speech, alright -- but threatening to kill people of different ethnicity in public is something different. I've experienced it as well, even while being with my Korean girlfriend at that time, and I guess everyone who has been to Japan recently got to know these people (and their flyers and posters). It's just utterly shocking and disturbing. Maybe Americans don't see this, but laws against hate speech and discrimination work very well in Europe and there are few people complaining about the limits of freedom.
That being said, I'd also do something about this particular NK school / parallel society. Raising children in this vein is disgusting since "North Korea" is nothing but a criminal organization occupying the North of the Korean peninsula, using torture, suppression, starvation and mass executions as means of maintaining power. This is, of course, not the fault of the students, but I wonder why this is still legal in Japan.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Made-in-Japan Godzilla to return after Hollywood hit See in context
So happy to hear this! I was waiting for a new Godzilla film for years, and now it's finally getting closer. :) I was worried the American productions (which I will never accept -- besides, the 2014 film is one of the worst films I've ever seen in my life) could further delay this, but luckily it doesn't seem so. Thumbs up, Toho. Without Godzilla, Japan wouldn't exist in my world.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Sony develops new camera for taking images in dark See in context
I haven't seen "cheap trashy junk" from Korea in years, Abdella. Do some research before you spread your narrow-minded prejudices. Even the Chinese have some decent brands by now, although very few. And the Japanese started by imitating foreign products as well before they became even better -- same goes for Germany.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: In some countries, there is a ban on adults and children wearing religious clothing and symbols such as burqas, veils, head scarves, skullcaps, turbans and crucifixes in public places like schools, re See in context
I absolutely support it in every way, especially for schools. But it must not be selective. You can't just ban burkas and allow crucifixes and other stuff, even if a country has a Christian tradition or whatsoever. In my very opinion, religion is an anachronism, and since it's not possible to get rid of it at all (because it only comes back stronger than ever), the impact on our society has to be minimized at least.
23 ( +31 / -8 )
Posted in: More Japanese firms withdraw Husi-supplied products; 5 detained in China See in context
"This is way more disgusting that (sic) any food scandal."
Unless it were your child that ate some of tainted food and became ill, right? Since there is no evidence in this case of "scapegoating" then I cheer the detainment of these 5 people. But I know, bashing China is all the rage and the hip thing right now. I suggest you also take a nice long look of the "justice" system here in good ole Nippon before tossing some stones at other countries.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: More Japanese firms withdraw Husi-supplied products; 5 detained in China See in context
Wait a sec. You really salute to China for detaining 5 people? Do you even have a concept what this probably means in a country like that? I really don't want to imagine. Nobody deserves the kind of "detainment" China is offering, and I doubt they even did or will do further investigations, since getting rid of certain scapegoats is so much easier. This is way more disgusting that any food scandal.
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Magazine speculates McDonald's may pull out of Japan if things don't improve See in context
Japan somehow is the only country I know where Makudo workers aren‘t animals without any knowledge of human behaviour, but normal persons. Thumbs up for that, but that‘s a feature of basically every store or chain in Japan anyway.
Yeah, I‘d also miss the 100 Yen burgers. But a Japan without McDonald‘s? Doesn‘t sound that bad. Anyway, the worst thing they ever did was introducing the breakfast menu all over the world. It‘s completely useless and mostly disgusting. Nobody likes it. Get rid of it, so clubgoers can eat normal hamburgers again at 5 AM after partying too hard.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Jeweler selling solid gold Godzilla for Y150 mil See in context
Nice! And based on one of the best Godzilla designs of all time. I love "Godzilla vs. Biollante". Let's hope it'll make someone with too much money very happy.
By the way, it's "Abeno Harukas", not "Abe no Harukasu", speaking of Japan's tallest building. Abeno is a ward in the southern part Osaka city and not a name. ;) I'd really like to see it being destroyed in a new Japanese Godzilla film.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Arrest of Tokyo vagina artist sparks free expression protest See in context
Of course this is outrageous and just wrong -- but if it gets enough publicity, maybe people finally start rethinking their riduculous Meiji-era "obscenity laws", which is fine to me. This has to be changed. So don't just rage about this. In the end it's always cases like this that ignite real change. So I strongly support this artist as well.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Chinese media slam Japan's move to expand military role See in context
A toast on selective reality.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: All you need is Cruise See in context
I was also wondering why they obviously changed the title of this production (I didn't know the film anyway since I'm not interested in American cinema), but if that's the title of the original work, fair enough! Glad I got this, and since the plot sounds interesting and since there are few Hollywood films based on Japanese fiction (that are not remakes of already existing adaptions), I could as well give it a try.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Gov't to ease strict dancing laws for clubs, other establishments See in context
Thank goodness.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: China uses D-Day anniversary to praise Germany, slam Japan See in context
Please just shut the hell up, China. Leave us Germans alone, we're the last ones to buy your double standards. Germany didn't only account for their past relations with their former enemies/neighbouring states, it also accounted for what was going on inside the country, something you'll never understand. Tiananmen? Laogai? "Chinese mainstream"? Open your eyes and see what's going on in your own country since Mao took over.
Seriously, it's about time Germany makes a clear statement on this since they're always abusing our history for their nonsense. They also shouldn't forget Germany still is a close ally of Japan. One of the things that didn't change after WW2, by the way.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Man fatally stabbed after argument with acquaintance on Osaka street See in context
Naniwa-ku. I know the area well enough and it has been here where I had to call the police for the first place after I saw a woman being beaten up on the street. No one else seemed to care. Indeed a weird and gloomy area, but since it is something like the door to Nishinari-ku, Osaka's (and perhaps Japan's) biggest slums, it isn't that surprising. Mostly old and poor residents living here. Nobody seems to care about anyone else. Greetings from Naniwa-ku, where I am right now, by the way.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: What are your three favorite animated films of all time? See in context
French "Le roi et l'oiseau", Japanese "Perfect Blue" and British "The Plague Dogs". A little bit more original than anything by Disney, I suppose. But then again, I also enjoyed a few of their films, yet mostly the old ones.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Kinki University to change pervy English name See in context
Seriously, who cares about some giggling premature Americans? If all countries started renaming their facilities that might have a double meaning in another language, there wouldn't be much left in the end. You could even make something "kinki" out of Osaka, but that'd suck too hard. Just let it be.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Post-Fukushima, Godzilla may never go home again See in context
The "radioactive connections" were anything but "blurred" in the last few films. On the contrary, they were even stressed. Ever seen "Godzilla vs. Destroyer" from 1995, for example? It's about a radiactive armageddon due to a nuclear meltdown, just as an example. They got this quite well. Seems like some people still don't know Toho actually did a whole lot of new, far less cheesy films after 1975, when Ishiro Honda made his final film and ended the original series.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Unidentified email sender claims to be 'real culprit' in PC death threat case See in context
So where's Detective Conan when you need him?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested after grabbing police officer's gun, shooting him See in context
Hint: Maybe because this is not America and will never ever be America?
-12 ( +7 / -19 )
two words: bullied and intimidated.
Posted in: Japan Today Spotlight #4 | Ishiba meets Trump: What did Japan’s PM secure in Washington?
Labels are not the best form of education, and in any case, people will do as they like until they…
Posted in: WHO calls for tobacco-style cancer warning labels on alcoholic drinks across Europe
Posted in: Taiwan pledges chip talks and investment to mollify Trump
Posted in: Japan 2024 growth slows despite stronger fourth quarter